32 research outputs found

    La tençó popular catalana

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    La tençó popular: el combat de corrandistes, glosadors o enversadors

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    Article on es defineix el terme 'combat' i s'expliquen les variacions de tema i d'enfocament segons la seva durada. També s'expliquen les circumstàncies en què es duien a terme (qui organitzava aquests espectacles públics, quan, qui hi participava i quin públic ho presenciava) per passar a descriure més detalladament tot el cerimonial que envoltava aquests actes. L'autor fa també una subdivisió del gènere en modalitats temàtiques i les analitza una per una: la baralla estilitzada, les demandes, el contrast, la narració dialogada, la sàtira i el diàleg teatral. Finalment, Serrà parla del paper actiu que representava el públic, en les implicacions que tenia el fet que el gènere fos improvisat i explica altres menes de combat (a distància o per correspondència, els col·loquis dels segles XVIII i XIX, les competicions entre colles de poblacions diferents, etc.

    A propòsit de "La gala està en son punt", una paròdia dramàtica del 1630

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    Increased rate of FEV1 decline in HIV patients despite effective treatment with HAART

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    Introduction: Previous studies have reported that the rate of FEV1 decline over time is increased in HIV patients but the mechanisms underlying this observation are unclear. Since current HIV treatment with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) results in very good immune-viral control, we hypothesized that HAART should normalize the elevated rate of FEV1 decline previously reported in HIV patients if it was somehow related to the immune alterations caused by HIV, particularly in never smokers or quitters, since smoking is a well established risk factor for accelerated FEV1 decline in the general population. Methods: We explored this hypothesis in a prospectively recruited cohort of 188 HIV (smoker and non-smoker) patients treated with HAART in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and followed-up for 6 years. The cross-sectional characteristics of this cohort have been published elsewhere. Results: We found that: (1) HAART resulted in good immune-viral control; (2) the rate of FEV1 decline remained abnormally elevated, even in non-smokers and quitters; and, (3) alcohol abuse during follow-up was related to FEV1 decline in these patients. Discussion: Despite adequate immune-viral control by HAART, lung function decline remains increased in most HIV patients, even in non-smokers and quitters. Alcohol abuse is a preventable risk factor to decrease the accelerated FEV1 decline in this population

    Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in older adults. A retrospective study in long-term nursing homes in Catalonia

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Residències d'avis; Taxes de mortalitatCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Hogares de ancianos; Tasas de mortalidadCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Nursing homes; Death ratesThe natural history of COVID-19 and predictors of mortality in older adults need to be investigated to inform clinical operations and healthcare policy planning. A retrospective study took place in 80 long-term nursing homes in Catalonia, Spain collecting data from March 1st to May 31st, 2020. Demographic and clinical data from 2,092 RT-PCR confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were registered, including structural characteristics of the facilities. Descriptive statistics to describe the demographic, clinical, and molecular characteristics of our sample were prepared, both overall and by their symptomatology was performed and an analysis of statistically significant bivariate differences and constructions of a logistic regression model were carried out to assess the relationship between variables. The incidence of the infection was 28%. 71% of the residents showed symptoms. Five major symptoms included: fever, dyspnea, dry cough, asthenia and diarrhea. Fever and dyspnea were by far the most frequent (50% and 28%, respectively). The presentation was predominantly acute and symptomatology persisted from days to weeks (mean 9.1 days, SD = 10,9). 16% of residents had confirmed pneumonia and 22% required hospitalization. The accumulated mortality rate was 21.75% (86% concentrated during the first 28 days at onset). A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed a positive predictive value for mortality for some variables such as age, pneumonia, fever, dyspnea, stupor refusal to oral intake and dementia (p<0.01 for all variables). Results suggest that density in the nursing homes did not account for differences in the incidence of the infection within the facilities. This study provides insights into the natural history of the disease in older adults with high dependency living in long-term nursing homes during the first pandemic wave of March-May 2020 in the region of Catalonia, and suggests that some comorbidities and symptoms have a strong predictive value for mortality.The authors(s) received to specific funding for this work

    Impact of the 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine on the direct costs of invasive pneumococcal disease requiring hospital admission in children aged < 5 years. A prospective study

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    The lack of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) cost studies may underestimate the effect of pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugated vaccines (PCV). The objective of this study was to estimate the direct costs of hospitalized IPD cases. A prospective study was made in children aged <5 years diagnosed with IPD in two high-tech hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) between 2007-2009 (PCV7 period) and 2012-2015 (PCV13 period). Costs were calculated according to 2014 Catalan Health Service rates using diagnostic-related groups. In total, 319 and 154 cases were collected, respectively. Pneumonia had the highest cost (65.7% and 62.0%, respectively), followed by meningitis (25.8% and 26.1%, respectively). During 2007-2015, the costs associated with PCV7 serotypes (Pearson coeffcient (Pc) = 0.79; p = 0.036) and additional PCV13 serotypes (Pc = 0.75; p = 0.05) decreased, but those of other serotypes did not (Pc = 0.23 p = 0.62). The total mean cost of IPD increased in the PCV13 period by 31.4% (¿3016.1 vs. ¿3963.9), mainly due to ICU stay (77.4%; ¿1051.4 vs. ¿1865.6). During the PCV13 period, direct IPD costs decreased due to a reduction in the number of cases, but cases were more severe and had a higher mean cost. During 2015, IPD costs increased due to an increase in the costs associated with non-PCV13 serotypes and serotype 3 and this requires further investigation

    Contribution of Genetic Background, Traditional Risk Factors, and HIV-Related Factors to Coronary Artery Disease Events in HIV-Positive Persons

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    We show in human immunodeficiency virus-positive persons that the coronary artery disease effect of an unfavorable genetic background is comparable to previous studies in the general population, and comparable in size to traditional risk factors and antiretroviral regimens known to increase cardiovascular ris