13 research outputs found

    La Crisis Económica y las Distintas Condiciones de los Países Europeos

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    Este artículo interpreta la actual crisis del continente europeo como un resultado de las tensiones emanadas de la heterogeneidad productiva entre economías. El desempeño económico tan desigual, que erige a los países del norte como grandes economías estables, en medio de un conjunto de naciones periféricas endeudadas y con grandes rezagos en productividad, desequilibra el funcionamiento económico monetario e institucional del continente. Según esto, se procede a hacer una comparación entre economías desde un punto de vista regional, aplicando una serie de herramientas del análisis espacial y desde un punto de vista de países, mediante la metodología de componentes principales

    Pharmacologic modulation of experimentally induced allergic asthma

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    Allergic asthma is the most frequent disease of the respiratory tract. The aim of the current experimental and clinical studies was to find new sources of drugs able to control asthmatic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. Our experimental studies were focused on efficiency evaluation of substances able to influence activities of ion channels, phosphodiesterase (PDE) isoforms, substances from the group of polyphenols and NO metabolism modulators during experimentally induced allergic asthma

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Cultural Rural Development in the Czech Republic (Case Study of the Liberec Region)

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    The contribution aims at determining the endogenous potential for a proposal for sustainability and potential development of tourist destinations located in the Czech border areas - Liberec region - that lag behind in rural development. Based on the results of the empirical research, according to optimal scaling the ASEB-C analysis is applied suggesting the LAC (Limits of Acceptable Change) planning system will improve sustainability and competitiveness of all LAU 1 (in the Liberec region) and of the specific touristic destinations. The potential of development in the Czech border areas is in the stagnation phase, due to the fear and (dis)embedded identity in some less developed border areas. It should be evident that even in the Czech rural border areas the potential of “growth of endogenous potentials seems feasible” in combination with an endogenous and exogenous model of regional rural development

    Giovanni de Statia- Italian builder in Pilsen

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    V práci se věnuji staviteli Giovanni de Statia, který pracoval v Plzni. Sleduji jeho práci, především na radničním kompleu. Zajímám se o ovlivnění prostředím Čech.Katedra historických vědNeobhájenoThe work of Giovanni de Statio brought the new Renaissance style to Plzeň. After the building activites on the castles in Kaceřov and Nelahozeves.He traded his eperience and his knowledge to the other master-builders

    Challenges for the Visegrad Group – The Coronavirus Crises and its Impact on Tourism

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    This paper aims to analyze the regional cooperation which ensures stability and good relations to neighbours and other V4 countries and helps to enforce collaborations across Europe in many fields such as education, tourism and economic development. Another field of activity of the Visegrad Group is a joint positioning in international tourism which will be addressed in this article on the background of the current coronavirus crisis. The empirical part consists of a SWOT analysis for Visegrad group challenges and a PASTA Analysis with which the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the tourism industry in the V4 countries are researched. Lastly, recommendations for possible further actions in times of the coronavirus will be given, and potential future collaborations with the WB6 and EaP countries, also with regard to tourism, will be dealt with briefly. This article summarizes aspects related to tourism market, transport, cultural offer, economy, industry, and environment. The particular focus is also paid to political, economic, sociological, technological, legal and environmental factors of the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia and how the current coronavirus and the resulting measures against the spread of it affects the tourism industry in the Visegrad Group countries

    La región de Liberec como destino turístico: un análisis de caso en la República Checa

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    El artículo pretende, a partir de alguna conceptualización teórica, hacer una descripción de de Liberec como destino turístico, una región relativamente atrasada de la República Checa. Para el análisis propuesto se aplicó un enfoque multidisciplinario, basado en las metodologías de multiplicadores y de encuestas a los visitantes, alcaldes y habitantes, las cuales proporcionaron información acerca de la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo financiados por la Unión Europea y la percepción de los agentes locales con respecto a estos. Se corroboró el papel del turismo en el desarrollo económico de la región y la necesidad de potenciar los atractivos turísticos de Liberec en el marco de una explotación económica sustentable, que haga partícipe a los agentes locales de los beneficios del turismo cultural rural

    Regional manufacturing in the Czech Republic

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    ABSTRACTThe New Economic Geography (NEG)’s agglomerative forces strongly determined the location of firms, in spite of policy intervention blatantly activist intended to reverberate the geography of production (during the communist regime). Recent models of geography and trade recognize a bijective interaction between NEG forces and comparative advantages, they fully explain productive specialization. Our interpretation of the Czech manufacturing is in accordance with the NEG and its recent integration with the comparative advantages stream. In the panel data float up some invariant characteristics enhancing the attractiveness of traditional industrialized territories. The estimates embody the population density and gravitational and agglomeration forces. The time-invariant characteristics are present in the most industrial regions, influencing the localization of manufacturing activity in these spots. In spite of the forceful influence of path dependence, the very manufacturing cores underwent a process of restructuration, adapting the old-fashioned specialization pattern toward a more coherent production tailored to local assets, endowments and technologies

    La región de Liberec como destino turístico: un análisis de caso en la República Checa

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    El artículo pretende, a partir de alguna conceptualización teórica, hacer una descripción de de Liberec como destino turístico, una región relativamente atrasada de la República Checa. Para el análisis propuesto se aplicó un enfoque multidisciplinario, basado en las metodologías de multiplicadores y de encuestas a los visitantes, alcaldes y habitantes, las cuales proporcionaron información acerca de la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo financiados por la Unión Europea y la percepción de los agentes locales con respecto a estos. Se corroboró el papel del turismo en el desarrollo económico de la región y la necesidad de potenciar los atractivos turísticos de Liberec en el marco de una explotación económica sustentable, que haga partícipe a los agentes locales de los beneficios del turismo cultural rural