46 research outputs found

    Crocodylus intermedius (Orinoco Crocodile)

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    The Orinoco Crocodile is critically endangered throughout its range (https://www.iucnredlist.org/ species/5661/3044743. Accessed 20 July 2020). In Colombia, Palmarito Foundation bred this species from 2012 to 2020. Eggs were collected at Wisirare Biopark (4.910397°N, 71.433817°W, WGS 84; 139 m elev.), Orocué, Casanare, Colombia, as a part of a captive-breeding and release conservation program...Fil: Antelo, Rafael. Fundación Palmarito Casanare; ColombiaFil: Siroski, Pablo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Laboratorio de Zoología Aplicada: Anexo Vertebrados (FHUC-UNL/MASPyMA); Argentin

    Biología del cocodrilo o caimán del Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius) en la Estación Biológica El Frío, Estado Apure (Venezuela)

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos, durante un periodo de estudio de casi 5 años, sobre la Biología del cocodrilo o caimán del Orinoco (C. intermedius) en la Estación Biológica El Frío (EBF), Estado Apure, Venezuela y áreas adyacentes, en los llanos inundables. Se trata de sabanas influenciadas por las cuencas de los ríos Apure y Arauca, que siguiendo la acusada estacionalidad climática se inundan (de mayo a noviembre) y se secan (el resto del año) periódicamente. Los estudios biométricos indican que la longitud total (LT) equivale a seis veces la longitud de la cabeza (LC) y dos veces la longitud cabeza-cloaca (LCC). La relación LCC/LC presenta variación interespecífica en los adultos. Los cocodrilos colombianos presentan, para una misma medida de LCC, la cabeza un 17% más larga que los venezolanos. El crecimiento del cráneo durante la ontogenia es alométrico. Los cocodrilos del Orinoco nacen con un cráneo proporcionalmente muy ancho, que se estiliza con el desarrollo para volver a robustecerse al alcanzar el estado adulto. El cocodrilo del Orinoco, en la zona de estudio, como en la casi totalidad de su área de distribución, fue exterminado a mediados del siglo pasado debido a la caza descontrolada para comerciar con sus pieles. La población objeto de este trabajo es la consecuencia de un programa de conservación que, entre otros aspectos ha incluido la reintroducción de cocodrilos subadultos criados en cautividad. Las primeras introducciones se realizaron en 1990 y en 2006 se habían introducido 2.282 ejemplares. A fecha de hoy podemos constatar la presencia de una población compuesta por al menos 400 cocodrilos subadultos y adultos, lo que representa un 17,5 % de supervivencia. Debido a su particular origen, la estructura de población está dominada por los adultos (70%) y presenta una proporción sexual favorable a las hembras de entre 1♂:2♀ y 1♂:3♀


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    The Orinoco crocodile is a large, relatively long-nosed crocodile restricted to the middle and lower reaches of the Orinoco River and its tributaries in Venezuela and Colombia Although this crocodile was found in a wide variety of habitats, including rivers in tropical evergreen forest and piedmont streams in the foothills of the Andes, it reached its greatest numbers in the seasonal rivers of the Llanos savanna regio

    Multiple Paternity in a Reintroduced Population of the Orinoco Crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) at the El Frío Biological Station, Venezuela

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    The success of a reintroduction program is determined by the ability of individuals to reproduce and thrive. Hence, an understanding of the mating system and breeding strategies of reintroduced species can be critical to the success, evaluation and effective management of reintroduction programs. As one of the most threatened crocodile species in the world, the Orinoco crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) has been reduced to only a few wild populations in the Llanos of Venezuela and Colombia. One of these populations was founded by reintroduction at Caño Macanillal and La Ramera lagoon within the El Frío Biological Station, Venezuela. Twenty egg clutches of C. intermedius were collected at the El Frío Biological Station for incubation in the lab and release of juveniles after one year. Analyzing 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci from 335 hatchlings we found multiple paternity in C. intermedius, with half of the 20 clutches fathered by two or three males. Sixteen mothers and 14 fathers were inferred by reconstruction of multilocus parental genotypes. Our findings showed skewed paternal contributions to multiple-sired clutches in four of the clutches (40%), leading to an overall unequal contribution of offspring among fathers with six of the 14 inferred males fathering 90% of the total offspring, and three of those six males fathering more than 70% of the total offspring. Our results provide the first evidence of multiple paternity occurring in the Orinoco crocodile and confirm the success of reintroduction efforts of this critically endangered species in the El Frío Biological Station, Venezuela

    Consumo de pornografía y malestar asociado: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres

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    Introducción: La pornografía puede contribuir al desarrollo sexual de los jóvenes, pero también puede constituir un factor facilitador de insatisfacción sexual, dados los falsos modelos que representa. Metodología: 250 hombres y 250 mujeres, con 21,1 años de media (DT=1,56), cumplimentaron un cuestionario en línea sobre visionado de pornografía. El 72,2 % eran heterosexuales y el 27,8 % no heterosexuales. Resultados: El 68 % de participantes ha visto porno gay; el 81,8 %, lésbico y el 92 %, heterosexual. Por lo que respecta a la excitación, entre aquellos que han visionado cada tipo de material, un 45,9% de hombres y un 41,8 % de mujeres se han excitado con porno gay, siendo un 25,8 % de hombres y un 6,6 % de mujeres los que sintieron malestar por haberse excitado. Con el lésbico se han excitado un 78,3 % de hombres y un 71,5 % de mujeres, y un 4,2 % de mujeres y ningún hombre ha sentido malestar por ello. Por último, con el heterosexual, se han excitado un 93,9 % de hombres y un 94 % de mujeres, y un 1,3 % de hombres y un 4,9 % de mujeres han experimentado malestar ante su excitación. Se han observado diferencias de género significativas en los distintos porcentajes de visionado y de malestar, pero no en los de excitación. Conclusiones: El género parece ser un factor diferencial en el consumo de pornografía, así como del malestar asociado. Por tanto, debería profundizarse en su papel, así como tenerse en cuenta a la hora de elaborar programas de educación sexual adecuados para un uso saludable de la pornografía.Introduction: Pornography can contribute to the sexual development of young people but it can also be a facilitator of sexual dissatisfaction, given the false models it represents. Methodology: 250 men and 250 women, with an average age of 21.11 years (SD=1.56), carried out an online questionnaire about viewing pornography. 72.2% were heterosexual and 27.8% non-heterosexual. Results: 68% of participants have seen gay porn, 81.8% lesbian and 92% heterosexual. According to the excitement, among those who have viewed each type of material, 45.9% of men and 41.8% of women have been excited by gay porn, and 25.8% of men and 6.6% of women have felt discomfort for being aroused. With the lesbian, 78.3% of men and 71.5% of women have been excited, and 4.2% of women and no man have felt discomfort for that. Finally, with the heterosexual, 93.9% of men and 94% of women have been excited, and 1.3% of men and 4.9% of women have experienced discomfort with their excitement. Significant gender differences have been observed in the different percentages of viewing and discomfort, but not in those of excitation. Conclusions: Gender seems to be a differential factor in the consumption of pornography, as well as the associated discomfort. Therefore, its analysis should be deepened, as well as taken into account when developing appropriate sex education programs for the healthy use of pornography

    Análisis de la prevalencia de homofobia en población joven: repercusión en la calidad de vida

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    Introducción: Aunque en las últimas décadas se han aprobado leyes a favor de la diversidad sexual, la homofobia y la discriminación hacia el colectivo LGTBI siguen siendo habituales en nuestra sociedad. Sin embargo, en la literatura no se ha analizado todavía con suficiente atención. Nuestro objetivo es comprobar si el bienestar de los jóvenes está relacionado con su orientación sexual. Además, se quiere averiguar si los participantes han sufrido algún tipo de discriminación o violencia física o verbal por su orientación sexual. Método: 602 personas (221 hombres y 381 mujeres), con media de edad de 21,78 años (DT=6,52) cumplimentaron una encuesta sobre experiencia y prácticas sexuales. El 90 % se consideraban heterosexuales y el 10 % homosexuales. Resultados: Los homosexuales tienen menor satisfacción con la vida en general, con su cuerpo y con su vida sexual. Entre otros aspectos, los homosexuales presentan bajo deseo sexual comparado con los heterosexuales. Asimismo, los homosexuales sufren mayor discriminación y más violencia. Conclusiones: La homofobia sigue siendo una lacra de nuestra sociedad. A pesar de los avances realizados, es un hecho que el colectivo LGTBI es discriminado, tanto en el ámbito social como personal, y esto afecta a su calidad de vida y a su bienestar. Es necesario profundizar en las variables implicadas para ajustar los programas de intervención.Introduction: Although in the last decades laws have been passed in favor of sexual diversity, homophobia and discrimination towards LGBTI collective is still common in our society. However, in the literature it has not yet been analyzed in detail. Our aim is to check whether the well-being of young people is related to their sexual orientation. In addition, we want to find out if the participants have suffered any type of discrimination and physical or verbal violence because of their sexual orientation. Method: 602 people (221 men and 381 women), with a mean of 21.78 years old (SD=6,52), completed a survey on sexual experience and practices. 90% considered themselves as heterosexual and the other 10% were homosexual. Results: homosexuals have lower satisfaction with their life, their body and finally with their sex life. Among other aspects, homosexuals have low sexual desire compared with heterosexuals. Likewise, homosexuals suffer more discrimination and more violence. Conclusions: Homophobia remains a scourge of our society. In spite of the progress made, it is a fact that LGBTI collective is harshly discriminated, both socially and personally, affecting their life quality and their happiness. It is necessary to delve into the involved variables in order to adjust the intervention programs

    High levels of population genetic differentiation in the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

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    The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is a widely distributed species across coastal and brackish areas of the Neotropical region of the Americas and the Greater Antilles. Available information on patterns of genetic differentiation in C. acutus shows a complex structuring influenced by interspecific interactions (mainly hybridization) and anthropogenic actions (mostly historical hunting, recent poaching, habitat loss and fragmentation, and unintentional translocation of individuals). In this study, we used data on mitochondrial DNA control region and 11 nuclear polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess the degree of population structure of C. acutus in South America, North America, Central America and the Greater Antilles. We used traditional genetic differentiation indices, Bayesian clustering and multivariate methods to create a more comprehensive picture of the genetic relationships within the species across its range. Analyses of mtDNA and microsatellite loci show evidence of a strong population genetic structure in the American crocodile, with unique populations in each sampling locality. Our results support previous findings showing large degrees of genetic differentiation between the continental and the Greater Antillean C. acutus. We report three new haplotypes unique to Venezuela, which are considerably less distant from the Central and North American haplotypes than to the Greater Antillean ones. Our findings reveal genetic population differentiation between Cuban and Jamaican C. acutus and offer the first evidence of strong genetic differentiation among the populations of Greater Antillean C. acutus

    Prevalence of Hyperuricemia and Its Association with Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Subclinical Target Organ Damage

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    The role of uric acid levels in the cardiovascular continuum is not clear. Our objective is to analyze the prevalence of hyperuricemia (HU) and its association with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), subclinical target organ damage (sTOD), and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We evaluated the prevalence of HU in 6.927 patients included in the baseline visit of the IBERICAN study. HU was defined as uric acid levels above 6 mg/dL in women, and 7 mg/dL in men. Using adjusted logistic regression models, the odds ratios were estimated according to CVRF, sTOD, and CVD. The prevalence of HU was 16.3%. The risk of HU was higher in patients with pathological glomerular filtration rate (aOR: 2.92), heart failure (HF) (aOR: 1.91), abdominal obesity (aOR: 1.80), hypertension (HTN) (aOR: 1.65), use of thiazides (aOR: 1.54), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (aOR: 1.36), atrial fibrillation (AFIB) (aOR: 1.29), and albuminuria (aOR: 1.27). On the other hand, being female (aOR: 0.82) showed a reduced risk. The prevalence of HU was higher in men, in patients presenting CVRF such as HTN and abdominal obesity, and with co-existence of LVH, atrial fibrillation (AFIB), HF, and any form of kidney injury. These associations raise the possibility that HU forms part of the early stages of the cardiovascular continuum. This may influence its management in Primary Healthcare because the presence of HU could mean an increased CV risk in the patients