284 research outputs found


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    O enfermeiro na polícia militar do estado do Rio de Janeiro: luta por reconhecimento profissional

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    Objetivo: analizar las estrategias de luchas simbólicas emprendidas por los enfermeros de la primera promoción de la Policía Militar del Estado de Río de Janeiro, adscritos al Hospital Central de la Policía Militar, para obtener el reconocimiento profesional. Método: Estudio histórico. Fuentes escritas y orales pertenecientes a la colección del hospital, producidas a través de 19 entrevistas. El análisis se fundamentó en los conceptos de Bourdieu de poder simbólico y capital. Resultados: los enfermeros adscritos al hospital referido iniciaron una labor de gestión sanitaria, que incluyó la planificación estratégica, la formación y la calificación del equipo. Conclusión: el ingreso de las enfermeras en la Policía Militar del Estado de Río de Janeiro, con mayoría de mujeres, representó la conquista de un importante espacio para la profesión. Las estrategias emprendidas fueron exitosas, ya que las enfermeras acumularon un capital simbólico en y a través del campo, inaudito para la profesión, en la Policía Militar del Estado de Río de Janeiro.Objective: to analyze the strategies of symbolic struggles undertaken by the nurse officers of the first class of the Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro, allocated in the Central Hospital of the Military Police, to obtain professional recognition. Method: Historical study. Written and oral sources belonging to the hospital's collection, produced through 19 interviews. The analysis was substantiated by Bourdieu's concepts of symbolic power and capital. Results: the nurse officers allocated in the referred hospital started a health management work, including strategic planning, training and qualification of the team. Conclusion: the entry of the nurse officers in the Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with the majority of women, represented the conquest of an important space for the profession. The strategies undertaken were successful, as nurses accumulated symbolic capital in and through the countryside, unheard of for the profession, at the Rio de Janeiro State Military Police.Objetivo: analisar as estratégias de lutas simbólicas empreendidas pelos oficiais enfermeiros da primeira turma da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, alocados no Hospital Central da Polícia Militar, para obterem reconhecimento profissional. Método: Estudo histórico. Fontes escritas pertencentes ao acervo do hospital e orais, produzidas por meio de 19 entrevistas. A análise foi consubstanciada pelos conceitos de poder simbólico e capital de Bourdieu. Resultados: os oficiais enfermeiros alocados no referido hospital iniciaram um trabalho de gestão em saúde, incluindo planejamento estratégico, treinamento e capacitação da equipe. Conclusão: a entrada dos oficiais enfermeiros na Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com a maioria feminina, representou a conquista de um importante espaço para a profissão. As estratégias empreendidas foram exitosas, pois os enfermeiros acumularam capital simbólico no e pelo campo, inédito para a profissão, no oficialato da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Drying kinetics of pineapple agro-industrial residues: a new approach / Cinética de secagem de resíduos agro-industriais de abacaxi: uma nova abordagem

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    Drying kinetics of pineapple agro-industrial residues was studied using thin-layer of product at , ,  and , and airflow rate of . The diffusion model was modified and fitted to experimental data of moisture ratio of pineapple residue to estimate the diffusion coefficient as function of temperature, and a good fitting of Arrhenius equation was obtained, with a variance explained of  Values of diffusion coefficients varied in the range from  to , approximately. A modification was implemented in the Page’s equation to include the diffusion effects explicitly, leading to a less empirical and simpler model to describe drying kinetics of pineapple residue. The model presented in this work proved to be adequate to predict drying ratio of pineapple residue, if the material layer thickness is , under the drying conditions used

    Correlation between serum cystatin C and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in hypertensive patients

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    BACKGROUND: Serum cystatin C (s-CC), an endogenous marker of kidney function, has also been proposed as a cardiovascular risk marker. However, it is unknown whether it is a direct marker of atherosclerosis, independently of kidney function. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to correlate s-CC with two surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study involving 103 middle-aged (57.49 ± 11.7 years) hypertensive outpatients, being 60 female (58.25%), most with preserved kidney function. S-CC was correlated with carotid intima media thickness (IMT) and flow-mediated dilation of brachial artery (FMD), both assessed by ultrasound, as well as with measured creatinine clearance and established cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: S-CC was neither significantly correlated with IMT (r = -0.024; p = 0.84) nor with FMD (r = -0.050 and p = 0.687) and no significant association was observed with conventional risk factors and inflammatory markers. In univariate analysis, s-CC was correlated with measured creatinine clearance (r = -0,498; p < 0,001), age (r = 0,408; p < 0,001), microalbuminuria (r = 0,291; p = 0,014), uric acid (r = 0,391; p < 0,001), ratio E/e' (r = 0,242; p = 0,049) and Framingham score (r = 0,359; p = 0,001). However, after multiple regression analysis, only the association with measured creatinine clearance remained significant (r = -0,491; p < 0,001). CONCLUSION: In middle-aged hypertensive outpatients, s-CC correlated with measured creatinine clearance, as expected, but no association was observed with markers of atherosclerosis neither with established cardiovascular risk factors.FUNDAMENTO: A cistatina C sérica (s-CC), um marcador endógeno da função renal, tem sido proposta também como um marcador de risco cardiovascular. No entanto, ainda não está estabelecido se se trata de um marcador direto de aterosclerose, independentemente da função renal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar a s-CC com dois marcadores substitutos de aterosclerose subclínica. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 103 pacientes hipertensos ambulatoriais, de meia idade (57,49 ± 11,7 anos), sendo 60 do sexo feminino (58,25%) e a maioria com função renal preservada. A s-CC foi correlacionada com a espessura mediointimal carotídea (EMIc) e a dilatação mediada por fluxo de artéria braquial (DMF), ambas avaliadas por ultrassonografia, bem como com o clearance de creatinina medido e fatores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos. RESULTADOS: A s-CC não se correlacionou significativamente nem com a EMIc (r = -0,024, p = 0,84) nem com a DMF (r = -0,050 e p = 0,687), e não foi observada também associação significativa com fatores de risco convencionais nem marcadores inflamatórios. Na análise univariada, a s-CC se correlacionou com o clearance de creatinina medido (r = - 0,498, p < 0,001), idade (r = 0,408, p < 0,001), microalbuminúria (r = 0,291, p = 0,014), ácido úrico (r = 0,391, p < 0,001), relação E/e' (r = 0,242, p = 0,049) e escore de Framingham (r = 0,359, p = 0,001). No entanto, após análise de regressão múltipla, apenas a associação com o clearance de creatinina medido permaneceu significativa (r = -0,491, p <0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes hipertensos ambulatoriais de meia idade, a s-CC se correlacionou com o clearance de creatinina medido,como esperado, mas não foi observada associação com marcadores de aterosclerose nem com fatores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal do MaranhãoUNIFESPSciEL

    Hypercalcemia in a patient with disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hypercalcemia is well described in various granulomatous disorders, such as sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, berylliosis, leprosy and fungal infections. However, the association of <it>Paracoccidioides brasiliensis </it>and hypercalcemia is rare: to the best of our knowledge, only two cases have previously been reported, and neither had a clear documentation of the etiology of the hypercalcemia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 22-year-old man in whom disseminated infection with paracoccidioidomycosis was associated with hypercalcemia. The patient had a high normal serum level of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and a suppressed parathyroid hormone value, an indication that the hypercalcemia was not mediated by parathyroid hormone and might be associated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The episode resolved readily with administration of corticosteroids, an outcome suggesting that this is an effective treatment of hypercalcemia of this origin. On follow-up, while receiving antifungal therapy for <it>P. brasiliensis </it>the patient's calcium values remained normal.</p


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    The reproductive performance of B.taurus embryo donors is affected in many tropical and temperate countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the climatic conditions of summer and winter climatic conditions on the production of oocytes and in vitro embryos in dairy cows of the breed Gir Leiteiro (Bos indicus) at farms in Southeast of the Brazil. The variable answers evaluated were the total oocytes recovered (TO) and percentage of viable oocytes over the total (PVO); embryo production (EP) and percentage of embryos in viable oocytes (PE) over the total of structures recovered by follicular aspiration guided by ultrasonography (OPU). The oocytes analyzed were obtained from 10 herds and 153 pubertal donors of different ages and orders of parturition. The average from 380 ovum pick up (OPU) during summer were: TO=14.8; PVO=12.6; EP=3.4; PE=22.3%, and TO=13.4; PVO=10.8; EP=3.5; PE=26.1%, with variation coefficient of up to 84%, and no differences evaluated through the Kruscal Wallis (p&lt;0.05). Only the percentage of viable oocytes was higher (p&lt;0.05) in the summer period (PVO=84.4 vs. 80.0%). However, the embryo production (IVEP) was similar in both seasons (summer and winter). Therefore, we could conclude that the embryo production of Dairy Gir cows in Southeast of the Brazil was not affected by weather seasonality.A eficiência reprodutiva de doadoras de embriões Bos taurus é afetada pelas estações devido ao estresse calórico em países de clima tropical e temperado. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito das condições climáticas de verão e inverno na produção de oócitos e embriões in vitro na raça Gir Leiteiro (Bos indicus) em fazendas da região Sudeste do Brasil. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: total de oócitos recuperados (OT), oócitos viáveis (OV) e percentual de oócitos viáveis sobre o total (POV); embriões produzidos (EP) e percentual de embriões produzidos (PEP) sobre o total de estruturas recuperadas pela aspiração folicular guiada por ultrassonografia (OPU). Os oócitos foram obtidos de 153 doadoras pluríparas de diferentes idades e ordens de parição de 10 rebanhos. As médias obtidas em 380 aspirações foliculares (OPU) nos meses de verão foram: OT=14,8; OV=12,6; EP= 3,4; PEP=22,3%, e no inverno de OT=13,4; OV=10,8; EP=3,5; PEP=26,1%, apresentando coeficiente de variação de até 84%, porém sem diferença estatísticas (p&lt;0,05) entre estes períodos, utilizando-se o teste de Kruscal Wallis (p&lt;0,05). Apenas a percentagem de oócitos viáveis foi maior (p&lt;0,05) no período de verão (POV=84,4 vs. 80,0%), contudo, o total de embriões PIVE foi semelhante nos dois períodos. Conclui-se que a produção de embriões da raça Gir Leiteiro, criadas na região Sudeste do Brasil, não foi afetada pela sazonalidade climática

    The Heart and COVID-19: What Cardiologists Need to Know

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    In face of the pandemic of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the management of patients with cardiovascular risk factors and/or disease is challenging. The cardiovascular complications evidenced in patients with COVID-19 derive from several mechanisms, ranging from direct viral injury to complications secondary to the inflammatory and thrombotic responses to the infection. The proper care of patients with COVID-19 requires special attention to the cardiovascular system aimed at better outcomes

    Comparison of Cognitive Performance between Elderly Training Practices with Weights and Sedentaria

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    Comparison of cognitive performance among elderly people practicing training with weights and sedentary lifestyle. Estudy descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative, composition for 24 elderly between 60 and 70 years, divided into 2 groups, (G1) submitted to weight training and sedentary (G2). The G1 was submitted to 32 training sessions with traditional weight. Both groups were submitted to CogState® computerized cognitive testing batteries. The data were not parametric, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the analysis of the dispersion curve and the Mann-Whitney test in the comparison of the cognitive performance variables. The results were performed with a significance level of 0.05 by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®), version 16.0. The best cognitive performance was observed among the elderly practicing resistance exercises, as well as significant differences in the TRS and TRE variables. Elderly people who exercise with weights when compared with cognitive performance demonstrate results of the paradigms when compared to the elderly. With this, he concludes that weight training is effective in improving cognitive performance

    Genetic parameters for marbling and body score in Anglonubian goats using Bayesian inference via threshold and linear models

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    Objective The aim of this study was to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters for categorical carcass traits using Bayesian inference via mixed linear and threshold animal models in Anglonubian goats. Methods Data were obtained from Anglonubian goats reared in the Brazilian Mid-North region. The traits in study were body condition score, marbling in the rib eye, ribeye area, fat thickness of the sternum, hip height, leg perimeter, and body weight. The numerator relationship matrix contained information from 793 animals. The single- and two-trait analyses were performed to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters via linear and threshold animal models. For estimation of genetic parameters, chains with 2 and 4 million cycles were tested. An 1,000,000-cycle initial burn-in was considered with values taken every 250 cycles, in a total of 4,000 samples. Convergence was monitored by Geweke criteria and Monte Carlo error chain. Results Threshold model best fits categorical data since it is more efficient to detect genetic variability. In two-trait analysis the contribution of the increase in information and the correlations between traits contributed to increase the estimated values for (co) variance components and heritability, in comparison to single-trait analysis. Heritability estimates for the study traits were from low to moderate magnitude. Conclusion Direct selection of the continuous distribution of traits such as thickness sternal fat and hip height allows obtaining the indirect selection for marbling of ribeye

    Clinical and echocardiographic parameters associated with low chronotropic index in non-elderly patients

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    FUNDAMENTO: Apesar das inúmeras evidências de aumento da morbimortalidade, a incompetência cronotrópica (IC) ainda não é um diagnóstico rotineiro e bem definido nos protocolos de avaliação cardiológica e sua importância clínica ainda é subestimada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os parâmetros clínicos e ecocardiográficos associados à IC em pacientes não idosos submetidos à ecocardiografia sob estresse físico (EEF). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 1.798 pacientes com idade média de 48,4 ± 7,5 anos submetidos à EEF entre Janeiro/2000 e Agosto/2009. Pacientes com índice cronotrópico menor que 0,8 foram considerados incompetentes cronotrópicos e comparados aos competentes quanto às características clínicas e ecocardiográficas. RESULTADOS: A duração do esforço físico foi em média de 9,3 ± 2,4 minutos. Duzentos e setenta (15%) pacientes eram incompetentes cronotrópicos. O índice cronotrópico de tal grupo foi de 0,7 ± 0,1 vs. 1,0 ± 0,1 para os competentes. A análise de regressão logística multivariada identificou os seguintes parâmetros como independentemente associados à IC: dispneia no exame [odds ratio (OR) = 4,27; p < 0,0001], dor torácica prévia na história clínica (OR = 1,51; p = 0,0111), maiores valores de índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo nos incompetentes (IMVE) (OR = 1,16; p = 0,0001), equivalentes metabólicos (METs) (OR = 0,70; p = 0,0001), infradesnivelamento do segmento ST (OR = 0,58; p = 0,0003) e elevação da pressão arterial sistólica (ΔPAS) (OR = 0,87; p = 0,0011). Isquemia miocárdica não se associou à IC. CONCLUSÃO: A IC está associada a parâmetros funcionais, tais como: dispneia ao esforço, história de dor torácica e menores valores de METS. Está também associada ao parâmetro estrutural índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo. Além disso, incompetência cronotrópica não parece aumentar a chance de isquemia miocárdica em pacientes não idosos. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Despite abundant evidence of increased morbidity and mortality, chronotropic incompetence (CI) is not a routine diagnosis well defined in protocols of cardiac evaluation and its clinical importance is still underestimated. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic parameters associated with HF in non-elderly patients submitted to stress echocardiography (SE). METHODS: One thousand seven hundred ninety-eight patients with a mean age of 48.4 ± 7.5 years, who underwent SE between January/2000 and August/2009 were evaluated. Patients with chronotropic index smaller than 0.8 were considered chronotropic incompetent as compared to competent patients as to clinical and echocardiographic characteristics. RESULTS: The duration of the exercise was 9.3 ± 2.4 minutes on average. Two hundred and seventy (15%) patients were chronotropic incompetent. The chronotropic index of this group was 0.7 ± 0.1 vs. 1.0 ± 0.1 for competent patients. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified the following parameters as independently associated with HF: dyspnea on examination [odds ratio (OR) = 4.27, p <0.0001], previous chest pain on medical history (OR = 1.51; p = 0.0111), higher left ventricular mass rate in incompetent patients (LVMI) (OR = 1.16, p = 0.0001), metabolic equivalents (METs) (OR = 0.70, p = 0 , 0001), ST segment depression (OR = 0.58, p = 0.0003) and high systolic blood pressure (ΔSBP) (OR = 0.87, p = 0.0011). Myocardial ischemia was not associated with HF. CONCLUSION: HF is associated with functional parameters, such as dyspnea on exertion, history of chest pain and lower METS. It is also associated with structural benchmark index of left ventricular mass. In addition, chronotropic incompetence does not appear to increase the chance of myocardial ischemia in non-elderly patients