69 research outputs found

    Las maderas de Indias

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    The. author casts a swift glimpse over the colonial history of the Indies during the XVIII century, and considers the exploitation of wood and forest resources in the shipbuilding industry. He goes on to make a description of the different types of trees and woods desingned for shipbuilding, and underlines the great importance of the Indian shipyards of taht historical period. Lastly, he refers to the utilization of the sorts of woods necessary for building a ship, and alludes to a starting foresting practice of a technological nature.El autor realiza un breve recorrido por la historia colonial de las Indias durante el siglo XVIII, considerando el aspecto de los aprovechamientos forestales con destino a la industria de construcción naval. Describe los árboles y maderas destinados a la construcción de barcos y la importancia que los astilleros indianos tuvieron durante ese siglo. Por último, hace referencias a los consumos en maderas necesarios para la construcción de un navío y alusiones a una incipiente práctica selvícola de carácter tecnológico

    Plugin de Eclipse para la generación de formularios web para MC-Server v5.0

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    La utilización de formularios dentro de una página web resulta, actualmente, una tarea muy habitual dentro de las entidades del sector bancario, surgiendo la problemática de tener que estar en continuo contacto con programadores para la realización de pequeños cambios o creación de nuevas páginas. El objetivo que se persigue con el proyecto es el de construir una herramienta que permita la creación de formularios sin necesidad de tener altos conocimientos sobre lenguajes de programación. El presente proyecto, se va a encargar de realizar dicha tarea y para ello se ha pensado en una herramienta que funcione sobre una plataforma de software libre. Consistirá en un plugin para el entorno de programación Eclipse, y para facilitar su utilización por parte del usuario, se utilizará un entorno gráfico simple y amigable, haciendo uso de las librerías de edición gráfica(GEF), el sistema de modelado de eclipse(EMF) y del lenguaje de programación Java. El plugin de Eclipse, se subdividirá en dos partes claramente diferenciadas, que corresponden a las capas de controller y view del patrón de diseño MVC. El modelador, que corresponderá al controller y el diseñador al view. Serán dos zonas de edición gráfica diferentes, pero se interconectarán entre si para que se pueda completar toda la trazabilidad de la información. Las estructuras de datos con la información de los componentes gráficos se guardarán en ficheros, y existirá un fichero diferente para cada uno de los dos editores gráficos. El modelador se encargará de recibir operativas, hacer las operaciones necesarias sobre ellas, y proceder al envío de la información necesaria para la maquetación en la vista de la página web. Finalmente, en el diseñador se definirá el aspecto de la página o formulario para su posterior procesamiento y generación de código HTML. Esta herramienta, estará integrada dentro de la arquitectura MC-Server de la empresa TBSolutions. MC-Server es un framework para implementación de aplicaciones web de misión crítica y transaccionales, que puede ser utilizado para dar servicio a distintas aplicaciones del sector de la banca electrónica. La motivación que me ha llevado a elegir este proyecto es poder realizar una herramienta que pueda ser utilizada por programadores con poca experiencia, para facilitar sus labores.Además, adquirir altos conocimientos en la programación en el lenguaje Java, así como, hacer hincapié en todas las fases de las que consta un proyecto de ingeniería del software de gran envergadura

    Treatment patterns for metastatic colorectal cancer in Spain

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    Abstract Purpose The primary aim of this retrospective study was to describe the treatment patterns according to the type of treatment received by patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) in Spain. Methods This was a retrospective, observational, multicenter study performed by 33 sites throughout Spain that included consecutive patients aged 18 years or older who had received or were receiving treatment for mCRC. Results At the time of inclusion, of the 873 evaluable patients, 507 (58%) had received two lines, 235 (27%) had received three lines, 106 (12%) had received four lines, and the remaining patients had received up to ten lines. The most frequent chemotherapy schemes were the FOLFOX or CAPOX regimens (66%) for frst-line treatment, FOLFOX, CAPOX or FOLFIRI (70%) for second-line treatment, and FOLFOX, FOLFIRI or other fuoropyrimidine-based regimens for third- and fourth-line (over 60%) treatment. Sixty percent of patients received targeted therapy as part of their frst-line treatment, and this proportion increased up to approximately 70% of patients as part of the second-line of treatment. A relevant proportion of patients were treated with unknown KRAS, and especially the BRAF, mutation statuses. Conclusions This study reveals inconsistencies regarding adherence to the recommendations of the ESMO guidelines for the management of mCRC in Spain. Improved adherence to the standard practice described in such guidelines for the determination of RAS and BRAF mutation statuses and the use of targeted therapies in frst-line treatment should be considered to guarantee that patients can beneft from the best therapeutic approaches available. Keywords Colorectal cancer · Metastatic · Treatment patterns · KRAS/BRAF mutation status · Clinical practice guidelin

    Análisis morfológico comparado entre las casas-cueva de la Romana (Alicante) y otros asentamientos de España

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    Según la historiografía, Granada es la provincia con mayor número de cuevas habitadas de España. Le sigue, por orden de cantidad, entre otras, Alicante, donde se encuentran numerosas poblaciones con importantes asentamientos excavados en tierra, entre ellos, Crevillente, Alfafara, Rojales y poblaciones de la comarca del Vinalopó Medio. La investigación aquí planteada analiza la morfología y configuración espacial de las cuevas de una zona geográficamente delimitada en las poblaciones de La Romana y Monóvar en Alicante. Se ha realizado un análisis morfológico de seis casos de estudio que ha permitido establecer el desarrollo espacial típico de las casas-cuevas de la zona. El esquema básico así obtenido se ha comparado con la morfología característica de las cuevas de otros asentamientos relevantes de España como son los de Paterna (Valencia), Aguilar de Campos (Valladolid), Guadix (Granada), Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete) o Crevillente (Alicante), permitiendo obtener conclusiones acerca de la íntima relación entre morfología y características geológicas y topográficas de cada lugar.Martínez Antón, A.; López Patiño, MG.; Aranda Navarro, F.; Blanca Giménez, V. (2015). Análisis morfológico comparado entre las casas-cueva de la Romana (Alicante) y otros asentamientos de España. Arché. (10):325-332. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/847703253321

    Massimo Pavarini (1947-2015). In memoriam

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    A punto de cerrar este número de la revista recibimos la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Massimo Pavarini, después de una larga enfermedad. Nuestra tristeza es inmensa, todos los integrantes de esta revista perdemos un amigo, compañero, maestro inolvidable y un referente de nuestro hacer diario en aras de una sociedad más justa y menos violenta. Pero sobre todo, de una sociedad que alcance a estar más informada, a ser más consciente y conocedora de la historia, realidad y consecuencias de las instituciones de control que ha creado, englobadas bajo el denominado sistema penal -cárcel, derecho penal y penitenciario, policía, jueces y academia-, sobre la vida de todas aquellas personas que sufren su violencia y represión. Massimo fue sobre todo, además de un gran investigador, profesor y maestro sobre el derecho penal, la cárcel y sus ideologías, una persona comprometida y que siempre buscó que su trabajo académico tuviera incidencia en la realidad social de su entorno. Las teorías, las doctrinas y las propuestas sobre el "deber ser" de las instituciones sociales poco valor tienen si no van acompañadas de un marco socio-histórico, que les den consistencia y comprensión, y de una pretensión de incidencia en la praxis social. Ideas, objetivos y luchas sociales que, como persona comprometida con los valores y principios de una izquierda que buscaba la transformación de la sociedad, como el PCI de la Primera República Italiana, compartía con el grupo de profesores-maestros teóricos y difusores de la criminología crítica como Alessandro Baratta, Juan Bustos, Luigi Ferrajoli y Roberto Bergalli

    Bevacizumab plus preoperative chemotherapy in operable HER2 negative breast cancer: biomarkers and pathologic response

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    Purpose: The primary aim of this trial was to assess the rate of pathologic complete responses (pCR) of doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (AC) followed by bevacizumab/docetaxel (BT), as neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer (BC). Furthermore, the association between biomarkers and the pCR was explored. Methods: Patients with HER-negative operable stage II–III BC ≥2 cm were enrolled. Four cycles of AC (A 60 mg/m2 and C 600 mg/m2, every 3 weeks) followed by 4 cycles of BT (B 15 mg/kg and T 75 mg/m2, every 3 weeks), were planned. A core-biopsy was performed for biological markers assessment. Results: Seventy-two women were included. Forty-three (63 %) patients were hormone receptor-positive. Sixty-four (89 %) completed the planned treatment, and 66 evaluable patients underwent surgery (92 %): a pCR was achieved in 16 of them (24, 95 % CI 15–36 %). pCR was significantly higher in tumors hormone receptor-negative, and in those with Angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AGTR1) protein overexpression. The overall clinical response rate was 86 % (95 % CI 76–93 %), including 42 complete responses. No unexpected toxicities or treatment-related deaths were observed. Conclusion: This regimen showed a remarkable clinical and pathological activity: the suggested relation between pCR and AGTR1 overexpression should be confirmed in larger trials.Financial support for this research was provided by Roche Farma, S.A

    Oncologist’s knowledge and implementation of guidelines for breakthrough cancer pain in Spain: CONOCE study

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    [Purpose]: Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) has been shown to be a prevalent and poor prognostic factor for oncologic patients, which remain under diagnosed and undertreated. In 2012, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) published a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for the treatment of cancer pain which specifically addressed the management of BTcP.[Methods]: Fundación ECO designed a qualitative study using an Internet-based survey to investigate the attitudes toward, compliance with, and use of SEOM Guideline.[Results]: A total of 83 oncologists with a mean experience of 13 years responded. Overall, 82% were aware of different guidelines to manage BTcP. Notably, attitudes toward guidelines were highly positive and there was nearly unanimous agreement that CPG provided the best scientific evidence available (99%), on the minimum information to be gathered for the medical history (100%), on the need for a specific treatment for BTcP (100%), and fentanyl as the first-choice drug (99%). Interestingly, there were discrepancies between what oncologists agreed with and what they do in clinical practice. In fact, 87.6% declare full compliance with SEOM guideline, although adherence to registration of BTcP data in medical records ranged from 30.1 to 91.6% (mean 64.5%); therapeutic management compliance was higher ranging from 75.9 to 91.6%. Main barriers identified were time pressure together with vague statements and limited dissemination of the guidelines.[Conclusion]: Despite oncologist’s clinical practice is increasingly guided by GPC, it suffers from limited compliance, at least in part due to suboptimal statements. Improved dissemination and education are needed to enhance guideline implementation.This study was funded by Kyowa Kirin Farmacéutica S. L.U. through Fundación ECO

    ACE and CXCL10 as predictive biomarkers in the LEA study

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    Background: LEA Study (GEICAM/2006-11/GBG51), is a randomized clinical trial comparing bevacizumab in combination with endocrine therapy (ET + B) with endocrine therapy (ET) in postmenopausal women with advanced or metastatic HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer (BC) with indication of hormonotherapy as first-line treatment. Patients with secondary hypertension had better progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). We have evaluated the role of two hypertension-related biomarkers, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) and Small-Inducible Cytokine B10 (CXCL10) as prognostic and/or predictive biomarkers of benefit to bevacizumab in the first line metastatic disease. Methods: From 380 patients, 266 were included in 33 Spanish sites. Median age was 64 years, 63.5% had measurable disease, 97.4% were metastatic at randomization, 51.5% had visceral disease and 52.6% received previous chemotherapy. PFS was 14.3 months (range 0.8-61.1), OS was 34 months (range 0.8-71.6) and 93 patients had Objective Response (OR). We analyzed 124 plasma samples collected before treatment (52 from ET and 72 from ET + B arms). Circulating levels of ACE and CXCL10 were determined by ELISA. ACE levels of 115ng/ml and 135ng/ml were pre-defined as cutoff values. CXCL10 was explored as a quantitative variable. Results: PFS was 15.1 months (range 1.4-61.1), OS was 31.1 months (range 2.8-61.1) and 40.3% had OR. OR was significantly different between treatment arms (p < 0.001) but not PFS or OS. Median ACE concentration was 130.9ng/ml (range 35.3-315.4). Low ACE (<135ng/ml) had better PFS in the whole population (p = 0.048) and in the ET + B arm (p = 0.041). ACE cutoff of 115 ng/ml was not able to identify any subgroup with better prognosis. Median CXCL10 concentration was 230.3pg/ml (range 15.1-4129.6). A higher expression of CXCL10 was significantly associated with worse OS in the whole population (p < 0.0001) and each treatment arm (p = 0.002 and p = 0.001 in ET and ET + B, respectively). No association with OR were identified neither for ACE nor for CXCL10. Conclusions: ACE levels could be considered a prognostic and a bevacizumab predictive biomarker of PFS. CXCL10 could be prognostic of OS. Confirmatory studies are warranted

    Functional balance training in people with Parkinson’s disease: a protocol of balanceHOME randomized control trial with crossover

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    IntroductionBalance disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are usually assessed in a single-task as well as standard balance physiotherapy is carried out in isolated environments. Conversely, daily activities are developed in highly challenging environments. Although functional balance training (FBT) is included in the latest protocols, several methodological issues have not yet been considered. In the proposed single-blinded randomized control trial with crossover (NCT04963894), the aims are (1) to quantify the effects achieved by domiciliary FBT (balanceHOME program) in participants with and without cognitive impairment, and (2) to compare them with the effects of a passive-control period and a conventional face-to-face physiotherapy program for PD.MethodsThe initial recruitment was estimated at 112 people with idiopathic PD. Two-thirds of the participants will be randomized to one of the two groups to make the crossover. In contrast, the other third will do a face-to-face group program only. The balanceHOME protocol consists of challenging balance exercises incorporated into functional daily tasks, developed in-home and conducted two times per week for 60-min over an 8-weeks period. The primary strategy will consist of splitting functional tasks of daily life into static and dynamic balance components, besides standardized facilitate and disturbing strategies to execution of each exercise. Biomechanics and clinical performance of balance and gait, perception of quality of life, cognitive and mental functioning, and severity of PD will be measured at baseline (T0), post-8 weeks training (T1), and follow-up (T2).ResultsThe primary outcome of the study will be the center of pressure sway area. The secondary outcomes consist of biomechanics and clinical variables related to static and dynamic balance. Outcomes from biomechanical of gait, quality of life, cognitive and mental state, and severity of PD, represent the tertiary outcomes.DiscussionThe balanceHOME program standardizes the FBT in demanding and daily environments for people with PD who prefer individualized treatment from home. This is the first time that the effects of group versus individual balance rehabilitation have been compared in people with and without cognitive impairment and evaluated in complex environments. This still-to-be-finished study will open the possibility of new strategies according to changes in post-pandemic therapeutic approaches