27 research outputs found

    Patient/family views on data sharing in rare diseases: study in the European LeukoTreat project.: Survey assessing data sharing in leukodystrophies

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    International audienceThe purpose of this study was to explore patient and family views on the sharing of their medical data in the context of compiling a European leukodystrophies database. A survey questionnaire was delivered with help from referral centers and the European Leukodystrophies Association, and the questionnaires returned were both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. This study found that patients/families were strongly in favor of participating. Patients/families hold great hope and trust in the development of this type of research. They have a strong need for information and transparency on database governance, the conditions framing access to data, all research conducted, partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry, and they also need access to results. Our findings bring ethics-driven arguments for a process combining initial broad consent with ongoing information. On both, we propose key item-deliverables to database participants

    2020 WSES guidelines for the detection and management of bile duct injury during cholecystectomy.

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    Bile duct injury (BDI) is a dangerous complication of cholecystectomy, with significant postoperative sequelae for the patient in terms of morbidity, mortality, and long-term quality of life. BDIs have an estimated incidence of 0.4-1.5%, but considering the number of cholecystectomies performed worldwide, mostly by laparoscopy, surgeons must be prepared to manage this surgical challenge. Most BDIs are recognized either during the procedure or in the immediate postoperative period. However, some BDIs may be discovered later during the postoperative period, and this may translate to delayed or inappropriate treatments. Providing a specific diagnosis and a precise description of the BDI will expedite the decision-making process and increase the chance of treatment success. Subsequently, the choice and timing of the appropriate reconstructive strategy have a critical role in long-term prognosis. Currently, a wide spectrum of multidisciplinary interventions with different degrees of invasiveness is indicated for BDI management. These World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) guidelines have been produced following an exhaustive review of the current literature and an international expert panel discussion with the aim of providing evidence-based recommendations to facilitate and standardize the detection and management of BDIs during cholecystectomy. In particular, the 2020 WSES guidelines cover the following key aspects: (1) strategies to minimize the risk of BDI during cholecystectomy; (2) BDI rates in general surgery units and review of surgical practice; (3) how to classify, stage, and report BDI once detected; (4) how to manage an intraoperatively detected BDI; (5) indications for antibiotic treatment; (6) indications for clinical, biochemical, and imaging investigations for suspected BDI; and (7) how to manage a postoperatively detected BDI

    Les influences culturelles à l’ère des réseaux sociaux numériques

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    Nous savons que les pairs, les institutions culturelles et scolaires, les médias, les réseaux sociaux et la famille sont des agents d’influence dans la socialisation des jeunes. L’influence familiale est considérée comme prépondérante, peu importe la génération. L’influence des enseignants semble toutefois en recul. Nous avons voulu mieux comprendre en quoi les médias sociaux et les influenceurs ont un rôle et des effets sur les pratiques, les consommations et les goûts culturels des jeunes Québécois. Dans le cadre d’une démarche qualitative et inductive, nous avons animé cinquante-deux entretiens individuels qualitatifs auprès de jeunes Québécois et nous avons ensuite soumis nos analyses provisoires à soixante-huit autres participants dans le cadre d’entretiens de groupe. Nos analyses nous permettent de comprendre que, contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait croire, la famille joue un rôle important dans le phénomène étudié et qu’elle n’est pas vraiment remplacée par celui des nouveaux médias. En effet, les lieux de consolidation du lien social demeurent plutôt inchangés. Les influences principales sont les personnes connues (famille, amis), en face à face et par l’intermédiaire des médias sociaux. Viennent ensuite les personnes qu’on ne connaît pas, mais que l’on retrouve dans des communautés de partage d’intérêts. Les lieux de consolidation du lien social sont encore la famille et les amis dans un premier temps, et les médias, dans un second temps

    Pratiques déclarées d’enseignantes et d’enseignants à l’éducation préscolaire cinq ans en matière de soutien au développement langagier des enfants

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    Cet article vise à documenter les pratiques déclarées d’enseignantes et d’enseignants à l’éducation préscolaire cinq ans en matière de soutien au développement langagier des enfants. Pour recueillir les données permettant d’atteindre cet objectif, un entretien individuel semi-dirigé a été mené auprès de 17 personnes enseignantes. Les résultats montrent qu’elles affirment accorder de l’importance au soutien du développement langagier des enfants, autant pour le langage oral qu’écrit. Toutefois, elles déclarent seulement des pratiques directes pour soutenir le développement du langage oral, contrairement au développement du langage écrit pour lequel des pratiques directes et indirectes sont identifiées. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre et d’expliquer les pratiques que les enseignantes et les enseignants à l’éducation préscolaire déclarent privilégier pour soutenir le développement langagier des enfants, et ce, dans l’optique d’asseoir un dispositif de développement professionnel pour les former et les accompagner en matière de soutien langagier auprès des enfants à l’éducation préscolaire cinq ans.The purpose of this article is to document kindergarten teachers’ practices for supporting children’s language development. Data to meet this objective were collected through an individual semi-structured interview with 17 teachers. The results show the importance of supporting children’s oral and written language development, however the teachers only declare direct practices supporting oral language development. For written language development, direct and indirect practices are identified in the article. These results clarify practices that pre-school teachers use to support language development with a view to establishing a professional development system to train and accompany them in achieving this objective.Este artículo busca documentar las actividades declaradas del personal docente de educación preescolar cinco años en materia de apoyo al desarrollo lingüístico de los niños. Se realizaron entrevistas semi-dirigidas a 17 docentes con el fin de colectar el material necesario. Los resultados muestran que el personal afirma darle importancia al apoyo del desarrollo lingüístico de los niños, tanto para la lengua escrita que oral. Sin embargo, declaran solamente actividades directas para el apoyo del desarrollo del lenguaje oral, a diferencia del desarrollo de la lengua escrita, para el cual se identificaron actividades directas e indirectas. Estos resultados permiten comprender y explicar las actividades que el personal docente de la educación preescolar declara privilegiar para el desarrollo lingüístico de los niños, y eso con vistas a implantar un dispositivo de desarrollo profesional para su formación y acompañamiento en materia de apoyo a los niños en educación preescolar cinco años

    A comparative content analysis of vegetarian food blogs written by registered dietitians and non- registered dietitians

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    This purpose of this study was to compare the nutritional content of vegetarian recipes published in food blogs written by registered dietitians (RDs) and by non-registered dietitians (non-RDs). Twelve food blogs written by RDs and 12 written by non-RDs were selected using a systematic approach. For each food blog, 2 vegetarian entrée recipes per season were selected (n = 192 recipes). Descriptive analyses were performed using Fisher’s exact test. Median nutritional values per serving between RDs’ and non-RDs’ recipes were compared using Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney tests. RDs’ recipes were significantly lower in energy, non-heme iron, vitamin C, and sodium, contained significantly more vitamin D and had a higher protein proportion than non-RDs’ recipes. Disparities were also observed across type of entrée and vegetarian dietary pattern. In conclusion, this study showed that RD and non-RD food bloggers provided vegetarian recipes with few nutritional differences. Whether expanding the comparative analysis between RDs and non-RDs’ blogs targeting different nutrition-related topics would yield different results remains to be investigated.Cette étude visait à comparer la valeur nutritive de recettes végétariennes publiées dans des blogues culinaires tenus par des diététistes (R.D.) vs par des gens ne détenant pas un titre professionnel de diététiste (non-R.D.). Douze blogues culinaires tenus par des R.D. et 12 tenus par des non-R.D. ont été choisis au moyen d’une approche systématique. Dans chaque blogue, 2 recettes végétariennes de plat principal ont été sélectionnées par saison (n = 192 recettes). Des analyses descriptives ont été effectuées à l'aide du test exact de Fisher. Les valeurs nutritives médianes par portion des recettes des R.D. et des non-R.D. ont été comparées au moyen de tests de Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney. Les recettes des R.D. étaient significativement plus faibles en énergie, en fer non hémique, en vitamine C et en sodium, et contenaient significativement plus de vitamine D ainsi qu’une plus grande proportion de protéines que les recettes des nonR.D. Des disparités ont également été observées entre les types de plats principaux et les modèles alimentaires végétariens. En conclusion, cette étude a montré que les blogueurs, qu’ils soient R.D. ou non, présentaient des recettes végétariennes comportant peu de différences sur le plan nutritionnel. Il reste toutefois à déterminer si les résultats d’analyses comparatives ciblant d’autres sujets relatifs à la nutrition sur les blogues tenus par des R.D. et des non-R.D. contrasteraient avec ceux de cette étude

    Biomedical research: incidental and unexpected findings. Classification and management

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    Note from the Ethics committee. "Incidental and Unexpected Research Findings" Group. Coordinator: François Eisinge

    A systematic review of the effect of yogurt consumption on chronic diseases risk markers in adults

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    Purpose: We reviewed randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that have assessed the effects of yogurt containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus (LBST) on metabolic risk markers of chronic diseases in adults. Methods: We performed a systematic search in July 2016 in the scientific databases PubMed, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library. Included studies were RCTs that assessed the impact of consuming yogurt containing LBST as a treatment, and that evaluated at least one metabolic risk marker for chronic diseases compared with a control diet or a diet supplemented in another food/ingredient in healthy or chronically ill adults. Results: Seven RCTs involving 278 participants were included in the review. Studies were conducted in the USA, France, Spain, Iran and Canada. Five studies were undertaken in healthy adults, and two were conducted among lactose malabsorbers. All studies investigated changes in blood lipids and glucose homoeostasis, with different doses of yogurt, durations of the supplementation and risks markers assessed. Consumption of LBST yogurt significantly reduced total cholesterol concentrations, ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-C and plasma glucose compared to a control yogurt-free diet or diet supplemented in another food/ingredient in two out of the seven studies. The majority of included RCTs presented high to unclear methodological risks of bias, which raises questions about the validity of their findings. Conclusions: Data from this systematic review indicate that the consumption of LBST yogurt shows either favourable or neutral effects on metabolic risk markers when compared with a control treatment in controlled research settings. RCTs investigating the effect of LBST yogurt consumption on metabolic risk markers of chronic diseases are scarce and presented considerable variation in methodologies making comparison between studies difficult. Further large-scale, well-designed studies assessing the impact of LBST yogurt, in particular in comparison with a control yogurt-free diet, are warranted to effectively evaluate the effect of yogurt consumption per se on risk markers of chronic diseases

    From Embryo Research to Therapy

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    Note from the Inserm Ethics Committee. "Embryo and Developmental Research" grou