54 research outputs found
What is a tree in the mediterranean basin hotspot? A critical analysis
Background: Tree species represent 20% of the vascular plant species worldwide and they play a crucial role in the global functioning of the biosphere. The Mediterranean Basin is one of the 36 world biodiversity hotspots, and it is estimated that forests covered 82% of the landscape before the first human impacts, thousands of years ago. However, the spatial distribution of the Mediterranean biodiversity is still imperfectly known, and a focus on tree species constitutes a key issue for understanding forest functioning and develop conservation strategies. Methods: We provide the first comprehensive checklist of all native tree taxa (species and subspecies) present in the Mediterranean-European region (from Portugal to Cyprus). We identified some cases of woody species difficult to categorize as trees that we further called “cryptic trees”. We collected the occurrences of tree taxa by “administrative regions”, i.e. country or large island, and by biogeographical provinces. We studied the species-area relationship, and evaluated the conservation issues for threatened taxa following IUCN criteria. Results: We identified 245 tree taxa that included 210 species and 35 subspecies, belonging to 33 families and 64 genera. It included 46 endemic tree taxa (30 species and 16 subspecies), mainly distributed within a single biogeographical unit. The countries with the highest tree richness are Greece (146 taxa), Italy (133), Albania (122), Spain (155), Macedonia (116), and Croatia (110). The species-area relationship clearly discriminated the richest central-eastern (Balkans) and northern (Alpine and Cevenno-Pyrenean) biogeographical provinces, against the five western provinces in the Iberian Peninsula. We identified 44 unrecognized “cryptic trees”, representing 21% of the total trees. Among the 245 taxa identified, 19 are considered to be threatened (15 CR + EN + VU) or near threatened (4 NT) by IUCN. Conclusions: The Mediterranean-European region includes an unsuspectedly high number of tree taxa, almost 200 tree taxa more than in the central European region. This tree diversity is not distributed evenly and culminates in the central-eastern part of the Mediterranean region, whereas some large Tyrrhenian islands shelter several narrow endemic tree taxa. Few taxa are recognized as threatened in the IUCN Red list, and the vulnerability of these species is probably underestimated.French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB). Centre for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity data ANR-11-LABX-006
Density-dependence of reproductive success in a Houbara bustard population
Although density-dependent processes and their impacts on population dynamics are key issues in ecology and conservation biology, empirical evidence of density-dependence remains scarce for species or populations with low densities, scattered distributions, and especially for managed populations where densities may vary as a result of extrinsic factors (such as harvesting or releases). Here, we explore the presence of density-dependent processes in a reinforced population of North African Houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata undulata). We investigated the relationship between reproductive success and local density, and the possible variation of this relationship according to habitat suitability using three independent datasets. Based on eight years of nests monitoring (more than 7000 nests), we modeled the Daily Nest Survival Rate (DNSR) as a proxy of reproductive success. Our results indicate that DNSR was negatively impacted by local densities and that this relationship was approximately constant in space and time: (1) although DNSR strongly decreased over the breeding season, the negative relationship between DNSR and density remained constant over the breeding season; (2) this density-dependent relationship did not vary with the quality of the habitat associated with the nest location. Previous studies have shown that the demographic parameters and population dynamics of the reinforced North African Houbara bustard are strongly influenced by extrinsic environmental and management parameters. Our study further indicates the existence of density-dependent regulation in a low-density, managed population.The study was funded by Emirates Center for Wildlife Propagation (ECWP, Morocco), a project of the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC, United Arab Emirates)
WOODIV, a database of occurrences, functional traits, and phylogenetic data for all Euro-Mediterranean trees
Trees play a key role in the structure and function of many ecosystems worldwide. In the Mediterranean Basin, forests cover approximately 22% of the total land area hosting a large number of endemics (46 species). Despite its particularities and vulnerability, the biodiversity of Mediterranean trees is not well known at the taxonomic, spatial, functional, and genetic levels required for conservation applications. The WOODIV database fills this gap by providing reliable occurrences, four functional traits (plant height, seed mass, wood density, and specific leaf area), and sequences from three DNA-regions (rbcL, matK, and trnH-psbA), together with modelled occurrences and a phylogeny for all 210 Euro-Mediterranean tree species. We compiled, homogenized, and verified occurrence data from sparse datasets and collated them on an INSPIRE-compliant 10 × 10 km grid. We also gathered functional trait and genetic data, filling existing gaps where possible. The WOODIV database can benefit macroecological studies in the fields of conservation, biogeography, and community ecology.Labex OT-Med n ANR-11-LABX-006
Spatial patterns of genus-level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe
Aim: The Mediterranean Basin is a major hotspot of plant biodiversity, including forest trees. Over the past centuries, Mediterranean forests have been fragmented and over-exploited, to which the threats of climate change are now added. Our aim is to better understand patterns and processes of tree biodiversity in the Mediterranean and to provide indicators complementing the traditional approaches to biodiversity conservation based on species counts and occurrences, using georeferenced phylogenetic diversity and endemism analyses in a spatial ecological context. Location: Mediterranean Europe. Methods: Using a dated phylogeny of the 64 Euro-Mediterranean tree genera, we calculated phylogenetic diversity for all 50 × 50 km2 grid cells spanning Mediterranean Europe (n = 643) and compared values with those obtained for genus-level taxonomic diversity. Then, we tested the relative influence of geography, past and present climate, and soil on tree diversity (phylogenetic or taxonomic) and its geographical turnover. Geographical patterns of phylogenetic endemism were inferred using the Categorical Analyses of Neo- and Paleo-Endemism (CANAPE) methodology. Results: We showed that phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity within and among cells are correlated and influenced by soil parameters as well as current, Holocene and Late Glacial Maximum climate. Southern Spain, Cyprus and some Aegean islands contained areas of disproportionately high phylogenetic diversity and a concentration of phylogenetic paleo-endemics, while phylogenetic neo-endemism was high in eastern Sicily. Mixed phylogenetic endemism regions were detected in southern Spain and Portugal, in the Balkans and in Crete. Main conclusions: Our phylogenetic approach provides relevant indicators for better protecting forests of the Mediterranean, encompassing past and present evolutionary processes and factors. We consider areas that show a concentration of evolutionary history manifested by high phylogenetic endemism as high priority targets for the conservation of the European tree flora.Aix-Marseille University ANR-11-LABX-006
Construction of a dairy microbial genome catalog opens new perspectives for the metagenomic analysis of dairy fermented products
Microbial communities of traditional cheeses are complex and insufficiently characterized. The origin, safety and functional role in cheese making of these microbial communities are still not well understood. Metagenomic analysis of these communities by high throughput shotgun sequencing is a promising approach to characterize their genomic and functional profiles. Such analyses, however, critically depend on the availability of appropriate reference genome databases against which the sequencing reads can be aligned. We built a reference genome catalog suitable for short read metagenomic analysis using a low-cost sequencing strategy. We selected 142 bacteria isolated from dairy products belonging to 137 different species and 67 genera, and succeeded to reconstruct the draft genome of 117 of them at a standard or high quality level, including isolates from the genera Kluyvera, Luteococcus and Marinilactibacillus, still missing from public database. To demonstrate the potential of this catalog, we analysed the microbial composition of the surface of two smear cheeses and one blue-veined cheese, and showed that a significant part of the microbiota of these traditional cheeses was composed of microorganisms newly sequenced in our study. Our study provides data, which combined with publicly available genome references, represents the most expansive catalog to date of cheese-associated bacteria. Using this extended dairy catalog, we revealed the presence in traditional cheese of dominant microorganisms not deliberately inoculated, mainly Gram-negative genera such as Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis or Psychrobacter immobilis, that may contribute to the characteristics of cheese produced through traditional methods.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-15-110
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.
RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Contribution of niche modelling in conservation translocations : a case study of reinforced populations of Houbara Bustard
Ecological niche models (ENM) are widely used to predict the current and future distribution of species. They could be used as complementary tools to assess the niche suitability of potential release areas, a key parameter for improving success in conservation translocation. Yet, ENM are still rarely applied and general evidence about the benefit of these models in translocation is still lacking. We focused our research on reinforcement programs of two species of Houbara Bustard, the sedentary North African species (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) and the migratory Asian species (C. macqueenii). Through the extensive monitoring of remnant wild populations and captive-born released individuals over a large proportion of their distribution range, these programs provide an ideal study framework to address complex questions regarding the relevancy of ENM in translocation conservation. First, we linked individual survival, a crucial component of population dynamics, to niche suitability. Then, we performed an experimental release and monitoring of 180 individuals along a gradient of habitat suitability as predicted by ENM to test the effect of release site suitability on survival of captive-born individuals. We then tested if released houbaras use the same ecological niche than wild houbaras, as a validation step to support the subsequent use of niche modelling. Finally, we discussed the implications of global change for ongoing translocation programs of Houbara Bustard. Empirical approaches linking habitat suitability with demographic processes provide a step towards a better understanding of the relevance of ENM for conservation translocations in changing environments.Les modèles de niche écologique (ENM) sont largement utilisés pour prédire la distribution actuelle et future des espèces. Ils peuvent être des outils complémentaires pour évaluer la qualité de niche des potentielles aires de lâchers, un facteur clé pour le succès des translocations. Pourtant, les ENM sont encore rarement appliqués dans les translocations et on a encore peu de preuves de leur intérêt pour les translocations. Nous avons centré nos recherches sur des programmes bien établis de renforcement des populations de deux espèces d'Outarde houbara, l'espèce nord-africaine (Chlamydotis undulata) et l'espèce migratrice asiatique (C. macqueenii). Grâce à un suivi intensif de populations sauvages relictuelles et d'individus élevés en captivité et lâchés sur une large partie de leur aire de répartition, ces programmes fournissent un cadre d'étude idéal pour envisager des questions complexes sur la pertinence des ENM dans la translocation. Nous avons relié la survie individuelle, une composante essentielle de la dynamique des populations, à la qualité de niche, en réalisant notamment un lâcher expérimental de 180 individus le long du gradient de qualité de la niche. Nous avons ensuite testé si les outardes lâchées utilisent la même niche écologique que les sauvages pour valider l'utilisation ultérieure des projections des modèles. Enfin, nous discutons de l'implication des changements globaux pour les translocations d'Outarde houbara. Ces approches empiriques reliant la qualité de niche aux processus démographiques constituent un pas en avant pour une meilleure compréhension de la pertinence des ENM pour les translocations d'espèces dans un environnement changeant
Utilisation des grands jeux de données naturalistes pour répondre aux enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux actuels
International audienceL’informatisation des collections d’histoire naturelle et leur agrégation dans des portails globaux donnent un accès sans précédent à la richesse des collections. De la gestion des collections à l’analyse scientifique, le défi consiste à s’approprier ce changement d’échelle en regard de la quantité et de la nature des données pour répondre à de nouvelles questions dans une dynamique de science ouverte
Asynchrony of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in birds
International audienceAim: We assessed the temporal trends of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversities in the French avifauna over the last two decades. Additionally, we investigated whether and how this multifaceted approach to biodiversity dynamics can reveal an increasing similarity of local assemblages in terms of species, traits and/or lineages. Location: France. Methods: We analysed a large-scale dataset that recorded annual changes in the abundance of 116 breeding birds in France between 1989 and 2012. We decomposed and analysed the spatio-temporal dynamics of taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversities and each of their -, - and -components. We also calculated the trend in the mean specialization of bird communities to track the relative success of specialist versus generalist species within communities during the same period. Results: We found large variation within and among the temporal trends of each biodiversity facet. On average, we found a marked increase in species and phylogenetic diversity over the period considered, but no particular trend was found for functional diversity. Conversely, changes in -diversities for the three facets were characterized by independent and nonlinear trends. We also found a general increase in the local occurrence and abundance of generalist species within local communities. Main conclusions: These results highlight a relative asynchrony of the different biodiversity facets occurring at large spatial scales. We show why a multifaceted approach to biodiversity dynamics is needed to better describe and understand changes in community composition in macroecology and conservation biogeography
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