200 research outputs found

    The Hatano-Sasa equality: transitions between steady states in a granular gas

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    An experimental study is presented, about transitions between Non-Equilibrium Steady States (NESS) in a dissipative medium. The core device is a small rotating blade that imposes cycles of increasing and decreasing forcings to a granular gas, shaken independently. The velocity of this blade is measured, subject to the transitions imposed by the periodic torque variation. The Hatano-Sasa equality, that generalises the second principle of thermodynamics to NESS, is verified with a high accuracy (a few 10−310^{-3}), at different variation rates. Besides, it is observed that the fluctuating velocity at fixed forcing follows a generalised Gumbel distribution. A rough evaluation of the mean free path in the granular gas suggests that it might be a correlated system, at least partially


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    La construction de l'insertion socioprofessionnelle des jeunes à l'épreuve du temps : une enquête longitudinale: Rapport final

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    La recherche dont nous rendons compte ici est une recherche au long cours, qui s'inscrit dans la durée et procède par enquêtes répétées. Il convient donc dans un premier temps de rappeler quelques éléments de sa construction initiale, qui ont été présentés plus longuement dans le premier rapport de recherche rédigé en 20001. Certains de ces éléments ne bougent pas, restent stables et permettent la comparaison ; d'autres évoluent dans le temps, au fur et à mesure que se construisent les trajectoires d'insertion. Nous commencerons donc ici par rappeler les principes de base, les hypothèses et les choix méthodologiques effectués dès le début de cette entreprise. Nous ferons ensuite le point sur la méthodologie de l'enquête et sur l'évolution de la population du panel, lors des trois vagues d'enquête qui ont déjà été réalisées. Nous préciserons ensuite les questions traitées ici, autour du thème central des évolutions des façons dont les jeunes abordent le monde du travail. Entrant ensuite dans la comparaison temporelle proprement dite, nous présenterons et discuterons des mouvements qui se sont produits dans la répartition des jeunes dans des catégories de trajectoires. Celles-ci avaient été identifiées il y a trois ans. Nous les reprenons pour voir comment les jeunes s'y situent aujourd'hui. Nous préciserons ensuite plus rapidement quelques points-clés de ces évolutions : les bifurcations biographiques et la notion de projet, l'évolution des réseaux de relations personnelles au moment de l'entrée dans la vie professionnelle, l'utilisation éventuelle de ces relations pour trouver du travail, les autres dimensions de l'entrée dans la vie adulte et les trajectoires de décohabitation parentale, pour discuter enfin du rôle relatif du travail dans l'accès au statut d'adulte

    Via Lyon: Parcours de romans et mutations éditoriales au XVIe siècle. Partie I. L'étape lyonnaise

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    Le dossier Via Lyon s’intéresse à la circulation des textes romanesques publiés à Lyon entre les débuts de l’imprimerie et 1600. La notion de «parcours», qui guide les différentes études, renvoie à la manière dont les œuvres évoluent dans le temps au gré de leurs diverses inscriptions géographiques. Quelles sont les spécificités des éditions lyonnaises de romans par rapport à celles des autres villes du royaume ou des autres centres européens? Quelles modifications les presses locales apportent-elles aux éditions antérieures, françaises ou étrangères? Quelle forme donnent-elles aussi à un texte dont elles ont la primeur de l’impression, qu’il s’agisse d’une création nationale ou d’une traduction d’un original italien ou espagnol? La première partie du dossier, intitulée «L’étape lyonnaise», propose une étude du parcours d’un roman hérité du Moyen Âge, Clamadès (F. Maillet), d’un romanzo, [Morgante] Morgan le Géant (P. Mounier) et de la production d’un imprimeur lyonnais, Benoît Rigaud (F. Montorsi). The file Via Lyon studies romances published in Lyon between the beginning of the printing and 1600’s circulation. The notion of «route», which guides the various studies, concerns the way the texts evolve in time according to their various geographical movement. What are specificities of romances Lyon editions compared with those of other cities of the kingdom or other European centers? What modifications do local press bring to previous, French or foreign, editions? What forms do they also give to a text (a national creation or a translation of Italian or Spanish original) they are the first to publish? The first part of the file, entitled «The Lyon’s stage», proposes a study of the route of a romance inherited from the Middle Ages, Clamadès (F. Mallet), and of a romanzo, [Morgante] Morgan le Géant (P. Mounier), as well as of a printer production, Benoît Rigaud (F. Montorsi).

    Views and experiences of primary care among Black communities in the United Kingdom: a qualitative systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: In the United Kingdom, people with non-white ethnicities are more likely to report being in worse health conditions and have poorer experiences of healthcare services than white counterparts. The voices of those of Black ethnicities are often merged in literature among other non-white ethnicities. This literature review aims to analyse studies that investigate Black participant experiences of primary care in the UK. METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature review searching Medline, Web of Science, EMBASE, SCOPUS, Social Policy and Practice, CINAHL plus, Psych INFO and Global Health with specific search terms for appropriate studies. No publish date limit was applied. RESULTS: 40 papers (39 articles and 1 thesis) were deemed eligible for inclusion in the review. A number of major themes emerged. Patient expectations of healthcare and the health seeking behaviour impacted their interactions with health systems in the UK. Both language and finances emerged as barriers through which some Black participants interacted with primary care services. (Mis)trust of clinicians and the health system was a common theme that often negatively impacted views of UK primary care services. The social context of the primary care service and instances of a cultural disconnect also impacted views of primary care services. Some papers detail patients recognising differential treatment based on ethnicity. The review included the voices of primary care professionals where descriptions of Black patients were overwhelmingly negative. CONCLUSION: Views and experiences of Black groups may be radically different to other ethnic minorities and thus, should be teased out of broader umbrella terms like Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) and Black Minority Ethnic (BME). To address ethnicity-based health inequalities, culturally sensitive interventions that engage with the impacted community including co-designed interventions should be considered while acknowledging the implications of being racialised as Black in the UK

    Le rôle infirmier dans l'éducation thérapeutique de la personne vivant une exacerbation de la BPCO à domicile: travail de Bachelor

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    La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive est une maladie chronique évolutive, caractérisée par des exacerbations. Avec une prévalence à la hausse, elle représente actuellement une utilisation des ressources de santé importante. C'est donc une affaire de santé publique. En suisse, les programmes d'éducation thérapeutique concernant la BPCO sont encore très peu développés. Il est donc important aujourd'hui de s'y intéresser afin de délivrer une éducation thérapeutique adaptée, favorisant l'autonomie de cette population à domicile

    Exploring the impact of mental health conditions on vaccine uptake in high-income countries: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Vaccination is an essential public health intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. Despite being at higher at risk of infectious diseases, health inequalities towards vaccine uptake in people with mental health issues have not been systematically appraised. METHODS: We searched 7 databases from 1994 to 26/03/2021. We included all studies with a relative measure of effect comparing a group with a mental health issue to a control group. All studies covering any mental health issue were eligible with no constraints to study population, vaccine type or region, provided in a high-income country for comparability of health care systems. The study outcomes were synthesised by study population, mental health issue and type of vaccine. RESULTS: From 4,069 titles, 23 eligible studies from 12 different countries were identified, focusing on adults (n = 13) or children (n = 4) with mental health issues, siblings of children with mental health issues (n = 2), and mothers with mental health issue and vaccine uptake in their children (n = 6). Most studies focused on depression (n = 12), autism, anxiety, or alcoholism (n = 4 respectively). Many studies were at high risk of selection bias. DISCUSSION: Mental health issues were associated with considerably lower vaccine uptake in some contexts such as substance use disorder, but findings were heterogeneous overall and by age, mental health issue or types of vaccine. Only individuals with mental health issues and physical comorbidities had consistently higher uptake in comparison to other adults. Mental health should be considered as a health inequality for vaccine uptake but more context specific research is needed focusing more on specific mental health issues and subgroups of the population to understand who misses vaccination and why

    The impact of introducing new vaccines on the health system: case studies from six low- and middle-income countries.

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore the impacts of new vaccine introductions on immunization programmes and health systems in low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: We conducted case studies of seven vaccine introductions in six countries (Cameroon, PCV;Ethiopia, PCV; Guatemala, rotavirus; Kenya, PCV; Mali, Meningitis A; Mali, PCV; Rwanda, HPV). Inter-views were conducted with 261 national, regional and district key informants and questionnaires were completed with staff from 196 health facilities. Routine data from districts and health facilities were gathered on vaccination and antenatal service use. Data collection and analysis were structured around the World Health Organisation health system building blocks. FINDINGS: The new vaccines were viewed positively and seemed to integrate well into existing health systems. The introductions were found to have had no impact on many elements within the building blocks framework. Despite many key informants and facility respondents perceiving that the new vaccine introductions had increased coverage of other vaccines, the routine data showed no change. Positive effects perceived included enhanced credibility of the immunisation programme and strengthened health workers' skills through training. Negative effects reported included an increase in workload and stock outs of the new vaccine, which created a perception in the community that all vaccines were out of stock in a facility. Most effects were found within the vaccination programmes; very few were reported on the broader health systems. Effects were primarily reported to be temporary, around the time of introduction only. CONCLUSION: Although the new vaccine introductions were viewed as intrinsically positive, on the whole there was no evidence that they had any major impact, positive or negative, on the broader health systems

    Medical countermeasures for national security: a new government role in the pharmaceuticalization of society

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    How do governments contribute to the pharmaceuticalization of society? Whilst the pivotal role of industry is extensively documented, this article shows that governments too are accelerating, intensifying and opening up new trajectories of pharmaceuticalization in society. Governments are becoming more deeply invested in pharmaceuticals because their national security strategies now aspire to defend populations against health-based threats like bioterrorism and pandemics. To counter those threats, governments are acquiring and stockpiling a panoply of ‘medical countermeasures’ such as antivirals, next-generation vaccines, antibiotics and anti-toxins. More than that, governments are actively incentivizing the development of many new medical countermeasures – principally by marshaling the state's unique powers to introduce exceptional measures in the name of protecting national security. At least five extraordinary policy interventions have been introduced by governments with the aim of stimulating the commercial development of novel medical countermeasures: (1) allocating earmarked public funds, (2) granting comprehensive legal protections to pharmaceutical companies against injury compensation claims, (3) introducing bespoke pathways for regulatory approval, (4) instantiating extraordinary emergency use procedures allowing for the use of unapproved medicines, and (5) designing innovative logistical distribution systems for mass drug administration outside of clinical settings. Those combined efforts, the article argues, are spawning a new, government-led and quite exceptional medical countermeasure regime operating beyond the conventional boundaries of pharmaceutical development and regulation. In the first comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceuticalization dynamics at play in national security policy, this article unearths the detailed array of policy interventions through which governments too are becoming more deeply imbricated in the pharmaceuticalization of society
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