292 research outputs found

    Automated age‐at‐death estimation by cementochronology: Essential application or additional complication?

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    It has been repeatedly acknowledged that age-at-death estimation based on dentalcementum represents a partial and time-consuming method that hinders adoptionof this histological approach. User-friendly micrograph analysis represents a grow-ing request of cementochronology. This article evaluates the feasibility of using amodule to accurately quantify cementum deposits and compares the module's per-formance to that of a human expert. On a dental collection (n=200) of known-ageindividuals, precision and accuracy of estimates performed by a developed pro-gram (101 count/tooth;n=20,200 counts) were compared to counts performedmanually (5 counts/tooth;n=975 counts). Reliability of the software and agree-ment between the two approaches were assessed byintraclass correlation coeffi-cient and Bland Altman analysis. The automated module produced reliable andreproducible counts with a higher global precision than the human expert. Althoughthe software is slightly more precise, it shows higher sensitivity to taphonomic dam-ages and does not avoid the trajectory effect described for age-at-death estimationin adults. Likewise, for human counts, global accuracy is acceptable, but underestima-tions increase with age. The quantification of the agreement between the twoapproaches shows a minor bias, and 94% of individuals fall within the intervals ofagreement. Automation gives an impression of objectivity even though the region ofinterest, profile position and parameters are defined manually. The automated systemmay represent a time-saving module that can allow an increase in sample size, whichis particularly stimulating for population-based studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The low intestinal and hepatic toxicity of hydrolyzed fumonisin B1 correlates with its inability to alter the metabolism of sphingolipids

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    Fumonisins are mycotoxins frequently found as natural contaminants in maize, where they are produced by the plant pathogen Fusarium verticillioides. They are toxic to animals and exert their effects through mechanisms involving disruption of sphingolipid metabolism.Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is the predominant fumonisins in this family. FB1 is converted to its hydrolyzed analogs HFB1, by alkaline cooking (nixtamalization) or through enzymatic degradation. The toxicity of HFB1 is poorly documented especially at the intestinal level. The objectives of this study were to compare the toxicity of HFB1 and FB1 and to assess the ability of these toxins to disrupt sphingolipids biosynthesis. HFB1 was obtained by a deesterification of FB1, with a carboxylesterase. Piglets, animals highly sensitive to FB1, were exposed by gavage for 2 weeks to 2.8 ”mol FB1 or HFB1/kg body weight/day. FB1 induced hepatotoxicity as indicated by the lesion score, the level of several biochemical analytes and the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Similarly, FB1 impaired the morphology of the different section of the small intestine, reduced villi height and modified intestinal cytokine expression. By contrast, HFB1 did not trigger hepatotoxicity, did not impair intestinal morphology and slightly modified the intestinal immune response. This low toxicity of HFB1 correlates with a weak alteration of the sphinganine/sphingosine ratio in the liver and in the plasma. Taken together, these data demonstrate that HFB1 does not cause intestinal or hepatic toxicity in the sensitive pig model, and slightly disrupts sphingolipids metabolism. This finding suggests that conversion to HFB1 could be a good strategy to reduce FB1 exposure

    Utilisation d’instruments de mesure avec des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral : une enquĂȘte par questionnaire auprĂšs d’ergothĂ©rapeutes en Suisse romande

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    L’intĂ©rĂȘt des instruments de mesure standardisĂ©s est reconnu en ergothĂ©rapie et plusieurs organisations professionnelles promeuvent leur utilisation. Les rĂ©sultats d’études anglo-saxonnes montrent toutefois que les ergothĂ©rapeutes n’y ont pas tous recours dans leur pratique et que ceux qui en utilisent ne le font pas de maniĂšre frĂ©quente. Les instruments de mesure Ă©tant dĂ©veloppĂ©s et diffusĂ©s surtout en anglais, il est possible que les ergothĂ©rapeutes francophones en utilisent encore moins. Les objectifs de l’étude Ă©taient : 1) de dĂ©crire les instruments de mesure standardisĂ©s utilisĂ©s auprĂšs de personnes ayant eu un accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral par les ergothĂ©rapeutes en Suisse romande ; et 2) de dĂ©crire leur perception de facteurs facilitant ou entravant la sĂ©lection et l’utilisation d’instruments de mesure standardisĂ©s. Une enquĂȘte par questionnaire postal et en ligne a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e. Soixante-sept ergothĂ©rapeutes y ont rĂ©pondu. Quarante (60 %) participants ont indiquĂ© utiliser des instruments de mesure standardisĂ©s et en ont citĂ© 45 diffĂ©rents. Les versions utilisĂ©es sont Ă  plus de 80 % en français et les participants indiquent ne pas savoir si ces derniĂšres sont validĂ©es dans un tiers des cas. Enfin, les participants estiment que l’accĂšs aux informations et aux instruments de mesure en français est mauvais. Les acteurs de la recherche et du dĂ©veloppement de mĂȘme que ceux de la formation devraient mettre en Ɠuvre des stratĂ©gies permettant de faciliter la sĂ©lection et l’utilisation d’instruments de mesure par les ergothĂ©rapeutes francophones de Suisse

    Validation transculturelle du « Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire’07 » Ă  la population francophone d’Europe: le QTAC-FE

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    Introduction. Le questionnaire parental Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire’07 (DCDQ’07) est un instrument de mesure fiable et valide pour dĂ©pister le trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC) chez les enfants. La version pour la population francophone d’Europe du DCDQ’07, le Questionnaire du Trouble de l'Acquisition de la Coordination (QTAC-FE), produite suivant une procĂ©dure reconnue d’adaptation transculturelle, comporte des diffĂ©rences linguistiques et culturelles avec la version originale, raison pour laquelle il est importe d’étudier ses qualitĂ©s mĂ©trologiques. But. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  Ă©valuer la fidĂ©litĂ© inter-langue, la cohĂ©rence interne et la validitĂ© de constuit du QTAC-FE. MĂ©thode. Des parents d’enfants (Ăąge moyen (Ă©cart-type) = 8,8 (2,8)) avec suivi en ergothĂ©rapie en raison de faibles habiletĂ©s de coordination motrice (n=8) et sans suivi et sans difficultĂ©s motrices connues (n=22) ont rempli le QTAC-FE et le DCDQ’07 dans un ordre alĂ©atoire, avec un intervalle moyen de prĂšs de 40 jours. RĂ©sultats. La concordance des rĂ©sultats pour les trois facteurs et le rĂ©sultat total entre les deux versions est Ă©levĂ©e (coefficients de corrĂ©lation intraclasse = 0,88 – 0,91). Toutefois, la moyenne des rĂ©sultats obtenus avec le QTAC-FE est significativement supĂ©rieure Ă  celle obtenue avec le DCDQ’07. Le QTAC-FE distingue les deux groupes d'enfants avec et sans suivi en ergothĂ©rapie et la cohĂ©rence interne de ses items est excellente (alpha de Cronbach = 0,94). Conclusion. Le QTAC-FE est une traduction fiable du DCDQ’07 pour un usage auprĂšs d’une population francophone d’Europe

    Measuring objective physical activity in people with chronic low back pain using accelerometers: a scoping review

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    PurposeAccelerometers can be used to objectively measure physical activity. They could be offered to people with chronic low back pain (CLBP) who are encouraged to maintain an active lifestyle. The aim of this study was to examine the use of accelerometers in studies of people with CLBP and to synthesize the main results regarding the measurement of objective physical activity.MethodsA scoping review was conducted following Arksey and O'Malley's framework. Relevant studies were collected from 4 electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, CINHAL, Web of Science) between January 2000 and July 2023. Two reviewers independently screened all studies and extracted data.Results40 publications out of 810 citations were included for analysis. The use of accelerometers in people with CLBP differed across studies; the duration of measurement, physical activity outcomes and models varied, and several limitations of accelerometry were reported. The main results of objective physical activity measures varied and were sometimes contradictory. Thus, they question the validity of measurement methods and provide the opportunity to discuss the objective physical activity of people with CLBP.ConclusionsAccelerometers have the potential to monitor physical performance in people with CLBP; however, important technical limitations must be overcome

    Biotransformation of the triketone herbicide Mesotrione by a Bacillus strain. Metabolite profiling using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry.

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    The metabolic pathway involved in the biotransformation of the herbicide mesotrione by the bacterial strain Bacillus sp. 3B6 was investigated by a reliable liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-QTOF-MS) method. The LC/ESI-MS method, both in positive and negative mode, with the assistance of MS2 fragments and isotopic pattern analyses, allowed us to identify five metabolites. This work constitutes the first complete monitoring of mesotrione degradation kinetics. Among the transformation products found by both techniques, one was formed by intramolecular cyclization between a hydroxylamine and a keto function, which is quite a rare biological reactivity process. For each identified metabolite, a fragmentation pathway is proposed for negative and positive mod

    Quelles bibliothĂšques publiques pour demain ? Etat des lieux et perspectives, en France et Ă  l’étranger

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    La BibliothĂšque de la Part-Dieu a 40 ans ! Cet anniversaire est l’occasion de rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  l’histoire des bibliothĂšques publiques, mais surtout Ă  leur avenir : quelles grandes Ă©volutions ont marquĂ© ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies ? Quels paramĂštres prendre en compte pour construire ou rĂ©nover des structures ? Quels visages auront Ă  l’avenir les rĂ©seaux d’établissements ? Quels services novateurs permettront de rĂ©pondre aux attentes du public ? L’enjeu pour les bibliothĂšques est de continuer Ă  remplir pleinement leur rĂŽle de service public dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir : Ă  quoi ressembleront demain les bibliothĂšques publiques ? Souhaitant porter un regard pluraliste sur l’avenir des bibliothĂšques, cette journĂ©e donnera la parole Ă  des historiens, architectes, responsables de projets, et Ă  des professionnels, de France ou d’autres horizons

    Finger creases lend a hand in Kabuki syndrome.

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    International audienceKabuki syndrome (KS) is a rare syndrome associating malformations with intellectual deficiency and numerous visceral, orthopedic, endocrinological, immune and autoimmune complications. The early establishment of a diagnostic of KS leads to better care of the patients and therefore prevents complications such as perception deafness, severe complications of auto-immune diseases or obesity. However, the diagnosis of KS remains difficult because based on the appreciation of facial features combined with other highly variable features. We describe a novel sign, namely the attenuation and/or congenital absence of the IPD crease of the third and fourth fingers associated with limitation of flexion of the corresponding joints, which seems to be specific of KS and could help the clinician to diagnose KS

    Developmental trajectories of neuroanatomical alterations associated with the 16p11.2 Copy Number Variations

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