1,166 research outputs found

    Revealing the History of the Isthmus of Chignecto: Toward Truth and Reconciliation

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    Chignecto, the border region between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, is a central region of Mi’kma’ki, linking the Atlantic seaboard to the Wulstuk, the St. John River region, the interior of the continent, and beyond. It was also the site of prosperous Acadian communities that became embroiled in colonial wars. In 2017, Parks Canada set out to create a new exhibit to tell the many stories of Chignecto, working in collaboration with Mi’kmaq community partners, and drawing upon Parks Canada’s new “Framework for History.” This exhibit’s collaborative research and development process provides an example of the challenges and the potential of such an approach to public history.Chignectou, la région frontalière entre la Nouvelle-Écosse et le Nouveau-Brunswick, est le territoire principal du Mi’kma’ki qui relie la côte atlantique à Wulstuk, à la région du fleuve Saint- Jean, à l’intérieur du continent et plus loin encore. Ce territoire est également le site des communautés acadiennes prospères qui ont été entrainées dans les guerres coloniales. En 2017, en collaboration avec les partenaires de la communauté mi’kmaque, Parcs Canada a entrepris la création d’une nouvelle exposition de nombreux récits de Chignectou, fondée sur le concept « Cadre de l’histoire et de la commémoration » de Parcs Canada. La recherche collaborative de l’exposition et son processus d’élaboration offrent un exemple des enjeux et des possibilités d’une telle approche de l’histoire publique

    Disability and parenting : the experiences of four women with disability

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    Women with disability are said to experience double discrimination, and their role as mothers augments their experiences of disablement. This qualitative research explores the intertwining and complex factors that emerge from the narratives of four disabled mothers in a Maltese cultural context. Interviews were conducted with four mothers who have different impairments. The findings from the narratives are presented using a life course approach. In the analysis of the data, social factors were found to impinge on the experiences of mothers with disability to a greater extent than impairment-related factors. These social factors comprise the immediate support networks of each mother, as well as wider cultural factors pertaining to being a mother with disability in Malta. The responses of the four mothers to these factors the stigma and misconceptions about the inability of disabled women to be mothers while at the same time, particularly mothering.peer-reviewe

    Constructing sexual identities : people with intellectual disability talking about sexuality

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    This paper presented research undertaken in collaboration with a self-advocacy group using inclusive research methods and puts forward the views of people with intellectual disability on the topics of sexuality and relationships. The paper presents the perceptions of sexuality of the people with intellectual disability and how these are influenced by social and cultural norms. Using Judith Butler’s concept of performativity, the analysis of the findings shows how some people with intellectual disability accept the sexual norms that are ascribed to them, while others resist them. The paper also shows how the inclusive research process itself enabled the people with intellectual disability who took part to articulate their acceptance or resistance of these norms.peer-reviewe

    The World of Ancient Art

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    Book Review of The World of Ancient Art / John Boardman.--ISBN 0-500-23827-8. Reviewed by Anne Marie Lane

    Galaxy Zoo : 3D – crowdsourced bar, spiral, and foreground star masks for MaNGA target galaxies

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    Funding: Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions. We gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation’s support of the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium’s REU program through grants AST-1005024 and AST-1950797, the KINSC (Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Centre) at Haverford College for Summer Scholar funding, and the Ogden Trust, UK for support for summer undergraduate internships.The challenge of consistent identification of internal structure in galaxies – in particular disc galaxy components like spiral arms, bars, and bulges – has hindered our ability to study the physical impact of such structure across large samples. In this paper we present Galaxy Zoo: 3D (GZ:3D) a crowdsourcing project built on the Zooniverse platform that we used to create spatial pixel (spaxel) maps that identify galaxy centres, foreground stars, galactic bars, and spiral arms for 29 831 galaxies that were potential targets of the MaNGA survey (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory, part of the fourth phase of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys or SDSS-IV), including nearly all of the 10 010 galaxies ultimately observed. Our crowdsourced visual identification of asymmetric internal structures provides valuable insight on the evolutionary role of non-axisymmetric processes that is otherwise lost when MaNGA data cubes are azimuthally averaged. We present the publicly available GZ:3D catalogue alongside validation tests and example use cases. These data may in the future provide a useful training set for automated identification of spiral arm features. As an illustration, we use the spiral masks in a sample of 825 galaxies to measure the enhancement of star formation spatially linked to spiral arms, which we measure to be a factor of three over the background disc, and how this enhancement increases with radius.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Antiprotozoal Activities of Organic Extracts from French Marine Seaweeds

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    Marine macrophytes contain a variety of biologically active compounds, some reported to have antiprotozoal activity in vitro. As a part of a screening program to search for new natural antiprotozoals, we screened hydroalcoholic and ethyl acetate extracts of 20 species of seaweeds from three phyla (Rhodophyta, Heterokontophyta and Chlorophyta), sampled along the Normandy (France) coast. We tested them in vitro against the protozoa responsible for three major endemic parasitic diseases: Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania donovani and Trypanosoma cruzi. The selectivity of the extracts was also evaluated by testing on a mammalian cell line (L6 cells). Ethyl acetate extracts were more active than hydroalcoholic ones. Activity against T. cruzi and L. donovani was non-existent to average, but almost half the extracts showed good activity against P. falciparum. The ethyl acetate extract of Mastocarpus stellatus showed the best antiplasmodial activity as well as the best selectivity index (IC50 = 2.8 ÎĽg/mL; SI > 30). Interestingly, a red algae species, which shares phylogenetic origins with P. falciparum, showed the best antiplasmodial activity. This study is the first to report comparative antiprotozoal activity of French marine algae. Some of the species studied here have not previously been biologically evaluated

    Airway Epithelial Cell Migration Dynamics: Mmp-9 Role in Cell–Extracellular Matrix Remodeling

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    Cell spreading and migration associated with the expression of the 92-kD gelatinase (matrix metalloproteinase 9 or MMP-9) are important mechanisms involved in the repair of the respiratory epithelium. We investigated the location of MMP-9 and its potential role in migrating human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC). In vivo and in vitro, MMP-9 accumulated in migrating HBEC located at the leading edge of a wound and MMP-9 expression paralleled cell migration speed. MMP-9 accumulated through an actin-dependent pathway in the advancing lamellipodia of migrating cells and was subsequently found active in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Lamellipodia became anchored through primordial contacts established with type IV collagen. MMP-9 became amassed behind collagen IV where there were fewer cell–ECM contacts. Both collagen IV and MMP-9 were involved in cell migration because when cell–collagen IV interaction was blocked, cells spread slightly but did not migrate; and when MMP-9 activation was prevented, cells remained fixed on primordial contacts and did not advance at all. These observations suggest that MMP-9 controls the migration of repairing HBEC by remodeling the provisional ECM implicated in primordial contacts
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