3,998 research outputs found

    Cuina al buit aplicada a la cocció dels peixos

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    S'estudien les condicions òptimes per a les coccions al buit de peixos amb diferents quantitats d'aigua, proteïnes i greixos en la seva composició. La finalitat d'aquest treball és establir una teoria global que relacioni temps i temperatures per a la cocció al buit dels peixos frescs i congelats, tot tenint en compte si influeix en la cocció l'addició de líquids de domini dins la bossa i analitzant si hi ha diferències entre els peixos frescs i congelats preparats mitjançant aquesta tècnica. Finalment, es presenten aplicacions en forma de receptes.Study of the ideal conditions to apply the vacuum cuisine to the fishes with different quantities of water, proteins and fats in his composition. The purpose of this work is to establish a global theory that relates time and temperatures for cook fresh and frozen fishes, using this newtechnology, bearing in mind if the addition of liquids of domain in the vacuum bag it influences the boiling oh those fishes, and analyzing if there are significant differences between the fresh and frozen fishes prepared by means of this technology. Finally they present applications in the shape of recipes

    Residència d'estudiants a la farinera "la Asunción" (Poblenou, Barcelona)

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    El projecte consisteix en una residència d'estudiants al Poblenou. La parcela del projecte es troba entre els Carrer Llull , el carrer Roc Boronat i el Passatge Masoliver, allà on se situava l'antiga farinera La Assunción. El projecte amb la seva implantació pretén recuperar part de les construccions del recinte fabril, adaptant-les i incorporant-les al nou recinte residencial tot generant un espai públic interior per als usuaris de la residència

    Superconducting transition in polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-x: diving into the meaning of Tc and the excess of electrical conductivity in the normal state

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023, Tutor: Antoni García-SantiagoSuperconductivity is the property of certain materials to conduct direct current electricity without energy loss when they are cooled below a critical temperature . The transition at this temperature is driven by thermal fluctuations, so deciding the exact value of is not a trivial matter. In this work we show different methods that have been used to estimate this temperature and deepen our understanding of the excess conductivity due to fluctuations. We can detect the mean-field, fluctuations, and full critical regions as they change with temperatur

    Fuzziness in Chang's fuzzy topological spaces

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    It is known that fuzziness within the concept of openness of a fuzzy set in a Chang's fuzzy topological space (fts) is absent. In this paper we introduce a gradation of openness for the open sets of a Chang jts (X, T\mathcal{T}) by means of a map σ  :  Ix⟶I(I=[0,1])\sigma\;:\; I^{x}\longrightarrow I\left(I=\left[0,1\right]\right), which is at the same time a fuzzy topology on X in Shostak 's sense. Then, we will be able to avoid the fuzzy point concept, and to introduce an adeguate theory for α\alpha-neighbourhoods and α−Ti\alpha-T_{i} separation axioms which extend the usual ones in General Topology. In particular, our α\alpha-Hausdorff fuzzy space agrees with α\alpha{*} -Rodabaugh Hausdorff fuzzy space when (X, T\mathcal{T}) is interpreservative or α\alpha-locally minimal

    Parental separation and intergenerational support

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    Objective: We investigate support between parents and adult children across families exposed and not exposed to parental separation in Germany, by examining multiple types of support (i.e. emotional, material, and instrumental), both directions of provision (i.e. giving and receiving), and exchanges with mothers and fathers. Background: As parental separation may have implications for parent-child relationships and exchanges, with consequences for individuals' wellbeing, improving our understanding of the association between separation and support exchanges becomes paramount. Method: Using data from the German Family Panel (pairfam, 2009-2016, N=4,340 respondents and 13,481 observations), we estimate a range of support exchanges between parents and children simultaneously using generalized linear regression models with correlated random terms across equations. Additionally, we assess whether these associations vary by the timing at which parental separation occurred and social background. Results: Parental separation is negatively associated with support between parents and children, especially for fathers. However, no significant differences emerge between mothers who separated and mothers who did not in receiving material support from their children. The negative associations between parental separation and support between child and fathers are lower if parental separation occurs when the child is an adult. Further, when mothers are highly educated, separation has a less negative association with downward material support. Conclusion: Overall, lower intergenerational assistance among families experiencing separation suggests increasing disadvantage for those already disadvantaged

    A Note on Fixed Fuzzy Points for Fuzzy Mappings

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    We prove a fixed fuzzy point theorem for fuzzy contraction mappings (in the S. Heilpern’s sense) over a complete metric space, and as a consequence we obtain a fixed point theorem in the context of intuitionistic fuzzy sets

    A comparative study of calibration methods for low-cost ozone sensors in IoT platforms

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper shows the result of the calibration process of an Internet of Things platform for the measurement of tropospheric ozone (O 3 ). This platform, formed by 60 nodes, deployed in Italy, Spain, and Austria, consisted of 140 metal–oxide O 3 sensors, 25 electro-chemical O 3 sensors, 25 electro-chemical NO 2 sensors, and 60 temperature and relative humidity sensors. As ozone is a seasonal pollutant, which appears in summer in Europe, the biggest challenge is to calibrate the sensors in a short period of time. In this paper, we compare four calibration methods in the presence of a large dataset for model training and we also study the impact of a limited training dataset on the long-range predictions. We show that the difficulty in calibrating these sensor technologies in a real deployment is mainly due to the bias produced by the different environmental conditions found in the prediction with respect to those found in the data training phase.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    L'autoavaluació en projectes d'enginyeria: prova pilot en expressió gràfica a l'ESEIAAT

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    Es presenta una comunicació sobre l’Autoavaluació en projectes d’Enginyeria. És un projecte pilot començat el curs 2017-18 i que s’ha continuat en aquest curs 2018-19, en el qual els alumnes d’Expressió Gràfica s’autoavaluen. La investigació comença amb una enquesta completada pels alumnes després d’haver realitzat i presentat un projecte d’Expressió Gràfica que engloba tots els continguts i competències que adquireixen al llarg de l’assignatura. Tot i que en l’enquesta es pregunta també pel treball en equip i pel conjunt de l’assignatura, ens centrarem amb les dades corresponents al projecte, que és un treball de grup. Els alumnes hauran de valorar els seus aprenentatges de diferents competències de l’Expressió Gràfica com són: la representació de peces, l’acotació, els talls i seccions i el coneixement de geometria 3D. L’autoavaluació encara no és una avaluació vinculant, però ajuda a arribar a una valoració més consensuada, tenint en compte primerament l’avaluació del docent, sense menystenir la que realitza el propi alumn

    Factors affecting the sorption of perfluoroalkyl substances in biochars and other carbon-rich byproducts

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    Biochar is the solid byproduct obtained after the pyrolysis process of biomass waste, and it is usually applied in agricultural soils to increase soil organic carbon, and improve soil structure and water retention, among other benefits. As long as it has been demonstrated that biochar successfully sorbs either organic and inorganic pollutants, the investigation of other potential applications, such as water remediation, are of increasing interest (1). Similarly, other carbon-rich byproducts such as compost or coal fines are supposed to have similar properties than biochar. In this study, the sorption properties of biochars of different characteristics have been investigated and compared with those of other carbon-rich materials. As target compounds, we have used perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), which are pollutants of concern because of their high bioaccumulation, extreme persistence and toxic properties, and widespread in different environmental compartments, among them soils and waters (2). Sorption parameters of seven PFASs with different perfluorinated chain length have been determined in biochar, compost and coal fines, using batch experiments according to the OECD 106 guidelines. Biochars of different biomass wastes were obtained by slow pyrolysis at 350oC and a rate of 5oC min-1, achieving biochar yields between 40% and 90% depending on the feedstock (3). The effect of various experimental conditions (contact time, initial PFASs concentration, pH and composition of contact solution) in the sorption capacity of the materials was evaluated. Sorption was slightly faster for the long-chain PFASs, with more that 90% of sorption of PFNA in 24 h in all materials. For longer times, in almost all materials, a 100% of sorption was reached. Linear isotherms were obtained for all the PFASs in all materials in a wide range of concentrations, allowing the calculation of a solid-liquid distribution coefficient (Kd) and a solid-liquid distribution coefficient referred to the organic carbon of the material (Koc) for every PFAS-material combination. Similarly, in a previous work (4), linear isotherms were also obtained for the same PFASs in soils, using similar experimental conditions. The sorption process in all matrices was considerably irreversible, especially for the long chain PFASs. The obtained log Koc values for each PFAS in each material were successfully correlated with the number of CF2 units of the alkyl chain and the log Kow values of the PFASs, which suggest that hydrophobic interaction is the main mechanism controlling PFASs sorption in biochar and other carbon-rich materials. Moreover, the sorption of PFASs in the materials was negatively correlated with the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of the aqueous solution, which was attributed to a competitive sorption process of PFASs with the dissolved organic matter. Therefore, materials with low DOC, as is the case of most biochars, are the best candidates for PFASs sorption. Low pH values and high cationic content of the aqueous solution also contribute to a decrease of DOC and, therefore, leads to optimum PFASs sorption in the material. (1) M. Ahmad et. al. Biochar as a sorbent for contaminant management in soil and water: A review. Chemosphere 99 (2014) 19 – 33. (2) K. Prevedouros, I.T. Cousins, R.C. Buck, S.H. Korzeniowski. Sources, fate and transport of perfluorocarboxylates. Environmental Science & Technology 40(1) (2006) 32 – 44. (3) M.E. Doumer et. al. Slow pyrolysis of different Brazilian waste biomasses as sources of soil conditioners and energy, and for environmental protection. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 113 (2015) 431 – 443. (4) J. Milinovic, S. Lacorte, M. Vidal, A. Rigol. Sorption behaviour of perfluoroalkyl substances in soils. Science of the Total Environment 511 (2015) 63 – 71
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