48 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this research were to find out the effectiveness of using Buzzword Technique in the Teaching of Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Studentsā€™ of SMPN 1 Turatea Jeneponto Regency and to know the studentsā€™ interest in using Buzzword. This research employed quasi-experimental design with two group pre-test and post-test design. There were two variables in this research; they were independent variable (Using Buzzword Technique) and dependent variable (Teaching Studentsā€™ Vocabulary). The population of this research was the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Tutarea Jeneponto Regency academic year 2015/2016 which consisted of 103 students. The sample of the research consisted of 40 students which were taken by using Purposive Sampling, 20 students from VII.5 as the experimental class and 20 students from VII.1 as the control class. Ā There were two kinds of instruments in this research, they were test and questionnaire. Test was used in pre-test and post-test, and questionnaire was used to know the interest of the students after conducted the post test. The data indicated that there was a significant difference between the studentsā€™ post-test in experimental class and that in control class.Ā  The mean score of post-test (80.6) in experimental class was greater than the mean score of post-test (69.2) in control class. The standard deviation of post-test (7.92) in experimental class and the standard deviation of post-test in control class (13,04). From t-test, the researcher found that the value of t-test (3.34) was greater than t-table (2.086) at the level of significance 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = 38. Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher suggested that Buzzword Technique could be used in teaching studentsā€™ vocabulary. So the researcher concluded that using Buzzword Technique was effective and interesting in teaching Vocabulary

    Using Buzzword Technique in the Teaching of Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Studentsā€™ of SMPN 1 Turatea Jeneponto Regency

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    There were two kinds of instruments in this research, they were test and questionnaire. Test was used in pre-test and post-test, and questionnaire was used to know the interest of the students after conducted the post test. The data indicated that there was a significant difference between the studentsā€™ post-test in experimental class and that in control class. The mean score of post-test (80.6) in experimental class was greater than the mean score of post-test (69.2) in control class. The standard deviation of post-test (7.92) in experimental class and the standard deviation of post-test in control class (13,04). From t-test, the researcher found that the value of t-test (3.34) was greater than t-table (2.086) at the level of significance 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = 38. Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher suggested that Buzzword Technique could be used in teaching studentsā€™ vocabulary. So the researcher concluded that using Buzzword Technique was effective and interesting in teaching Vocabulary

    Desain Kapal Transportasi Wisata Antar Pulau dengan Bahan Bakar Hibrida di Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Kepulauan Anambas merupakan salah satu kepulauan eksotis yang sempat mendapat pengakuan dari CNN pada tahun 2012 sebagai pulau tropis terindah se-Asia. Namun, permasalahan yang ada adalah transportasi menuju pulau-pulau produktif masih menggunakan perahu motor sederhana sekali jalan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan transportasi yang mempermudah pendatang untuk berwisata tak lupa juga memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan di Kepulauan Anambas, seperti mengurangi pemakaian mesin yang menghasilkan emisi dan beralih pada teknologi alternatif ramah lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengurangi penggunaan kapal konvensional yang menggunakan bahan bakar fosil dan digantikan dengan bahan bakar hibrida yang mengkombinasikan diesel oil dengan Hydrogen Fuel Cell yang langsung diproduksi on-board dari air laut serta menciptakan transportasi wisata antar pulau yang sekaligus menjadi sarana berwisata bagi wisatawan. Desain kapal yang dihasilkan memenuhi analisis teknis yang meliputi stabilitas, trim, dan freeboard. Kapal didesain memiliki 44 orang penumpang, 6 orang crew, dengan ukuran utama Panjang (Lpp): 23 m; Lebar (B): 6 m; Tinggi (H): 3 m; Sarat (T): 1.7 m; Kecepatan (Vs): 8 knot dengan rute pulau Tarempa dan pulau Palmatak. Tiket yang ditawarkan dengan dua jenis yaitu, high season seharga Rp325.000 dan low season seharga Rp250.000 dengan lama perjalanan selama 1.5 jam. Didapatkan hasil perhitungan kelayakan investasi dengan nilai net present value (NPV) yaitu Rp3.966.030.264 nilai internal rate return (IRR) yaitu 19%, dan payback period selama 4 tahun 3 bulan

    Manajemn Sistem Pergudangan/Warehouse Peralatan Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau Berbasis Komputerisasi

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    The warehouse management is a system to manage a storage and handling of goods and material, which are stored and distributed in a right time, amount and the specification. The Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau is equipped with goods and material to support its activities. Hence, it is needed a system to manage the storage and handling of such equipments in optimal manner. Recently, the warehousingat the Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau has been used the manual system. Subsequent, there was not optimal to manage activities in the laboratory such as time consuming, mess of storage, difficulty in finding data equipments, etc. This research aim is to design and develop a warehouse management system of the Laboratory in Mechanical Engineering, Riau University. A method of 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) and the warehouse laboratory based information system were implemented in this research. Stages to construct the information system of warehouse management were: the design of database system, the menu structure, sub-systems and the display model of interface system (users interface). This systemwas developed using the programming language of the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL as the database. The information system of laboratory based-computerization was useful for managing and monitoring the activities in Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering in form of incoming or outgoing the data of goods and material. While, the design of warehouse layout of facilities in laboratory of Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau used the 5S method, was produced clean and neatly arranged of the equipments and tools


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pembiayaan akad Musyarakah Mutanaqishah pada KPR Syariah Subsidi di Bank 9 Jambi Syariah, dan ingin mengetahui kendala yang ada dalam pelaksanaan pembiayaan akad Musyarakah Mutanaqisah pada KPR Syariah Subsidi di Bank 9 Jambi Syariah. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan pemimpin dan karyawan Bank 9 Jambi Syariah dan serta mengumpulkan data yang bekaitan dengan masalah penulis. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengatakan bahwa penerapan akad Musyarakah Mutanaqisah dalam produk KPR Syariah Subsidi sudah sesuai dengan peraturan dengan fatwa MUItentang musyarakah mutanaqisah. Adapun kendala yang sering dihadapi dalam akad musyarakah yaitu kurangnya minat nasabah dalam melakukan pembiayaan akad Musyarakah Mutanaqisah dikarenakan sedikit sulit untuk pelaksanaan pembayaran pokok, hishah, ujrah dan proses pengajuan pembiayaan akad ini sehingga adanya pembiayaan macet, dan kurangnya sosialisasi kepada nasabah dalam penerapan akad ini dimana kebanyakan nasabah menggunakan akad murabahah dalam melakukan pembiayaan dimana modal sepenuhnya milik nasabah dalam melakukan pembiayaan namun pada akad Musyarakah Mutanaqisah terdapat pembagian modal antara nasabah dan bank dalam melakukan pembiayaan KPR yang mana menyebabkan konsep Musyarakah Mutanaqisah kurang berjalan dibanding akad lainnya. Dan adanya ketidaksesuaian kepemilikan aset dalam akad MMQ

    Development of Few Significant SNP Markers from Transcriptomic Data for Selection of Sengon (Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) Resistant to Boktor Stem Borer and Gall Rust Disease

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    Sengon (Falcataria falcata (L.) Greuter & R. Rankin) plantations in Indonesia are threatened by attacks from Boktor stem borers and gall rust disease. Controlling pests and diseases is difficult; therefore, planting resistant trees obtained from tree selection programs is necessary. Currently, genomic breeding often incorporates GWAS, which uses thousands of SNP markers to identify markers with significant associations with the traits studied. This study aimed to bypass such expensive studies by identifying and developing SNP markers from sequences of putative resistance genes to Boktor stem borer and gall rust disease, identified from sengon transcriptomic data analysis. A total of 496,194 putative SNP sites were identified from transcriptomic sequences using the SAMtools and BFCtools programs, of which 119 SNP sites were associated with resistance genes. Of the 101 non-synonymous SNPs selected, only 12 were located in the conserved domain of each gene and were used for primer design. Of the 13 primers designed, only 10 were successfully amplified. Validation of 10 developed SNP markers on 100 sengon accessions using the HRM method confirmed a significant association between SNP markers and resistance traits, with a -log 10 (P-value) between 10.49 and 16.63. A few SNPs markers developed from putative resistance gene sequences are associated with resistance traits in sengon. Therefore, the SNP markers could be applied in selection programs for sengon trees resistant to Boktor stem borers and gall rust disease

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Learning tipe Make a Match berbasis PPT pada Siswa Di SMPN 13 Mataram

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    Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan metode make a match berbasis media PPT pada siswa SMP Negeri 13 Mataram serta untuk mengetahui Faktor Penghambat, Faktor Pendukung dan solusi dalam penerapan metode make a match. dan upaya atau solusi untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik. Solusinya adalah dengan memberikan metode yang tepat ketika sedang menyampaikan pembelajaran dikelas yaitu salah satumya dengan menerapkan metode make a match. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah sosialisasi dengan cara ceramah dan diskusi. Metode sosialisasi digunakan untuk memberikan informasi atau pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa tentang penerapan metode make a match berbasis PPT pada siswa di SMPN 13 Mataram. Diskusi digunakan dalam rangka mencari solusi atau upaya untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik di SMPN 13 Mataram. Kegiatan sosialisasi di sekolah menunjukkan hasil sebagaimana yang diharapkan.Hal tersebut didukung oleh beberapa faktor: (1) urgensi materi yang disampaikan oleh tim pelaksanaan sosialisai dalam rangka pengembangan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Learning tipe Make a Match berbasis PPT pada Siswa Di SMPN 13 Mataram (2) Adanya dukungan dari pihak Kepala SMPN 13 Mataram dan para khalayak sasaran kegiatan. Sementara faktor penghambat tidak menjadi penghalang namun bisa diatasi oleh tim pelaksana pengabdian, sehingga kegiatan pengabdian dapat terlaksana dan mencapai hasil sebagaimana diharapkan


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    This study aims to examine the potential of tourism objects, development feasibility, visitor assessment of aspects of travel satisfaction, services and conditions of infrastructure, as well as visitor participation in conservation and the environment. This research was conducted using the analysis method of Analysis of Operation Areas of Natural Tourism Objects and Attractions (AOA-NTOA) and descriptive analysis using survey and interview methods. The research instrument used is the Guidelines for AOA-NTOA issued by the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. The results showed that Sipinsur Nature Tourism has three potentials, namely; 1) The beauty of natural scenery with a cool mountain microclimate, the diversity of various types of aesthetic flora and fauna, namely various species of aesthetic trees such as Sumatran pine (Pinus merkusii) and red shoot tree (Syzygium oleana), various palms, and flower plants; 2) Various exotic fauna such as wild cats and eagles; 3) Camping ground area as a center for adventure tourism activities. The results of the development feasibility analysis were declared feasible to be developed into a more developed tourist attraction with an average feasibility index of 73.98%. Visitors' assessment of the aspect of travel satisfaction shows that the majority visit more than 1 time and disseminate information to other parties. The majority of visitors (80.1%) get information about Sipinsurā€™s natural attractions from friends/relatives. The majority of visits were carried out in groups (96%), namely with groups of friends/professionals 56.56% and family (42.42%). As many as 78.78% of visitors make Sipinsur the main destination, with the most visit duration between 2-4 hours (34.34%). In the aspect of visitor assessment of the service and condition of facilities and infrastructure of tourism objects, the majority of visitors rate like/interested/good, some rate very like/very good/very interested, and only a few rate less good / less attractive on the overall assessment indicators. For the aspect of visitor participation in conservation and the environment, it shows that the majority of visitors reject various irresponsible behaviors and actions and are willing to participate in conservation efforts and preservation of the surrounding environment. The development feasibility analysis was declared feasible to be developed into a more developed tourist attraction. Assessment of tourism satisfaction aspects shows that the majority visit more than once and disseminate information to other parties. The majority of visitors like and have a good impression of aspects of service, facilities, and infrastructure. For the aspect of participation in conservation and the environment, it shows that the majority of visitors are aware of the responsibility and willing to participate

    A crowd-sourcing approach for the construction of species-specific cell signaling networks

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    Motivation: Animal models are important tools in drug discovery and for understanding human biology in general. However, many drugs that initially show promising results in rodents fail in later stages of clinical trials. Understanding the commonalities and differences between human and rat cell signaling networks can lead to better experimental designs, improved allocation of resources and ultimately better drugs. Results: The sbv IMPROVER Species-Specific Network Inference challenge was designed to use the power of the crowds to build two species-specific cell signaling networks given phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics and cytokine data generated from NHBE and NRBE cells exposed to various stimuli. A common literature-inspired reference network with 220 nodes and 501 edges was also provided as prior knowledge from which challenge participants could add or remove edges but not nodes. Such a large network inference challenge not based on synthetic simulations but on real data presented unique difficulties in scoring and interpreting the results. Because any prior knowledge about the networks was already provided to the participants for reference, novel ways for scoring and aggregating the results were developed. Two human and rat consensus networks were obtained by combining all the inferred networks. Further analysis showed that major signaling pathways were conserved between the two species with only isolated components diverging, as in the case of ribosomal S6 kinase RPS6KA1. Overall, the consensus between inferred edges was relatively high with the exception of the downstream targets of transcription factors, which seemed more difficult to predict. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin