5,929 research outputs found

    Penagruh Proses Belajar, Motivasi dan Kepribadian terhadap Persepsi Manajer Atas Informasi Akuntansi Keuangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji bagaimana pengaruh proses belajar, motivasi, dan kepribadian mempengaruhi persepsi manajer atas informasi akuntansi keuangan dan pengaruh persepsi manajer atas informasi akuntansi keuangan berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan USAha kecil menengah keramik Dinoyo kecamatan Lowokwaru kota Malang. Metode analisa data adalah regresi berganda, pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria tertentu atau purposive sampling terdapat 50 sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara simultan, variabel proses belajar (x1), motivasi (x2) dan kepribadian (x3) pengaruh positif terhadap persepsi manajer atas informasi akuntansi keuangan (Y). Dari ketiga variabel yang berpengauh signifikan terhadap persepsi manajer atas informasi akuntansi keuangan adalah proses belaja


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    This final project report is written based on the job training that which was carried out by the writer at SD Negeri 11 Ngringo, Jaten. The purposes of the project are to describe the process, method and the problems and the solution in teaching and learning process to improve reading skill for the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 11 Ngringo, Jaten, including its problems faced by the students and also the solutions for those problems. In writing this final report, the writer collected the data by observing the class, interviewing to the students, library study and directly teaching in the classroom. The writer found difficulties aced by students in the way to read the text covering the pronunciation and understanding the text. The writer used direct method in teaching and learning process. Moreover, the writer taught them systematically based on the lesson plan. It consist of three main steps namely, Pre Teaching, the process of teaching implementation and closing activity of the lesson. Pre-teaching was beginning activity of the lesson. The process of teaching implementation was the main steps of teacher duties that consisted of four steps namely, Building Knowledge of Field, Modeling Text, Join Construction and Individual Construction. The third step was closing activity where the writer could assess whether the objective of the lesson was adequately reached or not. Based on the job training experience, it can be concluded that the problems faced by fifth grade students in learning reading were from the students itself such as the low students’ interest and motivation. So, they were difficult to pronounce and understand the text. The writer tried to solve this problem by creating fun and communicative situation in the class related on the skill learned


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    This article describe about language varieties in multilingual communities in the norm context . The paper are contains: (1) Introduction (2) Speech Community and Linguistic Repertoire (3) Domain of Language Use (4) Diglossia (5) Polyglossia (7) Code Mixing (8) Code Switching (9) Conclusion. The writer want to explain about varieties of language in daily conversation

    How do individuals in the UK experience recovery from prescribed benzodiazepine dependence and what helped?

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    Background: Benzodiazepines are a class of drug prescribed mainly for anxiety and insomnia. Since 1988, UK guidelines have warned not to prescribe benzodiazepines for longer than 2-4 weeks, because they cause dependence and withdrawal symptoms that can last months to years. Despite this, an estimated 72% of prescriptions between 2015-18 in England exceeded 4 weeks. There is a lack of services available in the UK to support individuals struggling with dependence and withdrawal, and limited scientific literature available on the experience of, and how to support individuals with, recovery from benzodiazepine dependence. Aims: This study aims to explore the experience of recovery from prescribed benzodiazepine dependence, what individuals found helpful during the recovery process, and their views on what future services should look like. Methods: Qualitative data was collected through semi structured interviews with seven participants who were prescribed benzodiazepines for at least 4 weeks, struggled with stopping or withdrawal symptoms, and stopped taking benzodiazepines at least one year ago. Interview transcripts were analysed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis within a phenomenological framework. Results: Four themes were developed, which cover: (1) facing disbelief and failures in the healthcare system and consequent calls for improved education; (2) receiving and providing peer support; (3) the changing relationship to withdrawal symptoms during recovery, strategies used to cope with symptoms, and the persistence of post-withdrawal symptoms long after stopping; (4) severe suffering that can impact many different areas of life, can lead to enduring trauma, and requires holistic support. Conclusion: This study demonstrates how some benzodiazepine patients endure severe suffering that can be unnecessarily exacerbated by disbelief and failures in the healthcare system, resulting in trauma and distrust of healthcare professionals. This situation could be improved by believing and validating patient experiences, so appropriate care can be received and further harm avoided. Counselling Psychologists may particularly need to focus on establishing trust, providing validation, and advocating for this client group. The findings further point to a need for improved education, commissioning of specialist services and a national helpline, updated NICE guidance, and improved monitoring of prescribing behaviour

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Mandiri Syariah Dengan Metode Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governace, Earnings and Capital

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    The purpose of this research is to see the soundness level of Bank Syariah Mandiri with the method of Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings and Capital. The research method uses quantitative methods. Production factors in the RGEC method are the risk profile using credit risk (NPF), liquidity risk (FDR), income (ROA, ROE and BOPO) and capital (CAR). On the results of Good Corporate Governance using data processed and obtained from PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri. The object of this research is PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri. The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling. This research period is 2013-2017. The data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative descriptive and using the RGEC method (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings and Car), as for the benchmarks to determine the soundness level of a bank after each examination, namely by determining the results of the study classified into the bank's health rating. The results showed that the health of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri which uses the Risk Profile approach, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, and Capital as a whole can be said that Bank Syariah Mandiri is a fairly healthy bank

    The Impact of Credit Diversification on Credit Risk and Performance of Indonesian Banks

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    This study aims to identify the effect of credit diversification in the economic sector on credit risk and performance of commercial banks in Indonesia. Multiple linear regression is used to determine the effect of credit diversification on credit risk and banking performance. The data used in this study is the aggregated financial statements of commercial banks inIndonesia during the 2015-2018. The results indicate that credit diversification based on the economic sector has a significant effect on increasing the profitability of commercial banks in Indonesia. The credit diversification based on the economic sector also has a significant effect in reducing credit risk. Two control variables, namely company size and banking liquidity have a significant negative effect on profitability respectively. In the case of credit risk, the company size hasapositive effect, while the banking liquidity has no effect. These findings support the traditional banking theory which states that banks that diversify their credit portfolios can reduce the credit risk and increase profitability

    Financing Diversification and Profitability of Islamic Banking in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic bank financing diversification based on economic sectors and based on the type of use on profitability. This study uses financing data for Islamic Banks and Islamic Business Units in 2014-2018. The data in this study are the times series data. Data analyzed by used multiple linear regression analyses. This research provides that results that the HHI of diversification of Islamic bank financing based on the economic sector is positively related to increasing the profitability of Islamic banks. It means diversification of financing based on high economic sectors, has an impact on reducing the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. While the HHI of diversification of financing by type of use give a significant influence in increasing the profitability of Islamic banks in a negative direction. If Islamic banking only focuses on channeling financing to the consumption sector, it can have an impact on decreasing profitability. So that Islamic banking needs to equalize the distribution of consumption to the working capital and investment sectors. The results of this study are interesting because it can be used as a reference for Islamic banking in determining the policy of diversification of financing to obtain high profitability with low risk


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that  effect the revenue margin murabaha in Bank Syariah Mandiri as well as to identify factors that significantly influence the revenue margin murabaha. Data analysis technique used is using multiple linear regression. The population used in this study the financial statements of Bank Syariah Mandiri. Sampling with saturated sampling method. This study using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 16. The results using the F test showed that simultaneous independent variable profitability, third party funds, the overhead, the BI rate and the inflation effect on revenue margin murabaha. Partial results obtained using the t test profitability, third party funds, overhead, BI rate effect on revenue margin murabaha. This is evidenced by a smaller significance level of 0.05 is the profitability of 0.006, third party funds 0.049, 0.049 overhead costs, BI rate 0.003. While inflation variable does not effect the revenue margin murabaha with significance of 0.642 is greater than0.05. Adjust R square the value for 0.424 indicate that revenue murabaha margin can be explained by any study variable, while the rest is explained by other factors that are not included in the study

    Linking rivers in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin: exploring the transboundary effects

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    The following paper explores the possible inter-linkage of the Ganges and Brahmaputra River Basin and analyzes its effect on future water allocation between the upstream country, India, and the downstream country, Bangladesh. We find that water transfer from the Brahmaputra River could be mutually beneficial for both countries. However, the only possible motivation for the richer upstream country, India, to agree to transfer water to the poorer downstream country, Bangladesh, is political altruism. Using a political economy model we find that, if there is a good political relationship between India and Bangladesh, then India could be altruistic toward Bangladesh and transfer more water downstream. Changes in political altruism factor, however, could entice India to exercise unilateral diversion, in which case simulations predict that Bangladesh would incur large environmental damages. Political uncertainty may also result in unilateral diversion of water by India, and could prevent agreement on water transfers from the Brahmaputra. We therefore explore the conditions under which Bangladesh could accept an Indian proposal to transfer water from Brahmaputra, despite political uncertainty.Length: pp.373-395River basin managementRiver basin developmentDevelopment projectsInternational cooperationWater transferWater allocationPlanningFlowSimulation modelsComputer softwareEnvironmental effectsRisks


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    Pembangunan nasional bertumpu pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia dimana produktivitas tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan pembangunan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendidikan, umur, lama kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, upah dan insentif terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja pada industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dan mengetahui faktor yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja pada industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Metode dasar pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive yaitu di Desa Trangsan Kecamatan Gatak Kabupaten Sukoharjo yang merupakan sentra industri rotan. Penentuan sampel industri rotan secara purposive sampling dan teknik pengambilan sampel tiap industri menggunakan simple random sampling. Responden yang diambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 34 tenaga kerja industri rotan dibagian produksi kerangka kursi Bonsun. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi non linear berganda, varaibel yang digunakan adalah pendidikan, umur, lama kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, upah, dan insentif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh persamaan: LnY= 1,968 + 0,100X1 - 1,789X2 + 0,883X3 - 0,211X4 + 0,451X5 + 0,039X6. Persamaan tersebut mempunyai nilai R2 sebesar 0,844 atau 84,4% yang berarti bahwa varian variabel produktivitas tenaga kerja sebesar 84,4% dapat dijelaskan oleh varian variabel pendidikan (X1), umur (X2), lama kerja (X3), jumlah tanggungan keluarga (X4), upah (X5), dan insentif (X6). Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 15,6% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukkan dalam model penelitian ini. Pada uji F dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 yang berarti bahwa variabel-variabel bebas secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja pada industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa variabel umur, lama kerja, dan upah secara individu berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja pada industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Sedangkan variabel pendidikan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, dan insentif secara individu tidak berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja pada industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Variabel umur menjadi faktor yang dominan diantara variabel pendidikan, lama kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga, upah, dan insentif
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