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    Seorang investor memiliki sejumlah pilihan investasi seperti: saham biasa, obligasi, real estate, dan logam berharga. Oleh karena itu, seorang investor pasti mengharapkan hasil dan nilai tambah dari investasi yang ia lakukan. Investasi pada saham merupakan alternatif pilihan investasi bagi seorang investor agar dapat memberikan pengembalian secara teratur berupa deviden dan dapat juga menghasilkan capital gain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah profitabilitas yang dinyatakan dalam Earning Per Share dan Net Profit Margin berpengaruh terhadap perubahan harga saham baik secara parsial maupun multiple. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 18 perusahaan otomotif di PT. Bursa Efek Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil analisa regresi linier berganda maka diperoleh persamaan sebagai berikut: Y= 0,823 + 1,873 X1 + (-1,395) X2, Koefisien regresi EPS (X1) sebesar 1,873 artinya apabila ada kenaikan EPS sebesar satu satuan akan menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan harga saham sebesar 1,873 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap. Koefisien regresi NPM(X2) sebesar -1,395 artinya apabila terjadi peningkatan NPM sebesar satu satuan akan menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan harga saham sebesar -1,395 dengan asumsi variabel yang lain tetap. Hasil uji t menyatakan bahwa untuk variabel EPS diketahui bahwa thitung 2,289 > 2,131, maka variabel EPS (X1) hipotesis H0 ditolak artinya bahwa EPS berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham (Y). NPM diketahui bahwa thitung < ttabel (-1,609 < 2,131), maka untuk variabel NPM (X2) hipotesis diterima artinya bahwa NPM tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham (Y). Hal tersebut dapat disebabkan faktor NPM yang mempunyai nilai negatif yang mengakibatkan tidak ada pengaruh terhadap harga saham dan bahkan menurunkan harga saham. Berdasarkan uji F untuk pengaruh secara bersama-sama, diperoleh Fhitung < Ftabel (2,697 < 3,68), maka variabel EPS, dan NPM secara bersama-sama atau serentak tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham (Y). Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh R² sebesar 0,264 ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel EPS, dan NPM berpengaruh terhadap variabel harga saham sebesar 26,4%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 73,6% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak terdapat di dalam model atau tidak penulis teliti. Dari perhitungan diatas dapat dilihat pengaruh dari kedua variabel yang relatif kecil yang disebabkan oleh tidak berpengaruh variabel NPM

    Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Kompensasi Finansial Dan Non Finansial Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan Pada Cv. Hasan Pratama Karanganyar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : 1) Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh pemberian kompensasi finansial dan non finansial terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan CV. Hasan Pratama Karanganyar. 2) Untuk mengetahui faktor mana yang lebih dominan antara pemberian kompensasi finansial dan non finansial mempengaruhi prestasi kerja karyawan CV. Hasan Pratama Karanganyar. Hipotesis penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut : 1) Diduga ada pengaruh antara kompensasi finansial dan non finansial terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. 2) Diduga kompensasi finansial lebih berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil uji t diperoleh hasil thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (15,436 > 1,960) maka hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kompensasi finansial (X1) mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan dan pemberian kompensasi non finansial (X2) diperoleh hasil thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (4,743 > 1,960) maka hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kompensasi non finansial (X2) mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil uji F test diperoleh Fhitung > Ftabel (50,599 > 2,37), maka Ho ditolak, Berarti secara bersama-sama variabel pemberian kompensasi finansial (X1), dan pemberian kompensasi non finansial (X2) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil R square (R2) sebesar 0,813, berarti ariasi perubahan variabel prestasi kerja karyawan dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel pemberian kompensasi finansial (X1), dan pemberian kompensasi non finansial (X2) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan sebesar 81,3%.Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 18,7% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar model


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    Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Rumah Sakit Daerah di Surakarta. Sampel penelitian ini dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan survei kuesioner. Kuesioner disampaikan kepada 85 responden, sebanyak 70 kuesioner kembali dan 60 kuesioner (71 %) diisi dengan lengkap dan dapat diolah. Data yang dikumpulkan diolah dengan menggunakan analisis path untuk menguji pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi dan akuntabilitas publik terhadap kinerja organisasi. Data diolah dengan bantuan software SPSS for Windows release 17.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) adanya pengaruh langsung budaya organisasi terhadap komitmen organisasi. 2) budaya organisasi dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh langsung terhadap akuntabilitas publik. 3) budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi dan akuntabilitas publik berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja organisasi. 4) pengaruh budaya organisasi dan akuntabilitas publik secara bersama-sama hanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja organisasi. 5) pengaruh komitmen organisasi dan akuntabilitas publik secara bersama-sama hanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja organisasi


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan, bahwa ada beberapa siswa yang mengalami kedisiplinan kurang baik, yang dibuktikan dengan seringnya melanggar aturan sekolah diantaranya tidak membuat pekerjaan rumah, tidak memakai seragam sekolah sesuai aturan, datang terlambat, sering keluar masuk saat jam pelajaran, cabut, membolos dan mencontek saat ujian karena tidak mampu menjawab soal sendiri sehingga mengalami ketinggalan dalam belajar dan memperoleh prestasi belajar yang rendah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif korelatif. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu instrumen angket memakai skala likert dan dokumentasi hasil belajar. Pengkorelasian variabel penelitian menggunakan rumus r product moment, dengan menggunakan Statistic Product and Science Solution (SPSS) versi 22.00


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    ERRORS OF LINGUISTICS COMPONENTS FOUND IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY OF THE S1 STUDENTS&rsquo; THESES Dewi Anggraini English Education Department, Language and Arts Faculty, Surabaya State University. email: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Susanto, M.Pd.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; English Education Department, Language and Arts Faculty, Surabaya State University. &nbsp; Abstrak Membuat kesalahan adalah salah satu hal yang tak dapat dihindari di dunia, terutama di pempelajaran bahasa, karena ini adalah bagian yang alami dari proces pembelajaran. Kesalahan siswa dapat diamati, dianalisis, dikelompokkan, dan dipelajari menggunakan error analysis dan hasil dari analisis tersebut dapat menunjukkan perkembangan siswa dalm penguasaan bahasa dan membantu guru dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. Penelitian ini menganalisa komponen bahasa dalam latar belakang permasalahan dalam skripsi mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif karena tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan gambaran dari kesalahan morfologikal, leksikal, sintaktik, dan mekanikal yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa dalam latar belakang permasalahan skripsi mereka. Peneliti mengambil enem skripsi dari tiga kelompok. Peneliti mengambil dua skripsi dari mahasiswa yang lulus lebih cepat (kurang dari empat tahun), dua skripsi dari mahasiswa yang lulus tepat waktu (empat tahun), dan dua skripsi dari mahasiswa yang lulus lambat (lebih dari empat tahun). Kemudian, dalam menganalisa dan menafsirkan data, peneliti menggunakan Ferris&rsquo;s error analysis model sebagai acuan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Untuk kesalahan morfologikal, peneliti menemukan bahwa dari semua macam kesalahan morfologikal, kesalahan yang paling utama adalah subject-verb agreement dan kesalahan artikel/determiner, terutama kesalahan penggunaan artikel kosong &nbsp;(&Oslash;) untuk the. 2) Untuk kesalahan leksikal, siswa hanya membuat sedikit kesalahan dalam preposisi dan sub kategori lain di kesalahan leksikal. Ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa telah menguasai kosa kata Bahasa Inggris untuk menyusun kalimat yang benar. 3) Untuk kesalahan sintaktik, peneliti menemukan bahwa siswa membuat kesalahan paling banyak di penghilangan kata dan run-on sentence. Dan 4.) untuk kesalahan mekanikal, peneliti menemukan bahwa kealahan tanda baca, terutama dalam penggunaan koma, adalah kesalahan yang paling banyak muncul diikuti kesalahan kapitalisasi. Kata Kunci: Error Analysis, Kesalahan Morfologikal, Kesalahan Leksikal, Kesalahan Sintaktik, Kesalahan Mekanikal. Abstract Making errors is one of the most inevitable things in the world, especially in language learning, since it is a natural part of learning process. Students&rsquo; errors can be observed, analyzed, classified, and studied by using error analysis and the result of analysis can indicate the students&rsquo; development in mastering the language and help the teachers in teaching and learning process. This study analyzes the linguistics components in the theses&rsquo; background of the study of the English Department&rsquo;s students in Surabaya State University. The researcher used descriptive qualitative as the research design because the objectives of this study were to describe the profile of morphological, lexical, syntactic, and mechanical errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study. The researcher took six theses from three groups randomly. She took two theses from the students who graduated earlier (less than four years), two theses from the students who graduated on time (four years) and two theses from the students who graduated late. Then, in analyzing and interpreting the data, the researcher used Ferris&rsquo;s error analysis model as the guidline.The findings of this study revealed that: 1) For the morphological error, the researcher found that from all kind of errors in morphological error, the most problematic errors were subject-verb agreement errors and article/determiner errors, especially for misused of zero article (&Oslash;) for the. 2) For the lexical error, the students only made few preposition errors and other subcategories errors in lexical error. It indicated that the students had already mastered the English vocabularies to construct the appropriate sentences. 3) For the syntactic error, she found that the students made the most errors in omitted word and run-on sentence. And 4) for the mechanical error, she found that punctuation error, especially in using comma, was the most problematic error followed by capitalization error. Keywords: Error Analysis, Morphological Error, Lexical Error, Syntactic Error, Mechanical Error.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; introduction Making errors is one of the most inevitable things in the world, especially in language learning, since it is a natural part of learning process (Makino: 1993). In the language learning process, the students continuously explore and improve their knowledge about the rules of the target language. Consequently, when they do not complete or lack of the knowledge, they will make errors. According to Brown (2000: 217), an error occurs because the students do not know what is correct and it cannot be self-corrected. They need helps or feedbacks from the teacher to correct it. Thus, an error is no longer seen as a bad thing which has to be avoided in language learning process as in the past since it can indicate the students&rsquo; development in mastering the language and help the teachers in teaching and learning process. Maicusi, T., Maicusi, P., and Lopez (2000) state that errors take place when the deviation arises as a result of lacking of knowledge. Then, Choiriyah (2007) defines errors as any deviation from a selected norm of language performances, no matter the possibility of the characteristic or causes of the deviation. In a few words, from the definitions above, it can be concluded that errors are the result of the deviation from the target language&rsquo;s norms and lack of knowledge about the target language itself. Brown (2000: 217) states that error and mistake are different. He states that a mistake occurs because of slip or lack of attention or carelessness in utilizing the language system and it can be self-corrected whereas an error occurs since the learner does not know what is correct, and it cannot be self-corrected. In the other hand, Ellis (2007:18) states that the difference between an error and a mistake may not be clear since the learners sometimes constantly use a feature in some contexts and constantly fail to use it in others. Error is categorized as local and global error. Heaton (1988: 149) states that local errors are errors which do not cause significant trouble and misunderstanding for the readers in comprehending the sentences (e.g. misuse of articles, omission of preposition, etc.), whereas global errors are errors which influence the overall structure of the sentences and make the readers get difficulty to understand the sentence (misuse of connective, omission of relative pronoun). According to Brown (2000: 223-227), there are four sources of errors. They are interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, context of learning, and communication strategies. 1.&nbsp;&nbsp; Interlingual transfer is caused by the interference of the mother-tongue; it makes students have a tendency to copy every word or grammar rules of their native language into the target language. 2.&nbsp;&nbsp; Intralingual transfer is the negative transfer of items within the target language or the incorrect generalization of the target language&rsquo;s rule. 3.&nbsp;&nbsp; Context of learning can be called as false concept, the learner makes faulty hypothesis because of misleading explanation from the teacher or faulty presentation of the structure of word in textbook. 4.&nbsp;&nbsp; Communication strategy is the learning style of the learners; they use wrong strategies when getting their massages, so it causes the errors. Then, according to Touchie (1986: 77-79), there are two main sources of errors in second language learning. The first source is interference from the native language/ mother-tongue. Errors due to the influence of the native language are called interlingual errors. Interlingual errors are also called transfer or interference errors. The second source is intralingual and developmental factors. Intralingual and developmental errors are due to the difficulty of the second/target language. Intralingual and developmental factors include the following: Simplification: Learners often choose simple forms and constructions instead of more complex ones. An example of simplification might involve the use of simple present instead of the present perfect continuous. 2. Overgeneralization: This is the use of one form or construction in one context and extending its application to other contexts where it should not apply. Examples of overgeneralization include the use of buyed and goed as the past tense forms of buy and go. It should be noted that simplification and overgeneralization are used by learners in order to reduce their linguistic burden. 3. Hypercorrection: Sometimes the keen efforts of teachers in correcting their students' errors induce the students to make errors in otherwise correct forms. 4. Faulty teaching: Sometimes it happens that learners' errors are teacher-induced ones, i.e., caused by the teacher, teaching materials, or the order of presentation. This factor is closely related to hypercorrection above. Also, it is interesting to note that some teachers are even influenced by their pupils' errors in the course of long teaching. 5. Fossilization: Some errors, especially errors in pronunciation, persist for long periods and become quite difficult to get rid of. Examples of fossilized errors are the lack of distinction between /p/ and /b/ in English produced by these learners. 6. Avoidance: Some syntactic structures are difficult to produce by some learners. Consequently, these learners avoid these structures and use instead simpler structures. 7. Inadequate learning: This is mainly caused by ignorance of rule restrictions or under differentiation and incomplete learning. An example is omission of the third person singular s as in: He want. 8. False concepts hypothesized: Many learners' errors can be attributed to wrong hypotheses formed by these learners about the target language. For example, some learners think that is is the marker of the present tense. So, they produce: He is talk to the teacher. Similarly, they think that was is the past tense marker. Hence they say: It was happened last night. Brown (2000: 218) states that errors can be observed, analyzed, classified, and studied by using error analysis. James (1998) as cited in Gustilo and Magno (2012) defines error analysis as the analyses of the errors made by L2 learners by comparing and explaining the learners&rsquo; norms with the target language norms. Then, Yang (2010) states that &ldquo;error analysis is the process of&nbsp; determining&nbsp; the&nbsp; incidence,&nbsp; nature,&nbsp; causes&nbsp; and&nbsp; consequences&nbsp; of&nbsp; unsuccessful&nbsp; language&rdquo;. Furthermore, Hariri (2012) defines error analysis as a systematic procedure which includes collecting, identifying, describing, explaining, and evaluating errors from a collection of language learner data by analyzing and comparing it to the target language. Hence, it can be concluded that error analysis can discover the students&rsquo; weakness in the process of language learning through studying the students&rsquo; errors. By conducting it, the teachers can be sensitive to their students&rsquo; errors and notice what kind of errors which the students often make. Then, they can modify their teaching materials in order to adapt to the students&rsquo; needs. According to Ellis (2007: 15-20), there are four steps in analyzing students&rsquo; errors. They are identifying, describing, explaining, and evaluating errors. 1.&nbsp;&nbsp; Identifying Errors In identifying errors, the researcher compares the sentences which are produces by learners with the correct sentences in the target language. If the sentences are judged incorrect for the target language or inappropriate for a particular context, they are categorized as errors. 2.&nbsp;&nbsp; Describing Errors In this step, all errors are described and classified into types. The researcher may categorize errors into types, such as grammatical, phonological, lexical, or morphological categories. 3.&nbsp;&nbsp; Explaining Errors In this step, the researcher tries to explain why errors occur. It enables the teachers to identify the process in the students&rsquo; mind which have caused errors to occur. 4.&nbsp;&nbsp; Evaluating Errors In evaluating step, the researcher measures the comprehensibility of students&rsquo; writing. Here, he/she can know whether the students&rsquo; errors are included to global or local error. According to Touchie (1986:76), language learning errors involve all linguistics components. The linguistics components include phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax and orthography. Then, errors in these linguistics components are called as phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, and orthography errors. When the teachers or the researchers want to analyze the students&rsquo; composition, they can focus on analyzing the morphological, the lexical, the syntactic, and the orthography errors. Here, the phonological error is excluded since it does not deal with the students&rsquo; composition. It is only analyzed when they want to investigate the students&rsquo; speaking ability. Analyzing linguistics components of students&rsquo; compositions is very important because linguistics components have an important role in a composition. Heaton (1988: 146) states that linguistics components contribute around 50% in scoring a composition. In scoring a composition, content takes 30% for the scoring, organization takes 20% for the scoring, vocabulary takes 20% for the scoring, language use takes 25% for the scoring, and mechanical takes 5% for the scoring. It can be concluded that in writing a good composition, we need not only good content and organization but also good vocabulary, language use, and mechanical (linguistics components). Some studies about error analysis on the students&rsquo; compositions have been conducted. Most of them have shown that many students still make errors on their compositions. Gustilo and Magno (2012) investigated the sentence level errors in one hundred fifty essays written by freshmen college students in five private schools in Metro Manila, Philippine. They found that the top five errors which occur in the essays were comma (unnecessary or missing comma, missing comma after an introductory clause or phrase, and missing comma before a non-restrictive clause), word choice (wrong word form/word choice), verbs (s-v agreement, verb tense, and verb form), capitalization and punctuation, and sentence structure (fragment and run on sentences). Then, AbiSamra (2003) analyzed ten written works of Arabian students which were collected in their mid-term examination. The result showed that there were some errors which found in the ten students&rsquo; essays. They were grammatical, 35 syntactic, lexical, semantic, and substance (mechanics &amp; spelling) errors. In addition, Abushihab, El-Omari, and Tobat (2011) conducted a study to investigate and classify the grammatical errors in the writings&nbsp; of&nbsp; sixty two students&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Department&nbsp; of&nbsp; English&nbsp; Literature&nbsp; and&nbsp; Translation&nbsp; in one of&nbsp; private&nbsp; universities in Jordan. The students enrolled in a paragraph writing course in the first semester of the academic year 2009/2010. These errors were classified into six major categories: tenses, prepositions, articles, active and passive voice, verbs, and morphological errors. They found 345 grammatical errors in the students&rsquo; paragraphs. It was observed that the largest number of errors was the errors of preposition. The next problematic areas were morphological errors, articles, verbs, active and passive voice, and tenses. From the previous studies above, it can be concluded that error analysis can indicate the students&rsquo; competence in writing since it shows the area of students&rsquo; problems in writing. After discovering these areas, the teachers can take some better treatments and more reinforcements, so it can be a feedback for the students and they can use it to develop their writing competence. Gustilo and Magno (2012) states that errors can be viewed as valuable information for the teachers, the researchers, and the students. For the teachers, it provides information about the students' errors which helps them to correct the students' errors and improves the effectiveness of their teaching. For the researchers, it gives them valuable data and information about how language is acquired or learned. Then, for the students, it enables them to reflect on their learning, so they can get feedback and develop their competence. In addition, Erdogan (2005) concludes that error analysis can identify the strategies that language learners use, find out the reason of the students&rsquo; errors, determine the common difficulties in learning, and help teachers to develop materials for remedial teaching. Looking at the huge benefits of error analysis, the researcher is interested in conducting a study about analyzing errors in the students&rsquo; compositions. Besides, the researcher had ever visited a library and read one of the English Department student&rsquo;s theses submitted there. She found that there were still any errors found in that thesis. That is why; she wants to analyze the theses of the English Department&rsquo;s students in one of state universities in Surabaya, Indonesia. She does not analyze all of the parts of the thesis, but only the background of the study of the thesis. She chooses to analyze the background of the study because it becomes the foundation, reason, and explanation why they conduct the study. In this case, the students in the English Department have taken Writing I, Writing II, Writing III, Academic Writing I, Academic Writing II, and Thesis Proposal before composing the thesis. Besides, they also had been taught how to write when they were in junior and senior high school. Therefore, it can be said that they have had enough knowledge about writing to compose their thesis. Looking at this fact, she is more curious whether there are errors found in the other students&rsquo; theses, especially in the background of the study, or not. At least, the present study is intended to investigate the following problem: How are the profile of errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study? In line with Touchie, Ferris (2005) as cited in Kato (2006) also includes all linguistics components in analyzing the students&rsquo; compositions. She divides the common writing errors which occur in the students&rsquo; compositions into four categories: 1) morphological, 2) lexical, 3) syntactic, and 4) mechanical errors. Morphological errors are errors which include the lack of grammatical processes of inflection and derivation, e.g. My brother is fattest than my sister (My brother is fatter than my sister). Lexical errors are errors which involve inappropriate direct translation from the learner&rsquo;s native language or the use of wrong lexical items in the second language, e.g. I will wait you when the clock is five (I will wait you at five o&rsquo;clock). Syntactic errors are errors in sentence/clause boundaries (run-ons, fragments, and comma splices), word order, and other ungrammatical sentence constructions, e.g. Rini very beautiful (Rini is very beautiful). Then, Mechanical errors are errors in using punctuation, spelling, and capitalization, e.g. i will go to jakarta next week buying a refrigenerator (I will go to Jakarta next week to buy a refrigerator.) Based on these categories, the researcher formulates the research questions of this study as follows: (1) How are the profiles of morphological errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study? (2) How are the profiles of lexical errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study? (3) How are the profiles of syntactic errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study? (4) How are the profiles of mechanical errors made by the university students in their theses&rsquo; background of the study? &nbsp; METHOD This study was qualitative, especially descriptive qualitative.&nbsp; This design was used because the data of the study were in the form of words in written language rather than numbers, taken in natural setting, and explained descriptively. In this study, the researcher analyzed the English Department students&rsquo; theses background of the study, which were submitted in the Language and Art Faculty library, to know the profile of morphological, lexical, syntactic, and mechanical errors. The data were analyzed and interpreted based on Ferris&rsquo;s error analysis model which categorized common writing errors into four categories: morphological, lexical, syntactic, and mechanical errors. The subject of this research is the English Department students of Surabaya State University who have graduated from the English Department and submitted their theses in the Language and Art Faculty library. In this case, the subjects had taken Writing I, Writing II, Writing III, Academic Writing I, Academic Writing II, and Thesis Proposal b

    Analisis Pengaruh Pelatihan, Pengembangan Karir Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan BPKAD Blitar

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    This study aimed to determine impact of training, career development and competence both simultaneously and partially on employee performance at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Blitar District. This type of research is explanatory research, multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. The results of the study is a positive and significant partial impact of training on employee performance, Impact of career development on employee performance, Impact of competence on employee performance. And also Impact of training, career development and competency simultaneously on employee performance in the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Blitar District

    Fermentation of Glycerol from Biodiesel Waste to 1,3-Propanediol

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    One of the most valuable products in chemical industry is 1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PD) because it has numerous applications for the production of polymers, cosmetics, foods, medicines, and lubricants. 1,3-PD production can be synthesized with chemical and fermentation method. Chemical method requires high pressure and temperature as well as catalysts are expensive. 1,3-PD production with fermentation method from crude glycerol as by-product of the biodiesel is promising, because it will increase the economic value of the crude glycerol beside the process is less expensive and eco friendly. In this study, crude glycerol was used as a raw material and Enterobacter aerogenes as inoculum in the fermentation process. First crude glycerol was purified using H3PO4 into pH 2 and then neutralized with NaOH. It was continued with bleaching process using activated carbon and water evaporation to obtained glycerol with high purity. Various fermentation process variables such fermentation time, temperature of fermentation, and amount of inoculum were studied. Crude glycerol, purified glycerol, and fermentation results were analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC) to obtained the purity. Glycerol from purification result had achieved commercial glycerol standard. The best fermentation result was obtained at 1 day of fermentation with purity of 1,3-PD was 46.0685% ; temperature of 25 oC with purity of 1,3-PD was 51.2461% ; and 7% volume of inoculum with purity of 1,3-PD was 31.5919%

    Proven Again: Corporate Social Responsibility As One Of Influential Factors Towards Stock Return

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    This research examined the influence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility implementation towards stock return in the companies that are listed in Kompas-100 index, compared tothe companies that are listed in Sri Kehati index. The aim of this research was to examine the extent the implementation of CSR along with the influence of market aspect, financial aspect and macroeconomic aspect on the stock return. Financial aspect consists of Return On Assets (ROA) and Size (Total Asset), Market aspect consists of Market to book ratio (Price to Book Value/PBV) and Beta Stocks, while the Macro Economic aspectconsist of  the level of economic growth, and inflation rate. The research was conducted on financial and non-financial companies, which has been consistently included in the Kompas-100 Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange in four-year (2010-2013) range of time. The estimation model being used was regression analysis with panel data regression. The estimation results indicated that company’s stock return is influenced by five factors, which are CSR, ROA, M/B, ratio, inflation rate, and economic growth. Overall, this research has proven the Agency Theory in another form, which states that manager is not only responsible towards shareholder but also responsible towards all stakeholders. Similarly, the results are in favor of Signaling Theory, which argues that CSR is a form of positive signal to investors. Stocks return of the companies registered in Sri Kehati index had higher stock returns than those are not listed anymore in Sri Kehati index Keywords: CSR, stock return, financial aspect, market aspect, macroeconomic aspec


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    Pemaknaan Khalayak Tentang Penggambaran Korban Kekerasan Seksual (Analisis Resepsi Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2019 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Terhadap Film "Penyalin Cahaya")

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    Film is part of mass communication media which has an important role, namely its function is to transmit a message to a wide audience. Viewers become audiences or active audiences who are not only consumers but also have an understanding of the meaning of the content of a media. How the audience interprets and understands the message of the filmmaker based on their perspective or ideology. The Copy of Light is a film directed by Wregas Bhanuteja. This film tells the story of the issue of sexual violence which is in a state of emergency because it has become very common recently. This film tells the story of a character named Suryani who experienced sexual violence on her campus. This incident made his life a mess, starting from losing his scholarship, being ignored by his family, being shunned by his friends and even victim blaming. Apart from that, Suryani did not receive much support so she had to struggle alone to find justice and the truth behind this heartbreaking incident. The aim of this research is to determine various audiences' meanings regarding the depiction of victims of sexual violence in the film Penyalin Cahaya. This research uses Stuart Hall's reception study theory which is categorized into 3 parts, namely Dominant Hegemony Position, Negotiation Position, and Opposition Position. The method used in this research is qualitative with semi-structured interview data collection techniques. The subjects in this research were Communication Science students Class of 2019 at Muhammadiyah University. The research results showed that of the 6 subjects, 3 of them were in the Dominant position of the six reception indicators studied, while the other 2 subjects were in the Negotiation position in the reception of the depiction of victims of sexual violence and the character of Tariq as a victim of sexual violence in the film Penialin Cahaya. However, there is 1 subject who is in the Opposition position in the observation and experience section regarding the Suryani situation in the film Penyalin Cahaya. Some of the subjects' opinions are influenced by their backgrounds such as gender, knowledge, experience, and social environment