22 research outputs found

    Disposition Effect: Does Investor Confidence Matter? Examining Service From Securities Brokerages

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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the role of training program to develop novice investors confidence in buying a stock. Novice investors undergo dilemma to buy stock due to limited knowledge which resulting disposition effect. Research regarding disposition effect which associated with training for novice investors is still limited   Theoretical framework: The disposition effect is the tendency when investors sell stocks that have the potential to experience future profits early, otherwise investors tend to hold stocks that have the potential to experience losses for too long so that investors tend to experience losses.      Design/methodology/approach:  The research using quantitative approach and employ purposive sampling method with a total sample of 192 respondents. Respondent criteria are novice investor and have limited knowledge in stock market. Each respondent is required to fill questionnaire to obtain data which consist of strongly disagree and strongly agree. Validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing is examined   Findings:  The results indicate investor training influence investor experience. The result also showed that the training program and investor experience impact investor confidence. The result implies investor need training and experience to reduce disposition effect. The result represents training program, investor experience, and investor confidence affect investor satisfaction   Research, Practical & Social implications: The research is asserted that novice investor with limited experience and knowledge need do practice. Novice investor understanding to buy stock will develop investor confidence.   Originality/value: The result elaborate training for novice to develop investor confidence and experience. The more experienced investor will reduce disposition effect. Previous research is lack of disposition effect elaboration and its implication on investor satisfaction

    Does Internet Information Enhance the Intention to Switch? Evidence Shifting to Eco-Friendly Products

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    Purpose – The research aims to explore the impact of user experience and satisfaction on switching intentions, addressing the challenge of user retention amid growing competition. Despite this, a gap exists in understanding the role of internet information, necessitating further investigation.  Methodology – The study utilizes a quantitative, causal research approach with a questionnaire survey involving 151 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is employed for data analysis. Findings – The study reveals that positive user experience encourages product switching, while user satisfaction has a negative effect with the intention to switch. Additionally, internet information moderates the impact of user satisfaction, offering insights into users' product-switching tendencies. Satisfied users are more likely to exhibit loyalty. Originality – The research explores the environmentally aware younger generation's reliance on the internet for information exchange and presents results on consumer behavior with alternative eco-friendly products

    Can Green Market Orientation Improve MSME Marketing Performance Through Organizational Ambidexterity?

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    There are environmental issues in many nations, including Indonesia. The preservation of the environment must continue to be the focus of sustainable national development. Small, micro, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are among the commercial entities that play a significant role in national growth. This study's main objective is to ascertain how innovation capacity and a green market orientation affect MSMEs' marketing success. 117 MSMEs in the city of Semarang make up the study's sample. The process involves using Smart PLS to analyze both the outer and inner models together with any intervening factors. Organizational Ambidexterity, Green Market Orientation, Innovation Capability, and Marketing Performance are the variables used in this study. The findings of this study indicate that Organizational Ambidexterity, Green Market Orientation, and Innovation Capability are all variables that have an impact on Marketing Performance. Organizational Ambidexterity also has an impact on Marketing Performance to a lesser extent. Then simultaneously show that Green Market Orientation and Innovation capability affect Marketing Performance through Organizational Ambidexterity. Only Innovation Capability on Marketing Performance has no effect. The novelty in this study is an environmental issue that is associated with marketing performance


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    ABSTRAKPengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam konteks peningkatan keterlibatan dan penguatan jejaring lulusan dalam program studi di sebuah perguruan tinggi. Jejaring lulusan saat ini seolah tidak banyak dilibatkan dalam pengelolaan program studi karena dianggap berada di luar organisasi Pendidikan. Disisi yang lain, peran lulusan yang telah berada di indutri/dunia kerja dalam memberikan dukungan, saran, dan penguatan kepada program studi sangat signifikan. Terlebih, kesesuaian antara kurikulum program studi, kompetensi lulusan, dan harapan industri/dunia kerja seharusnya selaras. Selain itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat hubungan antara perguruan tinggi dan alumni. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan melibatkan alumni yang telah lulus dari program studi doktor manajemen kependidikan Universitas Negeri Semarang. FGD digunakan untuk mendapatkan masukan, umpan balik, dan pandangan dari alumni terkait dengan peran sebagai bagian dari jejaring lulusan, serta harapan terhadap program studi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan FGD telah menciptakan interaksi yang aktif antara alumni dan program studi. Alumni memberikan masukan yang berharga terkait dengan kebutuhan industri, perkembangan karier, serta perbaikan dan pengembangan program studi. Masukan dari alumni memungkinkan perguruan tinggi untuk menyesuaikan kurikulum, menambahkan program pengembangan karier, serta meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran. Dalam jangka panjang, pengabdian ini juga berpotensi memperkuat jejaring lulusan dan meningkatkan keterlibatan dalam mendukung akreditasi program studi. Kata kunci: jejaring lulusan; program studi; FGD; akreditasi. ABSTRACTThis community service aims to explain and analyze the implementation of community engagement within the context of enhancing involvement and strengthening the alumni network within a college's study program. Additionally, this initiative seeks to reinforce the relationship between the college and its alumni. The method employed in this endeavor is Focus Group Discussion (FGD), which involves alumni who have graduated from the doctoral program in educational management at Universitas Negeri Semarang. FGD is employed to gather input, feedback, and perspectives from alumni regarding their roles within the alumni network, as well as their expectations for the study program. The results of this initiative indicate that the implementation of FGD has facilitated active interaction between alumni and the study program. Alumni have provided valuable insights concerning industry needs, career development, as well as enhancements and advancements in the study program. Input from alumni enables the college to adapt the curriculum, add career development programs, and enhance teaching quality. In the long run, this dedication also holds the potential to strengthen the alumni network and increase involvement in supporting the accreditation of the study program. Keywords: alumni network; study program; FGD; accreditation


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    Service companies often face complaints due to the challenges of providing standardized services. Unlike manufacturers that produce standardized products using machines, service companies are more susceptible to consumer complaints. Procedural justice and interpersonal justice are factors that determine the success rate of complaint handling. This study aims to examine the impact of procedural justice and interpersonal justice on complaint satisfaction through complaint handling. The study adopted a quantitative approach and involved a sample of 181 respondents, specifically consumers who have filed complaints with service companies. The test results demonstrate that both procedural justice and interpersonal justice significantly influence the effectiveness of complaint handling. The research also confirms that complaint satisfaction is influenced by both procedural justice and interpersonal justice. The study's findings indicate that successful complaint handling partially mediates the relationship between procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and complaint satisfaction. This research underscores the importance of procedural justice and interpersonal justice for service companies. They should prioritize complaint handling to establish customer loyalty and prevent negative word-of-mouth

    Examining religiosity to determine student ethical behavior intention

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    Religiosity remains a black box in educational research; only a few studies conducted regarding religiosity. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine some variables on students’ religiosity. This article attempts to determine the influence of attitude, injunctive norm, moral norm, and perceived behavioral control on student's ethical behavioral intention through religiosity. There were 273 education students from several higher education in Indonesia participated in this study. Questionnaire was used to collect data, while path analysis was used to analyze the data. The results found that injunctive norm, perceived behavioral control, and religiosity directly affected the intention of ethical behavioral. Besides, there was no direct effect between attitude and moral norms and the intention of ethical behavioral. Then, religiosity competent to become the intervening variable of attitude, injunctive norm, moral norm, perceived behavioral control on ethical behavioral intention. The paper can explain the black box that found attitude of a student was influenced by their religiosity or faith and belief. Other than attitude and moral norms, the stronger the religiosity could help students to create a good behavior

    Pengaruh Keterlibatan dan Pengetahuan Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Jamu Masuk Angin Kemasan

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    This purpose study is examines the effect of product knowledge and product involvement toward purchase decision on herbal medicine catches a cold packaging. This study was conducted based on quantitative approach. Data collected using online survey and involved 121 respondents. Data analysis was employed using ANOVA. The results of this study revealed that the effect of product knowledge significant positively toward purchase decision on herbal medicine catches a cold packaging. The effect of product involvement significant positively toward purchase decision on herbal medicine catches a cold packaging so

    Customer Switching Intention: The Integrated Framework of Disconfirmation Theory

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    Due to growing competition, customer retention has become a big problem in many service companies. Within a conceptual model for consumer switching intention, this article examines the influence of customer experience, customer satisfaction, and switching intention to green products, all of which are controlled by online information. Even though scholars have researched consumer switching intentions and the elements that influence them, the complex structural processes that minimize the chance of switching intentions in higher education institutions have remained unstudied. This paper addresses the role of customer experience and customer satisfaction to switching intentions moderated by online information. Data is collected through a questionnaire survey. This study employs purposive sampling to obtain respondents (n = 135), with the criteria, students at Universitas Negeri Semarang, a Conservatory University, who wish to switch to green products. Empirical findings support the proposed model and hypotheses, demonstrating that (1) customer satisfaction is negatively related to switching intention, and (2) The online information factor further strengthens the relationship between customer satisfaction and switching intention. The findings of this study provide a unified understanding of the structural relationships that contribute to increased green switching intention to the development of disconfirmation theories in the higher-education context. Implementing a green campus within Universitas Negeri Semarang, campus communities are encouraged to switch to environmentally friendly products to support green campus policies


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    Pencapaian target kinerja pegawai merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam organisasi. Ketika pegawai mencapai target kinerja yang telah ditetapkan maka mengindikasikan bahwa kemampuan dan kompetensi pegawai sebanding dengan target yang telah ditetapkan. Digitalisasi teknologi adalah salah satu tantangan dalam pelaksaan pekerjaan, pada satu sisi akan mempermudah pencapaian target kinerja, pada sisi yang lain membutuhkan kemampuan adaptasi pegawai. Penelitian ini menganalisis secara mendalam pengaruh intensifikasi kerja digital dan spesifikasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai yang dimoderasi oleh efikasi diri. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melibatkan sampel penelitian yang bekerja pada organisasi yang mengalami dinamika dalam perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan instrumen kuesioner dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 104 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intensifikasi kerja digital berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Selain itu, penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa spesifikasi kerja memiliki peran penting dalam menentukan kinerja pegawai. Efikasi diri memiliki pengaruh yang esensial untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai, sehingga dengan adanya efikasi diri maka intensifikasi kerja digital dan spesifikasi kerja memiliki pengaruh lebih besar