73 research outputs found

    Bmcc1s, a Novel Brain-Isoform of Bmcc1, Affects Cell Morphology by Regulating MAP6/STOP Functions

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    The BCH (BNIP2 and Cdc42GAP Homology) domain-containing protein Bmcc1/Prune2 is highly enriched in the brain and is involved in the regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell survival. However, the molecular mechanisms accounting for these functions are poorly defined. Here, we have identified Bmcc1s, a novel isoform of Bmcc1 predominantly expressed in the mouse brain. In primary cultures of astrocytes and neurons, Bmcc1s localized on intermediate filaments and microtubules and interacted directly with MAP6/STOP, a microtubule-binding protein responsible for microtubule cold stability. Bmcc1s overexpression inhibited MAP6-induced microtubule cold stability by displacing MAP6 away from microtubules. It also resulted in the formation of membrane protrusions for which MAP6 was a necessary cofactor of Bmcc1s. This study identifies Bmcc1s as a new MAP6 interacting protein able to modulate MAP6-induced microtubule cold stability. Moreover, it illustrates a novel mechanism by which Bmcc1 regulates cell morphology

    Mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1, KIF5C and KIF2A cause malformations of cortical development and microcephaly

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    The genetic causes of malformations of cortical development (MCD) remain largely unknown. Here we report the discovery of multiple pathogenic missense mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1 and KIF2A, as well as a single germline mosaic mutation in KIF5C, in subjects with MCD. We found a frequent recurrence of mutations in DYNC1H1, implying that this gene is a major locus for unexplained MCD. We further show that the mutations in KIF5C, KIF2A and DYNC1H1 affect ATP hydrolysis, productive protein folding and microtubule binding, respectively. In addition, we show that suppression of mouse Tubg1 expression in vivo interferes with proper neuronal migration, whereas expression of altered gamma-tubulin proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae disrupts normal microtubule behavior. Our data reinforce the importance of centrosomal and microtubule-related proteins in cortical development and strongly suggest that microtubule-dependent mitotic and postmitotic processes are major contributors to the pathogenesis of MCD

    Mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1, KIF5C and KIF2A cause malformations of cortical development and microcephaly.

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    International audienceThe genetic causes of malformations of cortical development (MCD) remain largely unknown. Here we report the discovery of multiple pathogenic missense mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1 and KIF2A, as well as a single germline mosaic mutation in KIF5C, in subjects with MCD. We found a frequent recurrence of mutations in DYNC1H1, implying that this gene is a major locus for unexplained MCD. We further show that the mutations in KIF5C, KIF2A and DYNC1H1 affect ATP hydrolysis, productive protein folding and microtubule binding, respectively. In addition, we show that suppression of mouse Tubg1 expression in vivo interferes with proper neuronal migration, whereas expression of altered Îł-tubulin proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae disrupts normal microtubule behavior. Our data reinforce the importance of centrosomal and microtubule-related proteins in cortical development and strongly suggest that microtubule-dependent mitotic and postmitotic processes are major contributors to the pathogenesis of MCD

    Late orogenic doming in the Eastern Betics : final exhumation of the Nevado-Filabride complex and its relation to basin genesis.

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    The geometry, timing, and kinematics of late orogenic extension in the Betic Cordilleras pose the problem of a decoupling of upper crustal and lower crustal deformation regimes. Perpendicular directions of extension in metamorphic domes and nearby sedimentary basins remain unexplained. This paper puts kinematic constraints on the final exhumation of the Nevado-Filabride complex, focusing on the formation of metamorphic domes and their relations with the adjacent basins. Structural fabrics and kinematic indicators below the main shear zones as well as their relations with both published changing metamorphic P-T conditions and geochronological data were studied. Our approach describes (1) a consistent top-to-the-west shear parallel to dome axes of during D2 (i.e., during decompression) with distributed ductile flow and the onset of strain localization along major shear zones, (2) further strain localization along the major shear zones under greenschist facies conditions, during D3 leading to S-C′ mylonites formation accompanied with a rock strong thickness reduction, (3) the divergence of shear direction on either limbs of domes during D3 showing the appearance of the dome geometry, and (4) a local evolution toward N-S brittle extension (D4) in the upper plate and formation of sedimentary basins. Continuous ductile to brittle top-to-the-west shear is compatible with the slab retreat hypothesis from the Miocene; the formation of domes which adds gravitational forces responsible for the final stages of exhumation is thus characterized by important kinematics changes necessary to explain coeval N-S opened basins. Later, from the upper Tortonian, a contractional event (D5) amplified the earlier domal structures forming the present north vergent folds

    1° Perception

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    Andrieux C. 1° Perception. In: L'année psychologique. 1956 vol. 56, n°1. pp. 192-196

    Tendances récentes de l'analyse des documents en psychologie. Domaines de référence et structuration de documents

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    Andrieux Cécile. Tendances récentes de l'analyse des documents en psychologie. Domaines de référence et structuration de documents. In: L'année psychologique. 1971 vol. 71, n°1. pp. 271-290

    M. E. Allerhand, Le déterminant « clair-obscur » (Clob) du test de Rorschach, comme indice d'anxiété manifeste

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    Andrieux C. M. E. Allerhand, Le déterminant « clair-obscur » (Clob) du test de Rorschach, comme indice d'anxiété manifeste. In: Bulletin du groupement français du Rorschach, n°8, 1956. p. 37

    Mesure de dimensions et de leurs relations dans une étude de psychologie différentielle des sexes

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    Andrieux Cécile. Mesure de dimensions et de leurs relations dans une étude de psychologie différentielle des sexes. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 13 n°170, 1959. pp. 87-100

    Perspectives nouvelles de recherche en personnologie

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    Andrieux Cécile. Perspectives nouvelles de recherche en personnologie. In: L'année psychologique. 1973 vol. 73, n°2. pp. 681-707

    Journal of projective techniques Vol. 17, juin 1953 n°2

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    Andrieux Cécile. Journal of projective techniques Vol. 17, juin 1953 n°2. In: Bulletin du groupement français du Rorschach, n°4, 1953. pp. 18-20
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