81 research outputs found

    Year-to-year dynamics of trophic links of the main commercial fishes in the Barents Sea as indicating the state of ecosystem

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    Ecosystem dynamics and optimal long-term harvest in the Barents Sea fisheries. Proceedings of the 11th Russian-Norwegian Symposium. Murmansk, 15-17 August 2005

    Functional roles and redundancy of demersal Barents Sea fish: Ecological implications of environmental change

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    When facing environmental change and intensified anthropogenic impact on marine ecosystems, extensive knowledge of how these systems are functioning is required in order to manage them properly. However, in high-latitude ecosystems, where climate change is expected to have substantial ecological impact, the ecosystem functions of biological species have received little attention, partly due to the limited biological knowledge of Arctic species. Functional traits address the ecosystem functions of member species, allowing the functionality of communities to be characterised and the degree of functional redundancy to be assessed. Ecosystems with higher functional redundancy are expected to be less affected by species loss, and therefore less sensitive to disturbance. Here we highlight and compare typical functional characteristics of Arctic and boreal fish in the Barents Sea and address the consequences of a community-wide reorganization driven by climate warming on functional redundancy and characterization. Based on trait and fish community composition data, we assessed functional redundancy of the Barents Sea fish community for the period 2004–2012, a period during which this northern region was characterized by rapidly warming water masses and declining sea ice coverage. We identified six functional groups, with distinct spatial distributions, that collectively provide a functional characterization of Barents Sea fish. The functional groups displayed different prevalence in boreal and Arctic water masses. Some functional groups displayed a spatial expansion towards the northeast during the study period, whereas other groups showed a general decline in functional redundancy. Presently, the observed patterns of functional redundancy would seem to provide sufficient scope for buffering against local loss in functional diversity only for the more speciose functional groups. Furthermore, the observed functional reconfiguration may affect future ecosystem functioning in the area. In a period of rapid environmental change, monitoring programs integrating functional traits will help inform management on ecosystem functioning and vulnerability.publishedVersio

    Increased functional diversity warns of ecological transition in the Arctic

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    As temperatures rise, motile species start to redistribute to more suitable areas, potentially affecting the persistence of several resident species and altering biodiversity and ecosystem functions. In the Barents Sea, a hotspot for global warming, marine fish from boreal regions have been increasingly found in the more exclusive Arctic region. Here, we show that this shift in species distribution is increasing species richness and evenness, and even more so, the functional diversity of the Arctic. Higher diversity is often interpreted as being positive for ecosystem health and is a target for conservation. However, the increasing trend observed here may be transitory as the traits involved threaten Arctic species via predation and competition. If the pressure from global warming continues to rise, the ensuing loss of Arctic species will result in a reduction in functional diversity.publishedVersio

    From single species surveys towards monitoring of the Barents Sea ecosystem

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    The Barents Sea, a large, high-latitude shelf sea, has been monitored and investigated for more than a century. More than 1800 occasional expeditions have been organized both by Norway and Russia, and since the1960s the collaboration between the Institute of Marine Research (IMR, Bergen) and the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO, Murmansk) has been strengthened by developing and carrying out joint surveys. Monitoring changes in the Barents Sea fish stocks and collecting information needed for stock assessments and advice for fisheries management were the driving forces behind the increased effort spent on marine research. This triggered the development of sampling and observation methodology, the design of scientific research vessels for using various equipment and gear, and the development of new technologies for processing several types of samples. Increased data collection generated a need for the development of complex database systems and software that, could analyze larger data sets. Joint large-scale monitoring over the last 50 years, together with joint management of living marine resources during the last 20 years, resulted in high stock biomasses of commercially important fish stocks and thus the successful development of fisheries in the Barents Sea. Here, we describe the development of Barents Sea monitoring from single species (or fishery) surveys that were focused on target species/groups to integrated ecosystem surveys that aim to describe the status and main changes in the Barents Sea ecosystem.publishedVersio

    Diets of the Barents Sea cod (Gadus morhua) from the 1930s to 2018

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    A new dataset on the diet of Atlantic cod in the Barents Sea from the 1930s to the present day has been compiled to produce one of the largest fish diet datasets available globally. Atlantic cod is one of the most ecologically and commercially important fish species in the North Atlantic. The stock in the Barents Sea is by far the largest, as a result of both successful management and favourable environmental conditions since the early 2000s. As a top predator, cod plays a key role in the Barents Sea ecosystem. The species has a broad diet consisting mainly of crustaceans and teleost fish, and both the amount and type of prey vary in space and time. The data – from Russia, Norway and the United Kingdom – represent quantitative stomach content records from more than 400 000 fish and qualitative data from 2.5 million fish. Many of the data are from joint collaborative surveys between Norway and Russia. The sampling was conducted throughout each year, allowing for seasonal, annual and decadal comparisons to be made. Visual analysis shows cod diets have changed considerably from the start of the dataset in the 1930s to the present day. There was a large proportion of herring in the diets in the 1930s, whereas in more recent decades capelin, invertebrates and other fish dominate. There are also significant interannual asynchronous fluctuations in prey, particularly capelin and euphausiids. Combining these datasets can help us understand how the environment and ecosystems are responding to climatic changes, and what influences the diet and prey switching of cod. Trends in temperature and variability indices can be tested against the occurrence of different prey items, and the effects of fishing pressure on cod and prey stocks on diet composition could be investigated. The dataset will also enable us to improve parametrization of food web models and to forecast how Barents Sea fisheries may respond in the future to management and to climate change. The Russian data are available through joint projects with the Polar Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO).publishedVersio

    Arctic fishes in the Barents Sea 2004-2015: Changes in abundance and distribution

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    The Barents Sea is one of nine shelf ecosystem survey bordering the Arctic Basin. The Arctic region is warming faster than the rest of the world. In the Barents Sea the years since 2000 were the warmest since the onset of regular measurements (1900, Bochkov 1982, ICES 2016) and paleo-records based on foraminifera even suggest that the Atlantic Water flowing into to the Barents Sea area was at its warmest for the last 2000 years (Spielhagen et al. 2011). As a result the extent of Arctic Water with sub-zero temperatures and sea ice is shrinking in the Barents Sea (e.g. ICES 2016). The changes in hydrographic conditions change the conditions for the poorly known Arctic fish fauna in the region. Here we present for the first time results on trends in abundance and distribution of demersal Arctic fishes in the northern Barents Sea.publishedVersio

    Diet and trophic structure of fishes in the Barents Sea: the Norwegian-Russian program “Year of stomachs” 2015 - establishing a baseline

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    There is a long history of investigations of fish diet in the Barents Sea. The focus has been on commercially important fish species and their food consumption, while diet and interactions of other fishes have been studied only sporadically. In 2015, a large-scale stomach sampling program was carried out for fish species caught on routine monitoring surveys in the Barents Sea during different seasons of the year, supplemented with samples collected from Russian commercial fisheries. A total of 27,657 stomachs from 70 fish species (including two genera) were analysed, providing a baseline on fish diet in the Barents Sea which can serve as a reference for future studies related to climate change. We summarize methodological aspects and diet composition for the studied species. Cluster analysis grouped the fishes in nine trophic groups based on similarities in diet among fish species, while principal component analyses revealed the position of the species and trophic groups along axes reflecting degrees of piscivory, planktivory, and benthivory. The three most distinctly separated groups were piscivores, a group of benthivores feeding on polychaetes, and planktivores feeding on small crustaceans. The latter could be further split into two groups: fishes of Atlantic origin feeding on copepods and euphausiids, and fishes of Arctic origin feeding on hyperiid amphipods. Warming in the Barents Sea were associated with redistribution of water masses, species and increasing biomass of krill and jellyfish. A boreal Meganyctiphanes norvegica, not observed in the northern Barents Sea before, were found in diet of three Arctic fishes (2% of stomachs only). Gelatinous plankton, mainly Ctenophora, were observed in the diet of 1430 individuals from 15 fish species, including two species which have not been reported to eat gelatinous plankton in the Barents Sea before. This work updates our knowledge about trophic structure and interactions in the Barents Sea, providing a baseline for further investigations.publishedVersio

    Plants with genetically encoded autoluminescence

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    Autoluminescent plants engineered to express a bacterial bioluminescence gene cluster in plastids have not been widely adopted because of low light output. We engineered tobacco plants with a fungal bioluminescence system that converts caffeic acid (present in all plants) into luciferin and report self-sustained luminescence that is visible to the naked eye. Our findings could underpin development of a suite of imaging tools for plants

    Demersal Fish Assemblages and Spatial Diversity Patterns in the Arctic-Atlantic Transition Zone in the Barents Sea

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    Direct and indirect effects of global warming are expected to be pronounced and fast in the Arctic, impacting terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. The Barents Sea is a high latitude shelf Sea and a boundary area between arctic and boreal faunas. These faunas are likely to respond differently to changes in climate. In addition, the Barents Sea is highly impacted by fisheries and other human activities. This strong human presence places great demands on scientific investigation and advisory capacity. In order to identify basic community structures against which future climate related or other human induced changes could be evaluated, we analyzed species composition and diversity of demersal fish in the Barents Sea. We found six main assemblages that were separated along depth and temperature gradients. There are indications that climate driven changes have already taken place, since boreal species were found in large parts of the Barents Sea shelf, including also the northern Arctic area. When modelling diversity as a function of depth and temperature, we found that two of the assemblages in the eastern Barents Sea showed lower diversity than expected from their depth and temperature. This is probably caused by low habitat complexity and the distance to the pool of boreal species in the western Barents Sea. In contrast coastal assemblages in south western Barents Sea and along Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Eastern Barents Sea can be described as diversity “hotspots”; the South-western area had high density of species, abundance and biomass, and here some species have their northern distribution limit, whereas the Novaya Zemlya area has unique fauna of Arctic, coastal demersal fish. (see Information S1 for abstract in Russian)