2,279 research outputs found

    Immunological Characterization of Membrane Skeletal Proteins in "Tetrahymena pyriformis" GL

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    [viii], 27 leaves. Advisor: Jerry E. Honts.The cell cortex (or pellicle) of "Tetrahymena" is composed of three closely associated layers: the cell membrane, the alveolar sacs, and the epiplasm. The epiplasm is the innermost layer of the cortex and is thought to be analogous to the membrane skeleton found in eukaryotic cells, since it consists largely of filamentous proteins responsible for maintaining cell stability and shape. Furthermore, the epiplasrnic layer provides a means by which the cell can regulate the location and distribution of structures along its surface. Low salt extraction of Triton-potassium iodide (TKI) cortical residues is an efficient means by which three membrane skeletal proteins (band A (235 kDa), band C (125 kDa), and a 23 kDa protein) can be isolated. Previous immunofluorescence studies have localized bands A and C in the cell cortex and irnrnunoblots have demonstrated that these proteins are major components of the membrane skeleton in "Tetrahymena". In this study, polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits against three membrane skeletal proteins isolated by low salt extraction of TKI cortical residues: band A and C, and a 23 kDa protein. Immunoblots were performed to characterize the number and size of immunoreactive proteins in total cellular protein as opposed to previous studies which only probed cortical proteins. Furthermore, immunoblots were performed to test the specificity of each antisera prepared against specific proteins in an attempt to clarify apparently contradictory data obtained by previous studies using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Polyclonal antibodies against band A did not detect the presence of band A at 235 kDa, but did detect three bands between 100 and 140 kDa. Affinity-purified band C antibodies were demonstrated to identify a 125 kDa protein from whole-cell lysates, and no bands above 125 kDa, as previous studies have recognized. Interestingly, the 23 kDa polyclonal antibody recognized not only a 23 kDa protein from the total cellular protein, but a high molecular weight protein (above 125 kDa) as well

    Shallow stratigraphic control on pockmark distribution in north temperate estuaries

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine Geology 329-331 (2012): 34-45, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2012.09.006.Pockmark fields occur throughout northern North American temperate estuaries despite the absence of extensive thermogenic hydrocarbon deposits typically associated with pockmarks. In such settings, the origins of the gas and triggering mechanism(s) responsible for pockmark formation are not obvious. Nor is it known why pockmarks proliferate in this region but do not occur south of the glacial terminus in eastern North America. This paper tests two hypotheses addressing these knowledge gaps: 1) the region's unique sea-level history provided a terrestrial deposit that sourced the gas responsible for pockmark formation; and 2) the region's physiography controls pockmarks distribution. This study integrates over 2500 km of high-resolution swath bathymetry, Chirp seismic reflection profiles and vibracore data acquired in three estuarine pockmark fields in the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy. Vibracores sampled a hydric paleosol lacking the organic-rich upper horizons, indicating that an organic-rich terrestrial deposit was eroded prior to pockmark formation. This observation suggests that the gas, which is presumably responsible for the formation of the pockmarks, originated in Holocene estuarine sediments (loss on ignition 3.5–10%), not terrestrial deposits that were subsequently drowned and buried by mud. The 7470 pockmarks identified in this study are non-randomly clustered. Pockmark size and distribution relate to Holocene sediment thickness (r2 = 0.60), basin morphology and glacial deposits. The irregular underlying topography that dictates Holocene sediment thickness may ultimately play a more important role in temperate estuarine pockmark distribution than drowned terrestrial deposits. These results give insight into the conditions necessary for pockmark formation in nearshore coastal environments.Graduate support for Brothers came from a Maine Economic Improvement Fund Dissertation Fellowship

    Growth and Feed Efficiency of Juvenile Channel Catfish Reared at Different Water Temperatures and Fed Diets Containing Various Levels of Fish Meal

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    Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus do not feed well at low temperatures. It is generally thought that a diet containing fish meal enhances feed palatability at low temperatures since fish meal is highly palatable to fish. There is a lack of information on the effects of fish meal levels on the growth performance of channel catfish reared at low temperatures. Therefore, a study was conducted in a recirculating system to examine the effects of fish meal levels on the feed consumption, weight gain, and feed efficiency of juvenile channel catfish reared at various temperatures. Fish with an initial weight of 9.6 ± 0.1 g were stocked in 23-L clear polycarbonate tanks maintained at approximately 17, 21, or 27 °C. The fish were fed with diets containing 0, 4, or 8% menhaden Brevoortia spp. fish meal for 9 weeks. There was a significant interaction between water temperature and fish meal level with respect to weight gain. At 27 °C, fish fed diets containing 4% and 8% fish meal gained significantly more weight than fish fed the all-plantprotein diet. However, the level of fish meal had no significant effect on the weight gain of fish at 17 °C or 21 °C. This suggests that the olfactory and gustatory responses of channel catfish to fish meal (up to 8% in the diet) may not be as sensitive at low temperatures as at optimum temperatures. The results also indicate that more than 4% fish meal in the diet is not beneficial for the optimum growth and feed efficiency of channel catfish fingerlings raised at 27 °C

    Comparison of community-wide, integrated mass drug administration strategies for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: a cost-eff ectiveness modelling study

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    Background More than 1·5 billion people are aff ected by schistosomiasis or soil-transmitted helminthiasis. WHO’s recommendations for mass drug administration (MDA) against these parasitic infections emphasise treatment of school-aged children, using separate treatment guidelines for these two helminthiases groups. We aimed to evaluate the cost-eff ectiveness of expanding integrated MDA to the entire community in four settings in Côte d’Ivoire. Methods We extended previously published, dynamic, age-structured models of helminthiases transmission to simulate costs and disability averted with integrated MDA (of praziquantel and albendazole) for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis. We calibrated the model to data for prevalence and intensity of species-specifi c helminth infection from surveys undertaken in four communities in Côte d’Ivoire between March, 1997, and September, 2010. We simulated a 15-year treatment programme with 75% coverage in only school-aged children; school-aged children and preschool-aged children; adults; and the entire community. Treatment costs were estimated at US074forschoolagedchildrenand0·74 for school-aged children and 1·74 for preschool-aged children and adults. The incremental costeff ectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated in 2014 US dollars per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted. Findings Expanded community-wide treatment was highly cost eff ective compared with treatment of only school-aged children (ICER 167perDALYaverted)andWHOguidelines(ICER167 per DALY averted) and WHO guidelines (ICER 127 per DALY averted), and remained highly cost eff ective even if treatment costs for preschool-aged children and adults were ten times greater than those for school-aged children. Community-wide treatment remained highly cost eff ective even when elimination of helminth infections was not achieved. These fi ndings were robust across the four diverse communities in Côte d’Ivoire, only one of which would have received annual MDA for both schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis under the latest WHO guidelines. Treatment every 6 months was also highly cost eff ective in three out of four communities. Interpretation Integrated, community-wide MDA programmes for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis can be highly cost eff ective, even in communities with low disease burden in any helminth group. These results support an urgent need to re-evaluate current global guidelines for helminthiases control programmes to include community-wide treatment, increased treatment frequency, and consideration for lowered prevalence thresholds for integrated treatment

    Multifunctional hybrid materials based on transparent poly(methyl methacrylate) reinforced by lanthanoid hydroxo clusters

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    Three pentanuclear lanthanoid hydroxo clusters of composition [Ln(OH)5(abzm)10], where Ln = Eu, Tb,Ho and abzm = di(4-allyloxy)benzoylmethanide, have been prepared. The structures have beencharacterised by means of IR, Raman, elemental analyses and X-ray diffraction, showing a pyramidalsquare-based cluster core. The clusters (Tb and Ho) exhibit Curie?Weiss Law behaviour, displayingantiferromagnetic ordering at low temperatures. The emission properties of the Eu cluster demonstratethe abzm- ligand is an efficient antenna (lex = 420 nm) only for the sensitisation of Eu luminescence inthe visible range, via energy transfer to the 5D0 state of the trivalent metal. The clusters have beenreacted in the presence of methyl methacrylate and azobisisobutyronitrile to prepare reinforcedpolymers via radical polymerisation. The obtained materials exhibit swelling upon immersion intoorganic solvents up to 110% of their original size, in agreement with the presence of cluster-crosslinked polymeric chains. Also, no loss of transparency was observed in the preparation of the materials. The characteristic red emission of the Eu cluster in also retained in the polymeric material

    Comparison of embedded and added motor imagery training in patients after stroke: Results of a randomised controlled pilot trial

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    Copyright @ 2012 Schuster et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: Motor imagery (MI) when combined with physiotherapy can offer functional benefits after stroke. Two MI integration strategies exist: added and embedded MI. Both approaches were compared when learning a complex motor task (MT): ‘Going down, laying on the floor, and getting up again’. Methods: Outpatients after first stroke participated in a single-blinded, randomised controlled trial with MI embedded into physiotherapy (EG1), MI added to physiotherapy (EG2), and a control group (CG). All groups participated in six physiotherapy sessions. Primary study outcome was time (sec) to perform the motor task at pre and post-intervention. Secondary outcomes: level of help needed, stages of MT-completion, independence, balance, fear of falling (FOF), MI ability. Data were collected four times: twice during one week baseline phase (BL, T0), following the two week intervention (T1), after a two week follow-up (FU). Analysis of variance was performed. Results: Thirty nine outpatients were included (12 females, age: 63.4 ± 10 years; time since stroke: 3.5 ± 2 years; 29 with an ischemic event). All were able to complete the motor task using the standardised 7-step procedure and reduced FOF at T0, T1, and FU. Times to perform the MT at baseline were 44.2 ± 22s, 64.6 ± 50s, and 118.3 ± 93s for EG1 (N = 13), EG2 (N = 12), and CG (N = 14). All groups showed significant improvement in time to complete the MT (p < 0.001) and degree of help needed to perform the task: minimal assistance to supervision (CG) and independent performance (EG1+2). No between group differences were found. Only EG1 demonstrated changes in MI ability over time with the visual indicator increasing from T0 to T1 and decreasing from T1 to FU. The kinaesthetic indicator increased from T1 to FU. Patients indicated to value the MI training and continued using MI for other difficult-to-perform tasks. Conclusions: Embedded or added MI training combined with physiotherapy seem to be feasible and benefi-cial to learn the MT with emphasis on getting up independently. Based on their baseline level CG had the highest potential to improve outcomes. A patient study with 35 patients per group could give a conclusive answer of a superior MI integration strategy.The research project was partially funded by the Gottfried und Julia Bangerter-Rhyner Foundation

    From moral hazard to risk-response feedback

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    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessments (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5 °C of global warming is clear. Nearly all pathways that hold global warming well below 2 °C involve carbon removal (IPCC, 2015). In addition, solar geoengineering is being considered as a potential tool to offset warming, especially to limit temperature until negative emissions technologies are sufficiently matured (MacMartin et al., 2018). Despite this, there has been a reluctance to embrace carbon removal and solar geoengineering, partly due to the perception that these technologies represent what is widely termed a “moral hazard”: that geoengineering will prevent people from developing the will to change their personal consumption and push for changes in infrastructure (Robock et al., 2010), erode political will for emissions cuts (Keith, 2007), or otherwise stimulate increased carbon emissions at the social-system level of analysis (Bunzl, 2008). These debates over carbon removal and geoengineering echo earlier ones over climate adaptation. We argue that debates over “moral hazard” in many areas of climate policy are unhelpful and misleading. We also propose an alternative framework for dealing with the tradeoffs that motivate the appeal to “moral hazard,” which we call “risk-response feedback.

    Mercury's Surface Magnetic Field Determined from Proton-Reflection Magnetometry

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    Solar wind protons observed by the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit about Mercury exhibit signatures of precipitation loss to Mercury's surface. We apply proton-reflection magnetometry to sense Mercury's surface magnetic field intensity in the planet's northern and southern hemispheres. The results are consistent with a dipole field offset to the north and show that the technique may be used to resolve regional-scale fields at the surface. The proton loss cones indicate persistent ion precipitation to the surface in the northern magnetospheric cusp region and in the southern hemisphere at low nightside latitudes. The latter observation implies that most of the surface in Mercury's southern hemisphere is continuously bombarded by plasma, in contrast with the premise that the global magnetic field largely protects the planetary surface from the solar wind

    Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for comprehensive treatment of oligometastatic tumors (SABR-COMET): Study protocol for a randomized phase II trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) has emerged as a new treatment option for patients with oligometastatic disease. SABR delivers precise, high-dose, hypofractionated radiotherapy, and achieves excellent rates of local control. Survival outcomes for patients with oligometastatic disease treated with SABR appear promising, but conclusions are limited by patient selection, and the lack of adequate controls in most studies. The goal of this multicenter randomized phase II trial is to assess the impact of a comprehensive oligometastatic SABR treatment program on overall survival and quality of life in patients with up to 5 metastatic cancer lesions, compared to patients who receive standard of care treatment alone.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After stratification by the number of metastases (1-3 vs. 4-5), patients will be randomized between Arm 1: current standard of care treatment, and Arm 2: standard of care treatment + SABR to all sites of known disease. Patients will be randomized in a 1:2 ratio to Arm 1:Arm 2, respectively. For patients receiving SABR, radiotherapy dose and fractionation depends on the site of metastasis and the proximity to critical normal structures. This study aims to accrue a total of 99 patients within four years. The primary endpoint is overall survival, and secondary endpoints include quality of life, toxicity, progression-free survival, lesion control rate, and number of cycles of further chemotherapy/systemic therapy.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will provide an assessment of the impact of SABR on clinical outcomes and quality of life, to determine if long-term survival can be achieved for selected patients with oligometastatic disease, and will inform the design of a possible phase III study.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01446744</p