1,489 research outputs found

    Considerations for planning and designing meta-analysis in oral medicine

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    Evidence to address a scientific question is generated through the design of research aiming to answer it. Probably the most often sought design in epidemiologic research is a randomized clinical trial that offers the advantage of controlling for confounders, which may influence the trial outcome. In contrast, observational study designs test hypotheses when clinical trials are difficult to implement. The interest in clinical trials has led to an explosion of manuscripts testing interventions in health care, often yielding interesting results albeit in statistically underpowered samples. Thus, the clinician faces the challenge of making sense of multiple studies that produce results of variable strength when attempting to assess the evidence supporting a treatment. Meta-analytic methods represent an alternative to assess the evidence by pooling the results from multiple studies to increase statistical power. This manuscript describes considerations for planning and implementing meta-analysis in oral medicine

    A normative approach to intergroup contact: the role of ingroup norms regarding interactions with members of the outgroup

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    The main argument developed in this thesis is that individuals are not only affected by their own experiences of intergroup contact, but also by the contact they perceive is occurring around them. A pivotal reason for this is a change in the perception of ingroup norms regarding intergroup interactions, which can shape intergroup attitudes and make future positive intergroup contact experiences more likely. Chapter 1 provides a review of the literature of intergroup contact and makes the case for the necessity of a normative perspective on intergroup contact research. I Chapter 2, I provide a brief overview of the literature regarding the effect of social norms in intergroup relations, and describe in more detail the theoretical model proposed. Chapters 3 and 4 provide some initial evidence for the model using cross-sectional studies, showing that ingroup norms are associated with attitudes and with the intention of having intergroup contact, and that direct and indirect contact rely on different mechanisms to improve attitudes towards the outgroup. The effect of indirect contact is of a normative nature while the effect of direct contact is more emotional. Chapter 5 focuses on the distinction between ingroup norms about contact and ingroup norms about expressing prejudice, and the evaluation of moderators of the effect in ingroup norms. Chapter 6 reports two longitudinal studies, providing some evidence in support for a causal effect of ingroup norms about contact on several outcomes; and Chapter 7 reports a series of experiments, including results showing that ingroup norms predict the success of an actual interaction with outgroup members. In Chapter 8, I summarise the evidence for the theoretical model proposed and discuss some promising directions for future research, as well as the implications of these results for the reduction of segregation and the improvement of intergroup relations in general

    Innovation systems and regional resilience: a network analysis

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    European regions face several social and economic challenges. To overcome these challenges, each region needs to identify priority domains that promote innovation dynamics and represent competitive advantages for development and regional resilience. The innovative dynamics of a region largely depends on existing actors and their connectivity, so that the resilience of a given innovation system can be analyzed through the study of innovation networks. This article studies the case of Algarve, a peripheral region in the south of Portugal, through the use of Social Network Analysis. The results facilitate the identification of thematic groups of priorities for smart specialization and potentialities for the system improvement and suggest that the public policies must make efforts to stimulate the cooperation for the innovation, avoiding an excessive concentration of resources and the prominence of specific actors.Las regiones europeas presentan diversos retos sociales y económicos. Para superar estos desafíos es necesario que cada región identifique dominios prioritarios sobre los que concretar las dinámicas de innovación y sus ventajas competitivas, en pos del desarrollo y la resiliencia regional. Las dinámicas innovadoras de una región dependen de los actores existentes y de su conectividad, por lo que la resiliencia de un determinado sistema de innovación puede ser analizada a través del estudio de las redes de innovación. Este artículo estudia el caso de Algarve, una región periférica en el sur de Portugal, por medio del Análisis de Redes Sociales. Los resultados identifican grupos temáticos de prioridades para la especialización inteligente y potencialidades para la mejora del sistema. Sugieren, además, que las políticas públicas deben hacer esfuerzos para estimular la cooperación para la innovación, evitando la concentración excesiva de recursos y el protagonismo de actores específicosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Elaboração de uma técnica de verificação de usabilidade para sites de comércio eletrônico

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnológicoEste trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de avaliação baseada em conhecimentos ergonômicos explícitos e na participação de usuários e projetistas em atividades de inspeção avaliativas rápidas e baratas, de modo a identificar os problemas ergonômicos mais flagrantes em sites/web para comércio eletrônico. São descritas as atividades envolvidas para a concepção da técnica, que é apresentada com detalhes sobre sua natureza, seus processos e os documentos que a implementam. A técnica representa um instrumento para identificar rapidamente, com a ajuda de usuários e projetistas, os erros ergonômicos geralmente encontrados e repetitivos, presentes nas principais tarefas dos usuários. Essa técnica pode ser vista igualmente como instrumento para tornar a preocupação ergonômica algo habitual entre os projetistas. Além disso, foi projetado um estudo piloto a fim de verificar os resultados obtidos e confrontar com as metas estabelecidas no início do estud

    Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain

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    The information included in this study were calculated on the basis of data provided by the Spanish electricity grid, for thirteen years between 2007 and 2019. This data includes: the average consumption demand on the Spanish electricity grid at national level, and its availability. Subsequently, the report looks at the number of electric vehicles that could be supported in the years 2020–2023, depending on the consumption demand and availably of the electricity grid for those future years. The data presented in the article refers to the research study: ‘Electric vehicles in Spain: An overview of charging systems’ and ‘Analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles in Spain

    Data supporting the reconstruction study of missing wind speed logs using wavelet techniques for getting maximum likelihood

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    The data to construct the missing wind-speed value in the weather station record at “Collado de Yuste”, between the years 2002 to 2012, was calculated using wind speed data recorded in two other nearby weather stations, those in “Solana del Zapatero” and “Calar Alto”. The three mentioned stations are located in the mountain range of the province of Almeria, Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain. After calculating the degree of association using the correlation coefficient and Wavelet Transform Scalogram, the data was successfully constructed. This paper refers to another study: Wind missing data arrangement using wavelet based techniques for getting maximum likelihoo

    ¿Qué matemática acontece en el aula de Cálculo Diferencial? Error y producción matemática

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    The field of research for this dissertation is a Differential Calculus classroom (Calculus I) at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Research assumes cartography as a research method. The objective is to inventory events of a group of forces, understood as: undergraduate students in Mathematics and teachers and mathematics curriculum and public university and and and, problematizing error, mathematical production processes and silence in the Calculus classroom. Inventory bets on an experimentation exercise with the writing of this work, which is divided into the following inventions: Inventario - considered as a set of inventions produced from what was possible to COUNT when inventorying this research; Cuestionario - it is treated as a repertoire of questions that accompany me, if i do not cover the investigation and that still accompany me: —What is a math classroom? —How does the classroom become an object of investigation? —What mathematics happens in the Calculus classroom? —Mapping the Calculus classroom is possible? —What lives inhabit the Calculus classroom? Fragmentario - the idea of fragmentary in this section does not refer to a small part of something broken or divided. On the contrary, it is a composition of concepts together with readings, experiences, (mis)knowledge and practices to produce meanings; Cuentario - it is considered as a set of stories and is composed of three blocks: Functions, Limits and Derivative. In this Cuentario it is intended to COUNT stories as forms of life; Afectario - this section is used to COUNT the affects and effects when inventorying this research; Secuestrario - is the word chosen to say about the references. Finally, inventory puts us in the challenge of experiencing a Mathematics as an event, betting on the Powers of Life to force thinking and thinking in other ways in the Mathematics classroom. Inventorying this research together with Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, invents problems, deterritorializes absolute truths and produces ruptures in the field of representations. Events in the Calculus classroom engender ways of researching, inventing and writing alongside a cognitive politics that produces worlds.Esta dissertação tem como campo de pesquisa uma sala de aula de Cálculo Diferencial (Cálculo I) da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). A pesquisa assume a cartografia como método de pesquisa. Tem-se como objetivo inventariar acontecimentos do coletivo de forças, entendido como: estudantes de Licenciatura em Matemática e professores e currículo de Matemática e universidade pública e e e, problematizando o erro, os processos de produção matemática e o silêncio na sala de aula de Cálculo. Inventariar aposta em um exercício de experimentação com a escrita deste trabalho que está dividida nas seguintes invenções: Inventario: considerado como um conjunto de invenções produzidas a partir do que foi possível CONTAR ao inventariar esta pesquisa; Cuestionario - é tratado como um repertório de perguntas que me acompanharam no decorrer da investigação e que ainda me acompanham: Que é uma sala de aula de matemática? —Como a sala de aula se torna objeto de pesquisa? — Que matemática acontece na sala de aula de Cálculo? —É possível cartografar a sala de aula de Cálculo? Que vidas habitam a sala de aula de Cálculo? Fragmentario - a ideia de fragmentário nesta seção não se refere a uma pequena parte de algo quebrado ou dividido. Pelo contrário, é uma composição de conceitos junto as leituras, experiências, (des)conhecimentos e práticas para produzir sentidos; Cuentario: é considerado como um conjunto de contos e está composto por três blocos: Funções, Limites e Derivadas. Neste Cuentario pretende-se CONTAR contos como formas de vida, problematizando os acontecimentos e discutindo algumas políticas que se assumem na aula de Cálculo em relação ao erro e aos processos de produção matemática. Este Cuentario; Afectario - esta seção é usada para CONTAR os afetos e efeitos ao inventariar esta pesquisa; Secuestrario - é a palavra escolhida para dizer sobre as referências. Finalmente, inventariar nos coloca no desafio de experimentar uma Matemática como acontecimento, apostando nas Potencias de Vida para forçar o pensamento, pensar de outras maneiras na sala de aula de matemática. Inventariar esta pesquisa junto a Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari, inventa problemas, desterritorializa verdades absolutas e produz rupturas no campo das representações. Acontecimentos na sala de aula de Cálculo engendram modos de pesquisar, inventar e escrever junto a uma política cognitiva que produze mundos.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Authentication in remote controls

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    Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de sistemas de autenticación, usando lenguaje C, en un canal ideal (sin errores). Estos sistemas de autenticación usan LFSR y un algoritmo de multiplicación rápida en curvas elípticas sobre campos de Galois binarios, sin pre cálculos. Sobre estos sistemas de autenticación fue implementado un algoritmo de verificación de identidad digital usando curvas elípticas. Estos sistemas de autenticación son diferentes a anteriores desarrollados porque su aplicación es ideal para aplicaciones de bajo consumo de energía y bajo tiempo de computo.This project consists of developing, using C language, different authentication schemes in an ideal Cryptographic channel, using Clock Controlled LFSRs and Fast Multiplication in Elliptic Curves over GF(2^m) without precomputation working in an inversionfree coordinate system. Over these schemes are implemented an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm different from the classic signature scheme. They are different because of their applications on restricted resources like energy consumption, processing capacity, not facilities of dual communication channel and calculation time.Ingeniero (a) ElectrónicoPregrad