173 research outputs found

    4-Amino­pyridinium 4-nitro­benzoate 4-nitro­benzoic acid

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C5H7N2 +·C7H4NO4 −·C7H5NO4, consists of an amino­pyridinium cation, a 4-nitro­benzoate anion and a neutral 4-nitro­benzoic acid mol­ecule. The pyridine ring forms dihedral angles of 64.70 (5)° and 70.37 (5)°, respectively, with the benzene rings of 4-nitro­benzoic acid and 4-nitro­benzoate. In the crystal structure, the cations, anions and the neutral 4-nitro­benzoic acid mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a two-dimensional network parallel to (001). Adjacent networks are cross-linked via C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances 3.6339 (6) and 3.6566 (6) Å]

    High-throughput and quantitative assessment of enhancer activity in mammals by CapStarr-seq

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    International audienceCell-type specific regulation of gene expression requires the activation of promoters by distal genomic elements defined as enhancers. The identification and the characterization of enhancers are challenging in mammals due to their genome complexity. Here we develop CapStarr-Seq, a novel high-throughput strategy to quantitatively assess enhancer activity in mammals. This approach couples capture of regions of interest to previously developed Starr-seq technique. Extensive assessment of CapStarr-seq demonstrates accurate quantification of enhancer activity. Furthermore, we find that enhancer strength is associated with binding complexity of tissue-specific transcription factors and super-enhancers, while additive enhancer activity isolates key genes involved in cell identity and function. The CapStarr-Seq thus provides a fast and cost-effective approach to assess the activity of potential enhancers for a given cell type and will be helpful in decrypting transcription regulation mechanisms

    CoCAS: a ChIP-on-chip analysis suite

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    Motivation: High-density tiling microarrays are increasingly used in combination with ChIP assays to study transcriptional regulation. To ease the analysis of the large amounts of data generated by this approach, we have developed ChIP-on-chip Analysis Suite (CoCAS), a standalone software suite which implements optimized ChIP-on-chip data normalization, improved peak detection, as well as quality control reports. Our software allows dye swap, replicate correlation and connects easily with genome browsers and other peak detection algorithms. CoCAS can readily be used on the latest generation of Agilent high-density arrays. Also, the implemented peak detection methods are suitable for other datasets, including ChIP-Seq output

    Where Does Mediator Bind In Vivo?

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    Background: The Mediator complex associates with RNA polymerase (Pol) II, and it is recruited to enhancer regions by activator proteins under appropriate environmental conditions. However, the issue of Mediator association in yeast cells is controversial. Under optimal growth conditions (YPD medium), we were unable to detect Mediator at essentially any S. cerevisiae promoter region, including those supporting very high levels of transcription. In contrast, whole genome microarray experiments in synthetic complete (SC) medium reported that Mediator associates with many genes at both promoter and coding regions. Principal Findings: As assayed by chromatin immunoprecipitation, we show that there are a small number of Mediator targets in SC medium that are not observed in YPD medium. However, most Mediator targets identified in the genome-wide analysis are false positives that arose for several interrelated reasons: the use of overly lenient cut-offs; artifactual differences in apparent IP efficiencies among different genomic regions in the untagged strain; low fold-enrichments making it difficult to distinguish true Mediator targets from false positives that occur in the absence of the tagged Mediator protein. Lastly, apparent Mediator association in highly active coding regions is due to a non-specific effect on accessibility due to the lack of nucleosomes, not to a specific association of Mediator. Conclusions: These results indicate that Mediator does not bind to numerous sites in the yeast genome, but rathe

    Adr1 and Cat8 Mediate Coactivator Recruitment and Chromatin Remodeling at Glucose-Regulated Genes

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    Adr1 and Cat8 co-regulate numerous glucose-repressed genes in S. cerevisiae, presenting a unique opportunity to explore their individual roles in coactivator recruitment, chromatin remodeling, and transcription.We determined the individual contributions of Cat8 and Adr1 on the expression of a cohort of glucose-repressed genes and found three broad categories: genes that need both activators for full derepression, genes that rely mostly on Cat8 and genes that require only Adr1. Through combined expression and recruitment data, along with analysis of chromatin remodeling at two of these genes, ADH2 and FBP1, we clarified how these activators achieve this wide range of co-regulation. We find that Adr1 and Cat8 are not intrinsically different in their abilities to recruit coactivators but rather, promoter context appears to dictate which activator is responsible for recruitment to specific genes. These promoter-specific contributions are also apparent in the chromatin remodeling that accompanies derepression: ADH2 requires both Adr1 and Cat8, whereas, at FBP1, significant remodeling occurs with Cat8 alone. Although over-expression of Adr1 can compensate for loss of Cat8 at many genes in terms of both activation and chromatin remodeling, this over-expression cannot complement all of the cat8Delta phenotypes.Thus, at many of the glucose-repressed genes, Cat8 and Adr1 appear to have interchangeable roles and promoter architecture may dictate the roles of these activators

    The tail-module of yeast Mediator complex is required for telomere heterochromatin maintenance

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    Eukaryotic chromosome ends have a DNA–protein complex structure termed telomere. Integrity of telomeres is essential for cell proliferation. Genome-wide screenings for telomere length maintenance genes identified several components of the transcriptional regulator, the Mediator complex. Our work provides evidence that Mediator is involved in telomere length regulation and telomere heterochromatin maintenance. Tail module of Mediator is required for telomere silencing by promoting or stabilizing Sir protein binding and spreading on telomeres. Mediator binds on telomere and may be a component of telomeric chromatin. Our study reveals a specific role of Mediator complex at the heterochromatic telomere and this function is specific to telomeres as it has no effect on the HMR locus

    Histone H4 Lysine 12 Acetylation Regulates Telomeric Heterochromatin Plasticity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Recent studies have established that the highly condensed and transcriptionally silent heterochromatic domains in budding yeast are virtually dynamic structures. The underlying mechanisms for heterochromatin dynamics, however, remain obscure. In this study, we show that histones are dynamically acetylated on H4K12 at telomeric heterochromatin, and this acetylation regulates several of the dynamic telomere properties. Using a de novo heterochromatin formation assay, we surprisingly found that acetylated H4K12 survived the formation of telomeric heterochromatin. Consistently, the histone acetyltransferase complex NuA4 bound to silenced telomeric regions and acetylated H4K12. H4K12 acetylation prevented the over-accumulation of Sir proteins at telomeric heterochromatin and elimination of this acetylation caused defects in multiple telomere-related processes, including transcription, telomere replication, and recombination. Together, these data shed light on a potential histone acetylation mark within telomeric heterochromatin that contributes to telomere plasticity