1,673 research outputs found

    Age and sex estimation based on pulp cavity volume using cone beam computed tomography   : development and validation of formulas in a Brazilian sample  

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    Orientador: Eduardo Daruge JuniorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A análise da deposição de dentina secundária e conseqüente diminuição do tamanho da cavidade pulpar constitui um indicador útil para a estimativa da idade, fundamental nas investigações forenses para a criação do perfil biológico do indivíduo. Porém, dentro da literatura consultada, não há estudo que tenha realizado estimativa do sexo com base nesta análise. Com este objetivo, foi mensurado volumetricamente a cavidade pulpar de 232 dentes, incisivos centrais e caninos superiores, a partir de 116 exames de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) de indivíduos brasileiros, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 13 a 70 anos, pertencentes ao Arquivo da Clínica de Radiologia Odontológica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. A análise foi realizada por dois examinadores utilizando o software de livre acesso ITK-SNAP versão 3.4.0. Os resultados permitiram desenvolver fórmulas de regressão linear simples e múltiplas para estimativa da idade e do sexo na população brasileira, sendo validadas por medição de outra amostra composta de 72 dentes. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson entre idade e volume pulpar foi negativo e significativo para os dois tipos de dentes, obtendo o incisivo central coeficientes maiores (r = -0.8782; R² = 0.7713) do que o canino (r = -0.8738; R² = 0.7635). Das fórmulas desenvolvidas, os melhores resultados foram de estimativa etária para o sexo feminino na presença do volume pulpar apenas dos caninos (R² = 0,8367) e quando se utiliza o volume pulpar dos dois tipos de dentes (R² = 0,8341). Os piores coeficientes foram encontrados para as equações de estimativa do sexo quando se tem o volume de apenas um dente e a idade é desconhecida (R² = 0,0268 para incisivos centrais; R² = 0,075 para caninos). Já a validação observou menor valor de erro médio absoluto para a estimativa etária da parte da amostra feminina, além de alta precisão da estimativa da idade, de modo geral, nos indivíduos com mais de 35 anos. Foi constatada precisão de 94% para estimativa do sexo quando disponível a informação etária na amostra feminina. As fórmulas desenvolvidas e validadas retrataram bons resultados para aplicação na população brasileiraAbstract: Secondary dentin deposition assessment and its consequent decrease in pulp cavity size represent an useful indicator for age estimation, fundamental in forensic investigations for creation of individual¿s biological profile. However, in consulted literature, there is no study that has carried a sex estimation based on this analysis. With this purpose, was volumetrically measured the pulp cavity of 232 teeth, upper central incisors and canines, from 116 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of Brazilian individuals, of both sexes, aged between 13 to 70 years, belonging to the Dental Radiology Clinic¿s archive from Dental School at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. This analyses was carried out, independently, by two examiners using ITK-SNAP software version 3.4.0. Based on data obtained, it was possible to develop simple and multiple linear regression formulas for age and sex estimation in Brazilian population, beign validated from analysis of another sample composed of 72 teeth. Pearson¿s correlation coefficients between age and pulp volume was negative and statistically significant for both teeth types, obtaining the central incisor higher coefficients (r = -0.8782; R² = 0.7713) than canine (r = -0.8738; R² = 0.7635). From developed formulas, the best results were of the age estimation for female sex in presence only of canines pulp volume (R² = 0,8367) and when using the pulp volume of both teeth types (R² = 0,8341). Worst results were observed for the sex estimation equations when there was volume of only one tooth and the age was unknown (R² = 0,0268 for central incisors; R² = 0,075 for canines). Validation has found the lowest value of mean absolute error for age estimation in female part of the sample, as well as high accuracy in age estimation, in general, in individuals older than 35 years. Was ascertained 94% of accuracy for sex estimation when the age information was available in the female sample. Developed and validated formulas showed good results for application in Brazilian populationMestradoOdontologia Legal e DeontologiaMestra em Biologia Buco-Denta

    Méthodologie alternative pour le contrôle du compactage des sols granulaires utilisant la réflectométrie dans le domaine fréquentiel (FDR)

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    Le nucléodensimètre (ND) est l'appareil le plus couramment utilisé pour le contrôle du compactage dans le domaine routier. Les industries de la construction et du contrôle de qualité approuvent et son niveau de précision la célérité dans l’obtention des résultats sur le terrain que le ND est capable d’offrir. Toutefois, au cours des dernières années, la présence de matières radioactives dans leur composition, qui présente des risques pour la santé et l'environnement, a suscité des inquiétudes croissantes, ce qui a conduit à l'adoption de réglementations restrictives en matière de stockage, de transport et d'entretien des ND, avec des conséquences sur les coûts d'exploitation. Plusieurs études ont proposé des méthodes alternatives au ND, mais aucune n'a été largement adoptée, pour des raisons telles que les niveaux peu satisfaisants en matière de précision, simplicité d'exécution, temps nécessaire à l'obtention des résultats et coût-efficacité par rapport au ND. Dans ce contexte, la présente recherche consiste à évaluer le potentiel d’une méthode alternative pour le contrôle du compactage, appelée méthode Sherbrooke (MS), basée sur la technologie FDR, qui ne présente pas de risques radioactifs, est simple à utiliser et à un prix abordable. La recherche est centrée sur les sols MG-20 et MG 112, utilisés comme couches de fondation et de sous-fondation des chaussées au Québec. Dans le cadre du développement de la méthode de Sherbrooke, et pour réaliser cette évaluation, il est proposé dans ce travail une méthodologie complète couvrant les étapes en laboratoire et sur le terrain, ainsi qu'une courbe de calibration fiable pour la sonde FDR (réflectométrie à domaine fréquentiel) à travers de l’application de l’apprentissage automatique. En plus, les résultats obtenus par la MS sont comparés avec ceux fournis par le ND et les méthodes physiques sur le terrain. Au moyen des sondes (FDR), la méthode de Sherbrooke consiste à obtenir des paramètres de la masse volumique sèche et de la teneur en eau gravimétrique du sol. Dans l'étude du sol MG 20, 442 essais sur le terrain ont été réalisés pour comparer ces paramètres obtenus par le ND et la MS et 117 tests entre la MS et les essais physiques, y compris des essais avec le cône de sable et le densitomètre à membrane. Pour le sol MG-112, 137 essais comparatifs sur terrain entre la MS et le ND ont été menés. Ces essais ont été effectués sur des planches de référence et aussi sur des sites de construction routière au Québec, menés en partenariat avec le ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ). La technologie FDR s'est avérée efficace, avec une bonne aptitude à prédire la masse volumique sèche et la teneur en eau gravimétrique pour les sols MG 20 et MG 112. De plus, la méthode a démontré une simplicité d'exécution, et les données générées par la sonde peuvent être obtenues en 1 minute. En plus, le processus gaussien a généré le modèle de courbe de calibration le plus performant pour la prédiction de la teneur en eau et pour la masse volumique sèche. La MS offre également une précision de masse volumique sèche comparable à d'autres dispositifs testés et rapportés dans la littérature.Abstract : The nucleodensometer (ND) is the most widely used device for compaction control in road works. The construction and quality control industries agree with the accuracy and rapidity of its results in the field. However, in recent years, concerns have grown over the presence of radioactive materials in ND's composition, which pose risks to health and the environment. As a result, restrictive regulations on the storage, transport, and maintenance of NDs have been adopted, with implications for operating costs. Several studies have been proposed as possible replacements for ND. Still, none has been widely adopted for reasons such as unsatisfactory levels of accuracy, simplicity of execution, time required to obtain results, and cost-effectiveness compared to ND. In this context, this research consists of evaluating the potential of an alternative method for compaction control, entitled the Sherbrooke Method (SM), based on FDR technology, which is free of radioactive hazards, simple to operate, and economically affordable. The research focuses on MG-20 and MG 112 soils, used as subgrade and base layers for roads in Quebec. As part of the Sherbrooke method's development and to complete this evaluation, this study proposes a complete methodology including laboratory and field steps and a reliable calibration curve for the FDR (frequency domain reflectometry) probe through machine learning regression models. In addition, the results obtained by MS are compared with those provided by ND and physical methods in the field. The Sherbrooke method consists of obtaining soil dry density and gravimetric water content parameters through FDR probes. In the MG-20 soil study, 442 field tests were carried out to compare these parameters obtained by ND and MS, and 117 between MS and physical tests, including sand cone and rubber balloon tests. For MG-112 soil, 137 comparative field tests were performed using MS and ND. These tests were conducted on dedicated experimental plots and road construction sites in Quebec in partnership with the Department of Transportation of Quebec (MTQ). The FDR technology has proved to be effective, with a good ability to predict dry density and gravimetric water content for MG 20 and MG 112 soils. Moreover, the method has demonstrated simplicity in execution, allowing probe-generated data to be obtained within 1 minute. In addition, the Gaussian process generated the best-performing calibration curve model for water content and dry density prediction. The MS also offers dry density precision comparable to other devices tested and reported in the literature

    Traditional knowledge nad the role of school: rethinking environmental education in Brazilian Protected Area

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    [Resumo] As Unidades de Conservação Ambiental foram criadas no Brasil como estratégia político-ambiental e pela crescente degradação dos recursos naturais que ocorreu pós-revolução industrial. Nesse período muitas comunidades que habitavam essas áreas sofreram as consequências da importação de modelos internacionais com caráter neoliberal, que viam os seres humanos como destruidores e precisavam, portanto, ser excluídos dos locais ou privados da continuidade de seus modos de vida. Essa situação gerou consequências de ordem social e econômica, intensificando a pobreza e criando um profundo e complexo processo de exclusão dos sujeitos. Considerando esta realidade, o presente estudo propõe discussões iniciais sobre o papel da Educação ambiental nessas áreas, tomando como eixo de reflexão uma escola situada na Ilha do Mel (Paraná-Brasil). É emergente a utilização de estratégias de Educação ambiental que possibilitem a emancipação dos sujeitos, dialogando com a bagagem de saberes que os educandos trazem e permitindo que, a partir deles, os saberes escolares sejam repensados e reorganizados, já que um dos grandes problemas que os povos do campo - como é o caso dos ilhéus - encontram são a falta de reconhecimento e valorização de sua cultura, em especial no espaço educacional, o que acarreta na falta de percepção dos sujeitos enquanto coletivo.[Abstract] The Conservation Units were created in Brazil as political and environmental strategy and theincreasing degradation of natural resources that occurred post-industrial revolution. During this period many communities inhabiting these areas have suffered the consequences of international import models with neoliberal, who saw humans as destroyers and needed therefore be excluded from local or private continuity of their livelihoods. This situation had consequences for social and economic order, intensifying poverty and creating a deep and complex process of exclusion of subjects. Considering this fact, this study suggests initial discussions on the role of environmental education in these areas, taking as a reflection axis of a school located in Ilha do Mel (Parana, Brazil). It is emerging the use of environmental education strategies that enable the emancipation of the subject, talking with luggage of knowledge that students bring and allowing, from them, the school knowledge to be rethought and reorganized, as a major problem that field people - as is the case of the islanders - find are lack of recognition and appreciation of their culture, especially in the educational space, which results in lack of awareness of the subject as a collective

    Let’s save the bees! An environmental activism initiative in elementary school.

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    Science education research emphasizes the need to engage students in socio-scientific issues, empowering them to act in a substantiated manner. This study aims to understand the potential of a collective action initiative, focused on the decreasing honey production issue, and on the students’ empowerment for action. A qualitative research methodology was used with an interpretative stance. The participants were 26 3rd grade students and their teacher. Data was collected from the students written documents, and through an interview with the teacher. Results show that students’ engagement in collective action focused on the decreasing honey production issue, required them to mobilize their scientific knowledge to support their actions, as well as the development of several other competences. Students also became aware of the importance, for every citizen, to substantiate their knowledge in order to act, that acting is crucial to overcome issues that may persist and impact future generations, and that only by engaging in action can change take place. Another highlight was the students’ strong engagement in collective action, allowing them to raise awareness this issue in their local community

    Study of pauses in elderly

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a ocorrência de pausas na fala de idosos e sua distribuição quanto à frequência e a duração. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 128 idosos de ambos os gêneros, divididos em dois grupos: GI (60-79 anos) e GII (a partir de 80 anos). Foram obtidas amostras de fala de todos os participantes para análise das rupturas de fala. As pausas foram classificadas como: hesitação (pausas de um a dois segundos) e pausa propriamente dita (acima de dois segundos). A análise computou 200 sílabas fluentes de cada amostra de fala. Os grupos foram comparados quanto às seguintes variáveis: presença de pausas e hesitações; duração média das pausas; porcentagem de tempo de pausas; frequência de pausas e hesitações; e frequência geral. RESULTADOS: Para GII houve maior número de pausas e hesitações. Na análise da duração e da porcentagem de tempo de pausas não foi observada diferença entre os grupos. Em relação à frequência de pausas, hesitações e pausamento geral, observa-se diferença apenas para a última variável, com maior média de ocorrência para GII. CONCLUSÃO: Idosos com mais de 80 anos apresentam mais rupturas de fala por pausas que os idosos abaixo dessa idade. O estudo contribui como um balizador sobre as mudanças na fala relacionadas à quantidade de pausas e como um parâmetro comparativo para sintomas de doenças que se manifestam pelas variações de fala.PURPOSE: To verify the occurrence of pauses in the speech of elderly and their distribution according to frequency and duration. METHODS: Participants were 128 elderly subjects of both genders, divided into two groups: GI (60-79 years) and GII (80 years and older). Speech samples were gathered from all participants for the analysis of speech disruptions. Pauses were classified as: hesitation (one to two seconds) and pause (over two seconds). The analysis considered 200 fluent syllables in each speech sample. The groups were compared regarding the following variables: presence of pauses and hesitations; average duration of pauses; percentage of pause time; frequency of pauses and hesitations; and general frequency. RESULTS: There was a greater number of pauses and hesitations in GII. In the analysis of duration and percentage of pause time, no differences were found between groups. Regarding the frequency of pauses, hesitations and general pause (hesitation plus pauses), a difference was observed only for the last variable, with higher average occurrence for GII. CONCLUSION: Elderly over 80 years of age present more speech pauses than younger elderly. The study contributes as a marker on the changes in speech related to the amount of pauses, and as a comparative parameter for symptoms of diseases manifested by speech variations.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
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