1,035 research outputs found

    Dentists’ perceptions and usability testing of the Implant Disease Risk Assessment IDRA, a tool for preventing peri-implant disease: a qualitative study

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    Introduction: we aimed to explore dentists’ perceptions toward the implementation of a dental informatics risk assessment tool which estimates the risk for a patient to develop peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: the Implant Disease Risk Assessment Tool (IDRA) was presented to a convenience sample of seven dentists working in a university clinic, whom were asked to use IDRA with the information of three clinical cases whilst thinking aloud and then fill the System Usability Scale (SUS). A semi-structured interview technique was used with audio record to allow free expression of participants’ perceptions related to the IDRA. The interviews information was categorized and analyzed by the authors. Results: to our knowledge, this is the first study conducted to develop a qualitative usability test of IDRA, evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, and users’ satisfaction. There were more variations in responses the greater the degree of complexity of the clinical case. Generally, the participants classified the tool as good, getting usability values of 77,2 (SD 19,8) and learnability 73,2 (SD 24,5). Conclusion: four additional factors should be considered to improve IDRA tool: 1) considering the relation between contour angle and peri‐implant tissue height; 2) automatic periodontal classification in the IDRA tool after completing the periodontogram in the clinical software; 3) presentation of a flow chart to assist therapeutic decisions alongside the final score defined by the IDRA tool; 4) integrating of precision tests such as Implantsafe® DR (dentognostics gmbh, Jena) and Oralyzer®(dentognostics gmbh, Jena). Clinical Significance: etiology and pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases is multifactorial. These tools must follow a natural integration to be easily applied in a clinical setting. It is important to study their usability from the clinicians’ point of view, evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, and users’ satisfaction.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A monarquia em disputa : ligas nobiliárias e válidos no reinado de Enrique IV de Castela (século XV)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História, 2021.Esta monografia tem por objetivo analisar a presença e prestígio de alguns nobres no reinado de Enrique IV, de Castela, que se estendeu de 1454 até sua morte, em 1474. Visto como um rei fraco, Enrique IV, conhecido pela alcunha, O Impotente, contava com homens de confiança na corte, conhecidos como validos, que o aconselhavam e compartilhavam benesses muitas vezes exclusivas aos escalões mais altos do reino. Para compreender esse período e alguns aspectos da relação entre validos e realeza, nesta monografia foram utilizadas duas crônicas que abordam o reinado, as quais revelam intenções políticas diferentes. A primeira, de Alonso de Palencia, escrita durante a época de Enrique IV, mostra objetivos que defendem o ponto de vista da nobreza oposta ao rei. A segunda crônica, de Diego Enríquez de Castillo, foi redigida quando o autor era cronista oficial da corte, assumindo, dessa maneira, um viés completamente oposto, tratando de exaltar as ações do monarca e criticar os ataques lançados pelos nobres, que tentavam “usurpar” o poder monárquico em benefício próprio. As obras historiográficas sobre o reinado de Enrique IV são numerosas. O período chama a atenção dos historiadores principalmente por sua posição antecessora do reinado de Isabel, a Católica. Percebe-se na produção historiográfica certo consenso sobre a “fraqueza” do governo de Enrique e sua incapacidade de impor o poder régio, e, como consequência, a atuação política e bélica da nobreza castelhana é apresentada com feições de “guerra civil”, portanto, de anarquia. Neste trabalho pretende-se, assim, analisar esses aspectos políticos que acabaram por configurar boa parte das percepções sobre o poder régio na Idade Média, marcadas pela dicotomia “centralização versus anarquia”.This monograph aims to analyze the presence and prestige of some nobles in the reign of Henry IV of Castile, that extended from 1454 until his death, in 1474. Seen as a weak king, Enrique IV, known by the nickname, The Impotent, had trusted men at court, known as validos, who advised him and shared blessings often exclusive to the highest echelons of the kingdom. To understand this period and some aspects of the relationship between validos – favorites – and royalty, two chronicles were used in this monograph that address the reign, which reveal different political intentions. The first, by Alonso de Palencia, written during the time of Henry IV, shows objectives that defend the point of view of the nobility opposed to the king. The second chronicle, by Diego Enríquez de Castillo, was written when the author was an official chronicler of the court, thus assuming a completely opposite bias, trying to exalt the monarch's actions and criticize the attacks launched by the nobles, who tried to “usurp” monarchical power for their own benefit. The historiographical works on the reign of Henry IV are numerous. The period draws the attention of historians mainly for its predecessor position of the reign of Isabel, the Catholic. It is noticed in the historiographical production a certain consensus on the “weakness” of the Enrique government and his inability to impose the royal power, and, as a consequence, the political and warlike action of the Castilian nobility is presented with features of “civil war”, therefore, of anarchy. In this work, we intend to analyze these political aspects that ended up configuring a good part of the perceptions about the royal power in the Middle Ages, marked by the dichotomy “centralization versus anarchy”

    Technical-economic potential of PV systems on Colombian residential sector

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    Solar energy is the second most applied variable renewable source worldwide, after the wind. In 2014, its world installed capacity was around 177 GW. During the past years, the yearly new capacity of photovoltaic (PV) solar yearly new capacity has exceeded new wind projects, highlighting this new solar power trend. This study aims to estimate technical and economic potential of the solar PV in the Colombian residential sector taking into account characteristics such as socio-economic stratum, household electric power consumption, tariffs by utility and capital cost. Technical-economic simulation tools were integrated into a geographical information system (‘GIS’) to permit a spatial analysis. Results shows solar generation potential and its annual penetration potential for all socioeconomic strata within all Colombian municipalities up to 2030. The current technical potential is around 9.1 GWp (13.10 TWh/year), while the economic potential will be 3.2 GWp by 2030.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (National Scientific and Technological Development Council – CNPQ), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior ((Brazilian Federal Agency for the Improvement of Higher Education-CAPES) and NETEP - European-Brazilian Network on Energy Planning, a project supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme (PIRSES-GA-2013-612263), for the essential support given for this work to be carried out

    Elderly Centered Design for Interaction – The Case of the S4S Medication Assistant

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    AbstractSeveral aspects of older adults’ life can benefit from recent technological developments, but success in harnessing this potential depends on careful design and accessible, easy to use products. Design and development must be centered on the elderly and adequately consider interaction. In this paper we follow this design approach and put it to the test in developing a concrete application, aimed to contribute to lower the high levels of non-adherence to medication in the elderly population. The “Medication Assistant” application was developed following an iterative method centered, from the start, on the elderly and interaction design. The method repeats short-time development cycles integrating definition of scenarios and goals, requirements engineering, design, prototyping and evaluation. Evaluation, by end-users, of the increasingly refined prototypes, is a key characteristic of the method. The evaluation results provide information related to strengths and weaknesses of the application and yield suggestions regarding changes and improvements, valuable support further development. Results regarding evaluation of the second prototype of “Medication Assistant” are presented

    Development of a poly(vinyl alcohol)/lysine electrospun membrane-based drug delivery system for improved skin regeneration

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    Nanofiber-based wound dressings are currently being explored as delivery systems of different biomolecules for avoiding skin infections as well as improve/accelerate the healing process. In the present work, a nanofibrous membrane composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and lysine (Lys) was produced by using the electrospinning technique. Further, anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen (IBP)) and antibacterial (lavender oil (LO)) agents were incorporated within the electrospun membrane through blend electrospinning and surface physical adsorption methods, respectively. The obtained results demonstrated that the PVA_Lys electrospun membranes incorporating IBP or LO displayed the suitable morphological, mechanical and biological properties for enhancing the wound healing process. Moreover, the controlled and sustained release profile attained for IBP was appropriate for the duration of the wound healing inflammatory phase, whereas the initial burst release of LO is crucial to prevent wound bacterial contamination. Indeed, the PVA_Lys_LO electrospun membranes were able to mediate a strong antibacterial activity against both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, without compromising human fibroblasts viability. Overall, the gathered data emphasizes the potential of the PVA_Lys electrospun membranes-based drug delivery systems to be used as wound dressings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capital humano e empreendedorismo como forma de alcance dos direitos sociais

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    RESUMONo presente artigo aborda-se a ineficiência do Estado para assegurar os direitos sociais a todos os seus cidadãos, o que é referendado pelo ordenamento jurídico por meio da invocação da teoria da reserva do possível. Diante desse contexto, objetiva apontar outros meios de viabilização e concretização desses direitos com o fim de assegurar a igualdade e a dignidade da pessoa humana. Assim, na busca do alcance dos direitos sociais, contextualiza a teoria do capital humano, colocando-a como alternativa por meio do desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo. Destarte, a criteriosa revisão de literatura e pesquisa jurisprudencial demonstram a relevância do estudo dirigido à efetividade dos direitos sociais. Tais direitos, de cunho fundante, são apresentados na investigação, vinculados à apreensão da teoria da reserva do possível, à noção de capital humano e ao empreendedorismo. A interpretação de tal conjunto, núcleo vital deste estudo, indica as condições de possibilidade, para concretização dos direitos sociais. Por fim, verifica-se que a teoria da pedagogia empreendedora, que propõe direcionamento de esforços do Estado na educação e formação das pessoas, com o propósito de desenvolver uma cultura empreendedora, seria capaz de colocar todos em um patamar de igualdade de condições, proporcionando autonomia e liberdade de escolha para o desenvolvimento de suas próprias atividades, o que possibilitaria o alcance dos direitos sociais por meio dos próprios esforços.PALAVRAS-CHAVEDireitos sociais. Capital humano. Empreendedorismo. ABSTRACTThis article addresses the inefficiency of the State to ensure social rights to all its citizens, which is endorsed by the legal system and invoking the theory of the reserve of the possible. In view of this context, it is necessary to point out other ways of making these rights feasible and concrete in order to ensure the equality and dignity of the human person. Thus, in the search for the reach of social rights, it contextualizes the theory of human capital, placing it as an alternative through the development of entrepreneurship. Thus, the careful review of literature and jurisprudential research demonstrate the relevance of the study directed to the effectiveness of social rights. These rights, of a founding nature, are presented in the investigation, linked to the apprehension of the theory of the reserve of the possible, to the notion of human capital and entrepreneurship. The interpretation of such a set, the vital nucleus of this study, indicates the conditions of possibility for the realization of social rights. Finally, it is verified that the theory of entrepreneurial pedagogy, which proposes directing the efforts of the State in the education and training of people, with the purpose of developing an entrepreneurial culture, would be able to put everyone on a level-playing field, providing autonomy and freedom of choice for the development of their own activities, which would enable the achievement of social rights through their own efforts.KEYWORDSSocial rights. Human capital. Entrepreneurship. 


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    In this study, the problem of carbon neutralization is addressed due to the greenhouse effect, comprising the international mechanisms for such, aiming at demonstrating the possibility of effectuation of rights through the development theory as freedom, added to the reading regarding the dynamogenesis process and the social education. The legal responsibilities worldwide with the goal to face the global warming issue and pointing as one of the possible ways of carbon neutralization, is corroborated by the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement regarding the clean development. The possibilities condition is regarded in favor of the fundamental right to the ecologically balanced fundamental right. The development theory as freedom, the normative production and education are essential so that the individuals take part of the formation of the society values, concerning the concretization of the full developmental purpose

    Chondrocranium and internal oral morphology of the tadpole of Corythomantis greeningi (Anura: Hylidae)

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    Corythomantis greeningi é uma perereca-de-cabeça-ossificada que ocorre em regiões xéricas e sub-úmidas do nordeste do Brasil. Frequentemente os indivíduos são encontrados sobre as rochas às margens de riachos temporários ou em acúmulos de água nos “lajedos”. Girinos suctoriais muitas vezes são encontrados aderidos às rochas dos riachos para não serem carreados pelas correntes e por isso, apresentam morfologia externa e interna muito particulares. Aqui, descrevemos a anatomia oral interna e o condrocrânio do girino de C. greeningi e comparamos com as descrições disponíveis de representantes da subfamília Lophyohylinae e outros girinos suctoriais. A morfologia oral interna em C. greeningi assemelha-se aos girinos dos demais sapos de cabeça ossificada que se desenvolvem em poça, apesar deste ter sido encontrado em ambiente temporário lótico. Corythomantis greeningi tem uma morfologia condrocranial particular em relação aos outros Lophyohylinae descritos, apresentando marcadas diferenças nos cornua trabeculae e palatoquadrate. Aparentemente, a morfologia do condrocrânio está mais relacionada a aspectos ecomorfológicos, pois é estruturalmente mais semelhante a outros girinos suctoriais que habitam ambientes lóticos do que com espécies filogeneticamente mais próximas, como Trachycephalus typhonius and Phyllodytes gyrinaethesCorythomantis greeningi is a casque-headed frog that occurs in xeric and sub-humid regions of northeastern Brazil. Individuals are often found on rocks on banks of temporary streams or in ponds upon “lajedos”. Suctorial tadpoles are often found clasping to the rocks in the streams so as not to be dragged by the current; therefore, they have modified external and internal morphology. Here, we describe the internal oral anatomy and the chondrocranium of the tadpole of C. greeningi and compare it to the available descriptions of Lophyohylinae and other suctorial tadpoles. The internal oral morphology in C. greeningi resembles pond-dwelling casque-headed frogs, although it has been found in temporary lotic environments. Corythomantis greeningi has unusual chondrocranial morphology relative to that of other described Lophyohylinae, including marked differences at the cornua trabeculae and palatoquadrate. Apparently, the chondrocranial morphology is related to its ecomorphology, because it is structurally more similar to other suctorial tadpoles that inhabit lotic environments than to phylogenetically related species such as Trachycephalus typhonius and Phyllodytes gyrinaethe

    Larval chondrocranial and internal oral morphology of the neotropical treefrog Boana crepitans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824; Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae)

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    We describe the internal oral morphology and chondrocranial anatomy for Boana crepitans tadpoles, and compare them with available descriptions for other species in the subfamily Cophomantinae. Among species of the Boana faber group, the chondrocranial anatomy has been reported only for one species internal oral morphology and cranial anatomy are similar to other described species of Boana and Cophomantinae. B. crepitans lacks unique features in the oral cavity and chondrocranium that would distinguish it from other congeneric species. We identify six characters from the internal oral anatomy of tadpoles unique for Cophomantinae. In addition, Boana has infralabial papillae projections, buccal floor arena papillae, and lateral ridge papillae projections shorter than those described for Aplastodiscus and Bokermannohyla