91 research outputs found

    Root Canal Retreatment Menggunakan Kombinasi Kalsium Hidroksida Dan Chlorhexidine Sebagai Medikamen Intra Kanal Insisivus Sentral Kiri Maksila

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    Enterococcus faecalis adalah bakteri yang paling banyak terdapat pada infeksi saluran akar yang telah dirawat endodontik. Chlorhexidine mempunyai daya anti bakteri spektrum luas dan telah digunakan dalam endodontik sebagai bahan irigasi maupun medikasi intrakanal. Chlorhexidine mempunyai efek bakterisidal dan fungisidal karena chlorhexidine diserap ke dalam permukaan sel bakteri dan menyebabkan rusaknya integritas sel membran. Kalsium hidroksida digunakan karena mempunyai keuntungan seperti biokompatibel, bahan antimikroba dengan efek pH yang tinggi dan stimulasi jaringan keras. Campuran kalsium hidroksida dan chlorhexidine digunakan untuk alternatif melawan bakteri Enterococcus faecalis. Tujuan dari laporan kasus ini adalah untuk melaporkan kesuksesan perawatan saluran akar ulang pada gigi incisivus sentral kiri maksila dengan periodontitis periapikal akut menggunakan kombinasi kalsium hidroksida dan chlorhexidine sebagai medikamen intrakanal. Seorang pasien wanita 24 tahun datang dengan keluhan gigi insisivus sentral kiri atas yang terasa sakit sejak 4 tahun yang lalu. Gigi terasa sakit saat diperkusi, namun palpasi dan mobilitas normal. Gigi tersebut mengalami trauma dan patah 6 tahun yang lalu dan telah dilakukan perawatan endodontik. Pemeriksaan radiografi menunjukkan obturasi gigi 21 yang tidak hermetis dengan radiolusensi di periapikal dengan batas difus, pelebaran ligamen periodontal dan terputusnya lamina dura. Perawatan berupa perawatan saluran akar ulang menggunakan kombinasi kalsium hidroksida dan chlorhexidine sebagai medikamen intrakanal. Root canalretreatment dengan cleaning dan shaping ulang yang baik dengan menggunakan medikasi intrakanal berupa kombinasi kalsium hidroksida dan chlorhexidine 2% diharapkan mempunyai efek antimikroba yang sinergis untuk mencapai kesuksesan root canal retreatment. Root Canal Retreatment Using Calcium Hydroxide as Intra Canal Medicament On The Maxillary Left Incisor. Enterococcus faecalis bacteria is most abundant in the root canal infection treated endodontically. Chlorhexidine has a broad antibacterial spectrum and has been used as an endodontic irrigant and intracanal medication. Chlorhexidine has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect as chlorhexidine absorbed into the bacterial cell surface and cause damage to the integrity of the cell membrane. Calcium hydroxide is a biocompatible, antimicrobial agents with high pH effects and stimulates hard tissue formation. A mixture of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine is used to control bacteria Enterococcus faecalis alternative. The purpose of this case report is to report on the success of root canal treatment in the left maxillary central incisor with acute periapical periodontitis using a combination of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine as intracanal A 24 years old female patient presents with left upper central incisor tooth ache since 4 years ago. The tooth was hurt to percussion, but normal to pulpation as well as the mobility. The tooth has a history of previous trauma and broken 6 years ago and has performed endodontic treatment. Radiographic examination showed obturation teeth 21 are not hermetic with periapical radiolucency in diffuse boundaries, widening of the periodontal ligament and the dissolution of the lamina dura. Root canal re-treatment using a combination of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine as intracanal medicaments were performed. In conclussion, the root canal cleaning and shaping retreatment can be performed using a combination of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine as intracanal medication

    Perencanaan Struktur Gedung Bertingkat Studi Kasus : Sekolah Tahfidz Banjir Kanal Timur

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    Indonesia terletak di daerah rawan gempa, karena Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan yang terletak pada pertemuan empat lempeng tektonik, dalam perencanaan struktur gedung bertingkat memerlukan perhitungan beban gempa, Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah kekuatan struktur bangunan, seperti kolom, balok, dan plat lantai. Perancangan struktur beton bertulang pada struktur bangunan Sekolah Tahfidz Banjir Kanal Timur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan merencanakan struktur kolom, balok, plat lantai serta merencanakan bangunan gedung yang aman terhadap gempa. Perencanaan menggunakan program Etabs V9.7. Program ini digunakan untuk mengetahui beban static ekuivalen dan respons spectrum, kemudian data yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk perhitungan manual kebutuhan tulangan yang diperlukan untuk plat lantai, balok dan kolom. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan menggunakan Program Etabs V9.7 dengan memasukan beban gempa static ekuivalen dan respons spectrum, diperoleh dimensi plat lantai dengan ukuran 6x8m, 2.5x8m, 4x8m, dengan tebal 120mm kemudian dari hasil tersebut diperoleh tulangan D19-150, plat lantai dengan ukuran 8x8m dengan tebal 200mm kemudian dari hasil diperoleh tulangan D19-150, plat lantai 6x8m lt atap dan 8x8 lt atap dengan tebal 100mm kemudian dari hasil diperoleh tulangan D19-150. Dimensi kolom K1 750x750mm, diperoleh tulangan 28D25. Dimensi balok diperoleh B1 350x650 panjang 8m diperoleh tulangan positif 5D25, tulangan negatif 10D25 dan tulangan geser ᴓ10-250. Dimensi balok diperoleh B2 350x650 panjang 6m diperoleh tulangan positif 4D25, tulangan negatif 8D25 dan tulangan geser ᴓ10-250

    Penentuan Tissue Aroma Terapi "Upik Abu" (untuk Penyelamat Bumi Kita Terbuat dari Ampas Tebu)

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    Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program (the PKM-K) of Tissue"Upik Abu" (Made From Sugar Cane Dregs To Save Earth) isdue tothe desireto targetopportunities ofincreased need fortissue. It alsomotivated the desire to produce tissue without cutting downthe treeas an effort tosave the environment, as well as utilization of bagasse which is usually only used as fuel for locomotives. This program is aimed to: (1) produce Tissue Aroma Therapy, (2) developa marketing strategy, and (3) getthe sales profit. Overview of effort in the PKM-K is producing tissue through cooperation with partners, introducing, and selling products of tissue "Upik Abu". Stage of implementation of its activities, namely market surveys, production, and marketing survey was conducted to get an overview of market potency. The production process consists of three stages, namely preparation, execution, and finishing. Tissue which is produced in the form of facial tissue, toilet tissue, and the tissue at the dinner table. The process of marketing is done through printed media (business cards, leaflets, mass-media), electronic media (facebook, twitter, blogs, SMS), community, exhibition, and consignment with some grocery stores. Aroma therapy is added to the tissue to be more marketable as well as comfortable to use. Tissue production has reached 650 units, with sales profit for three months of Rp. 3,862,500. Based on the results obtain edit can be concluded that the business is profitable, so the continuity of business will continue to be maintained, along with efforts to increase profits

    Toleransi Beberapa Genotipe Gandum (Triticum Aestivum L.) terhadap Kekeringan pada Stadia Perkecambahan

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    Drought is a major abiotic stress impeding wheat production world wide. Selection of potentially drought tolerant genotypes are necessary for wheat improvement. The objective of this study was to test the tolerance level of nine wheat genotypes to drought stress at germination stage. Assesment at germination stage using osmoticum solution is an effective method for selecting tolerant genotypes to drougt stress in a short period of time. The experiment was arranged on a randomized complete block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was wheat genotype consisted of Nias, Selayar, Dewata, H-20, Munal, SBD, SBR, S-03, and YMH. The second factor was concentration of PEG 6000 consisted of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%. Observation variables were germination percentage, shoot length, root length, number of root, number of leaf, seedling fresh weight, and seedling dry weight. Increasing level of PEG concentration inhibited the growth of wheat seedling. Based on the highes R2 value on the regression analysis, relative root length can be used as selection character. Based on RD50 value of relative root length, 15% PEG was determined concentration to select drought tolerant on wheat genotypes. Nias genotype was identified as tolerant genotype, while SBD, S-03, YMH, and Munal were identified as drought sensitive genotypes

    LRR-protein RNH1 dampens the inflammasome activation and is associated with COVID-19 severity.

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    Inflammasomes are cytosolic innate immune sensors of pathogen infection and cellular damage that induce caspase-1-mediated inflammation upon activation. Although inflammation is protective, uncontrolled excessive inflammation can cause inflammatory diseases and can be detrimental, such as in coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, the underlying mechanisms that control inflammasome activation are incompletely understood. Here we report that the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein ribonuclease inhibitor (RNH1), which shares homology with LRRs of NLRP (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine-rich repeat, and pyrin domain containing) proteins, attenuates inflammasome activation. Deletion of RNH1 in macrophages increases interleukin (IL)-1β production and caspase-1 activation in response to inflammasome stimulation. Mechanistically, RNH1 decreases pro-IL-1β expression and induces proteasome-mediated caspase-1 degradation. Corroborating this, mouse models of monosodium urate (MSU)-induced peritonitis and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia, which are dependent on caspase-1, respectively, show increased neutrophil infiltration and lethality in Rnh1 <sup>-/-</sup> mice compared with wild-type mice. Furthermore, RNH1 protein levels were negatively related with disease severity and inflammation in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. We propose that RNH1 is a new inflammasome regulator with relevance to COVID-19 severity

    Photovoice: An active learning tool with community nursing students

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    Objective: To assess nursing students’ experiences of using photovoice as a pedagogical approach to active learning in the community. Methods: A descriptive design with a cross-sectional mixed-method questionnaire was used with 108 students following an educational activity, in which their communities were photographed and the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations was reflected. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: Seventy eight percent of the students felt that photovoice was an interesting and useful tool for nurses, 89% affirmed it helped stimulate reflection on social and health inequities in times of pandemic, 82% described that it developed many emotions and feelings and 86% would like to disseminate their photographs directly to stakeholders, citizens, and politicians. Three themes were identified in the data: “stimulate critical reflection”, “develop emotional skills”, and “encourage action”. Conclusions: Photovoice is a successful active learning pedagogical approach that engages nursing students to develop critical awareness while connecting with their communities, with the real world. It fosters students' sensitivity and motivation and encourages them to take action. Teachers need to introduce new scaffolds for active learning, such as photovoice, to provide innovative academic support that nurtures and develops the next generation of nurses appropriately

    Improvement for detection of microcalcifications through clustering algorithms and artificial neural networks

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    A new method for detecting microcalcifications in regions of interest (ROIs) extracted from digitized mammograms is proposed. The top-hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations and, in this paper, is used to perform contrast enhancement of the mi-crocalcifications. To improve microcalcification detection, a novel image sub-segmentation approach based on the possibilistic fuzzy c-means algorithm is used. From the original ROIs, window-based features, such as the mean and standard deviation, were extracted; these features were used as an input vector in a classifier. The classifier is based on an artificial neural network to identify patterns belonging to microcalcifications and healthy tissue. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative for automatically detecting microcalcifications, because this stage is an important part of early breast cancer detectio