19 research outputs found


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    This qualitative study was aimed at analyzing the types of speech acts used in teaching-learning interaction. The participants of this study were one class of 10th grade students of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung. In collecting the data, observation and audio-visual material were used. Then, descriptive analysis was used to analyze the speech acts used in teaching-learning interaction. The results of this study showed that the speech acts mostly used was directive speech acts. On the other hand, declarations speech acts was not used at all. In conclusion, since the role of the teacher is as an initiator and sustainer of the interaction in the classroom and regarding the opportunities for the full range of human interactions are limited which make the students get more difficulties in acquiring appropriate language use patterns, therefore, directives speech acts is appropriate, used in classroom interaction context to help the students to acquire the target language in the comprehension input and lead them to have positive behavior for learning. Keywords: speech acts, teaching-learning interaction. &nbsp


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    SMAN 1 Bangunrejo is still a lot of parents who belong to underprivileged families economy, therefore the programs that support the smooth process learning as highly desirable for smooth scholarship students in completing education. Distribution of scholarships is done by the Department of Education Central Lampung greatly assist students who are not able to or achievement during their studies. To assist the determination in determining the eligible student then takes a decision support system. In the process of development of a decision support system to determine the scholarship recipients at SMAN 1 Bangunrejo use traditional methods Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). This method was chosen because it is able the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case the alternative meant that the right to receive scholarships based on criteria specified. Research done by finding the weight values for each attribute, then do ranking process that will determine the optimal alternative, that the best students achieving the eligible. Based on test results, a system built to help the working team selectors scholarship, can accelerate the scholarship selection process, can reduce errors in determining the scholarship recipients, so the scholarships granted in accordance with the target


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    SMAN 1 Bangunrejo is still a lot of parents who belong to underprivileged families economy, therefore the programs that support the smooth prosses learning as highly desirable for smooth scholarship students in completing education. Distribution of scholarships is done by the Department of Education Central Lampung greatly assist students who are not able to or achievement during their studies. To assist the determination in determining the eligible student then takes a decision support system. In the process of development of a decision support system to determine the scholarship recipients at SMAN 1 Bangunrejo use traditional methods Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). This method was chosen because it is able the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case the alternative meant that the right to receive scholarships based on criteria specified. Research done by finding the weight values for each attribute, then do ranking process that will determine the optimal alternative, that the best students achieving the eligible. Based on test results, a system built to help the working team selectors scholarship, can accelerate the scholarship selection process, can reduce errors in determining the scholarship recipients, so the scholarships granted in accordance with the target.

    An Analysis of Teacher’s Speech Acts in Teaching and Learning Process

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    This research focuses on classroom interaction during teaching and learning process that included investigation of types and functions of the speech acts produced by teacher. It was designed as a qualitative research. The subject of this research was an English teacher in SMAN 1 Kalirejo. The data were collected through recording. The data were analyzed through three cyclical steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results show that directives speech acts is mostly produced by the teacher than the other speech acts. This can be seen from the data that 33 utterances (21.2%) are representative speech acts, 6 utterances (3.8%) as expressive speech acts, 112 utterances (71.8%) as directives speech acts, and 5 utterances (3.2%) as commisive speech acts. The types and functions of directives speech acts proposed are need statement, bald imperative, embedded imperative, permission directive, and question directive


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    Continuing study to a college is a hope for prospective students. However, that is an easy problem, because that needs to be considered in choosing such as, the cost during the lecture took place, facilities, facilities and infrastructure, cooperation between universities and others. By using The Decision Support System, the calculation of all criteria can be able to determine the best college to assist prospective students in selecting and choosding the college. The Decision Support System uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The Decision Support Issues are basically for the selection of alternative actions enabling prospective students in choosing the college which they want, and will produce a best decision for prospective students for continuing in the best collage


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    Until now, Indonesia is still struggling to fight the Covid-19 virus pandemic. The number of positive cases of Covid-19 continues to increase every day. The government always urges the public to follow health protocols because that's what we all need during a pandemic. Of course stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus will not be easy. For this reason, we are encouraged to increase body immunity so that we can fight the Covid-19 virus. One way to increase body immunity is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. To have a good body condition, a person must have a clean and healthy lifestyle. In this community service activity, the PkM IBN Pringsewu team held socialization activities for clean and healthy living behaviors and maintaining health protocols which aim to provide an understanding of the prevention of Covid-19 as well as clean and healthy living behaviors. The method used in carrying out this socialization activity is using the lecture method by going around to the residents' environment. This activity has the benefit of increasing understanding among residents about the importance of maintaining health, cleanliness, and implementing health protocols in preventing Covid-19.  Keywords: Socialization, PHBS, Health Protocol, Covid-19 Prevention

    An Analysis of Students' Anxiety in the Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching in Reading

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti persepsi siswa dalam kecemasan dari pengajaran reciprocal. Penelitian ini adalah deskripsi kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di kelas XI MIA 1. Ada 11 siswa yang dipilih sebagai narasumber saat wawancara. Mereka dipilih berdasakan observasi, jenis kelamin, dan nilai ujian membaca. Data diambil melalui observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan permasalahan bahasa dianggap menjadi masalah yang penting karena ini dapat mempengaruhi siswa mempunyai rasa kecemasan yang tinggi saat menggunakan empat strategi instruksional dari pengajaran reciprocal. Oleh karena itu, guru disarankan untuk lebih membimbing dan mengawasi siswa saat mengajar membaca menggunakan teknik reciprocal, karena guru mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengurangi dan mengontrol kecemasan siswa.This research was aimed to explore the students' perceptions of anxiety in reciprocal teaching. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The research participants of this research wereXI MIA 1 class.The subjects were 11 representatives of the students as the interviewees. It was chosen based on observation, genre, and the score of reading test. The data were taken from the observation and interview. The results showed language problems were the main aspects which influenced the students to have high anxiety while performing the four instructional strategies of reciprocal teaching. This suggests teachers should guide and control student in teaching reading process through reciprocal teaching because they play a prominent role in alleviating and controlling students' anxiety

    Theoretical Analysis of the Framework Lifelong Education on Quality of Life

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    The people were created by God with a high desire for intellectual curiosity. Therefore humans must be able to learn anywhere and anytime, either in the home, residential environment or educational institutions. This article was to analyse the strategies in lifelong education. It also analyses about the importance of education and open their minds that education is not always obtained from the learning at school. This research was a qualitative study with content analysis as data collection techniques. Lifelong education was a system of educational concepts that includes all activities and learning processes that take place throughout the whole of human life. The direction of lifelong education was in children to adults in order to increase their knowledge and skills that are needed to survive and have a better quality of life. Keywords:  Framework Lifelong Education, Quality of lif