15 research outputs found

    Automatic detection of electric power troubles (AI application)

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    The design goals for the Automatic Detection of Electric Power Troubles (ADEPT) were to enhance Fault Diagnosis Techniques in a very efficient way. ADEPT system was designed in two modes of operation: (1) Real time fault isolation, and (2) a local simulator which simulates the models theoretically

    Automatic Detection of Electric Power Troubles (ADEPT)

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    Automatic Detection of Electric Power Troubles (A DEPT) is an expert system that integrates knowledge from three different suppliers to offer an advanced fault-detection system. It is designed for two modes of operation: real time fault isolation and simulated modeling. Real time fault isolation of components is accomplished on a power system breadboard through the Fault Isolation Expert System (FIES II) interface with a rule system developed in-house. Faults are quickly detected and displayed and the rules and chain of reasoning optionally provided on a laser printer. This system consists of a simulated space station power module using direct-current power supplies for solar arrays on three power buses. For tests of the system's ablilty to locate faults inserted via switches, loads are configured by an INTEL microcomputer and the Symbolics artificial intelligence development system. As these loads are resistive in nature, Ohm's Law is used as the basis for rules by which faults are located. The three-bus system can correct faults automatically where there is a surplus of power available on any of the three buses. Techniques developed and used can be applied readily to other control systems requiring rapid intelligent decisions. Simulated modeling, used for theoretical studies, is implemented using a modified version of Kennedy Space Center's KATE (Knowledge-Based Automatic Test Equipment), FIES II windowing, and an ADEPT knowledge base

    Automatic Detection of Electric Power Troubles (ADEPT)

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    ADEPT is an expert system that integrates knowledge from three different suppliers to offer an advanced fault-detection system, and is designed for two modes of operation: real-time fault isolation and simulated modeling. Real time fault isolation of components is accomplished on a power system breadboard through the Fault Isolation Expert System (FIES II) interface with a rule system developed in-house. Faults are quickly detected and displayed and the rules and chain of reasoning optionally provided on a Laser printer. This system consists of a simulated Space Station power module using direct-current power supplies for Solar arrays on three power busses. For tests of the system's ability to locate faults inserted via switches, loads are configured by an INTEL microcomputer and the Symbolics artificial intelligence development system. As these loads are resistive in nature, Ohm's Law is used as the basis for rules by which faults are located. The three-bus system can correct faults automatically where there is a surplus of power available on any of the three busses. Techniques developed and used can be applied readily to other control systems requiring rapid intelligent decisions. Simulated modelling, used for theoretical studies, is implemented using a modified version of Kennedy Space Center's KATE (Knowledge-Based Automatic Test Equipment), FIES II windowing, and an ADEPT knowledge base. A load scheduler and a fault recovery system are currently under development to support both modes of operation

    Analisis Pengaruh Perkembangan Penduduk dan PDRB terhadap Tingkat Konsumsi Masyarakat di Melongguane Kabupaten Talaud

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    Program kebijakan pembangunan nasional bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Pertumbuhan ekonomi tercermin dari peningkatan produk nasional secara fisik (barang dan jasa) atau secara umum disebut sebagai Produk Domestik Bruto (PDRB). Keberhasilan pembangunan akan tercapai dari tingkat kemakmuran masyarakat yang ada didalamya pendapatan dan konsumsi memegang peranan penting. Kabupaten Talaud khususnys di Melongguane sesuai dengan keadaan geografis dan iklim dan perbedaan sumber daya alam dengan daerah lain, Melongguane lebih mengandalkan sektor Jasa-jasa. Pada umumnya jumlah populasi penduduk di Melongguane lebih banyak dibanding daerah lain yang ada di kabupaten Talaud, tapi pendapatan masyarakatnya cukup besar karena akumulasi modal yang tinggi, hal ini disebabkan karena biaya hidup masyarakat yang cukup besar, mengingat Melongguane bukan daerah penghasil bahan komoditi pangan hampir sebagian besar komoditi-komoditi seperti beras, sayur-mayur dan rempah-rempah di datangkan dari daerah lain yaitu dari Manado, sehingga biaya distribusi bahan pangan tersebut mengalami kenaikan harga. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui Pengaruh di variabel-variabel Perkembangan Penduduk dan PDRB terhadap Tingkat Konsumsi Masyarakat yang ada di Melongguane. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dimana menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian, konsumsi masyarakat Melongguane berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan penduduk, sementara PDRB dihitung tidak berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya konsumsi masyarakat Melongguane. kata kunci : PDRB, Konsumsi Masyarakat, Tingkat Penduduk Programs of national development policies aimed at improving the welfare and quality of life of Indonesian society. Economic growth is reflected in the increase in the national physical product (goods and services), or generally referred to as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The success of the development will be achieved from the existing level of public prosperity didalamya income and consumption plays an important role. Talaud Regency Melongguane khususnys in accordance with geographical and climatic circumstances and differences of natural resources with other areas, rely more Melongguane Services sector. In general, the number of population in Melongguane more than other areas in the district Talaud, but large enough income people because of high capital accumulation, it is because the cost of living is quite large, considering Melongguane not producing areas of food commodity materials almost half major commodities such as rice, vegetables and spices that come from other parts of Manado, so the cost of the distribution of food price increases. This study aimed to Influence on variables Development of Population and GDP for Public Consumption in Melongguane. The data used is secondary data which uses multiple regression analysis method. Research, public consumption Melongguane effect on population growth, while GDP is calculated does not affect the increase in public consumption Melongguane. Key words: GDP, Public Consumption, Population Leve

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    Anti-CS1 humanized monoclonal antibody HuLuc63 inhibits myeloma cell adhesion and induces antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity in the bone marrow milieu

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    Currently, no approved monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies exist for human multiple myeloma (MM). Here we characterized cell surface CS1 as a novel MM antigen and further investigated the potential therapeutic utility of HuLuc63, a humanized anti-CS1 mAb, for treating human MM. CS1 mRNA and protein was highly expressed in CD138-purified primary tumor cells from the majority of MM patients (more than 97%) with low levels of circulating CS1 detectable in MM patient sera, but not in healthy donors. CS1 was expressed at adhesion-promoting uropod membranes of polarized MM cells, and short interfering RNA (siRNA) targeted to CS1 inhibited MM cell adhesion to bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs). HuLuc63 inhibited MM cell binding to BMSCs and induced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against MM cells in dose-dependent and CS1-specific manners. HuLuc63 triggered autologous ADCC against primary MM cells resistant to conventional or novel therapies, including bortezomib and HSP90 inhibitor; and pretreatment with conventional or novel anti-MM drugs markedly enhanced HuLuc63-induced MM cell lysis. Administration of HuLuc63 significantly induces tumor regression in multiple xenograft models of human MM. These results thus define the functional significance of CS1 in MM and provide the preclinical rationale for testing HuLuc63 in clinical trials, either alone or in combination