234 research outputs found

    Eating self-efficacy as predictor of long-term weight loss and obesity-specific quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study

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    Under embargo until: 15.12.2019Background: A person's confidence to control eating, eating self-efficacy (ESE), has been identified as a target for long-term weight management in nonsurgical weight loss interventions, but has to a limited extent been studied after bariatric surgery. Objective: We investigated the association between ESE, weight loss, and obesity-specific quality of life (QOL) after sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Setting: A single-center longitudinal study. Methods: Data from adult patients were collected before SG, and at mean 16 months (±standard deviation 4 mo) and 55 (±4) months postoperatively. ESE was measured by the Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire Short-Form. Multiple regression analyses were performed with excess body mass index loss (%EBMIL) and obesity-specific QOL as dependent variables. Age, sex, and other preoperative values were covariates in all models. Results: Of 114 preoperative patients, 91 (80%) and 84 (74%) were available for follow-up 16 and 55 months after SG, respectively. Mean %EBMIL from baseline to 16 and 55 months was 76% (95% confidence interval: 71.9, 79.6) and 67% (95% confidence interval: 61.9, 72.2), respectively. Preoperative ESE scores improved significantly at both 16 and 55 months (P = .002) but did not predict postoperative %EBMIL or QOL at 55 months (β = −.08, P = .485). Greater change in ESE from 0 to 16 months predicted higher %EBMIL (β = .34, P = .013) at 55 months, and improvements in ESE from 0 to 55 months were significantly associated with higher %EBMIL (β = .46, P = .001) and obesity-specific QOL (β = .50, P < .001) 55 months after SG. Conclusion: Significant improvements in ESE were seen at 16 months, and remained high at 55 months after SG in this cohort. Patients who improved their ESE the most also experienced the highest weight loss and obesity-specific QOL 5 years postoperatively. Future research should address whether enhancement of ESE corresponds to sustained improvements in eating behavior after bariatric surgery.acceptedVersio

    Incidental Detection of Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis Secondary to Undiagnosed Benign Substernal Goiter

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    Internal jugular vein thrombosis is a serious event with potentially fatal outcome, where the clinical symptoms may be vague or absent. This paper refers to a rare case where routine carotid Doppler ultrasound prior to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and aortic valve replacement (AVR) in a 76-year-old man, incidentally revealed thrombosis of the right internal jugular vein. Thoracic CT demonstrated an underlying, large, benign substernal multinodular goiter, mainly involving the right lobe, causing compression and displacement of the great vessels. A successful, one-stage operation including ligation of the internal jugular vein to avoid pulmonary embolism and hemithyroidectomy, combined with the scheduled CABG and AVR, was performed. This case illustrates that benign substernal goiter may be associated with asymptomatic internal jugular vein thrombosis. Carotid Doppler ultrasound should involve evaluation of the internal jugular vein concerning thrombosis as its presence may reveal space-occupying lesions in the thorax

    Movt váidudandivššu guvllolaš gealbobálvalus leamaš ávkin Davvi-Norggas

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    Source at https://omsorg.portfolio.no/.Mer enn 20 år tilbake, hadde vi en ung mann med alvorlig kreftsykdom og spredning til høyre lår. Han hadde forsøkt mange behandlinger med kun kortvarig effekt. Sykdommen ga han en rekke plager som smerter, gang- vansker og store ulcerasjoner som var en ekstra utfordring pleiemessig. Pasienten var gift, han var småbarnsfar og egentlig fra et annet sted i landet, men bodde nå på finnmarkskysten, 4 timers kjøring til nærmeste sykehus. På spørsmål om hvor han skulle være isluttfasen av sitt liv, var det ingen tvil om at han skulle hjem til sine. Der var hjemmetjenesten forberedt på å ta imot han. Fastlege hadde de ikke for tiden, men legevikarer som kom og dro. Da vi noen år senere hadde undervisning i regi av «Lindring i nord» (LIN) i en av nabokommunene, måtte jeg høre med en av sykepleierne fra hans kommune hvordan slutten ble. Hun fortalte at det faktisk hadde gått rimelig greit, alt tatt i betraktning. Han fikk være hjemme og alle stilte opp. Det ble så bra det kunne bli. (Anonymisert) Denne historien viser at god palliasjon i mindre distriktskommuner langt fra sykehus er mulig, men det krever kompetanse, engasjement, samarbeid og kunnskap om hvor man kan få hjelp ved behov

    Budsjett som styringsverktøy : en casestudie av et offentlig, et privat ideelt og et privat kommersielt sykehus

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    Hovedtemaet for utredningen er økonomisk styring i helseforetak, med fokus rettet på bruk av budsjett som styringsverktøy. Vi foretar en casestudie av tre ulike organisasjonsformer: et offentlig, et privat ideelt og et privat kommersielt sykehus. Problemstillingen lyder: Hvordan benyttes budsjettet som styringsverktøy i sykehus, og hvilke virkninger har dette for måloppnåelsen i offentlig sykehus, privat ideelt sykehus, og privat kommersielt sykehus? Det teoretiske utgangspunktet for analysen inkluderer prinsipal-agentteori, den ideelle økonomiske styringsprosessen, og generell budsjetteringsteori. Det er også benyttet funn fra en empirisk forskning. Casestudiet tar utgangspunkt i et eksplorativt forskningsdesign. Studiet tar i bruk både kvalitative og kvantitative metoder for datainnsamling, gjennom flere dybdeintervju og en spørreundersøkelse. Det er også benyttet noe sekundærdata, herunder sykehusenes årsrapporter og budsjetter. Funnene i studiet kan vanskelig generaliseres grunnet få studieobjekter og variasjon i størrelse, geografisk område, organisasjonsform, og behandlingstilbud. Analysen av datamaterialet kartlegger sykehusenes mål og måloppnåelse, budsjetteringsmetode, spesielle utfordringer grunnet organisasjonsform, samt rapporteringsrutiner og oppfølging. I tillegg drøftes svakheter ved og konsekvenser knyttet til budsjetteringsprosessen i forhold til relevant teori. Sammenligningen av de tre sykehusene viser at det er nokså store forskjeller med hensyn til de fleste overnevnte momenter. Det offentlige og det private ideelle sykehuset har mål om nullresultat, mens det private kommersielle sykehuset har mål om lønnsomhet. Begge de private sykehusene har i perioden 2002-2006 akkumulert sett nådd sine økonomiske mål, mens det offentlige sykehuset har store budsjettunderskudd. Utredningen konkluderer med at i det offentlige sykehuset bidrar ikke budsjett som styringsverktøy til å nå det økonomiske målet om nullresultat, blant annet grunnet fravær av konsekvenser ved budsjettunderskudd. I det private ideelle sykehuset blir ikke budsjett brukt som et styringsverktøy. Målet om nullresultat oppnås likevel gjennom aktiv bruk av regnskapsinformasjon og likviditetsstyring. I det private kommersielle sykehuset bidrar 10 budsjett som styringsverktøy til at målet om lønnsomhet nås, blant annet grunnet bruk av belønningssystem

    Correlated physical and mental health composite scores for the RAND-36 and RAND-12 health surveys: can we keep them simple?

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    Background: The RAND-36 and RAND-12 (equivalent to versions 1 of the SF-36 Health Survey and SF-12 Health Survey, respectively) are widely used measures of health-related quality of life. However, there are diverging views regarding how to create the physical health and mental health composite scores of these questionnaires. We present a simple approach using an unweighted linear combination of subscale scores for constructing composite scores for physical and mental health that assumes these scores should be free to correlate. The aim of this study was to investigate the criterion validity and convergent validity of these scores. Methods: We investigated oblique and unweighted RAND-36/12 composite scores from a random sample of the general Norwegian population (N = 2107). Criterion validity was tested by examining the correlation between unweighted composite scores and weighted scores derived from oblique principal component analysis. Convergent validity was examined by analysing the associations between the different composite scores, age, gender, body mass index, physical activity, rheumatic disease, and depression. Results: The correlations between the composite scores derived by the two methods were substantial (r = 0.97 to 0.99) for both the RAND-36 and RAND-12. The effect sizes of the associations between the oblique versus the unweighted composite scores and other variables had comparable magnitudes. Conclusion: The unweighted RAND-36 and RAND-12 composite scores demonstrated satisfactory criterion validity and convergent validity. This suggests that if the physical and mental composite scores are free to be correlated, the calculation of these composite scores can be kept simple.publishedVersio

    T Cell Specific Adapter Protein (TSAd) Interacts with Tec Kinase ITK to Promote CXCL12 Induced Migration of Human and Murine T Cells

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    The chemokine CXCL12/SDF-1α interacts with its G-protein coupled receptor CXCR4 to induce migration of lymphoid and endothelial cells. T cell specific adapter protein (TSAd) has been found to promote migration of Jurkat T cells through interaction with the G protein β subunit. However, the molecular mechanisms for how TSAd influences cellular migration have not been characterized in detail. We show that TSAd is required for tyrosine phosphorylation of the Lck substrate IL2-inducible T cell kinase (Itk). Presence of Itk Y511 was necessary to boost TSAd\u27s effect on CXCL12 induced migration of Jurkat T cells. In addition, TSAd\u27s ability to promote CXCL12-induced actin polymerization and migration of Jurkat T lymphocytes was dependent on the Itk-interaction site in the proline-rich region of TSAd. Furthermore, TSAd-deficient murine thymocytes failed to respond to CXCL12 with increased Itk phosphorylation, and displayed reduced actin polymerization and cell migration responses. We propose that TSAd, through its interaction with both Itk and Lck, primes Itk for Lck mediated phosphorylation and thereby regulates CXCL12 induced T cell migration and actin cytoskeleton rearrangements

    Anthropometrics of neonates born to mothers with PCOS with metformin or placebo exposure in utero

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    Introduction: Fetal growth may be affected by both maternal polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and metformin therapy. Here, we explore the effect of intrauterine metformin exposure on birth anthropometrics of infants born to women with PCOS. We also investigated whether the effect of metformin on birth anthropometrics is modified by maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, PCOS hyperandrogenic phenotype, serum androgen levels, preconception use of metformin and offspring sex. Additionally, we assessed newborn anthropometrics in relation to a national reference population. Material and methods: Individual data from three randomized controlled triasl were pooled. The randomized controlled trials investigated the effects of metformin in pregnant women with PCOS. In all, 397 and 403 were randomized to the metformin and placebo groups, respectively. A Scandinavian growth reference was used to calculate sex and gestational age adjusted z-scores. Linear regression models were used to estimate the effect of metformin on offspring z-scores of head circumference, birth length, birthweight, placental weight, body mass index, ponderal index and birthweight:placental weight ratio. S-testosterone, s-androstenedione, and s-sex-hormone binding globulin from four timepoints in pregnancy were analyzed. Results: Compared with the PCOS-placebo group, newborns in the PCOS-metformin group had larger head circumference (head circumference z-score: mean difference = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.11– 0.40). This effect of metformin on head circumference z-score was particularly observed among offspring of overweight/obese mothers and mothers with hyperandrogenic PCOS-phenotype. We observed no difference in other anthropometric measures between the metformin and placebo groups or any clear interaction between maternal androgen levels and metformin. Newborns in the PCOS-placebo group were shorter than in the reference population (birth length z-score: mean = −0.04, 95% CI = –0.05 to −0.03), but head circumference and birthweight were similar. Conclusions: Larger head circumference was observed at birth in metformin-exposed offspring of mothers with PCOS. PCOS-offspring were also shorter, with a similar birthweight to the reference population, indirectly indicating higher weight-to-height ratio at birth.publishedVersio

    "A bit of everything": Health literacy interventions in chronic conditions- a systematic review

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    Objective: To systematically evaluate health literacy (HL) interventions in chronic conditions by exploring theoretical perspectives, intervention content and effectiveness. Method: We searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINAHL, EMBASE, ERIC, Web of Science and PsycINFO. Standardised systematic review methods were used, and sequences informing our research question were extracted and analysed. The study includes a descriptive summary of the included papers. Results: We included 39 unique interventions, with diabetes and heart disease as the most targeted chronic conditions. Fifty-four percent of papers included a definition of HL, but the studies showed significant hetero-geneity of theoretical underpinnings, modes, measures and content. We identified 23 HL measures, mostlyassessing functional HL. The HL interventions were often more complex than the measures indicated. A significant change in HL was found in 28 studies. Study quality was generally poor. Conclusions: Interventions optimizing HL appear important to improve health outcomes in chronic conditions. To ensure cumulative knowledge development of this field we need theory-based interventions, consistency in methods and more tailored and comprehensive measures to capture the interventions’ complexity. Practice implications: A more valid understanding of HL interventions and measurements is needed to reach an agreed understanding of their components and intentions.publishedVersio

    Seven-year trajectories of body weight, quality of life and comorbidities following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy

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    Background/objectives There is limited long-term data comparing the outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) for severe obesity, both with respect to body weight, quality of life (QOL) and comorbidities. We aimed to determine 7-year trajectories of body mass index (BMI), QOL, obesity-related comorbidities, biomarkers of glucose and lipid metabolism, and early major complications after SG and RYGB. Subjects/methods Patients scheduled for bariatric surgery at two Norwegian hospitals, preferentially performing either SG or RYGB, were included consecutively from September 2011 to February 2015. Data was collected prospectively before and up to 7 years after surgery. Obesity-specific, generic and overall QOL were measured by the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite, Short-Form 36 and Cantril’s ladder, respectively. Comorbidities were assessed by clinical examination, registration of medication and analysis of glucose and lipid biomarkers. Outcomes were examined with linear mixed effect models and relative risk estimates. Results Of 580 included patients, 543 (75% women, mean age 42.3 years, mean baseline BMI 43.0 kg/m2) were operated (376 SG and 167 RYGB). With 84.2% of participants evaluable after 5–7 years, model-based percent total weight-loss (%TWL) at 7 years was 23.4 after SG versus 27.3 after RYGB (difference 3.9%, p = 0.001). All levels of QOL improved similarly after the two surgical procedures but remained below reference data from the general population at all timepoints. Remission rates for type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep-apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as well as the rate of de novo GERD significantly favored RYGB. SG had fewer major early complications, but more minor and major late complications combined over follow-up. Conclusion In routine health care, both SG and RYGB are safe procedures with significant long-term weight-loss, improvement of QOL and amelioration of comorbidities. Long-term weight-loss and remission rates of main obesity-related comorbidities were higher after RYGB.publishedVersio

    Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Case-Control Study

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    Background It has been hypothesized that children and adolescents might be more vulnerable to possible health effects from mobile phone exposure than adults. We investigated whether mobile phone use is associated with brain tumor risk among children and adolescents. Methods CEFALO is a multicenter case-control study conducted in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland that includes all children and adolescents aged 7-19 years who were diagnosed with a brain tumor between 2004 and 2008. We conducted interviews, in person, with 352 case patients (participation rate: 83%) and 646 control subjects (participation rate: 71%) and their parents. Control subjects were randomly selected from population registries and matched by age, sex, and geographical region. We asked about mobile phone use and included mobile phone operator records when available. Odds ratios (ORs) for brain tumor risk and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using conditional logistic regression models. Results Regular users of mobile phones were not statistically significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with brain tumors compared with nonusers (OR = 1.36; 95% CI = 0.92 to 2.02). Children who started to use mobile phones at least 5 years ago were not at increased risk compared with those who had never regularly used mobile phones (OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 0.70 to 2.28). In a subset of study participants for whom operator recorded data were available, brain tumor risk was related to the time elapsed since the mobile phone subscription was started but not to amount of use. No increased risk of brain tumors was observed for brain areas receiving the highest amount of exposure. Conclusion The absence of an exposure-response relationship either in terms of the amount of mobile phone use or by localization of the brain tumor argues against a causal associatio