11 research outputs found

    Functional analysis of Thermus thermophilus transcription factor NusG

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    Transcription elongation factors from the NusG family are ubiquitous from bacteria to humans and play diverse roles in the regulation of gene expression. These proteins consist of at least two domains. The N-terminal domains directly bind to the largest, β′ in bacteria, subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP), whereas the C-terminal domains interact with other cellular components and serve as platforms for the assembly of large nucleoprotein complexes. Escherichia coli NusG and its paralog RfaH modify RNAP into a fast, pause-resistant state but the detailed molecular mechanism of this modification remains unclear since no high-resolution structural data are available for the E. coli system. We wanted to investigate whether Thermus thermophilus (Tth) NusG can be used as a model for structural studies of this family of regulators. Here, we show that Tth NusG slows down rather than facilitates transcript elongation by its cognate RNAP. On the other hand, similarly to the E. coli regulators, Tth NusG apparently binds near the upstream end of the transcription bubble, competes with σA, and favors forward translocation by RNAP. Our data suggest that the mechanism of NusG recruitment to RNAP is universally conserved even though the regulatory outcomes among its homologs may appear distinct

    Multiple roles of the RNA polymerase β′ SW2 region in transcription initiation, promoter escape, and RNA elongation

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    Interactions of RNA polymerase (RNAP) with nucleic acids must be tightly controlled to ensure precise and processive RNA synthesis. The RNAP β′-subunit Switch-2 (SW2) region is part of a protein network that connects the clamp domain with the RNAP body and mediates opening and closing of the active center cleft. SW2 interacts with the template DNA near the RNAP active center and is a target for antibiotics that block DNA melting during initiation. Here, we show that substitutions of a conserved Arg339 residue in the Escherichia coli RNAP SW2 confer diverse effects on transcription that include defects in DNA melting in promoter complexes, decreased stability of RNAP/promoter complexes, increased apparent KM for initiating nucleotide substrates (2- to 13-fold for different substitutions), decreased efficiency of promoter escape, and decreased stability of elongation complexes. We propose that interactions of Arg339 with DNA directly stabilize transcription complexes to promote stable closure of the clamp domain around nucleic acids. During initiation, SW2 may cooperate with the σ3.2 region to stabilize the template DNA strand in the RNAP active site. Together, our data suggest that SW2 may serve as a key regulatory element that affects transcription initiation and RNAP processivity through controlling RNAP/DNA template interactions

    Transcription initiation factor DksA has diverse effects on RNA chain elongation

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    Bacterial transcription factors DksA and GreB belong to a family of coiled-coil proteins that bind within the secondarychannel of RNA polymerase (RNAP). These proteins display structural homology but play different regulatory roles. DksA disrupts RNAP interactions with promoter DNA and inhibits formation of initiation complexes, sensitizing rRNA synthesis to changes in concentrations of ppGpp and NTPs. Gre proteins remodel the RNAP active site and facilitate cleavage of the nascent RNA in elongation complexes. However, DksA and GreB were shown to have overlapping effects during initiation, and in vivo studies suggested that DksA may also function at post-initiation steps. Here we show that DksA has many features of an elongation factor: it inhibits both RNA chain extension and RNA shortening by exonucleolytic cleavage or pyrophosphorolysis and increases intrinsic termination in vitro and in vivo. However, DksA has no effect on Rho- or Mfd-mediated RNA release or nascent RNA cleavage in backtracked complexes, the regulatory target of Gre factors. Our results reveal that DksA effects on elongating RNAP are very different from those of GreB, suggesting that these regulators recognize distinct states of the transcription complex

    Toxicological evaluation of a new iron-containing preparation for farm animals with alimentary anemia

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    The second for the significance livestock sector is pig breeding, which accounts for one-third of the country’s meat production. Long-term world practice of pig farming confirms the high maturity of this species of animals, excellent taste, nutritious meat and most importantly the ability to quickly increase food production, and thereby ensure the optimal balance of the diet of the population. One of the constraining factors for the development of this industry is the development of iron deficiency alimentary anemia in pigs during the first 7 days of animal life, which affects the growth, development and increase of live weight in animals. Without preventive measures to supplement the iron with animals, up to 100% of piglets become sick with anemia, which can lead to the death of a significant part of the young population. This article presents the results of the toxicological approbation of a new iron-containing preparation for farm animals. The question of finding a less toxic iron preparation with a higher prolonging effect is relevant