12 research outputs found

    University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) Service Quality: A Pilot Study on Transformational Leadership and Empathy

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    This pilot study observed the correlation between transformational leadership and a healthcare service provider's service quality. The research used two sets of cross-sectional questionnaire surveys designed to measure the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems and a Leadership Inventory Index of the services rendered by the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) to their patients to classify the quality of services delivered to patients at UMMC. The results emphasized a significant correlation between transformational leadership and empathy but no significant relationship between leadership effectiveness and service quality because of a lack of consensus and empirical support around which leadership types are significant. Transformational leadership has empirical support and is principles-based, relationship-oriented, intuitively appealing, and potentially “transformative. The study further stressed that the patients were pleased with the services rendered by UMMC staff. Also, additional education for physicians and physicians in training in transformational leadership is warranted

    Moderating influence of school culture on the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational health of secondary school teachers in Malaysia

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    This study aimed to determine the level of transformational leadership practices by school principals in the national secondary schools in the state of Pulau Pinang and Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. The three dimensions of transformational leadership studied were vision identification, intellectual stimulation and high performance expectations. The study also looks at the level of organizational health as well as the relationship with the practice of transformational leadership by the national secondary school principals’. The respondents consisted of 226 teachers employed in 16 national secondary schools in the state of Pulau Pinang and Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis were used to analyze the influence of the relationship. The study found that school culture functions  as a moderator in the relationship between the transformational leadership style of school principals’ and the organizational health of the secondary school teachers’ in the state of Pulau Pinang and Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. In addition, school culture as a moderator in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational health is a new discovery in the field of leadership. This is because the organizational health of secondary schools has never been investigated by local researchers. Most previous studies have highlighted transformational leadership and school culture has a direct influence on school improvement

    Jalan Raja Permaisuri Bainun

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the impact of globalization on private higher education in Malaysia

    Assessing the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Malaysian Automotive Insurance Industry

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    Globalization and open market system have created the complex competitive environment not only for the manufacturing sector but also for the service sector. The necessity to own a car coupled with affordable prices across the globe due to innovative production cost in the automotive industry has surged in the last two decades. Every car owner is legally bound to have car insurance, be it in the developed countries or developing countries. By servicing their customer base with superior and professional service, many insurance companies are able to reap a huge profit. Satisfying their customer is essential in every service industry and since these issue plays a critical role for the insurance companies, assessing the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction can help managers to meet the needs’ of customer better by providing superior service. The main aim of this study is to assess the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in the Malaysian Automotive Insurance industry. A total of 650 online structured questionnaires were mailed to respondents from five car insurance directories and 380 respondents replied to the questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results indicate that good relationship exists between service quality dimensions (reliability, empathy, assurance, responsiveness and tangibility) and customer satisfaction. This study could benefit other financial service companies to gauge and enhance their customer satisfaction level with improved service performance. (Abstract by authors

    Conceptualizing Post-COVID-19 Malaysia’s Tourism Recovery: An Auto-Regressive Neural Network Analysis

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    The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) has significantly affected the tourism industry. Tourist destinations have adopted emergency measures and restrictions that have affected the mobility of individuals around the world. This study aims to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in Malaysia and its overall economic performance. This research used an extensive set of statistical tests, including a newly constructed Auto-Regressive Neural Network-ADF (ARNN-ADF) test, to determine if foreign visitor arrivals from 10 main source markets in Malaysia will revert to normal. Secondary data from various government published sources were used in this conceptual methodology technique for this study. Based on the research results and exploratory research of the literature, we listed in a synthesizing manner several measures to ensure the resilience of the tourism sector during the COVID-19 pandemic period. This research makes a significant contribution to the literature in terms of validating a new framework that emphasizes the effects of tourists that are largely transitory. In conclusion, this conceptual study will further help the authorities to take precautions and the best policy to be implemented in the future. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SPER-10 Full Text: PD

    Exploring Turnover Intentions and Work Engagement: A Mediation-Moderation Approach in the Malaysian Hospitality Industry

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    In the hospitality industry, staff turnover is a big problem. The aim of this paper is to explain how, using career construction theory (CCT), turnover intentions are linked to work engagement. An analysis of 36 independent star-rated hotels in Peninsular Malaysia finds that the root cause is orientation to happiness (OTH). OTH found a negative association between work engagement and employee attrition intentions in the report. Furthermore, perceived organizational support (POS) was established as a major boundary condition, with lower levels of POS resulting in a poorer mediated relationship. This study’s theoretical and practical results would benefit the hospitality industry.Dalam industri perhotelan, pergantian staf adalah masalah besar. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana, dengan menggunakan teori konstruksi karir (CCT), niat berpindah terkait dengan keterlibatan kerja. Analisis terhadap 36 hotel bintang independen di Semenanjung Malaysia menemukan bahwa akar penyebabnya adalah orientasi pada kebahagiaan (OTH). OTH menemukan hubungan negatif antara keterlibatan kerja dan niat atrisi karyawan dalam laporannya. Selanjutnya, dukungan organisasi yang dirasakan (POS) ditetapkan sebagai kondisi batas utama, dengan tingkat POS yang lebih rendah menghasilkan hubungan mediasi yang lebih buruk. Hasil teoritis dan praktis studi ini akan menguntungkan industri perhotelan

    Cultura organizacional, satisfação no trabalho e estilo de liderança influenciam o comprometimento organizacional dos funcionários em instituições privadas de ensino superior (PHEI) na Malásia

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    The study examined the extent to which organizational culture, job satisfaction and leadership style influences organizational commitment among academic employees in the PHEIs in Malaysia. Study participants were 750 employees (43% males, 57% females), age range 24 to 66 from ten higher educational institutions from Klang Valley area. Respondents completed measures of organizational culture, job satisfaction, leadership styles and organizational commitment. Data were descriptively summarized and with multiple regression analysis utilized to predict organizational commitment from job satisfaction, leadership style and organizational culture. The results revealed a positive significant relationship between organizational culture, leadership style, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. From the findings, it was observed that majority of the respondents agree among three discernible leadership styles, the transformational and the transactional leadership styles were positively correlated but surprisingly the laissez-faire leadership style did not meet the reliability coefficients scales needed for statistical analysis and subsequently removed from further analyses. The study also revealed that continuance commitment did not have any influence on the independent variables. Based on these findings, it was recommended that productive and effective measures should be taken by the management of PHEIs to maintain and strengthen the employees’ level of satisfaction and commitment and also devise compelling, productive, and effective policies that are promising to the employees’ prosperity and organizational productivity.El estudio examinó hasta qué punto la cultura organizacional, la satisfacción laboral y el estilo de liderazgo influyen en el compromiso organizacional en empleados de los PHEI en Malasia. Los participantes del estudio fueron 750 empleados (43% hombres, 57% mujeres), rango de edad 24 a 66 años, de diez instituciones de educación superior del área del valle de Klang. Los encuestados completaron medidas de cultura organizacional, satisfacción laboral, estilos de liderazgo y compromiso organizacional. Los datos se resumieron de manera descriptiva y se utilizó el análisis de regresión múltiple para predecir el compromiso organizacional a partir de la satisfacción laboral, el estilo de liderazgo y la cultura organizacional. Los resultados revelaron una relación positiva significativa entre la cultura organizacional, el estilo de liderazgo, la satisfacción laboral y el compromiso organizacional. De los hallazgos, se observó que la mayoría de los encuestados están de acuerdo entre tres estilos de liderazgo perceptibles, los estilos de liderazgo transformacional y transaccional se correlacionaron positivamente, pero sorprendentemente el estilo de liderazgo laissez-faire no cumplió con las escalas de coeficientes de confiabilidad necesarias para el análisis estadístico y posteriormente eliminado de otros análisis. El estudio también reveló que el compromiso de continuidad no tuvo ninguna influencia en las variables independientes. Sobre la base de estos hallazgos, se recomendó que la administración de los PHEI debe tomar medidas productivas y efectivas para mantener y fortalecer el nivel de satisfacción y compromiso de los empleados, y también para diseñar políticas convincentes, productivas y efectivas que sean prometedoras para los empleados y la productividad organizacional.O estudo examinou até que ponto a cultura organizacional, a satisfação no trabalho e o estilo de liderança influenciam o comprometimento organizacional dos funcionários da PHEI na Malásia. Os participantes do estudo foram 750 funcionários (43% homens, 57% mulheres), faixa etária de 24 a 66 anos, de dez instituições de ensino superior na área do Vale Klang. Os entrevistados completaram medidas de cultura organizacional, satisfação no trabalho, estilos de liderança e comprometimento organizacional. Os dados foram resumidos de forma descritiva e a análise de regressão múltipla foi utilizada para prever o comprometimento organizacional com base na satisfação no trabalho, estilo de liderança e cultura organizacional. Os resultados revelaram uma relação positiva significativa entre cultura organizacional, estilo de liderança, satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional. A partir dos resultados, observou-se que a maioria dos entrevistados concordam entre três estilos de estilos de liderança percebidos de liderança transformacional e transacional foram positivamente correlacionados, mas surpreendentemente estilo de liderança laissez-faire não atender às escalas coeficientes fiabilidade necessária para análise estatística e subsequentemente eliminada de outras análises. O estudo também revelou que o compromisso de continuidade não influenciou as variáveis independentes. Com base nestes resultados, foi recomendado que a administração de PHEI deve tomar produtivo e eficaz para manter e fortalecer o nível das medidas de satisfação e engajamento de funcionários, e também para formular políticas atraentes, produtivas e eficazes que são promissoras para funcionários e produtividade organizacional

    To Cite This Article: Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy., Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Intentions to Switch in the Airline Industry in Malaysia

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    Background: In the globalized era, the ever emerging significance of the airlines industry as one of the important economic developments of recent decade cannot be taken lightly. The airlines industry has played an important role in the global economy especially in serving customers domestically as a vital component in the tourism industry and remains essential to the conduct of international business. Moreover, low cost carriers have become dominant players in the airlines industry in the recent years. Low-cost carriers in Malaysia have made a remarkable revolution in the air travel with rapidly increasing growth over the years. Objective: This study attempts to find out the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and their intentions to switch to other low cost carriers in Malaysia. Data were collected over a period of two months using survey questionnaire from 265 walk-in customers at travel agencies around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The data collected were then analyzed using SPSS. Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to examine the correlation between independent variable and dependent variable. Results: The results of the study indicated that there is a positive correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty but showed negative correlation with customer with customer intentions to switch. Conclusion: conclusions and implications of the study are also discussed based on the analysis

    The Influence of School Culture and Organizational Health of Secondary School Teachers in Malaysia

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    This study aims to determine the level of school culture practices by school principals in the national secondary schools in the state of Kedah, Malaysia. The six dimensions of school culture studied were teacher collaboration, unity of purpose, professional development, collegial support, learning partnership and collaborative leadership. The study also looks at the level of teachers’ job satisfaction as well as the relationship with the practice of a positive school culture by the national secondary school principals. The respondents consisted of 385 teachers employed in 22 national secondary schools in the state of Kedah. The data obtained was analysed using SPSS version 20.0. Descriptive analysis and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used to analyse the strength of the relationship. The findings of this study revealed that there was a positive correlation between school culture and job satisfaction according to teachers’ perceptions. In addition, the school culture was statistically determined to be an important predictor variable of job satisfactio