10 research outputs found

    Neural changes following cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis: a longitudinal study

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    A growing body of evidence demonstrates that persistent positive symptoms, particularly delusions, can be improved by cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis. Heightened perception and processing of threat are believed to constitute the genesis of delusions. The present study aimed to examine functional brain changes following cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis. The study involved 56 outpatients with one or more persistent positive distressing symptoms of schizophrenia. Twenty-eight patients receiving cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis for 6–8 months in addition to their usual treatment were matched with 28 patients receiving treatment as usual. Patients’ symptoms were assessed by a rater blind to treatment group, and they underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during an affect processing task at baseline and end of treatment follow-up. The two groups were comparable at baseline in terms of clinical and demographic parameters and neural and behavioural responses to facial and control stimuli. The cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis with treatment-as-usual group (22 subjects) showed significant clinical improvement compared with the treatment-as-usual group (16 subjects), which showed no change at follow-up. The cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis with treatment-as-usual group, but not the treatment-as-usual group, showed decreased activation of the inferior frontal, insula, thalamus, putamen and occipital areas to fearful and angry expressions at treatment follow-up compared with baseline. Reduction of functional magnetic resonance imaging response during angry expressions correlated directly with symptom improvement. This study provides the first evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis attenuates brain responses to threatening stimuli and suggests that cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis may mediate symptom reduction by promoting processing of threats in a less distressing way

    Orbitofrontal cortex, emotional decision-making and response to cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis

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    Grey matter volume (GMV) in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) may relate to better response to cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis (CBTp) because of the region's role in emotional decision-making and cognitive flexibility. This study aimed to determine the relation between pre-therapy OFC GMV or asymmetry and CBTp responsiveness and emotional decision-making as measured by the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Thirty patients received CBTp + standard care (CBTp+SC; 25 completers) for 6-8 months. All patients (before receiving CBTp) and 25 healthy participants underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging and performed the IGT. Patients' symptoms were assessed before and after therapy. Pre-therapy OFC GMV, measured using a region-of-interest approach, and IGT performance, measured as overall learning, attention to reward, memory for past outcomes and choice consistency, were comparable between patient and healthy groups. In the CBTp+SC group, greater OFC GMV was correlated with positive symptom improvement, specifically hallucinations and persecution. Greater rightward OFC asymmetry correlated with improvement in several negative and general psychopathology symptoms. Greater left OFC GMV was associated with lower IGT attention to reward. The findings suggest that greater OFC volume and rightward asymmetry, which maintain the OFC's function in emotional decision-making and cognitive flexibility, are beneficial for CBTp responsiveness

    Coping styles predict responsiveness to cognitive behaviour therapy in psychosis

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    The study aimed to determine the clinical and neuropsychological predictors of responsiveness to cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis (CBTp). Sixty patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 25 healthy individuals took part in the study. Thirty patients (25 protocol completers) received CBTp in addition to standard care (SC); 30 patients (18 protocol completers) received SC only. All patients were assessed on symptoms using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and clinical and neuropsychological function before and after CBTp. Symptoms and self-esteem improved to a greater extent in the CBTp + SC than SC control group. Greater pre-therapy coping ability and the self-reflectiveness dimension of cognitive insight at baseline predicted improvement in symptoms in the CBTp + SC group, but not the SC control group, explaining up to 21% of the variance in symptom improvement. Pre-therapy neuropsychological function, duration of illness, clinical insight and gender did not predict CBTp responsiveness. Being able to have a range of coping strategies and reflect on one's experiences while refraining from overconfidence in one's interpretations before therapy is conducive to better CBTp responsiveness

    Sensorimotor gating and clinical outcome following cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis

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    AbstractBackgroundPrepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response refers to the ability of a weak prestimulus to transiently inhibit the response to a closely following strong sensory stimulus. PPI provides an operational index of sensorimotor gating and is reduced, on average, in people with schizophrenia, relative to healthy people. Given the variable response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) and positive associations between pre-therapy brain and cognitive functions and CBT outcome across disorders, we examined whether pre-therapy level of PPI is associated with clinical outcome following CBTp.MethodFifty-six outpatients stable on medication with at least one distressing symptom of schizophrenia and willing to receive CBTp in addition to their usual treatment were assessed on acoustic PPI. Subsequently, 28 patients received CBTp (CBTp+treatment-as-usual, 23 completers) for 6–8months and 28 continued with their treatment-as-usual (TAU-alone, 17 completers). Symptoms were assessed (blindly) at entry and follow-up.ResultsThe CBTp+TAU and TAU-alone groups did not differ demographically, clinically or in PPI at baseline. The CBTp+TAU group showed improved symptoms relative to the TAU-alone group, which showed no change, at follow-up. Pre-therapy PPI level correlated positively with post-CBTp symptom improvement.ConclusionsRelatively intact sensorimotor gating is associated with a good clinical response following a 6–8months course of NICE compliant CBTp in schizophrenia. Pharmacological or psychological interventions capable of improving PPI may enhance the effectiveness of CBTp in people with schizophrenia, particularly in those who fail to show clinical improvement with currently available antipsychotic drugs and adjunctive CBTp

    Emotion processing in schizophrenia: fMRI study of patients treated with risperidone long-acting injections or conventional depot medication

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    We employed two event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging tasks using the pictures of mild and intense facial emotions of fear or happiness. The sample comprised 16 chronic schizophrenia patients treated with risperidone long-acting injections (RLAI), 16 patients treated with conventional antipsychotic depots (CONV) and 16 healthy controls (HC). The HC and RLAI groups demonstrated greater activation in the left amygdala in response to intensively fearful faces, and in right cerebellum to intensively happy faces compared with CONV patients. The CONV group demonstrated under-activation in the right temporal pole in response to intensively happy faces (compared with HC) and over-activation in ventro-medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) in response to both intensively happy and fearful expressions, compared with HC and RLAI groups. Our results suggest that networks implicated in the allocation of attentional resources (VMPFC) and emotion processing (amygdala, cerebellum) are differentially affected in patients on CONV versus RLAI

    Uncontrollable voices and their relationship to gating deficits in schizophrenia

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    AbstractBackgroundPrepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response refers to the ability of a weak prestimulus to transiently inhibit the response to a closely following strong sensory stimulus. This effect is reduced in a number of disorders known to be associated with impaired gating of sensory, cognitive or motor information. The aim of this study was to investigate PPI deficit in relation to the dimensions of auditory hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.MethodPPI of the acoustically elicited eye blink startle response was measured electromyographically in 62 patients with schizophrenia (n=55) or schizoaffective disorder (n=7) (26 of 62 with current auditory hallucinations) and 22 healthy participants matched, on average, to age and sex of the patient group.ResultsPatients, as a group, showed reduced PPI compared to healthy participants. The presence of auditory hallucinations was associated with a marked PPI deficit if the patients felt that they had no control over their occurrence and that they were unable to dismiss them. Hearing voices with a high degree of negative content was associated with high mean startle amplitude in patients with current auditory hallucinations.ConclusionsAlthough auditory hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia are theorised to result from impaired monitoring of inner speech, the inability to consciously ignore them appears to be associated with a gating deficit. Hearing voices with negative content is associated with hyper-startle responding, possibly because such voices are threatening and thus provoke anxiety