9 research outputs found
Books Received
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Particle size analysis
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
New books - Separation techniques in chemistry and biochemistry
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
New books - Solvent extraction chemistry
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Laser-based directed energy deposition of novel Sc/Zr-modified Al-Mg alloys: columnar-to-equiaxed transition and aging hardening behavior
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Analysis Inorganic Thermogravimetric
- Beta A Contribution
- Magnet Power Supply A Versatile Spectrometer
- Nuclear Applications
- Publications
- Publications A Fifteen Year
- Research on Crystal Growth and Characterization at the National Bureau of Standards During the Period January to June 1963. H. Steflen Peiser
- Size Particle
- Spectral Data Organic Electronic
- Statistics Experimental
- Us At
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Topical delivery of hyaluronic acid into skin using SPACE-peptide carriers
- Author
- Aaron C. Anselmo
- Ainbinder
- Bach
- Banga
- Bendas
- Bouwstra
- Brooke
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Cevc
- Cevc
- Chen
- Colen
- Dubey
- El Maghraby
- Elsayed
- Elsayed
- Fang
- Gariboldi
- Gillet
- Godin
- Godin
- Goodwin
- Hofland
- Honeywell-Nguyen
- Hsu
- Jain
- John A. Muraski
- Kage
- Kamada
- Karande
- Kim
- Kligman
- Kumar
- Loutradi
- Mezei
- Mezei
- Ming Chen
- Nanda
- P.R.a.M.o America
- Particle size analysis
- Pavicic
- Prausnitz
- Prausnitz
- Price
- Rothbard
- Samir Mitragotri
- Sawant
- Touitou
- Trotta
- Uchino
- van Kuijk-Meuwissen
- Vivek Gupta
- Voigt
- Wiest
- Wo
- Yano
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Topical penetration of macromolecules into skin is limited by their low permeability. Here, we report the use of a skin penetrating peptide, SPACE peptide, to enhance topical delivery of a macromolecule, hyaluronic acid (HA, MW: 200â325 kDa). The peptide was conjugated to phospholipids and used to prepare an ethosomal carrier system (~110 nm diameter), encapsulating HA. The SPACE-ethosomal system (SES) enhanced HA penetration into porcine skin in vitro by 7.8+/â1.1-fold compared to PBS. The system also enhanced penetration of HA in human skin in vitro, penetrating deep into the epidermis and dermis in skin of both species. In vivo experiments performed using SKH1 hairless mice also confirmed increased dermal penetration of HA using the delivery system; a 5-fold enhancement in penetration was found compared to PBS control. Concentrations of HA in skin were about 1000-fold higher than those in blood; confirming the localized nature of HA delivery into skin. The SPACE-ethosomal delivery system provides a formulation for topical delivery of macromolecules that are otherwise difficult to deliver into skin
Experimental Study on Geomechanical Dilation of Oil Sands During ColdâWater Injection
- Author
- Abbate
- Agar
- ASTM D4253-00 Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
- ASTM D4254-00 Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density
- ASTM D6913-04 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
- Coccia
- Dusseault
- Dusseault
- Haibo Huang
- Hamoud
- Head
- Juliana Leung
- Khan
- Kosar
- Lim
- Oldakowski
- Polikar
- Rick Chalaturnyk
- Scott
- Scott
- Touhidi
- Wong
- Xinkui Wang
- Yaich
- Publication venue
- 'Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Analytical Instrumentation
- Author
- A
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Advances NIOSH
- Advantages
- Ahlstrom R. C. Jr.
- Ahuja S.
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Airflows
- Akron OH
- Allen T.
- Altpeter T.
- American Petroleum Institute
- American Public Health Association
- American Water Works Association
- American Water Works Association Research Foundation
- Ametek Process Instruments
- An
- An
- An Enabling Technology
- Analysis
- Analytical Chemistry
- and the sample loop is refilled with fresh sample. (Courtesy of Valco Instrument Co. Inc.
- Anderson G. L.
- Anderson R.
- Annino R.
- Annino R.
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Any
- Aoki T.
- Appendix A
- Application
- Application Note
- Applications
- Applications
- Applications U.K
- Armstrong G. T.
- Arthur R. M.
- Arthur R. M.
- As
- As
- Assoc
- Association
- August
- Bacon A. T.
- Bailey S. J.
- Baird D. G.
- Baird R. B.
- Ball D. W.
- Ball D. W.
- Bandrup J.
- Bandrup J.
- Bandrup J.
- Basker V. R.
- Bates R. G.
- Bates R. G.
- Bates R. G.
- Becker W.
- Beebe K. R.
- Beebe K. R.
- Before
- Bekturov E.
- Belkim H. M.
- Berger D.
- Between 0
- Beutner H. P.
- Binder D. M.
- Black S. S.
- Blumenthal D. S.
- Boca Raton
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bourne M. C.
- Brenner N.
- Bretherick L.
- Bretherick L.
- Buckler R. J.
- Buffle J.
- Buffle J. Ed.
- Bullon H. H.
- Buonauito R. P.
- Burgess D.
- Burgess D.
- Burns D. A.
- Calabrese E. J.
- Cali G. V.
- Campbell I. D.
- Capano D.
- Carbon
- Card
- Card
- Cardis T.
- Cardis T. M.
- Cascade
- Casey J. P.
- Cells
- Cerda A.
- Cessna G. D.
- Champness P. E.
- Chapter
- Chem
- Chemistry 0
- Chlorine Residual Analyzers
- Christopher D. E.
- Clansky K. B.
- Clansky K. B.
- Clark B. J.
- Clark K.
- Clarke A. G.
- Class
- Clevett K. J.
- Clevett K. J.
- Clevett K. J.
- Code
- Code
- Cole Parmer Catalog
- Conductance Data
- Conference
- Consistency
- Cont
- Control
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Converse J. G.
- Cook B. W.
- Cooper H. R.
- Cornish D. C.
- Corrosion
- Corrosion Resistant Alloys
- Costs
- Covey T.
- Cowper C. J.
- Cox C. J.
- Cullis C. F.
- Cumbus J.
- Cutrone L.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- de Bard A. J.
- Dean J. A.
- Demand
- Dennis R.
- Denny R.
- Denny R.
- Detection Instruments
- Detector Types A.
- Dick J. G.
- Dierking J. O.
- Disteche A.
- Distribution
- Division
- Division
- Division
- Doe S.
- Dolan J. W.
- Double
- Draeger Gmbh
- Draeger Tube CMS
- Draeger Tube CMS
- Ds
- Dual-Beam Design
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Duncan J. E.
- Dundas M. E.
- Durst R. A.
- Dutka A. P.
- Dutka A. P.
- Dyer S. A.
- Efficient
- Electrical
- Enercorp Instruments Ltd H. F.
- Environmental protection Agency
- EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards U.S.
- EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards U.S.
- Equation
- Evans A.
- Evans R.
- Evans R.
- Evans R.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Fatt I.
- Federal Register
- Federal Register
- Federal Register
- Ferry J. D.
- Fifth Supplement
- Figliola R. S.
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Finally
- Fiorini C.
- Fitzgibbon P.
- Floyd J. M.
- Fluids
- Fontana M. G.
- For
- For
- Ford D. L.
- Foundos A. P.
- Foxboro Co
- Frankenthal R. P.
- Frant M. S.
- Frei R. W.
- Freon
- Fresenius W.
- Fresenius W.
- Fresenius W.
- Frish M. B.
- Frisman M. L.
- From Pauling L.
- Fundamentals
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Gair G. M.
- Gallagher J. P.
- Galvin G. D.
- Gamma-Based Analyzers
- Gas Analyzers
- Gas Chromatography
- Gas Measurement Manual A.
- Gates S.
- Gatti F.
- Geisler C.
- Geisler C.
- Gerdes W. F.
- Gill A.
- Gillis K. A.
- Gimera M.
- Gjerde D.
- Gleit A.
- Global Photonics Technology Forecast
- Goedert M.
- Gordon I.
- Grayson M.
- Gregg W.
- Greyson J. C.
- Griess-Saltzman
- Groves B.
- Grupp J.
- Guilbault G. G.
- Guilbault G. G.
- Guillemin C. L.
- Gunnell J.
- Gunnell J.
- Handbook
- Harrick N. G.
- Harrison J. W.
- Helle H.
- Helle H.
- Helms J. W.
- Herdan G.
- Herman I. P.
- Hill N. H.
- Hill N. H.
- Hitchman M. L.
- Hoffman
- Honeywell
- Houser E. A.
- However
- Hughes T. A.
- Hughes T. J.
- Human
- Huskins D. J.
- Huskins D. J.
- Höffner E.
- If
- Implementation
- Implementation
- In
- In
- In
- In
- In-Line Liquid OH
- Inaccuracy
- Indust
- Industrial R
- Industrial Water
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Inks
- Inorganic Mass Spectrometry
- Installation
- Institute in Norway on vapor cloud explosions.
- Instrumentation
- InTech
- InTech
- International Standard
- Jack J. S.
- Jansson I. Ed.
- January
- Jenkins K.
- Jobin Y.
- Johnson R.
- Jones C.
- Jones R. H.
- Jones R. H.
- Judd D. B.
- Jutila J. M.
- Jutlia J. M.
- Kagan R. L.
- Kaiser J.
- Kalis G.
- Kalotay P.
- Kaminski C.
- Karasek F. W.
- Keenan J. H.
- Kehoe T. J.
- Kenkel J.
- Kissinger P. T.
- Kiuru E. S.
- Kizer P.
- Kizer P.
- Kohler H. M.
- Korolkoff N. O.
- Koryta J.
- Kraf D.
- Krieger Z.
- Krigman A.
- Kwon Y. W.
- LaBell F.
- Laird J. C.
- Lange N. A.
- Larson B.
- Laznow J.
- LeBlanc M.
- Lee C.
- Lee L.Y.
- Lee-Alvarez M.
- Leithe W.
- Leonardos G.
- Leone S. R.
- Letterman R. D.
- Lewis G.
- Lewis I. R.
- Lichtenstein S.
- Lide D. R.
- Lide D. R.
- Lide D. R.
- Limitations
- Lindsay S.
- LiptĂĄk B. G.
- List R. J.
- Liu B. Y. H.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Long D. A.
- Loo B. W.
- Low Levels
- Lucas R. N.
- L·m
- Maitoza P.
- Manka D. P.
- Mansion D.
- Many
- Marrano S. J.
- Martin J.
- Materials
- Matuski F. J.
- Matzner B. A.
- McCain J. D.
- McCreery R. L.
- McCreery R. L.
- McCreery R. L.
- McGraw-Hill
- McKinley J. J.
- McLafferty F. W.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McNeil B.
- Meagher R. F.
- Meas
- Measurement
- Mehl J. T.
- ment Society of America Ann Arbor
- Merman J. M.
- Merritt R.
- Mettes J.
- Mettes J.
- Meyer E.
- Meyers R. A.
- Meyers R. A.
- Miller T. E.
- Miller T. E.
- Mitchell M. K.
- Mitchell M. K.
- Mix P. E.
- Mizier M. O.
- Moisture
- Montagna J. C.
- Mooney E. F.
- Moore R. L.
- Moore R. L.
- Mracek K.
- Multivariate Calibration
- Munsinger R. A.
- Myers J.
- Myers J.
- Na S
- Nagda N. L.
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
- Negus L. E.
- Nelson R. I.
- Nelson R. L.
- Nelson R. L.
- Nelson R. L.
- Ness S. A.
- Ness S. A.
- Ness S. A.
- Neuberger E. D.
- New York
- New York
- Nichols G. D.
- Nichols G. D.
- Niessen W. R.
- Nitrate
- Norton H. N.
- Novak J.
- Nyquist R. A.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Of
- On
- Open
- Operating Pressure
- Ostroot G. F.
- Other Methods Fluorides
- Ozone
- Pa
- Pa
- Pack M. R.
- Pande A.
- Paper
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Particle Size
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Patterson J. W.
- Pearce T. C.
- Perry R. H.
- Perry R. H.
- Phenylmercuric 0.
- Poillon F.
- Portable
- Portable
- Portable
- Potential Applications
- Potential Applications
- Precision
- Problems
- Publishers
- Rabinovich V. A.
- Rabinovich V. A.
- Rafson H. J.
- Raman
- Raman
- Raman
- Raman
- Ramanujam R. S.
- Range
- range of 0.1 to 1.5 cfm (2.8 to 42 l/min). 7. Environmental Protection Agency
- Ranges
- Ranges
- Rao C. N. R.
- Ratliff T. A.
- Raw
- Rayburn S.
- Razaq M.
- Reference
- Reference Method A.
- Reference Methods
- Reference Methods
- Refractive Index
- Reid
- Relative
- Resistivity
- Response
- RGA.
- Riebe M. T.
- Robbins R. C.
- Robert Bade
- Rom J. J.
- Roussel G
- Rushton C.
- Saltz J.
- Saltzman R. S.
- Saltzman R. S.
- Sawicki E.
- Saybolt
- Saybolt
- Saybolt
- Schematic
- Schirmer R. E.
- Schirmer R. E.
- Schramm G.
- Secondary
- Section
- Section
- Seiler H.
- Selby T. W.
- Selecting
- Selective Field-Effect Transistors
- Sensidyne Detector Tube Selection
- Sensitivity
- Sensor Initiative
- Sensors
- September
- Several
- Sexton W. C.
- Sheble N.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Shinskey F. G
- Shinskey F. G.
- Shugar G.
- Significant
- Simko D. M.
- Single
- Skoog D. A.
- Smith A. L.
- Smith G. R.
- Sniffer
- Sokal R. R.
- Soleta D. D.
- Sons
- Sons
- Spectra
- Spectrophotometry
- Speed
- Speeds
- Spellicy R. L.
- Spellicy R. L.
- Spyres G.
- Standard
- Standard
- Standard
- Standard Design Pressure
- Standard Design Pressures
- Standard Methods
- Stoke's
- Stream
- Stream
- Such
- Table
- Table
- Tannermann J.
- Tannermann J.
- Tate J. D.
- Teflon
- Test Methods
- Tetrahedron
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- There Appl
- These
- These
- Thin
- This
- This
- This
- This Cooper H. R.
- Thomas M. J. K.
- Threshold Limit Values
- Thus
- Tissis G. G.
- To
- To
- Today's
- Tool H. R.
- Top S
- Treiber H.
- trial Hygiene Association
- Trigg G. L.
- Turbidity
- Types
- Typical
- Typical Ranges
- TĂ
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- Van Hall C. E.
- Van Hall C. E.
- Vander Kolk A. L.
- Vinyl
- Vol
- VĂĄna J.
- Wallace B.
- Waller M. H.
- Waller M. H.
- we chose Solutions Plus Inc.
- Weast R. C.
- Weaver R.
- Weiss M.
- Weiss M. D.
- Weiss M. D.
- Wheatstone
- When
- When
- White L. T.
- Wiederhold P. R.
- Wiederhold P. R.
- Wilks P. A.
- Williston S. H.
- Yang F.
- ysis Division Spring Symposia
- Zetter M.
- ”g
- ”m
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study