2,524 research outputs found

    Representing Foreign Sounds: Greek Transcriptions of Egyptian Anthroponyms from 800 BC to 800 AD

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    [EN]As precursors of Coptic writing, Greek transcriptions of Egyptian anthroponyms not only show phonetic and morphological features of ancient Egyptian words and reflect characteristic aspects of Koine Greek, but also, thanks to the notation of vowels, which are not written in Egyptian texts previous to the Coptic period, they reveal some dialectal traces and even complete isoglosses of the latest period of the Egyptian language. However, the number of Egyptian anthroponyms in Greek transcription studied is not wide, and the interpretation of some of them is uncertain. The aim of this research is to analyse, thanks to the Trismegistos database ‒ developed in the department of Ancient History of KU Leuven ‒, the linguistic elements or ‘formants’ composing the different Egyptian proper names attested in Greek transcription, along with the linguistic features of both Greek and Egyptian languages they reveal

    Characterization of electric propulsion plasma jet by means of Optical Emission Spectroscopy

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta de cálculo en MATLAB que represente la imagen de un chorro de plasma usando Espectroscopía Óptica con el fin de contribuir al desarrollo de los sistemas de propulsión por plasma. Esta herramienta usa datos obtenidos a partir de simulaciones por ordenador llevadas a cabo en EP2PLUS y datos espectrales de la base de datos NIST Atomic Spectral Database junto con algunos parámetros definidos por el usuario de la herramienta para obtener la imagen deseada en colores reales. Para ello, asumiendo condiciones de equilibrio termodinámico local (LTE), la herramienta usa la distribución de Boltzmann y la ecuación de la emisión para calcular las densidades y emisiones locales del chorro. Una vez obtenidas, se calculan las intensidades proyectadas con el ángulo deseado usando la Transformada de Radon. Después, éstas se filtran usando las curvas de intensidad del ojo humano para descartar las emisiones que no podrán ser detectadas por el ojo. Finalmente, se calcula la fracci on de cada color (rojo, verde y azul) por unidad de superficie y se escala para evitar la saturación de la imagen para acabar mostrando las temperaturas, espectros e imágenes obtenidas en el presente informe de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado.The aim of this project is to create a computational tool in MATLAB to build the image of a plasma jet by means of Optical Emission Spectroscopy with the objective to contribute to the plasma space propulsion systems development. This tool uses data from computer plasma jet simulations performed in EP2PLUS and spectral data from NIST Atomic Spectral Database together with a few parameters set by the user to build the desired plasma image in real colors. To do so, under the assumption of Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium, the tool uses Boltzmann distribution and the Emission equation to calculate the local densities and emissions in the jet, respectively. Once obtained, the intensities with the desired projection angle are computed by means of the Radon transform. They are then filtered by the human eye intensity curves to discard those emissions which cannot be detected by the human eye. The fraction of each color (Red, Green and Blue) on each projected surface unit is calculated and scaled to avoid image saturation. The resulting temperatures, spectra and images are shown and discussed in this thesis.Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Managing CNS Tumors: The Nanomedicine Approach

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    Albeit the rapidly evolving knowledge about tumor biochemistry enables various new drug molecules to be designed as treatments, malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors remain untreatable due to the failure to expose the entire tumor to such therapeutics at pharmacologically meaningful quantities. Therefore, drug delivery in CNS tumors must be properly addressed, as otherwise, novel therapies will continue to fail. In this regard, nanomedicine poses an appealing platform for efficient drug delivery to the CNS, since it may be targeted to improve the drug availability in the site of action, which would be translated into lower drug doses and fewer side effects. Hence, the accumulation of data about the CNS physiology and their relevant receptors, the widening therapeutic armamentarium of drugs potentially useful in CNS chemotherapy and the alternative routes for administration may envisage nanomedicines as a forthcoming routine approach. Indeed, on the basis of the promising results gathered from preclinical studies of nanomedicine-based therapy both systemically and locally administered, some nanomedicines have already been approved for clinical trials in a variety of CNS tumor conditions to serve as the first steps in the translation of nanotherapy to clinic. Their outcome will steer research directions for further improvements

    Methodology to Evaluate the State of Conservation of Historical Plasterwork and Its Polychrome to Promote Its Conservation

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    This research was funded by the I+D+i PGC2018-093470-B-I00 project financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.This work presents a methodology for the assessment of ancient plasterworks based on traditional inspection techniques, such as organoleptic tests and chemical characterization, and also on digital tools, such as photogrammetric surveys, thermography images, and measurement of ambient conditions with thermohygrometers. This method allows not only defining the alterations detected and establishing the state of conservation but also digitalizing the plasterworks to preserve the heritage and replicate the model if necessary (i.e., replacement of a detachment piece), drawing a hypothesis of the original hidden design of the plasterwork, and conducting a chronological study about the polychromies used over time. In some cases, the assessment has shown that the liming and repolychrome interventions to which plasterworks have been subjected and the powdery state of some areas do not ensure the possibility of the complete polychromy restoration, only its preservation by taking conservation and maintenance measures.MCIN/AEI I+D+i PGC2018-093470-B-I0

    Les ostraca de Narmouthis dans le contexte du bilinguisme gréco-égyptien de l’époque romaine

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    Les archives de Narmouthis, découvertes pendant la campagne de fouilles dirigées par A. Vogliano à Médinet Madi (Égypte) en 1938, contiennent à peu près 1500 ostraca rédigés en égyptien et en grec. Malgré l’existence d’autres archives bilingues en Égypte, les ostraca de Narmouthis sont exceptionnels en raison du grand nombre de textes conservés, de la diversité des types de textes qu’ils contiennent (documents juridiques et administratifs, ordres, exercices scolaires et règles de comportement, comptes et enregistrements, notes cadastrales, notes adressées à une ou à plusieurs personnes, textes astrologiques,… ) et de la variété des langues et des écritures présentes dans les ostraca (grec, égyptien hiéroglyphique, égyptien hiératique, égyptien démotique et « copte ancien »). Dans ce travail, nous abordons la problématique de ces documents dans le contexte du bilinguisme gréco-égyptien de l’époque romaine

    Propuesta del diseño ergonómico de los puestos ocupacionales, para los estudiantes usuarios del laboratorio de informática. De la Carrera de Diseño Gráfico; de la Universidad de Guayaquil.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.El trabajo que se presenta a continuación está enfocado en mejoras para el laboratorio de Informática de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad de Guayaquil. La investigación se sustenta en la problemática encontrada en sus instalaciones, debido a las falencias existentes en el aula, y el no contar con recursos necesarios para la enseñanza, se convierte en un lugar inadecuado para recibir clases. El enfoque principal está en los puestos ocupacionales de los usuarios y el ambiente, los cuales no favorecen para mantener la postura correcta frente al computador, generando a futuro problemas lumbares, Escoliosis y otros. Como soporte del inconveniente encontrado se realizó el levantamiento de información con fuentes de investigación primaria, y por medio de encuestas se verificó la inconformidad de los estudiantes. El análisis de los datos permitió trabajar de manera generalizada en la propuesta y establecer recomendaciones, conclusiones para adecuación total del laboratorio, contribuyendo de esta forma con estrategias para mejorar sus instalaciones y precautelar la salud de los usuarios.The following work is focused on improvements of the Laboratory of Informatics of the career of Graphic Design at the University of Guayaquil. The research is based on the problems encountered in its facilities due to the lack of resources in the classroom and not having enough resources for education, it becomes an inappropriate place for attending class. The main focus is on occupational positions of users and the environment, which do not help to maintain the correct posture in front of the computer, generating future lumbar problems, scoliosis, among others. To support the inconvenient found the information was collected with primary research sources and through surveys that verified the discomfort of the students. The analysis of the data allowed the proposal to be worked in generalized terms, and to establish recommendations and conclusions for overall adequacy of the laboratory, contributing with strategies to improve the facilities and safeguard the health of users
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