19 research outputs found

    This will be on youtube: video, social networks and protests in brazil

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    Entre 2013 y 2014 Brasil vivió el ascenso de un nuevo tipo de protesta social. Desde las redes sociales, millares de personas empezaron a movilizarse en todo el país. Los activistas utilizaron ampliamente el internet y, principalmente, las redes sociales como forma de organización, movilización y protesta. Crearon colectivos de media activistas, produjeron fotos, textos, vídeos y documentales de las movilizaciones, asambleas y ocupaciones vía Internet. Muchas veces en vivo y directo. Consiguieron contraponer el discurso oficial de los grandes medios de comunicación, imponer otra narrativa, crear una nova forma de protestar; protegerse y denunciar la violencia policial.Between 2013 and 2014 Brasil saw the emerge of a new kind of social protest. Thousands of people began to organise all over the country using social networks. Activist made full use of the internet and especially the social networks as a form of organisation, mobilisation and protest. They created collectives of media activists and used the internet as a vehicle for the photos, texts, videos and documentaries of the mobisations, assemblies and occupations they produced. This was often live coverage. In this way they managed to counter the official discourse of big media, imposing another narrative, creating new ways to protest, protect themselves and denounce policial violence

    Science communication for social inclusion: exploring science & art approaches

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    Engaging communities at risk of social exclusion poses a big challenge for science communicators. We schematize a framework for projects using science & art to promote social inclusion, composed of 3 phases — design, plan and collaboration; implementation; and evaluation. We present a case study that aimed to engage with a community of migrant senior women, mostly illiterate. Our findings suggest high engagement was achieved by building trust, involving emotions, choosing a relatable topic and following participatory practices. Inclusive activities occurred on the short-term, but for medium-term impact, community insiders need to be regarded as a second audience.Supported by Investigator Programme, IF/00354/2012 and institutional contract under the D.L. n. 57/2016 changed by Law n. 57/2017 all financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustained Spindle-Assembly Checkpoint Response Requires De Novo Transcription and Translation of Cyclin B1

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    Background Microtubule-targeting drugs induce mitotic delay at pro-metaphase by preventing the spindle assembly checkpoint to be satisfied. However, especially after prolonged treatments, cells can escape this arrest in a process called mitotic slippage. The mechanisms underlying the spindle assembly checkpoint and slippage are not fully understood. It has been generally accepted that during mitosis there is a temporary shutdown of high-energy-consuming processes, such as transcription and translation. However, the synthesis of specific proteins is maintained or up-regulated since protein synthesis is necessary for entry into and progression through mitosis. Methodology/Principal Findings In this work we investigated whether the mitotic arrest caused by the mitotic checkpoint is independent of transcription and translation. By using immunofluorescent microscopy and western blotting, we demonstrate that inhibition of either of these processes induces a shortening of the mitotic arrest caused by the nocodazole treatment, and ultimately leads to mitotic slippage. Our western blotting and RTQ-PCR results show that inhibition of transcription during mitotic arrest does not affect the expression of the spindle checkpoint proteins, whereas it induces a significant decrease in the mRNA and protein levels of Cyclin B1. The exogenous expression of Cyclin B1 substantially rescued the mitotic phenotype in nocodazole cells treated with the inhibitors of transcription and translation. Conclusions/Significance This work emphasizes the importance of transcription and translation for the maintenance of the spindle assembly checkpoint, suggesting the existence of a mechanism dependent on cyclin B1 gene regulation during mitosis. We propose that continuous transcription of mitotic regulators is required to sustain the activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint

    Videoativism and Rodas Culturais. Audiovisual and youth (counter)narratives about state violence

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    Analisamos dois casos de ativismo juvenil da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil durante 2014-2017: a) o vídeo-ativismo durante a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014 e; b) as Rodas Culturais (eventos públicos do movimento hip hop) em 2016 e 2017. A partir de uma perspectiva metodológica participante que incluiu métodos digitais, caracterizamos as estratégias político-comunicacionais desenvolvidas e as (contra)narrativas audiovisuais produzidas em relação a ação do estado no espaço público. Como resultados, evidencia-se que ambas das práticas desenvolveram estratégias tecnopolíticas na dinâmica ruas-mídias digitais e utilizaram o audiovisual como formato estratégico para construir (contra)narrativas sobre diversas formas de violência de Estado.We analyzed two cases of youth activism in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 2014-2017: a) video activism during 2014 FIFA World Cup and; b) the Rodas Culturais (hip hop public events) in 2016 and 2017. From a participative methodological perspective, including digital methods, we characterized the political-communicational strategies and the audiovisual (counter)narratives produced of both cases. As results, it was evident that both practices developed technopolitical strategies in the dynamic streets-digital media, and used audiovisual as a strategic format to build (counter)narratives about various forms of state violence.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-

    Estudos Artísticos

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    A edição número 17 da revista Gama apresenta 15 artigos originais que se debruçam sobre a obra de artistas contemporâneos ou mais antigos numa perspetiva de revisitação reapreciadora das suas obras promovendo-se assim um olhar de resgateinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ciudades en construcción permanente: ¿Destino de casas para todos?

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    La presente colección Ciudades de la Gente representa a hombres y mujeres cuya cultura popular, producto de las mezclas de todos aquellos que vivían y otros que han llegado a nuestros territorios, han hecho de lugares declarados como no aptos, lugares donde vivir, y han creado dentro de nuestras ciudades, la extensión de lo distinto. Son hombres y mujeres cuyo trabajo, el que tienen para aportar, junto al de otros y otras de su misma condición, les ha permitido autoproducir interesantes y sin duda bellos espacios donde convivir. Los profesores e investigadores miembros del Grupo de Trabajo Habitat Popular e Inclusión Social de CLACSO, nos unimos a todos aquellos hacedores que, superando los miedos y con deseos de avanzar, se atreven a caminar por lo desconocido y a no conformarse con lo conocido de otras realidades, buscando en conjunto afirmar, como derechos universales, las posibilidades de vidas dignas y de construcciones colectivas dentro de nuestras ciudades. Emprendemos la tarea de describir e interpretar el habitat popular y la inclusión social, abriendo posibilidades para que, experimentados y debutantes líderes populares e investigadores, hablen sobre "las ciudades de la gente" de muy diversos modos

    Inhibition of transcription or translation induces mitotic slippage in nocodazole treated HEK293 cells.

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    <p>Characterization of HEK293 cells: control cells, nocodazole (noc)-treated cells (arrested in mitosis), noc-cells incubated with cycloheximide (CHX; 35.5 µM) or actinomycin D (ActD; 8 µM) for 6 h. A) Phase-contrast microscopy; magnification: 200×. B) Mitotic index of noc-treated cells with or without CHX or ActD for 6 h. Data presented as mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments; ** p<0.01 and *** p<0.005 noc-CHX or noc-ActD <i>versus</i> noc.</p

    Mitotic slippage is induced in nocodazole-treated cells after inhibition of transcription or translation.

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    <p>Characterization of NIH3T3 cells: control cells, nocodazole (noc)-treated cells (arrested in mitosis), noc-cells incubated with cycloheximide (CHX; 35.5 µM) or actinomycin D (ActD; 8 µM) for 4 h. A) Phase-contrast microscopy; magnification: 200×. B) Immunofluorescence microscopy; arrowheads indicate mitotic cells and arrows indicate cells that underwent mitotic slippage; DAPI stains the DNA (blue) and anti-α-tubulin antibody stains the microtubules (green). Scale bar  = 25 µm. C) Mitotic and multinucleation indexes of noc-treated cells with or without CHX or ActD for 4 h. Data presented as mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments; ** p<0.01 noc-CHX or noc-ActD <i>versus</i> noc.</p

    Expression of Mad1, Mad2, BubR1 and Cdc20 are not affected by inhibition of transcription, whereas Bub3 transcript levels are affected but Bub3 protein is not.

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    <p>A) Real time quantitative PCR analysis of several spindle checkpoint transcripts (Mad1, Mad2, BubR1, Bub3 and Cdc20) present in nocodazole (noc) cells treated with or without the inhibitor of transcription actinomycin D (ActD; 8 µM), for 4 h. Results from each gene amplification were normalized using L19 expression and presented as fold increase from nocodazole cells. Data presented as mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments; * p<0.05 noc-ActD <i>versus</i> noc. B and D) Western blotting analysis of Bub3 (B) and Mad2 (D) in nocodazole (noc) cells treated with ActD or cycloheximide (CHX; 35.5 µM) in the presence or absence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132 for 4 h; β-actin was used as loading control. C and E) Quantification of Bub3 (C) and Mad2 (E) protein in noc-, noc-ActD- and noc-CHX-cells. Normalization of Bub3 or Mad2 was calculated on the ratio of these proteins per β-actin protein present in each condition. Data presented as mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments.</p