2,005 research outputs found

    Cidades pequenas no Território de Identidade do Sudoeste Baiano

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    The topic is developed in the Southwest Bahia’s Identity Territory (TISB) and makes an approach to small towns. The territories are heterogeneous, and also the cities. For that, it was decided to conduct a survey in twenty-three cities. Inequalities are remarkable. However, there are similarities not only restricted to population’s, but also to socioeconomic aspects. Represented as concrete spaces, lived fully on a daily basis, small cities are revealed in the research carried out to young residents. Among several aspects, the residents’ view of the city. It is clear that a human being can only intervene in a space, if recognized as a social construction. The individual needs to know well the place where he/she lives to act as a transforming agent.   Keywords: Small towns; Identity Territory; GeographyEl tema se contextualiza en el Territorio de Identidad del Sur oeste de Bahía (TISB) y hace un acercamiento sobre pequeña ciudad. Los territorios son heterogéneos, como lo son los municipios. Por lo tanto, se decidió realizar una encuesta en veintitrés ciudades, consideradas pequeñas. Las desigualdades son sorprendentes, sin embargo, hay similitudes que no se limitan al aspecto de la población, sino también a el socioeconómico. Como espacios concretos, experimentados a diario, las ciudades pequeñas se revelan en investigaciones realizadas como jóvenes. Se abordaron varios aspectos y expresaron la opinión de los residentes sobre la ciudad. Se entiende que solo se puede intervenir en el espacio, cuando se lo reconoce como una construcción social y que es necesario conocer el lugar donde se vive para actuar como un agente que transforma una determinada realidad.  Palabras llave: ciudad pequeña; Territorio de identidad; GeografíaA temática se contextualiza no Território de Identidade do Sudoeste Baiano (TISB) e faz uma abordagem sobre cidade pequena. Os territórios são heterogêneas, assim como são os municípios. Assim, optou-se pela realização de uma pesquisa sobre vinte e três cidades, consideradas pequenas. As desigualdades são marcantes, contudo existem semelhanças que não se restringem ao aspecto populacional mas, também, socioeconômico. Enquanto espaços concretos, vividos cotidianamente, as pequenas cidades são reveladas nas pesquisas realizadas com jovens. Vários aspectos foram abordados e expressam o olhar do morador acerca da cidade. Entende-se que só se pode intervir no espaço, quando é reconhecido como uma construção social e que é preciso conhecer o lugar onde se vive para atuar como agente transformador de determinada realidade. Palavras-chave: Cidade pequena; Território de Identidade; Geografi

    Sensitivity Analysis of Monopiles’ Fatigue Stresses to Site Conditions Using Monte Carlo Simulation

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    The design of support structures of offshore wind turbines contains high number of design variables that influence load characteristics and structural responses. These variables are stochastic and cause many uncertainties. Some of them are examined in this study. It is investigated how scattering of site conditions and load parameters affect the structural response. It is exemplified in terms of stresses that contribute to the accumulated fatigue damage within a monopile substructure. Random sampling of combinations of site conditions and load parameters is performed in order to classify the effects of parameter scattering on the stress variability by means of Sobol’ indices. Analysis shows that the highest influence on stress outputs have the variations in the load parameters. The reason is the sensitivity of the structural dynamical response to the wave height increase and decrease of distance between the wave peak frequency and the structural eigenfrequencies. © 2017 ISOPEEC/Horizon202

    The protest in Spain and Brazil: economic crisis and political crisis

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    El presente estudio es producto de la reflexión desarrollada por los autores a partir de a) la observación de las manifestaciones del Movimiento 15M y de las Jornadas de Junho en España y Brasil, respectivamente y b) el análisis de fuentes secundarias procedentes de estadísticas y de mecanismos de comunicación y difusión de actividades (websites y mass media). El principal objetivo del estudio es realizar un análisis comparativo entre los dos movimientos, revisando similaridades y diferencias en relación a los contextos de origen y sus desarrollos. Aunque se observan diferencias entre ambas protestas en cuanto a la coyuntura económica y política, así como al detonante de las protestas, si atendemos a los repertorios, contenidos y marcos de interpretación, se podrían observar ambas protestas como manifestaciones de un ciclo de protesta global que tiene sus raíces en la actual fase del capitalismo internacional.This study is the product of reflection developed by the authors from a) observation of the manifestations of 15M Movement and Jornadas de Junho in Spain and Brazil, respectively b) analysis of secondary sources from statistics and communication mechanisms and dissemination of activities (websites and mass media). The main objective of the study is a comparative analysis between the two movements reviewing similarities and differences in relation to the contexts of origin and their developments. Although differences between the two protests in regard to the economic and political situation, as well as differences in the trigger for the protests are observed, if we look at the repertoire, contents and frameworks of interpretation, one could observe both protests as manifestations of a cycle of global protest rooted in the current phase of international capitalism.Este trabajo es producto del proyecto de investigación apoyad por European Commission FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES. CIVIL-SW. Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models. Project Coordinated by University of Coventry

    Perspectives in the study of thyroid hormone action on brain development and function

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    The purpose of this review is to provide an up-to-date report on the molecular and physiologic processes involved in the role of thyroid hormone as an epigenetic factor in brain maturation. We summarize the available data on the control of brain gene expression by thyroid hormone, the correlation between gene expression and physiologic effects, and the likely mechanisms of action of thyroid hormone on brain gene expression. In addition we propose a role for unliganded thyroid hormone receptors in the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism. Finally, we review recent data indicating that thyroid hormone receptors have an impact on behavior.Supported by grants BF12002-00489 of Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, and 08.5/0044.1/2000 from Comunidad de Madrid.Peer Reviewe

    Portuguese validation of the TAPQoL: a health-related quality of life instrument for children aged 0–6 years

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    In Portugal, there are few generic and specific instruments to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children, especially those of preschool age. This study aimed to adapt and validate the Portuguese version of the Preschool Children Quality of Life Questionnaire (TAPQoL) in a community and clinical sample of children aged 0–6 years. The parents of 409 healthy children and 137 children undergoing treatment for burns and acute lymphoblastic leukemia completed the TAPQoL and were assessed on psychological morbidity and family functioning. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed, as well as analysis of the psychometric properties as shown by internal consistency measures, convergent validity, and average variance extracted. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed an 11-factor structure with good psychometric properties. The current version of the TAPQoL is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing HRQoL in Portuguese preschool children in community and clinical settings.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi/UM), School of Psychology, the University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology [Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P] (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020). The co-first authors (A.F. and M.S.) were supported by a PhD fellowship from FCT (grants number: 2020.09043.BD and SFRH/BD/148310/2019, respectively)

    De lo nativo a lo nacional : reevaluando la cuestión siderúrgica brasileña

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    Este trabajo estudia el desarrollo de la industria siderúrgica brasileña como vía de acercamiento al problema de la tardía definición de una conciencia nacional. En efecto, tal y como se analiza a través del largo contencioso de la Itabira Iron Ore Company, las presiones de intereses extranjeros y la fuerza de las oligarquías regionales se entremezclaron en un proceso complejo, donde se conjugaba el liberalismo "cosmopolita" con el proteccionismo descarado. La creación de la gran siderúrgica brasileña tuvo que esperar al momento de eclosión del sentimiento nacional, sobre el que recíprocamente actuó como uno de sus goznes

    Bloom's taxonomy and its adequacy to define instructional objective in order to obtain excellence in teaching

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    Muitos são os instrumentos existentes para apoiar o planejamento didático-pedagógico, a estruturação, a organização, a definição de objetivos instrucionais e a escolha de instrumentos de avaliação. A Taxonomia de Bloom é um desses instrumentos cuja finalidade é auxiliar a identificação e a declaração dos objetivos ligados ao desenvolvimento cognitivo que, no contexto deste artigo, engloba a aquisição do conhecimento, competência e atitudes, visando facilitar o planejamento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Embora este seja um instrumento adequado para utilização no ensino superior, poucos educadores fazem uso dele por não conhecerem uma maneira adequada de utilizá-lo. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a Taxonomia de Bloom e as modificações ocorridas nos últimos anos, assim como esclarecer a forma como ela pode ser utilizada dentro do contexto de ensino de engenharia.Bloom's taxonomy was created in order to support the classification of educational objectives and facilitate the process of teaching, learning and the cognitive development. Even though Bloom's Taxonomy has proven to be a significant tool for the process of teaching, learning, and assessment, few educators use it adequately, mostly because its use is not as clear as it should be. This paper describes the Bloom's Taxonomy including its updated version, and has the objective of clarifying some important points of how to Bloom's Taxonomy can be used in engineering courses (teaching, learning, and assessment) to provide an adequate, planed, and controlled cognitive development.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Universidade Simon Frasie

    “Jajeroky”: Corpo, dança e alteridade entre os Mbya Guarani

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    Neste artigo procedo a uma reflexão sobre as práticas corporais mbya guarani que mobilizam a dança e sua relação com a alteridade. Diferencio alguns contextos específicos em que se dança de distintas maneiras, tais como, a opy (casa de reza), as apresentações de corais e danças de xondaro, e os bailes de forró, espaços que mobilizam aldeias e relações entre aldeias. Penso a centralidade de tais práticas nas vidas mbya; meu foco de análise toma tais espaços como arenas das relações com diversos outros, tema central da experiência xamânica.This article is an analysis about the Mbya Guaraní body practices related with dance and the relations of alterity. I contrast some specific contexts in which they dance in different ways, such as the opy (prayer house), performances of choirs and xondaro dances, and dance parties or forrós, spaces that mobilizes all the village and relations between villages. Thinking about the centrality of such practices in mbya lives, my focus of analysis understands such spaces as arenas of alterity relationships and discuss the central theme of the shamanic experience