3,251 research outputs found

    Cape Verde: The Case for Euroization

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    After 10 years of a fixed exchange rate against the euro and a deepening integration with the European Union (EU), the authorities of Cape Verde maintain a strong commitment to nominal stability and are now considering the official euroization of the country. Compared to the current pegging, euroization could be costly if the economic conditions of Cape Verde were to require control over the interest rates and the exchange rate. Given the strong economic and financial integration between Cape Verde and Europe, and the fact that Cape Verde records inflation rates at levels that are similar to those of the European Monetary Union (EMU), the relevant issue is whether the European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy fits the needs of Cape Verde. In order to answer this question, we empirically assess the synchronization between the business cycle of Cape Verde and the business cycle of the EMU. For that purpose, we compute output gaps and then use conventional correlation measures as well as other indicators recently suggested in the literature. Replicating the methodology for each of the current 27 EU members, our results show that Cape Verde ranks better than several EU countries and even better than some EMU countries. We thus argue that there is a strong case for the euroization of Cape Verde. Euroization would secure the benefits already attained with the pegging to the euro and would warrant additional benefits, most likely with no relevant costs stemming from inappropriate ECB monetary policies.Africa, Cape Verde, European Monetary Union, Euroization, Business Cycles

    Characterization of the primary matabolome of Brachystegia boehmii and Colophospermum mopane under different fire regimes in Miombo and Mopane African woodlands

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    Original ResearchMiombo and Mopane are ecological and economic important woodlands from Africa, highly affected by a combination of climate change factors, and anthropogenic fires. Although most species of these ecosystems are fire tolerant, the mechanisms that lead to adaptive responses (metabolic reconfiguration) are unknown. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the primary metabolite composition of typical legume trees from these ecosystems, namely, Brachystegia boehmii (Miombo) and Colophospermum mopane (Mopane) subjected to different fire regimes. Fresh leaves from each species were collected in management units and landscapes across varied fire frequencies in the Niassa National Reserve (NNR) and Limpopo National Park (LNP) in Mozambique. Primary metabolites were extracted and analyzed with a well-established gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry metabolomics platform (GC-TOF-MS). In B. boehmii, 39 primary metabolites were identified from which seven amino acids, two organic acids and two sugars increased significantly, whereas in C. mopane, 41 primary metabolites were identified from which eight amino acids, one sugar and two organic acids significantly increased with increasing fire frequency. The observed changes in the pool of metabolites of C. mopane might be related to high glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) rate, which provided increased levels of amino acids and energy yield. In B. boehmii, the high levels of amino acids might be due to inhibition of protein biosynthesis. The osmoprotectant and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging properties of accumulated metabolites in parallel with a high-energy yield might support plants survival under fire stressinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Foxj1a is expressed in ependymal precursors, controls central canal position and is activated in new ependymal cells during regeneration in zebrafish

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are creditedZebrafish are able to regenerate the spinal cord and recover motor and sensory functions upon severe injury, through the activation of cells located at the ependymal canal. Here, we show that cells surrounding the ependymal canal in the adult zebrafish spinal cord express Foxj1a. We demonstrate that ependymal cells express Foxj1a from their birth in the embryonic neural tube and that Foxj1a activity is required for the final positioning of the ependymal canal. We also show that in response to spinal cord injury, Foxj1a ependymal cells actively proliferate and contribute to the restoration of the spinal cord structure. Finally, this study reveals that Foxj1a expression in the injured spinal cord is regulated by regulatory elements activated during regeneration. These data establish Foxj1a as a pan-ependymal marker in development, homeostasis and regeneration and may help identify the signals that enable this progenitor population to replace lost cells after spinal cord injury.This research was supported by FCT (Portugal) grants (PTDC/BIM-MED/1375/2012 and PTDC/BIM-MED/3295/2014) given to L.S. L.S. was supported by an IF contract from FCT (Portugal). A.R. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship of the FCT (Portugal) (SFRH/BPD/100162/2014) and EMBO (605-2012)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SousChef System for Personalized Meal Recommendations: A Validation Study

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    Nutrition is an essential part of our life. A healthy diet can help to prevent several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, being influenced by social, cultural, and economic factors. Meal recommender systems are a trend to assist people in finding new recipes to cook and adopt healthier eating habits. However, food choice is complex and driven by multiple factors which need to be reflected in the personalization process of these systems to ensure their adoption. We present SousChef, a meal recommender system that can help to plan multiple meals considering an individual’s food preferences, restrictions, and nutritional needs. Our approach uses recipes rather than individual food items, limiting recommendations to tasteful and culturally acceptable food combinations. Several experiments were performed to evaluate the system from different perspectives: nutritional, food preferences, and restrictions, and the recommendations’ variability. Our results highlight the importance of using extensive and diverse content in recommendations to meet food preferences, restrictions, and nutritional needs of people with different characteristics.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support obtained from the project Future Yämmi, co-funded by Compete 2020, Lisboa 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Elsa F. Vieira (Ref CEECIND/03988/2018) thanks FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) for funding through the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus, and to REQUIMTE/LAQV.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Co-gasification of glycerol/fat mixtures in a downflow fixed bed reactor: Preliminary results

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    The aim of this work was to assess the technical viability of glycerol/fat co-gasification. The gasification performance was studied in a downflow fixed bed reactor using steam as oxidizing agent. Tests were performed with a mixture of 10% of fat and 52% of water, and the effect of temperature was evaluated in the 800 oC to 950 oC range. Samples of dry gas from the gasifier were collected and analysed by gas chromatography in order to determine the CO, CO2, CH4 and H2 content. The results revealed that the co-gasification of glycerol/fat mixtures seems to be a feasible technical option. Best results of the gasification parameters were obtained at the highest tested temperature, 950 ◦C.This work was supported by Portugal 2020 [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-024067] and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia [SFRH/BD/137913/2018].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A globalização e o novo paradigma civlizacional: a perspetiva de Leonardo Boff

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    Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como título “A Globalização e o novo paradigma civilizacional: a perspetiva de Leonardo Boff”. Com este estudo pretende analisar-se de que forma este fenómeno denominado globalização tem contribuído para as mudanças exponenciais que ocorrem no mundo atual, e que envolvem todas as esferas da vida económica, social, política, ambiental e cultural. A importância de que se reveste este fenómeno e o impacto que tem tido nas últimas décadas obriga a sociedade, em geral, a procurar um novo paradigma civilizacional que seja conforme aos novos desafios entretanto surgidos. A escolha do autor estudado para este trabalho recaiu no filósofo brasileiro Leonardo Boff, que propõe a criação de um ethos mundial que enfrente os problemas provocados pela globalização vigente. A sua proposta de ética da globalização está centrada principalmente na ética do cuidado, na defesa de todas as formas de vida, sobretudo a defesa da Mãe Terra (Gaia) e do seu ecossistema, e ainda a defesa dos mais pobres. Dada a natureza teórica deste trabalho, a metodologia utilizada remete para a consulta e análise de fontes documentais, nomeadamente livros e artigos relevantes para o estudo desta temática; GLOBALIZATION AND THE NEW CIVILIZATION PARADIGM: THE PROSPECT OF LEONARDO BOFF ABSTRACT: This dissertation is entitled "Globalization and the new civilization paradigm: the prospect of Leonardo Boff." With this study we aim to examine how this phenomenon, called globalization, has contributed to the exponential changes taking place in today's world, which involves all spheres of economic, social, political, environmental and cultural. The importance of this phenomenon and its impact in recent decades forces society, in general, to challenge a new civilization paradigm that according to these new challenges arisin

    Exploring the mediators that promote carotid body dysfunction in type 2 diabetes and obesity related syndromes

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    Carotid bodies (CBs) are peripheral chemoreceptors that sense changes in blood O2, CO2, and pH levels. Apart from ventilatory control, these organs are deeply involved in the homeostatic regulation of carbohydrates and lipid metabolism and inflammation. It has been described that CB dysfunction is involved in the genesis of metabolic diseases and that CB overactivation is present in animal models of metabolic disease and in prediabetes patients. Additionally, resection of the CB-sensitive nerve, the carotid sinus nerve (CSN), or CB ablation in animals prevents and reverses diet-induced insulin resistance and glucose intolerance as well as sympathoadrenal overactivity, meaning that the beneficial effects of decreasing CB activity on glucose homeostasis are modulated by target-related efferent sympathetic nerves, through a reflex initiated in the CBs. In agreement with our pre-clinical data, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which reduces CB activity, improves glucose homeostasis in type 2 diabetes patients. Insulin, leptin, and pro-inflammatory cytokines activate the CB. In this manuscript, we review in a concise manner the putative pathways linking CB chemoreceptor deregulation with the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases and discuss and present new data that highlight the roles of hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia, and chronic inflammation as major factors contributing to CB dysfunction in metabolic disorders.publishersversionpublishe

    Ultrasonication of insulin-loaded microgel particles produced by internal gelation: impact on particle's size and insulin bioactivity

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    Alginate-dextran sulfate (ADS) microgel has been used to protect insulin from gastrointestinal attack and as a carrier to promote insulin permeation through intestinal epithelium. The throughput of ADS submicron particles generation by emulsification/internal gelation is limited by its wide size distribution. The aim of this work was to study the recovery protocol influence on ADS particles through the determination of its impact on particles’ size distribution and bioactivity. ADS particles showed a wide and multimodal distribution, characterized by a high aggregation phenomenon. In an attempt to reverse particles’ tendency to aggregate and to homogenize particle size ADS populations were submitted to ultrasonication, while particle size distribution, physical and chemical stability, and the bioactivity of entrapped insulin were investigated. After ultrasonication a narrower particle population shifted to the nanoscale, with higher physical stability and significant insulin bioactivity was obtained. Emulsification internal/gelation followed by ultrasonication constituted a valid strategy to obtain ADS particles at the submicron range, with high stability and without significantly compromising insulin bioactivity, so offering promises, under previously well established conditions, to evaluate impact of ADS particle's size on biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics phases

    Audiological biomarkers of tinnitus in an older Portuguese population

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    Copyright © 2022 Haider, Ribeiro, Ribeiro, Trigueiros, Caria, Borrego, Pinto, Papoila, Hoare and Paço.Tinnitus is a phantom sound perceived in the absence of external acoustic stimulation. It is described in a variety of ways (e.g., buzzing, ringing, and roaring) and can be a single sound or a combination of different sounds. Our study evaluated associations between audiological parameters and the presence or severity of tinnitus, to improve tinnitus diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Our sample included 122 older participants (63 women and 59 men), aged 55-75 years from the Portuguese population, with or without sensory presbycusis and with or without tinnitus. All participants underwent a clinical evaluation through a structured interview, Ear, Nose, and Throat observation, and audiological evaluation (standard and extended audiometry, psychoacoustic tinnitus evaluation, auditory brainstem responses, and distortion product otoacoustic emissions). The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory was used to measure tinnitus symptom severity. Our data confirmed that the odds of developing tinnitus were significantly higher in the presence of noise exposure and hearing loss. Also, participants who had abrupt tinnitus onset and moderate or severe hyperacusis featured higher odds of at least moderate tinnitus. However, it was in the ABR that we obtained the most exciting and promising results, namely, in wave I, which was the common denominator in all findings. The increase in wave I amplitude is a protective factor to the odds of having tinnitus. Concerning the severity of tinnitus, the logistic regression model showed that for each unit of increase in the mean ratio V/I of ABR, the likelihood of having at least moderate tinnitus was 10% higher. Advancing knowledge concerning potential tinnitus audiological biomarkers can be crucial for the adequate diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus.publishersversionpublishe
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