125 research outputs found

    La evolución del concepto Influencer y su repercusión en los eventos de moda. Tendencias de la comunicación y la creatividad en el S.XXI

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    Actualmente el fenómeno de los influencers está en auge. Las marcas recurren cada vez más a ellos para dar visibilidad o ampliar el público de determinados eventos en la industria de la moda, en la que centraremos nuestro estudio. Analizaremos el nacimiento del concepto, así como su evolución y su utilidad a nivel empresarial y, más en concreto, en los eventos de moda.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Hybrid analog-digital transmit beamforming for spectrum sharing backhaul networks

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper deals with the problem of analog-digital transmit beamforming under spectrum sharing constraints for backhaul systems. In contrast to fully digital designs, where the spatial processing is done at baseband unit with all the flexible computational resources of digital processors, analog-digital beamforming schemes require that certain processing is done through analog components, such as phase-shifters or switches. These analog components do not have the same processing flexibility as the digital processor, but on the other hand, they can substantially reduce the cost and complexity of the beamforming solution. This paper presents the joint optimization of the analog and digital parts, which results in a nonconvex, NP-hard, and coupled problem. In order to solve it, an alternating optimization with a penalized convex-concave method is proposed. According to the simulation results, this novel iterative procedure is able to find a solution that behaves close to the fully digital beamforming upper bound scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of Different Shellfish Matrices on the Separation of PSP Toxins Using a Postcolumn Oxidation Liquid Chromatography Method

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    The separation of PSP toxins using liquid chromatography with a post-column oxidation fluorescence detection method was performed with different matrices. The separation of PSP toxins depends on several factors, and it is crucial to take into account the presence of interfering matrix peaks to produce a good separation. The matrix peaks are not always the same, which is a significant issue when it comes to producing good, reliable results regarding resolution and toxicity information. Different real shellfish matrices (mussel, scallop, clam and oyster) were studied, and it was seen that the interference is not the same for each individual matrix. It also depends on the species, sampling location and the date of collection. It was proposed that separation should be accomplished taking into account the type of matrix, as well as the concentration of heptane sulfonate in both solvents, since the mobile phase varies regarding the matrix. Scallop and oyster matrices needed a decrease in the concentration of heptane sulfonate to separate GTX4 from matrix peaks, as well as dcGTX3 for oysters, with a concentration of 6.5 mM for solvent A and 6.25 mM for solvent B. For mussel and clam matrices, interfering peaks are not as large as they are in the other group, and the heptane sulfonate concentration was 8.25 mM for both solvents. Also, for scallops and oysters, matrix interferences depend not only on the sampling site but also on the date of collection as well as the species; for mussels and clams, differences are noted only when the sampling site variesThe research leading to these results received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants: CDTI and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01 and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016, and through Axencia Galega de Innovación, Spain, ITC-20133020 SINTOX; from CDTI under ISIP Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD; and from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA – Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEAS

    Determination of Gonyautoxin-4 in Echinoderms and Gastropod Matrices by Conversion to Neosaxitoxin Using 2-Mercaptoethanol and Post-Column Oxidation Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection

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    Paralytic Shellfish Toxin blooms are common worldwide, which makes their monitoring crucial in the prevention of poisoning incidents. These toxins can be monitored by a variety of techniques, including mouse bioassay, receptor binding assay, and liquid chromatography with either mass spectrometric or pre- or post-column fluorescence detection. The post-column oxidation liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection method, used routinely in our laboratory, has been shown to be a reliable method for monitoring paralytic shellfish toxins in mussel, scallop, oyster and clam species. However, due to its high sensitivity to naturally fluorescent matrix interferences, when working with unconventional matrices, there may be problems in identifying toxins because of naturally fluorescent interferences that co-elute with the toxin peaks. This can lead to erroneous identification. In this study, in order to overcome this challenge in echinoderm and gastropod matrices, we optimized the conversion of Gonyautoxins 1 and 4 to Neosaxitoxin with 2-mercaptoethanol. We present a new and less time-consuming method with a good recovery (82.2%, RSD 1.1%, n = 3), requiring only a single reaction stepThis research was partially funded by the Portuguese Fundation of Science and Technology (FCT) project UID/Multi/04423/2013 and by the projects MARBIOTECH (reference NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000047) within the Scientific Resaerch and Technological Development (SR&TD) Integrated Program. MARVALOR—Building research and innovation capacity for improved management and valorizationof marine resources, supported by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2-O Novo Norte) and NOVOMAR (reference 0687-NOVOMAR-1-P), supported by the European Regional Development Fund. Marisa Silva also acknowledges FCT for the grant SFRH/BD/73269/2010. The spanish research leading to these results has received funding from the following European Fund for Economic and Regional Development (FEDER) cofunded-grants. From Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01, AGL2014-58210-R, and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016. From CDTI under India&Spain Innovating Program (ISIP) Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEAS

    Liquid Chromatography with a Fluorimetric Detection Method for Analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin Based on a Porous Graphitic Carbon Column

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants. From CDTI and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01, AGL2014-58210-R, Xunta de Galicia Axencia Galega de Innovación, ITC-20133020 SINTOX, and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016. From CDTI under ISIP Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEAS

    Sistemas de xestión da seguridade alimentaria

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    Titulación: Grao en Nutrición Humana e Dietética -- Materia: Garantía de CalidadeSegundo a Conferencia do Perfil Profesional do Diplomado en Nutrición Humana e Dietética a titulación persegue como obxectivo xeral a formación de "un profesional da saúde,con titulación universitaria, recoñecido como un experto en alimentación, nutrición e dietética, con capacidade para intervir na alimentación dunha persoa ou grupo, desde os seguintes ámbitos de actuación: a nutrición na saúde e na enfermidade, o consello dietético, a investigación e a docencia, a saúde pública desde os organismos gobernamentais, as empresas do sector da alimentación, a restauración colectiva e social". A materia Garantía de Calidade serve para adquirir os coñecementos necesarios relativos á xestión da calidade en todos aqueles procesos nos que o dietista-nutricionista estea implicado, desde os diferentes campos nos que pode actuar.Esta materia é de vital importancia para a posterior implementación dalgúns dos obxectivos profesionais do Dietista- Nutricionista, que se relacionan a continuación:-asesorar no desenvolvemento, comercialización, etiquetaxe, comunicación e mercadotecnia dos produtos alimenticios de acordo ás necesidades sociais, os coñecementos científicos e a lexislación vixente;-interpretar os informes e expedientes administrativos en relación a un produto alimentario e ingredientes;-participar na xestión, organización e desenvolvemento dos servizos de alimentación;-intervir na calidade e seguridade alimentaria dos produtos, instalacións e procesos.Esta unidade didáctica encádrase na materia Garantía de Calidade correspondente ao terceiro curso do grao de Nutrición Humana e Dietética, que os alumnos teñen no segundo cuadrimestre. No mesmo curso, no primeiro cuadrimestre os alumnos cursan a materia Hixiene, Lexislación e Seguridade Alimentaria I, onde se lles explica que é a Seguridade Alimentaria, fálaselles do Codex Alimentarius, dos sistemas de aseguramento da calidade e das alertas alimentarias. Por tanto, cando chegan a Garantía de Calidade fixéronse conscientes xa da importancia dunha boa xestión da calidade nos diferentes aspectos e das bases nas que se fundamenta esta unidade didáctica. Comézase así encadrando a temática dentro do terreo da seguridade alimentaria, da problemática actual mundial na alimentación, de como se xestionan as crises alimentarias, para pasar a explicar cales son os protocolos nos que se basean as institucións e empresas alimentarias, que son a base desta unidade didáctica: a Xestión da Seguridade Alimentaria.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Spectrum sharing backhaul satellite-terrestrial systems via analog beamforming

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Current satellite and terrestrial backhaul systems are deployed in disjoint frequency bands. This fact precludes an efficient use of the spectrum and limits the evolution of wireless backhauling networks. In this paper, we propose an interference mitigation technique in order to allow the spectrum coexistence between satellite and terrestrial backhaul links. This interference reliever is implemented at the terrestrial backhaul nodes, which are assumed to be equipped with multiple antennas. Due to the large bandwidth and huge number of antennas required in these systems, we consider pure analog beamforming. Precisely, we assume a phased array beamforming configuration so that the terrestrial backhaul node can only reduce the interference by changing the phases of each beamforming weight. Two cases are considered: the 18 and 28 GHz band where transmit and receive beamforming optimization problems shall be tackled, respectively. In both cases, the optimization problem results in a nonconvex problem that we propose to solve via two alternative convex approximation methods. These two approaches are evaluated and they present less than 1 dB array gain loss with respect to the upper bound solution. Finally, the spectral efficiency gains of the proposed spectrum sharing scenarios are validated in numerical simulations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    How Safe Is Safe for Marine Toxins Monitoring?

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    Current regulation for marine toxins requires a monitoring method based on mass spectrometric analysis. This method is pre-targeted, hence after searching for pre-assigned masses, it identifies those compounds that were pre-defined with available calibrants. Therefore, the scope for detecting novel toxins which are not included in the monitoring protocol are very limited. In addition to this, there is a poor comprehension of the toxicity of some marine toxin groups. Also, the validity of the current approach is questioned by the lack of sufficient calibrants, and by the insufficient coverage by current legislation of the toxins reported to be present in shellfish. As an example, tetrodotoxin, palytoxin analogs, or cyclic imines are mentioned as indicators of gaps in the system that require a solid comprehension to assure consumers are protectedThe research leading to these results has received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants. From Centro Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI), supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01, AGL2014-58210-R, and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016. From CDTI under ISIP Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEAS

    First Detection of Tetrodotoxin in Greek Shellfish by UPLC-MS/MS Potentially Linked to the Presence of the Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum

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    During official shellfish control for the presence of marine biotoxins in Greece in year 2012, a series of unexplained positive mouse bioassays (MBA) for lipophilic toxins with nervous symptomatology prior to mice death was observed in mussels from Vistonikos Bay–Lagos, Rodopi. This atypical toxicity coincided with (a) absence or low levels of regulated and some non-regulated toxins in mussels and (b) the simultaneous presence of the potentially toxic microalgal species Prorocentrum minimum at levels up to 1.89 × 103 cells/L in the area’s seawater. Further analyses by different MBA protocols indicated that the unknown toxin was hydrophilic, whereas UPLC-MS/MS analyses revealed the presence of tetrodotoxins (TTXs) at levels up to 222.9 μg/kg. Reviewing of official control data from previous years (2006–2012) identified a number of sample cases with atypical positive to asymptomatic negative MBAs for lipophilic toxins in different Greek production areas, coinciding with periods of P. minimum blooms. UPLC-MS/MS analysis of retained sub-samples from these cases revealed that TTXs were already present in Greek shellfish since 2006, in concentrations ranging between 61.0 and 194.7 μg/kg. To our knowledge, this is the earliest reported detection of TTXs in European bivalve shellfish, while it is also the first work to indicate a possible link between presence of the toxic dinoflagellate P. minimum in seawater and that of TTXs in bivalves. Confirmed presence of TTX, a very heat-stable toxin, in filter-feeding mollusks of the Mediterranean Sea, even at lower levels to those inducing symptomatology to humans, indicates that this emerging risk should be seriously taken into account by the EU to protect the health of shellfish consumersThe research leading to USC results has received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants. From CDTI and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01 and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016, and through Axencia Galega de Innovación, Spain, ITC-20133020 SINTOX. In addition from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement 315285 CIGUATOOLS and 312184 PHARMASEA. Inés Rodriguez is supported by a fellowship from Subprograma de Formación de Personal Investigador (AGL2012-40185-CO2-01), Spain. In depth investigation of the toxic episodes leading to the results and publication of the present work was undertaken by the Greek National Reference Laboratory of Marine Biotoxins (NRLMB) to fulfill the requirements of EU Regulation 178/2002/EC (Articles 6 and 7) regarding risk analysis and communication and scientific information needed for risk assessment and EU Regulation 882/2004/EC (article 7) with regard to transparency and information to the public. Collaboration of all the staff of the NRLMB is greatly appreciated. Thanks are also expressed to all the Greek regional veterinary services for their contribution to the shellfish samplings and for provision of the seawater analyses results for the presence of potentially toxic microalgae. The use of cell counts’ data within the period 2006–2009 and 2012 regarding P. minimum presence in seawater, derived from the Greek “National Programme for Monitoring of Bivalve Molluscs’ Production Areas for the presence of Marine Biotoxins” and conducted by the Laboratory Unit of Toxic Marine Microalgae (LUTMM), Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (scientific coordinator: G. Nikolaidis (until February 2010) and M. Arsenakis (March 2010–to date)), as well as the restrictions of LUTMM regarding the use of data produced within 2013–2015 due to contract terms and ISO 17025 requirements are acknowledgedS

    High-energy forage feeding diets and body condition on the finishing of cull dairy cows

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    Combinations of two high-energy forage finishing diets and two initial body condition scores (BCSs) in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design were evaluated on cull Holstein–Friesian (HF) cows to improve animal performance and carcass characteristics, aimed at achieving proper fatness and conformation scores (a minimum of ‘4’ and ‘O’, respectively) required for the marketing of high-value loin steaks. The two finishing diets were (i) conventional maize silage complemented with concentrate diet and (ii) wet maize ear silage (pastone) complemented with dry-herbage diet. The two initial body condition levels were (i) low BCS 5 (HBCS). The HBCS animals had the greatest potential to respond to the finishing diets. They needed a smaller total feed intake (TFI) and a shorter finishing period (FP) to meet the marketing requirements. The average feed budgets necessary to finish cull dairy cows and to achieve the minimum scores ‘4’ and ‘O’ of carcass classification were 2.31 and 3.61 t of dry matter (DM)/cow for HBCS and LBCS animals, respectively, while the FP lasted an average of 143 and 224 days for HBCS and LBCS animals, respectively. With regard to the two feeding diets, we found no differences for TFI, carcass characteristics and loin muscle features, such as weight, diameter and intramuscular fatResearch partially funded by the project 07MRU001CT of theConsellería de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación from Xuntade Galicia, SpainS