760 research outputs found

    A framework to achieve mobile business success

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    Num contexto de sociedade que continua a evoluir cada vez mais rápido, é apenas natural que o comércio acompanhe. Note-se a evolução etimológica que acompanha a palavra inglesa para negócio: business; e-business, m-business. A Internet trouxe um grande leque de possibilidades de sucesso para as organizações, empreendedores, equipas de gestão e consumidores. Em paralelo com a facilidade de acesso que esta nova cultura trouxe, nasce também uma nova personalidade associada aos consumidores, uma personalidade mais exigente. As possibilidades infinitas da Internet faz com que, para empreendedores e equipas de gestão, o estudo de mercado tenha de ser constante. Por isso mesmo, hoje, quais são os fatores chave de sucesso para o m-business? Quais são os fatores mais importantes na mente da amostra considerada neste estudo da comunidade online? Será que esses fatores estão correlacionados? E como? Quais são os fatores a que se deve prestar atenção? Os resultados mostram que há um conjunto de funcionalidades que se agrupam em três fatores principais: “confiança no negócio em si”; serviço ao cliente”; “trabalho de desenvolvimento web”. São ainda apresentadas diferentes correlações entre as variáveis, a ter em conta aquando da entrada no m-business.Following in the footsteps of society’s rapid evolution, business is undergoing a dramatic transformation of its own: from business, to e-business and now, mobile business. The Internet has brought forth a new and broad possibility of success to organizations, business owners, management teams and consumers. Furthermore, the accessibility to information has also created an increasing amount of consumers who are more informed and enlightened, and demand accountability and integrity. The infinite possibilities of the Internet for business entrepreneurs and management teams require more frequent studies for this market. The emerging questions are: what are really the key factors for the success of mobile business? What are the most important factors to a studied sample from the online community? Are any of those factors correlated, and if so, how? What factors should business pay close attention to? The results show that there are three main factors grouping the different features of mobile business and apps: trust for the business itself, costumer care, and web development work. Furthermore, different correlations are presented between the variables, which are essential to consider when entering m-business

    Disturbance history and dynamics of an old-growth nothofagus forest in Southern Patagonia

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    The identification of disturbance events using disturbance chronologies has become a valuable tool in reconstructing disturbance history in temperate forests worldwide; yet detailed reconstructions of disturbance history and their effect on the structure and dynamics of the old-growth Nothofagus forests in the southern Patagonia are scarce. We reconstructed forest dynamics and disturbance history of an old-growth N. pumilio forest in the Toro River Valley, Santa Cruz, Argentina using dendroecological techniques. Since a variation in the disturbance regimes was expected with changing elevation, we sampled at different elevations. We found distinct differences in forest structure, dynamics, and disturbance history with changes in the elevation. The disturbance chronologies provided robust evidence that forests in the study area have been subjected to multiple disturbance events over the last 200 years. Yet, recognizing the agent of disturbance could be difficult in these montane forests and further studies are required. Moreover, disturbances might have varied from frequent, moderate-to high-severity events to less frequent and more severe events. This study represents the first of its kind for the temperate forests of Patagonia.Fil: Amoroso, Mariano Martin. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina. Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Naturales, Agroecología y Desarrollo Rural; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Blazina, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin

    Prospective memory : defining tasks under time constraints

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    This dissertation aims to study to what extent time affects consumer’s prospective memory. Prospective memory is remembering to carry out intended actions at an appropriate point in the future (Einstein & McDaniel, 2007). For this, a study was conducted where the sample was selected at random as the only variables the researcher was interested in was time, age and consumption tasks. Participants were asked to initially state five tasks, making these their intended actions. These tasks (intended actions) were then stated again after two periods of time; 1-minute and 3-days. Time and age have both been tested by other researchers; however, this thesis details different periods of time in order to obtain the most specific results. The results revealed that prospective memory does indeed worsen with time; nonetheless, they also revealed that age does not affect prospective memory. This result was surprising as research states otherwise. Having consumption or non-consumption tasks also revealed to have no affect, emphasizing that people indeed have poor memory regardless of what their day-to-day prospective memory tasks are. The key take-a-way from this dissertation is that companies should take into consideration that prospective memory affects all their customers. Also, that people are better at predicting an eventual recall after a small pause in time (Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992). In specific, previsions for the 3-day time period were made after the previsions for the 1-minute period. Thus, because there was a pause in time before the 3-day prevision, this caused the latter to be more precise.Esta dissertação foi realizada com o intuito de perceber como é que o tempo afeta a memória prospetiva dos consumidores. A memória prospetiva acontece quando uma pessoa se lembra de alguma ação que tem de realizar num momento futuro (Einstein e McDaniel, 2007). Assim, realizou-se um estudo em que a amostra foi selecionada aleatoriamente, tendo a investigadora tomado em consideração as variáveis tempo, idade e atos de consumo. Primeiramente foi proposto aos participantes do estudo que indicassem cinco tarefas, assumindo-se estas como as suas ações pretendidas. Depois, foi pedido aos participantes que reescrevessem as suas tarefas em dois intervalos de tempo: 1 minuto e 3 dias. Tendo em conta os resultados foi possível perceber que a memória prospetiva se deteriora com o passar do tempo. Para além disto, os estudos revelaram também que a variável idade não afeta a memória prospetiva contrariando, assim, os resultados obtidos em investigações anteriores. Conclui-se, também, que não há qualquer tipo de diferença na memória prospetiva entre tarefas de consumo ou de não consumo realçando, assim, que a memória é no geral má independentemente de quais sejam as tarefas do dia-a-dia. A conclusão principal desta dissertação é que as empresas, na realização das suas estratégias de marketing, devem ter em devida consideração que a memória prospetiva afeta, por igual, todos os seus clientes. Para além disso, demonstra-se que sempre que se aplica uma pausa temporal a memória torna-se mais precisa (Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992)

    Synthesis and penicillin‐binding protein inhibitory assessment of dipeptidic 4‐phenyl‐β‐lactams from α‐amino acid‐derived imines

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    Monocyclic beta-lactams revive the research field on antibiotics, which are threatened by the emergence of resistant bacteria. A six-step synthetic route was developed, providing easy access to new 3-amino-1-carboxymethyl-4-phenyl-beta-lactams, of which the penicillin-binding protein (PBP) inhibitory potency was demonstrated biochemically

    Bacillus licheniformis BlaR1 L3 Loop Is a Zinc Metalloprotease Activated by Self-Proteolysis

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    In Bacillus licheniformis 749/I, BlaP β-lactamase is induced by the presence of a β-lactam antibiotic outside the cell. The first step in the induction mechanism is the detection of the antibiotic by the membrane-bound penicillin receptor BlaR1 that is composed of two functional domains: a carboxy-terminal domain exposed outside the cell, which acts as a penicillin sensor, and an amino-terminal domain anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane, which works as a transducer-transmitter. The acylation of BlaR1 sensor domain by the antibiotic generates an intramolecular signal that leads to the activation of the L3 cytoplasmic loop of the transmitter by a single-point cleavage. The exact mechanism of L3 activation and the nature of the secondary cytoplasmic signal launched by the activated transmitter remain unknown. However, these two events seem to be linked to the presence of a HEXXH zinc binding motif of neutral zinc metallopeptidases. By different experimental approaches, we demonstrated that the L3 loop binds zinc ion, belongs to Gluzincin metallopeptidase superfamily and is activated by self-proteolysis

    Campylobacter: Impacte na saúde humana e segurança alimentar

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    Campylobacter é a causa mais frequente de gastroenterite bacteriana na Europa. Ao contrário de outras doenças zoonóticas, a incidência europeia de infeções por Campylobacter aumentou na última década. Das diversas espécies de Campylobacter são as termófilas as mais frequentemente associadas a infeção humana, nomeadamente Campylobacter jejuni, responsável por cerca de 80% a 90% dos casos de campilobacteriose, seguida por Campylobacter coli. A maneira mais frequente de um indivíduo se infetar com Campylobacter é através do consumo de alimentos contaminados principalmente aves, sendo a carne de frango apontada como a principal fonte de campilobacteriose. A deteção de Campylobacter em alimentos e animais é geralmente baseada em cultura. Métodos moleculares, Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) e Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), são usados para identificação das espécies. O presente projeto teve quatro objetivos. O primeiro consistiu em validar uma metodologia para detetar, em amostras de carne de frango e em esfregaços de superfícies de embalagens que acondicionavam carne de frango, a presença de C. jejuni e C. coli no meio de enriquecimento, por uma reação em cadeia da polimerase (Screening-PCR) baseada na amplificação do gene mapA de C. jejuni e do gene ceuE de C. coli. As amostras, após submetidas a um enriquecimento, foram isoladas em meios seletivos para deteção e posterior caracterização do microrganismo alvo, segundo a ISO 10272-1:2017. O segundo objetivo consistiu em validar a metodologia Screening-PCR em pools de amostras de carne de frango e em pools de esfregaços de superfícies de embalagens. Pretendeu-se ainda à monitorização da presença de Campylobacter em carne de frago no retalho e na superfície exterior das embalagens onde a carne de frango se encontrava acondicionada. A monitorização de embalagens é importante para avaliar o risco de contaminação pelo contacto com as mãos e superfícies entre as quais as de géneros alimentícios. As amostras foram selecionadas por conveniência tendo sido recolhidas em supermercados e talhos na região norte de Portugal. Foram recolhidas amostras de carne de frango (n=60) e superfícies de embalagens contendo carne de frango (n=63). A metodologia de Screening-PCR do meio de enriquecimento não detetou falsos negativos, tendo o resultado sido concordante com a deteção de Campylobacter de acordo com a ISO 10272-1:2017 em 96% das amostras ensaiadas. Em 4% das amostras foi detetada a presença de genes para C. jejuni e/ou C. coli por PCR no caldo de enriquecimento, mas não foi possível isolar essas estirpes. A metodologia de PCR evidenciou a dificuldade do isolamento de mais de uma espécie na mesma amostra. A monitorização da presença de Campylobacter em 10 gramas de carne de frango e em embalagens de carne de frango colocadas no retalho permitiu detetar a presença respetivamente em 58% e 27% das amostras ensaiadas. Foi detetada a presença de C. jejuni em 88% e C. coli em 25% das amostras positivas para Campylobacter spp. Nas amostras positivas no Screening-PCR para ambas as espécies, não foi possível isolar as duas espécies em 81% das amostras. Estes números mostram a importância de consciencializar a população dos cuidados necessários de higiene na manipulação de carne de frango, na separação dos géneros alimentícios crus e das respetivas embalagens de alimentos que se encontram prontos para sere consumidos, bem como dos que não vão ter um processo térmico e das superfícies utilizadas no seu processamento. A presente dissertação apresenta uma metodologia que rapidamente diferencia os casos negativos dos prováveis positivos, sendo só nestes, necessário prosseguir o ensaio para confirmação da presença de Campylobacter spp. por isolamento de estirpes. A utilização de pools de amostras foi validada o que permitiu diminuir gastos e aumentar número de amostras a ser testadas por reação, em futuros estudos de monitorização. Ficámos cientes que a identificação de espécies de Campylobacter presentes nas amostras terá de ser realizada num maior número de colónias isoladas do que as 5 estabelecidas para a deteção do género Campylobacter. As estirpes isoladas neste estudo poderão ser utilizadas em estudos de avaliação de resistência de Campylobacter a antimicrobianos, pesquisar fatores de virulência, comparar com estirpes isoladas em humanos, animais e no ambiente, entre outros estudos que irão ajudar ao conhecimento da epidemiologia da campilobacteriose e facilitar a gestão do risco.Campylobacter is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in Europe. Unlike other zoonotic diseases, the number of infections by Campylobacter has increased in the last decade. Of the various species of Campylobacter, thermophilic Campylobacter are those which are most commonly associated with human infection, specifically Campylobacter jejuni which accounts for approximately 80%-90% of campylobacteriosis cases followed by Campylobacter coli. Infection by Campylobacter is most frequently spread through the consumption of contaminated foods, particularly poultry. Chicken meat has been considered the main source of contamination by Campylobacter. The most used and trusted method of detection of Campylobacter in food and animals is by culture. Molecular methods Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) are used in the identification of species. There were four aims to this project; firstly, the validation of a screening method used to detect the presence of C. jejuni and C. coli in both poultry samples and swabs of the outer packaging of poultry in an enrichment medium by screening for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on the amplification of the mapA gene in C. jejuni and the ceuE gene in C. coli. After being enriched samples were isolated in selective mediums for the detection and later characterization of the targeted microorganism according to ISO 10272-1:2017. The second aim of this project was the implementation and validation of the screening-PCR method by pooling chicken and packaging swab samples. It was also intended to monitor the presence of Campylobacter in commercially sold chicken, and on the outer packaging of poultry. Testing packaging is crucial in assessing the risk of contamination through contact with our hands and contact with other surfaces, namely food surfaces. Samples were selected based on convenience and were take from both supermarkets and butchers in the northern region of Portugal. Poultry (n=60) and poultry packaging (n=63) samples were used. The conventional combined PCR and enrichment-based screening method did not detect any false negatives and the results were in line with ISO 10272-1:2017 in the detection of the Campylobacter species in 96% of the test samples. The presence of Campylobacter genes was detected in 4% of the samples by using the Screening-PCR, however it was not possible to isolate these strains. The PCR method proved inefficient in isolating more than one species in the same sample. The monitorization of the presence of Campylobacter in 10 grams of commercially sold chicken and packaging enable detection of a respective 58% presence and 27% presence in the test samples. C. jejuni was detected in 88% and C. coli was detected in 25% of the samples which testes positive for Campylobacter spp. In the positive samples in Screening-PCR for both species, it was not possible to isolate the two species in 81% of the samples. These figures emphasize the need to raise the public’s awareness as to proper hygiene practices when handling poultry and surfaces used when processing chicken as well as the need to correctly separate raw foodstuffs and respective packaging from ready-to-eat foods and foods that do not require thermal processing. The present thesis presents a methodology that quickly differentiates the negative from the probable positive cases, being only in these, it is necessary to continue the test to confirm the presence of Campylobacter spp. Isolation of strains. The use of sample pools has been validated, which allows reducing costs and increasing sampling in future monitoring studies. We were aware that the identification of Campylobacter species present in the samples will have to be carried out in a greater number of isolated colonies. The strains isolated in this study can be used in studies to evaluate Campylobacter resistance it antimicrobials, evaluate virulence factors, compare with strains isolated in humans, animals and the environment, among other studies that will help to understand the epidemiology of campilobacteriosis and facilitate risk management

    All Detectable High-Molecular-Mass Penicillin-Binding Proteins Are Modified in a High-Level β-Lactam-Resistant Clinical Isolate of Streptococcus mitis

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    All detectable high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins (HMM PBPs) are altered in a clinical isolate of Streptococcus mitis for which the b-lactam MICs are increased from those previously reported in our region (cefotaxime MIC, 64 mg/ml). These proteins were hardly detected at concentrations that saturate all PBPs in clinical isolates and showed, after densitometric analysis, 50-fold-lower radiotracer binding. Resistance was related to mosaic structure in all HMM PBP-coding genes, where critical region replacement was complemented not only by substitutions already reported for the closely related Streptococcus pneumoniae but also by other specific replacements that are presumably close to the active-site serine. Mosaic structure was also presumed in a pbp1a-sensitive strain used for comparison, confirming that these structures do not unambiguously imply, by themselves, detectable critical changes in the kinetic properties of these proteins.Fil: Amoroso, Ana Maria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Demares, Diego. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Mollerach, Marta Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Gutkind, Gabriel Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Coyette, Jacques. Université de Liège; Bélgic

    Climate and Nothofagus pumilio establishment at upper treelines in the patagonian andes

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    The upper treeline provides a unique opportunity for documenting changes in forest dynamics in the context of current environmental fluctuations. Documenting the response of forests to present environmental changes will be very useful in developing and validating vegetation models that predict plant responses to global changes resulting fromhuman activities. It is generally suggested that the expansion of the upper treeline is limited by cold temperatures, so warmer conditions are expected to induce an advance of forests into alpine vegetation. Significant changes in temperature and precipitation have already been documented in regional studies along the Patagonian Andes during the last decades. Across Patagonia, there are strong relationships between changes in climate and variations in the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). The atmospheric circulation indexes, act as climate packages summarizing climatic information since they combine changes in environmental variables. In order to complement previous studies in the northern Patagonia treeline, we have conducted a this study in the southern Patagonian Andes to: (1) characterize the patterns of Nothofagus pumilio establishment in the upper treeline along a precipitation gradient, (2) to establish the relationship between variations in regional climate and tree establishment and (3) to determine the influence of continental and hemispheric-scale climatic forcing on tree establishment at regional scale. Our studies suggest that the location of the upper treeline of the N. pumilio forest in the Patagonian Andes is sensitive to changes in climate variations. The temperature increment has facilitated the tree recruitment, however, the rate of seedling establishment appears to be more strongly modulated by the interaction between temperature increase and variations in precipitation. The expansion of the upper treeline has been limited to 5–10m from the abrupt treeline. This comparatively reduced advance of the forest in the alpine grassland is regulated by other biotic and abiotic factors rather than the temperature increase. While the recent expansion of the upper treeline in northern Patagonia was regulated by temperature and precipitation variations associated with the different phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the establishment above the upper treeline in the southern Patagonian Andes was facilitated by climatic variations induced by the positive trend of the SAM during the last decades.Fil: Srur, Ana Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Villalba, Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Catón, Milagros Rocío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Amoroso, Mariano Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Sede Andina; ArgentinaFil: Marcotti, Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; Argentin

    Translation into portuguese cultural adaptation and validation of the Braden Q Scale

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A úlcera por pressão (UP) é tema importante na área da saúde, por sua complexidade, que pode ser agravada por infecções que aumentam o tempo de internação e os custos do tratamento. A Escala de Braden foi adaptada para o uso pediátrico por Curley et al em 2004, utilizando os fatores de risco específicos em desenvolver UP em crianças. Esta Escala foi denominada Escala de Braden Q. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi traduzir para a língua portuguesa, adaptar ao contexto cultural brasileiro e testar as propriedades de medidas, reprodutibilidade e validade, da Escala de Braden Q. MÉTODOS: O questionário foi traduzido e adaptado de acordo com metodologia aceita internacionalmente. Foi realizada tradução e tradução reversa do instrumento, intercaladas de revisões feitas por comitê multisciplinar. Na fase de adaptação cultural, três grupos de dez enfermeiras avaliaram a Escala de Braden Q até ter entendimento integral da Escala. Na validação da reprodutividade, outras duas enfermeiras aplicaram a Escala de Braden Q em crianças internadas na UTI em tempos diferentes, sendo que a primeira enfermeira avaliou em segundo momento. Na análise estatística, para testar a consistência interna da escala, foi calculado o Alpha de Crombach e, para testar a reprodutividade, o teste intraclasse e a correlação de Spearman. xiii Resumo RESULTADOS: No processo de tradução e retrotradução, não houve diferença nas escalas feitas pelos diferentes tradutores. Na adaptação cultural realizada pelas 30 enfermeiras, todos os itens da escala foram considerados relevantes, a consistência interna testada pelo Alpha de Crombach foi de 0,936 e a correlação intraclasse da reprodutividade intra-observador foi de 0,995 e da reprodutividade inter-observador foi de 0,998, ambas apontadas como excelentes quanto à reprodutividade. CONCLUSÃO: A Escala de Braden Q foi traduzida e adaptada com sucesso, demonstrando ser válida e reprodutível.INTRODUCTION: Pressure ulcer is an important theme in the area of health due to its complexity, which can be aggravated by infections that increase hospitalization time and treatment costs. The Braden Scale was adapted for pediatric use by Curley et al in 2004, using the specific risk factors in developing pressure ulcers in children. This scale was called Braden Q Scale. OBJECTIVES: To translate into Portuguese, adapt to the Brazilian cultural context and test the properties of the Braden Q Scale’s measurements (reproducibility and validity). METHODS: The questionnaire was translated and adapted according to an internationally accepted methodology. The instrument was translated and translated in reverse, intercalated with reviews made by a multidisciplinary committee. In the cultural adaptation phase, three groups of ten nurses assessed the Braden Q Scale until they had full understanding of the Scale. In the reproducibility assessment, two other nurses applied the Braden Q Scale in children admitted in the ICU at different times, being that the first nurse assessed it later. After undergoing a consensus, the Braden Q Scale was reviewed by a Portuguese lecturer. In the statistical analysis, to test the scale’s internal consistency, the Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated, and the intraclass test to test the reproducibility. RESULTS: In the translation and back-translation process, there was no difference in the scales made by the different translators. In the cultural adaptation made by the 30 nurses, all the scale's items were considered to be relevant, the Internal Consistency tested by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.936 and the intraclass correlation of the intraobserver reproducibility was 0.995 and of the inter-observer reproducibility was 0.998, both referred to as excellent with regard to reproducibility. CONCLUSION: The Braden Q Scale was translated and adapted successfully, proving that it is valid and reproducibleBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe