262 research outputs found

    Does computer-supported Math instruction makes students perceive them to be task-oriented and well-behaved? An experimental study

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    AbstractThis study investigated the effectiveness of computer-supported Math instruction on ninth graders’ task orientation and disruptive behaviors. Subjects were 40 students enrolled in two classes, each of which was randomly selected as the experimental and control group. The former was given instructions including animations, games, interactive drill-and-practice programs, and video documentaries while the latter was given with traditional media. The same questionnaire was administered before and after the intervention as pretest and posttest. Although both groups received better scores on the posttests, ANCOVA analyses failed to produce significant differences between adjusted posttest scores for both task orientation and disruptive behaviors

    Efficient Strategies for Partitioning and Querying a Hirerchical Document Space

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    We consider a problem arising in the efficient management of a Hierachical Document Space, i,e.,partitioning the leaves of a tree among a set of servers in such a way that it is possible to take full advantage of the hierarchical system to efficiently answer user\u27s queries. After providing that the problem is NP-Hard, we devise efficient approximate solutions, and we make a number of experiments which show that allowing for very little space inefficiency can be instrumental to acheiving a significant improvement in the query efficiency

    Evaluation of life sciences teachers’ books according to teachers’ opinions

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to examine the teachers’ books prepared by Turkish Republic of Ministry of Education for primary education Life Sciences course according to teachers’ opinions. 107 classroom teachers from 10 primary schools in Ankara provience centre were included in this study. The questionnner prepared by researcher was used with the aim of designating teachers’ opinions about teachers’ books. This study states that teachers’ books of Life Sciences course are adequate in some topics hovewer; they have some deficiencies in some topics. Basing on this result, suggestions were made on improving the teachers’ books of Life Sciences course

    Training through poetry within the sample of Nabi's “Hayriyye”

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    AbstractArt works have more aspects than aesthetic pleasures within their contexts. One of this aspects is “social utility” which refers to training and education of society. At that manner, poetry has a special character in training process. Especially in Turkish Classical Poetry a special kind of poem named “Nasîhat-nâme” can be seemed in this term. An important representative of this kind is Nabi who lived in 17th century. He wrote a mathnawi called “Hayriyye” aiming at telling certain truths having both religional and universal aspects. In this study, it is aimed to present the role of art works within the process of education and training by using couplets from Nabi's Hayriyye and other poems

    Tales of the Way of Death: ethnography and the translation of Amerindian poetry

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    The article addresses aspects of the ethnography and the translation of the poetry of Amerindian peoples from the South American lowlands, particularly the Marubo (Javari valley, Amazon). I begin with a brief review of theoretical perspectives that are central to understanding the subject and go on to argue that the work of translational re-creation of songs and narratives derived from oral performances should be carried out in tandem with the work of conceptual translation. Finally, I provide a bilingual rendering of a long narrative testimony on posthumous fate and the formation of the Way of the Dead ("The Reports of the Death-Path"), as given by Marubo shaman Armando Cherõpapa.O artigo trata de aspectos da etnografia e da tradução de poéticas ameríndias das terras baixas sul-americanas, em especial do povo Marubo (Vale do Javari, Amazonas). A partir de uma breve revisão de perspectivas teóricas centrais para a compreensão do assunto, busco argumentar que o trabalho de recriação tradutória de cantos e narrativas provenientes de performances orais deve ser realizado em conexão com o trabalho de tradução conceitual. Por fim, apresento a tradução bilíngue de um longo depoimento narrativo sobre o destino póstumo e a formação do Caminho dos Mortos ("Os relatos do Caminho-Morte"), oferecido pelo xamã marubo Armando Cherõpapa

    Wenía: o surgimento dos antepassados ”“: Leitura e tradução de um canto narrativo ameríndio (Marubo, Amazônia Ocidental)

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    This work is composed by the bilingual translation of the myth-song Wenía from the Marubo, a Panoan-speaking people of Vale do Javari Indigenous Reservation, Brazil. The annotated translation, which presents the origins of Marubo ancestors, is preceded by an introductory essay on the conceptual problems involved in the narrative, such as metaphor, formulaic composition, classification and etiology, all of them essential to the understanding of Marubo's processes of ethnogenesis and shamanistic poetics. Este trabajo comprende la traducción bilingüe inédita, las notas y el estudio de presentación de la narrativa cantada Wenía de los Marubo de la Tierra Indígena Vale do Javari (Amazonas). La narrativa, que trata del surgimiento de los antepasados, es fundamental para la comprensión de los procesos clasificatorios y etiológicos involucrados en el pensamiento shamanístico y en la etnogénesis marubo. En el ensayo de presentación se abordan algunos de los problemas conceptuales involucrados, tales como el estatuto de la metáfora, las formas de clasificación y los procesos de surgimiento sobre los que se construye la poética narrativa marubo.Este trabalho compreende a tradução bilíngue inédita, as notas e o estudo de apresentação da narrativa cantada Wenía, dos Marubo da Terra Indígena Vale do Javari (Amazonas). A narrativa, que trata do surgimento dos antepassados, é fundamental para a compreensão dos processos classificatórios e etiológicos envolvidos no pensamento xamanístico e na etnogênese marubo. No ensaio de apresentação, são abordados alguns dos problemas conceituais aí envolvidos, tais como o estatuto da metáfora, das formas de classificação e dos processos de surgimento sobre os quais se dedica a poética narrativa marubo.&nbsp

    De dobles y trocas: a propósito de la traducción del portugués al español de cantos Marubo

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    Este artículo propone un análisis poético de algunos fragmentos de los cantos marubo que traduzco de modo indirecto del portugués al español: “Raptada por el rayo” (Kaná kawã), “Payé Flor de Tabaco” (Rome Owe Romeya) y “Origen de la vida breve” (Roka), compilados y traducidos por el antropólogo brasilero Pedro Niemeyer Cesarino en su texto Quando a terra deixou de falar: cantos da mitología marubo (2013). Ello con el fin de abordar las imágenes del traducir que nos traen los cantos, tales como el trato con las voces venidas de lejos a las que intenta responder el chamán-traductor con su escucha en “Raptada por el rayo”, la “troca de ojos” invocando su operar como cantador y doble en “Payé Flor de Tabaco” o el canto de la brevedad que recuerda la traducción como variación entre variaciones, siempre transitoria y fragmentaria en “Origen de la vida breve”. Esto me permitirá seguidamente indicar las contribuciones de la poética chamánica marubo para pensar el acto de traducción.This article proposes a poetic analysis of the translations of various fragments taken from Marubo chants.  The songs analyzed are the following: Raptada por el rayo (kaná kawã), Payé Flor de Tabaco (Rome owe romeya) and Origen de la Vida Breve (Roka), originally collected and translated by the Brazilian anthropologist Pedro Niemeyer Cesarino in his text Quando a terra deixou de falar: cantos da mitología marubo (2013). The purpose is to analyze translation images present in the chants, for example: the contact with distant voices to which the shamans attempt to answer in Raptada por el rayo; the “exchange of eyes” as a reminder of the shaman as singer and double in Payé Flor de Tabaco; and the image of the song of brevity which reminds us that translation is a variation among variations, always fragmentary and provisional in Origen de la Vida Breve. These images will allow us to point out the contributions of Marubo shamanic poetics to reflect upon the act of translation.Este artigo propõe uma análise poética de alguns fragmentos dos seguintes cantos marubo: Raptada pelo raio (kaná kawã), Pajé flor de tabaco (Rome owe romeya) e Origem da Vida Breve (Roka), transcritos e traduzidos pelo antropólogo brasileiro Pedro Niemeyer Cesarino em seu texto Quando a terra deixou de falar: cantos da mitología marubo (2013). Proponho analisar as imagens que nos trazem os cantos, tais como: o tratamento com as vozes vindas de longe, às quais tenta responder o xamã-tradutor com sua escuta em Raptada pelo raio; a “troca de olhos”, invocando seu operador como cantor e duplo em Pajé flor de tabaco, e o canto da brevidade, que lembra a tradução como variação entre variações, sempre transitória e fragmentada em Origem da Vida breve – o que me permitirá, em seguida, indicar as contribuições da poética xamânica marubo para pensar o ato de traduzir

    The effect of classroom management skills of elementary school teachers on undesirable discipline behaviour of students

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    AbstractA majority of disciplinary incidents that take place in the classroom originate from the insufficiency of teachers’ classroom management skills. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of elementary school teachers’ classroom management skills on the discipline behaviour of students.The research was conducted as a survey with 450 teachers commissioned in the city of Antalya. Data were analysed employing t-test with regards to the significance of regression coefficients. A significant relation between the dimensions regarding classroom management skills of the teachers and disciplinary behaviour of the students was observed. It was seen that there was a positive relation between all the dimensions of students’ disciplinary behaviour and teachers’ first, second, third, fourth and sixth dimensions regarding classroom management; and a negative one with the fifth dimension. It is observed that the dimensions regarding teachers’ classroom management skills are important predictors in students’ disciplinary behaviour