62 research outputs found

    Anti-Korupsi dalam Pendidikan Islam (Studi tentang Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Integritas dalam Sistem Pendidikan)

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    Corruption is a problem that is of global concern and is a problem that results in great losses for the state and society. Although in every country has different cases of corruption. In the field of education, corruption can have an impact on the quality of education and reduce public trust in the education system. Islamic education has integrity values that can be a solution in overcoming the problem of corruption. This type of research is literature or literature research and is descriptive exploratory in nature. The focus of the discussion in this method is an attempt to describe, discuss and explore the main ideas which are then drawn conclusions and do not rule out the possibility that new cases will emerge. The results of the research show that the implementation of integrity values in Islamic education has a positive impact on the education system. Values such as honesty, fairness and responsibility help create a good school climate and build people's trust in the education system. Implementation of integrity values also helps reduce acts of corruption in the education system. The implementation of integrity values in Islamic education has a positive impact on the education system and can be a solution to overcome the problem of corruption in education. Therefore, efforts are needed to implement the values of integrity in the education system widely

    Implikasi Pembelajaran Zakat terhadap Pendidikan Sosial

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    Education is a system and way to improve the quality of human life in all aspects of life. Education is a conscious effort needed to prepare humans to support their roles in the future, both as individual and social creatures. In relation to social life, the aim of education is directed at the formation of social human beings who have piety as the basis of attitudes and behavior. And it is directed towards the formation of humans who have an awareness of obligations, rights and social responsibilities, as well as a tolerant attitude, so that harmonious relationships between fellow humans can run harmoniously. The research design used in this research is a qualitative type of research. In this research the author used library research. To analyze the data in this research the author used interpretative methods and content analysis. Based on data analysis in this research, the author can conclude that zakat is one method in the process of forming social attitudes that needs to be instilled and fostered in forming Muslim individuals. Through direct practice methods (coaching) in everyday life. So zakat will become part of the actions and behavior of human lif


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    Beasiswa adalah bantuan keuangan yang diberikan oleh organisasi, perusahaan, instansi atau individu. Salah satu Beasiswa yang ada diSMKN 2 Bengkalis adalah beasiswa kurang mampu yang diberikan kepada siswa dengan tingkat ekonomi yang menengah kebawah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membantu penyeleksi beasiswa kurang mampu pada SMKN 2 Bengkalis untuk menentukan siapa siswa yang berhak direkomendasikan sebagai penerima bantuan beasiswa kurang mampu berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process diimplementasikan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 7 Kriteria yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah. Dengan masing-masing kriteria memiliki 4-5 nilai. Dan pada penlitian ini menggunakan 236 data siswa aktif SMKN 2 Bengkalis pada tahun 2021 sebagai alternatif pengambilan keputusan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu blackbox dimana sistem telah berjalan sesuai yang direncanakan dan memiliki fungsi yang sesuai dengan dan UAT sebesar 79% yang berarti sistem yang dibangun memiliki fungsi, desain dan layanan yang sesuai dengan yang direncanakan


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    Penelitian ini melakukan perancangan stabilizer tiga fasa tegangan variabel dengan penggerak motor servo. Rangkaian perancangan terdiri dari rangkaian sistem minimum ATMega32, rangkaian sensor tegangan, rangkaian motor servo dan rangkaian autotransformator. Pengujian dilakukan dengan melewatkan tegangan tiga fasa pada stabilizer yang kemudian akan dibaca oleh sensor tegangan sehingga diperoleh tegangan tiga fasa sebesar 220 volt perfasa terhadap netral. Performa rancangan stabilizer tiga fasa di uji dengan pengujian tanpa beban, pengujian berbeban dan pengujian dengan tegangan input tidak seimbang. Hasil pengujian yang diperoleh, rising time stabilizer kurang dari 4s yang di uji pada fasa T, dan tegangan mampu dipertahankan pada tegangan 218V sampai 222V dengan error maksimal 3,06% pada pengujian tanpa beban, 4,57% pada pengujian berbeban dan 3,24% untuk pengujian dengan tegangan input tidak dengan selisih antar fasa mencapai 16,5V

    Pre-Diagnosis Gangguan Ginjal Melalui Citra Iris Mata Menggunakan Raspberry PI Dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini melakukan perancangan aplikasi pengenalan gangguan ginjal dini melalui citra digital iris mata menggunakan metode convolutional neural network (CNN) dengan antarmuka Raspberry Pi 3 model B+. Hasil akurasi terbaik yang diperoleh dengan memvariasikan banyak epoch, nilai learning rate, ukuran kernel, komposisi database, dan fungsi pooling layer adalah 94% pada saat epoch 12, 92% pada nilai 0,0001, 95% pada ukuran 3x3, 95% pada komposisi 100 train dan 50 validation, 90% menggunakan fungsi max pooling. Kata kunci: gangguan ginjal, iridology, convolutional neural network, raspberry pi

    Perancangan Alat Uji Impak Digital dengan Metode Charpy Untuk Mengukur Kekuatan Material Polimer

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    AbstrakPada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan alat uji impak metode Charpy secara digital dengan menggunakan sensor rotary encoder dan mikrokontroler. Uji impak merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kekerasan, kekuatan serta keuletan material. Untuk mengetahui keakuratan alat uji impak yang telah dibuat maka dilakukan perbandingan antara alat uji impak otomatis dengan alat uji impak manual. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat uji impak digital otomatis yang dirancang memiliki performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pengujian manual.Kata kunci: uji impak digital, metode charpy, material polime

    Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Untuk Analisis Aliran Beban Tiga Fasa Pada Jaringan Tegangan Rendah Dengan Metode Newton Berbasis Calculus Wirtinger

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    AbstractLoad flow analysis is a study to plan and determine the amount of power in an electric power system. During its development, industry requires a large amount of electric power and uses electrical equipment as a means of production. The benefits of an electric load flow analysis are to find out the amount of power in the electric power system whether it still meets predetermined limits, and to find out the amount of voltage at each point, and to obtain initial conditions for the new system planning. Load flow analysis begins calculating the active power and reactive power at each node (bus) installed, loading on the channel or conductor, the load flow calculation will be assisted using the Julia program. From the results of calculations using the Julia program, the voltage at each point with the smallest stress is obtained, namely the 10th point of 209.89 - j10.34V for phase A, -107.39 - j186.87V for phase B, -108.12 + j178,51V for phase CKey Words: Drop Voltage, Julia, Load Flo

    Pengaruh Campuran LPG Dan Udara Terhadap Kemudahan Penyalaan Awal Genset 4 Langkah

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    Selain sebagai bahan bakar kompor gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)  dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar genset. Untuk kemudahan penyalaan genset yang menggunakan LPG, diperlukan campuran LPG dan udara yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni menganalisis pengaruh campuran LPG dan udara terhadap kemudahan penyalaan awal genset 4 langkah.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen, yaitu menguji pengaruh variasi laju aliran gas LPG  dan  pengaruh variasi  bukaan katup saluran udara. Laju aliran LPG yang digunakan yakni 2 L/min, 3 L/min, 4 L/min. Udara yang masuk keruang bakar divariasikan dengan pengaturan bukaan katup yakni katup terbuka penuh, terbuka setengah dan tertutup rapat.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa campuran yang paling tepat untuk kemudahan penyalaan awal genset yaitu pada variasi dengan laju aliran 3 L/min pada posisi katup ditutup rapat.  Saat katup ditutup rapat sebenarnya masih terdapat celah lobang udara pada choke dengan diameter 6 mm standart bawaan karburator. Udara yang dihasilkan dari lubang ini ternyata cukup efektif  saat dicampur LPG dengan laju aliran gas 3 L/min. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa genset LPG mudah dinyalakan jika campuran LPG dan udara tepat.

    Konektivitas Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dengan Keasaman dan Bahan Organik Total pada Sedimen di Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mangrove forest ecosystem is one of coastal ecosystem having significant roles as habitat for diverse organisms, as barrier ofseawater intrusion, sediment trap, protection to the shore from abrasion and as nutrient supplier in form of detritus to othercoastal ecosystems i.e. seagrass beds and coral reefs. However, mangrove has experienced degradation caused by natural andanthropogenic factors. One effort to recover the mangrove\u27s function is by rehabilitating this ecosystem through controllingits total organic matter and the soil acidity (pH). Therefore, it is urgent to conduct a study in order to know the relationshipbetween mangrove growth and the total organic matter and pH. The study was conducted May 2014. The study area was locatedin Mampie, Wonomulyo Sub-District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The benefit gained from this study was giving information ondissolved organic matter related to the mangrove rehabilitation. Method used was field survey by determining three observationstations with different environmental condition. Data were presented as tables and pictures. Results of this study indicated thatincreasing of mangrove density and coverage was followed by the increasing of total organic matter percentage within sedimentat station II. Whereas, the higher the acidity, the lower the content of the total organic matter within sediment was found inStation I. In contrast, the organic matter within sediment was high when the acidity value decrease was observed at Station III

    Sistem Proteksi Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Terhadap Bermacam Gangguan Menggunakan Mikrokontroller

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    ABSTRACTIn the current era of globalization, various human jobs depend on electrical equipment such as three-phase induction motors. Three-phase induction motors are very important to use according to their roles and functions. The occurrence of voltage variations in the electric power system is due to the magnitude of the voltages between the three phases which are not the same so that there are differences in the angle of the R, S and T phases, which causes an uneven load overload in the electrical distribution system. Among the disturbances that can occur are overvoltage, under voltage, unbalance voltage between phases, overload, and overheating. Based on these problems, a three-phase induction motor protection system was designed, the system uses current, voltage, temperature sensors, which functions to measure the value when a disturbance occurs, a magnetic contactor as a breaker and a liaison when the disturbance is given in accordance with the set point value given to the microcontroller. The results of the research for unbalanced voltage of V1 112 V, V2 114 V, V3 108 V, overvoltage of V1 228 V, V2 207 V, V3 264 V, over current of A1 104 A, A2 107 A, A3 0.77 A , the overload on the resistance source is 333 ?, 250 ?, 200 ?, 167 ?, and the overheating is 40.75 ºC at 6.5 minutes with tripping conditions in each test. The final results of this study indicate that the protection system which is designed is better used for three-phase induction motors.Keywords: unbalaced, disturbances, protection systems, sensors, magnetic contactor, microcontroller