670 research outputs found
Studi Perbandingan Penggunaan Aspal Minyak Dengan Aspal Buton Lawele Pada Campuran Aspal Concrete Base Course (Ac-bc) Menggunakan Metode Marshall Test
Campuran beraspal merupakan bagian perkerasan lentur yang terletak dibagian atas atau diatas lapis poondasi. Karena letaknya diatas maka campuran beraspal harus tahan terhadap pengausan akibat beban roda kendaraan dan pengaruh lingkungan (panas matahari dan air hujan). Disamping itu, campuran aspal dituntut untuk memiliki kekuatan yang baik sehingga dapat mengeliminasi tegangan vertical.
Campuran Aspal Concrete Base Coarse (AC-BC) merupakan bagian dari perkerasan lentur yang berfungsi sebagai lapis pondasi. Pada Penelitian ini di lakukan pengujian perbandingan penggunaan aspal minyak dengan aspal buton dengan menggunakan method karakteristik marshall mulai dari kepadatan, rongga dalam campuran, rongga dalam agregat, rongga terisi aspal, stabilitas marshall, stabilitas flow dan hasil bagi marshall sehingga akan diperoleh karekteristik sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknik 2010.
Dari hasil studi perbandingan campuran ac-bc, penggunaan aspal minyak, aspal buton dengan variasi kadar aspal minyak, maka diperoleh campuran yang provorsional yaitu, campuran ac-bc dengan menggunakan aspal buton 25% dari berat agregat dan campuran ac-bc dengan kadar apal minyak 5,0 %, memiliki grafik stabilitas yang hamper sama akan tetapi pada campuran tambahan lawele memiliki stabilitas flow yang relativ tinggi. Sehingga penulis menyimpulkan penggunaan tambahan asbuton memiliki keunggulan dipergunakan untuk konstruksi jalan lingkungan dan untuk pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan lingkungan sehingga perlu dikembangkan oleh instansi pemerintah maupun swasta guna perkembangan jaringan transportasi di provinsi Gorontalo pada khususnya dan Negara Indonesia pada umumnya.
Kata Kunci : Aspal Minyak, Aspal Buton, Lawele, Marshall Test
Kinetical Study of Adsorption Active and Non Activated Carbon from Chocoa Skin in Methyl Violet Solution
Methyl violet solution has particular color and mostly used to coloring in textiles industry and traditional cloth making. The liquid wastes containing this color can be reduces or removed by several methods, one of which is by adsorption using carbon as an adsorbent. The chocoa plant is abundant in Indonesia while its fruit consists of 60.67% lignin, 36.47% selulosa and 18.90% hemiselulosa [1]. Hartono et al. [2 &3] reported cassava’s skins contain protein, cellulose and crude fiber can be used as basic material (similarly with chocoa skin) of producing active carbon. This research is to develop more on reducing methyl violet (as particular color) containing in liquid waste by adsorbent from chocoa skin with variation of reaction time between active carbon and non-activated carbon for constant particle sizes of 48 Mesh (-425/+250 mm), and also to study the kinetical reaction of chocoa skin active carbon and non-activated carbon for adsorbing methyl violet in term of Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations. The result shows the kinetical adsorption of both active and non-activated carbon from chocoa skin as adsorbent follows Langmuir isotherm equation with adsorption capacity of 579.91 mg/g and 338.94 mg/g respectively.
Effects of nonuniform incident illumination on the thermal performance of a concentrating triple junction solar cell
PublishedJournal ArticleA numerical heat transfer model was developed to investigate the temperature of a triple junction solar cell and the thermal characteristics of the airflow in a channel behind the solar cell assembly using nonuniform incident illumination. The effects of nonuniformity parameters, emissivity of the two channel walls, and Reynolds number were studied. The maximum solar cell temperature sharply increased in the presence of nonuniform light profiles, causing a drastic reduction in overall efficiency. This resulted in two possible solutions for solar cells to operate in optimum efficiency level: (i) adding new receiver plate with higher surface area or (ii) using forced cooling techniques to reduce the solar cell temperature. Thus, surface radiation exchanges inside the duct and Re significantly reduced the maximum solar cell temperature, but a conventional plain channel cooling system was inefficient for cooling the solar cell at medium concentrations when the system was subjected to a nonuniform light distribution. Nonuniformity of the incident light and surface radiation in the duct had negligible effects on the collected thermal energy. © 2014 Fahad Al-Amri and Tapas Kumar Mallick.This work was supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science
and Technology in Saudi Arabia
The Extension Workers' Competency in Developing Small Agribusiness Capital in the District of Bogor, West Java
Extension agents had to develop their competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital. They needed this new skill so they could assist small farmers to develop their agribusinesses. Every enterprise – what ever its scale -- needed capital. In conjunction with this, the objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the distribution of extension agents on selected characteristics, (2) to identify the agents' competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital, as well as (3) to analyze the relationship of the agents' characteristics and their competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital. Data were collected through interviews with the agents. The obtained data were analyzed by using qualitative as well as quantitative procedures. The research results demonstrated that: firstly, the Extension agents mostly indicated their generic competencies in Agricultural Extension, and lack in specific competencies in farm management, especially in small agribusiness capital formation. Secondly, agents considered promoting the small farmers self-help capability, facilitating the promotion of village financial institution, and evaluating extension program as the three most important competencies, and thirdly, regardless of their characteristics, most of the agents interviewed agreed to the rank order of nine competency areas
Sarjana (Sarana Belajar Anak Jalanan): Pemberdayaan Anak Jalanan Mandiri, Kreatif dan Inovatif melalui Pendidikan Kewirausahaan
Makassar city is one of the cities in Indonesia that can not be separated from the problem of street children. Street children are a very vulnerable social group from various acts of violence, whether physical, emotional, sexual or social violence. Therefore, through the program of dedication to the community intend to participate actively in solving the problems of street children through the program "SARJANA (Sarana Belajar Anak Jalanan): Empowerment of Independent Street Children, Creative, and Innovative Through Entrepreneurship Education". The expected expenditure of this program is to enable street children to become independent, creative and innovative in that it no longer becomes a begging demanding society through entrepreneurship education and the provision of appropriate skills in a relatively short period of time. Methods of implementation are: (1) providing entrepreneurial materials, (2) Production and Financial Management materials, (3) Marketing Management Materials, (4) motivational materials, (5) monitoring and evaluation. The result of this devotion is that the built children already have the creative ability to produce various products that can be the future to be self-supporting
Effect of DGAT1 Gene on Hot and Cold Carcass, Neck and Non-Carcass Traits in Indonesia Sheep
Quality carcass and non-carcass are two inseparable components that result from slaughtering animals with high economic value. The aims study is effect of polimorfisme DGAT1 gene on hot and cold carcass, neck and non-carcass traits in Indonesia sheep. A total of 50 rams used in this study were collected from 10 Barbados Cross Sheep (BCS), 10 Compass Agrinac Sheep (CAS), 15 Javanese Thin-Tailed Sheep (JTTS), and 15 Jonggol Sheep (JS). The sheep were slaughtered at 10-12 months old with an average body weight of 20.45 kg. Identification of the DGAT1 gene polymorphism was performed by Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The effect of the DGAT1 gene and breed with carcass and non-carcass traits were described using a T-test. The result showed that we found two genotypes: CC (466 bp), and CT (76, 390, and 466 bp) in sheep. The DGAT1 gene polymorphisms (g.8539 C>T) were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE). The DGAT1 gene polymorphisms had a significant (P<0.05) on carcass traits in neck. However, the DGAT1 gene had no significant association (P>0.05) with non-carcass traits. The CT genotype had the highest value of carcass traits compared to CC genotypes. Therefore, the quality of carcass and non-carcass in Indonesian sheep for the DGAT1 gene only affects the neck value
Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (Sppkb)terhadap Hasil Belajar Kewirausahaansiswa Kelas XI Semester Genap Smk Muhammadiyah 2 Metro T.p 2015/2016
Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah “Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (SPPKB) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kewirausahaan Siswa Kelas XI semester genap SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016.” Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah “Ada pengaruh yang signifikanStrategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (SPPKB) terhadap hasil belajar kewirausahaan kelas XI semester genap SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016.” Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan Penggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (SPPKB) dalam proses pembelajaran kepada peserta didik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 353. Sampel di ambil secara Sampling Purposive dan di peroleh kelas XI TKJ 2 dengan jumlah 32 siswa sebagai kelas yang dijadikan penelitian eksperiman atau sebagai kelas yang mendapat perlakuan Penggunakan Strategi Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir (SPPKB). Dari analisis data hasil penelitian menggunakan rumus regresi linier sederhana didapat t-hitung = 1,24 sedangkan t-tabel = 1,84 pada taraf signifikasi 0,05 dengan demikian t-hitung < t-tabel. Ini berarti regresi linier sederhana bersifat nyata, atau hipotesis terima.Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan strategi pembelajaran peningkatan kemampuan berpikir (SPPKB) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kewirausahaan siswa kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro karena hipotesisnya diterima, yaitu “Ada pengaruh yang signifikanstrategi pembelajaran peningkatan kemampuan berpikir (SPPKB) terhadap hasil belajar kewirausahaan kelas XI semester genap SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016.” Dimana siswa yang dinyatakan tuntas belajar dengan KKM ≥70 setelah diberikan treatment sebanyak 17 siswa atau 53,12% dan siswa yang dinyatakan belum tuntas sebanyak 15 siswa atau 46,88%, maka dapat dikatakan proses pembelajaran dikatakan berhasil
Pengaruh pembiayaan produktif mudharabah perbankan syariah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Provinsi Jambi
This study aims to analyze the trend of productive financing of Islamic banking mudharabah in Jambi Province, to analyze the dominant productive financing of mudharabah from Islamic banking in Jambi Province, and to analyze the effect of productive financing of Islamic banking mudharabah on economic growth in Jambi Province. This research uses descriptive and quantitative analysis methods. Based on the results of the analysis of trends in the development of productive financing of mudharabah banking, Jambi Province quarterly during 2010-2014 was included in the positive category, and the most dominant mudharabah productive financing in Jambi Province for the quarterly during 2010-2014 was working capital financing and during 2010-2014 productive mudharabah has a significant and positive effect on economic growth in Jambi Province.
Keywords: Productive financing the sharia banking, Economic growt
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