2,012 research outputs found

    La olla resentida. Dolor e indignación en México por los normalistas de Ayotzinapa

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    En el estado de Guanajuato, México, se utiliza una técnica para comprobar si una olla está o no dañada y, en caso de ser así, se dice que está resentida. Una olla resentida es una olla con una fisura casi imperceptible a primera vista que requiere una agudización de los sentidos para identificarla. Una olla así, de no ser reparada a tiempo, será inservible. Propongo la metáfora de la olla resentida para analizar hasta qué punto la desaparición de 43 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, en Guerrero, nos ha dañado. Al mismo tiempo, analizo algunas prácticas artísticas y culturales que han surgido como una acción de resistencia ante el panorama desolador que se vive en mi país

    Assessment for the mean value total dressing method: Comparison with coupled cluster including triples methods for BF, NO+, CN+, C2, BeO, NH3, CH2, H2O, BH, HF, SiH2, Li2, LiNa, LiBe+, NeH+, and O3

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    Limited previous experience with the mean value total dressing (MVTD) method had shown that MVTD energies for closed shell systems are generally better than CCSD(T) ones compared to FCI. The method, previously published as total dressing 2′(td-2′), is based on the single reference intermediate Hamiltonian theory. It is not a CC method but deals in a great part with the same physical effects that CC methods that incorporate amplitudes of triples such as CCSDT or its CCSDT-1n approaches. A number of test calculations comparing to diverse CC methods, as well as FCI and experiment when available, have been performed. The tests concern equilibrium energies in NH3 and CH2, equilibrium energies and distances in some diatomics (BF, NO+, CN+, C2, BeO), different bond breaking situations (H2O, BH, HF, SiH2) and spectroscopic properties of different bonding conditions (Li2, LiNa, LiBe+, NeH+, and O3). The results are in general closer to the full CCSDT ones in the equilibrium regions and close to CCSDT-1 along most dissociation curves. A few exceptions to this rule are analyzed with the help of an approach to MVTD that does not take into account the effects of linked quadriexcitations. Such analysis suggests the interest of improving the treatment of effects of linked triples in the MVTD model. The separate contributions of linked and unlinked triples and quadruples are also analyzed for some of the above diatomics representing different behaviors of bond breaking. The interest of such analysis is illustrated in the NeH+ molecule. The MVTD results show, in general, a high quality, provided that the nature of the correlation problem does not become largely multiconfigurational, as occurs in multiple bond dissociation or in the asymmetric stretching of [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Una mirada al género en la migración: cruzando fronteras y prácticas culturales, parejas ecuatorianas en A Coruña

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    Esta memoria surge del interés de analizar el impacto que tiene el fenómeno de la migración en las familias, especialmente en la relación de los miembros de la pareja, en un momento en que la mujer migra tanto o en mayor proporción que el hombre. Para ello se basará en las mujeres ecuatorianas que han emigrado a A Coruña y residen en este municipio con sus parejas. El objeto de estudio de esta memoria se basa en averiguar si la vivencia en el modelo sociocultural presente durante su estancia en España, permite a las mujeres de origen ecuatoriano modificar su manera de gestionar sus relaciones familiares/personales. Teniendo esto en cuenta, en este trabajo nos dedicamos, en una primera instancia, a presentar algunas aproximaciones conceptuales en torno al concepto y dimensiones del empoderamiento. En segundo lugar, realizaremos un recorrido por la literatura académica según el género y las migraciones que nos acercará al marco en que se da la migración de mujeres. A continuación, nos detenemos en las investigaciones llevadas a cabo sobre el cambio de roles con la emigración que nos permitirá situar nuestro objeto de estudio. En tercer lugar, se realizará una descripción de la migración ecuatoriana que ayuda a entender el contexto en que se produce la migración de personas ecuatorianas hacia España. A esto le sigue una descripción de esta investigación, en cuanto a los objetivos que se plantean y la metodología en que se posiciona para finalmente concluir con el análisis de los resultados del trabajo de campo realizado. Para entender la migración como un fenómeno social se hace preciso analizar la migración como un proceso familiar y social y no tanto individual. Este es el enfoque adoptado en el presente estudio frente a otros que presentan la migración de una forma estructural (es decir, que radican en variables económicas o demográficas) o estudios con una perspectiva histórica de dependencia (es decir, que se basan en la idea de que las migraciones forman parte del desarrollo histórico propio de determinadas sociedades o que se deben básicamente al excedente de población en determinados países). Sin embargo, se valoran estos estudios en la medida en que no se puede negar que el factor económico es el verdadero motor de la emigración aunque entendemos que se debe tener en cuenta la importancia social que este fenómeno tiene en el país de origen como en el de acogida.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.SOC). Migracións internacionais: investigación, políticas migratorias e mediación intercultural. Curso 2010/201

    Metaverso y educación: el caso pionero de Minecraft en el aprendizaje inmersivo digital

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence.El metaverso se presenta como una posible nueva iteración tecnológica para Internet. La generación de universos virtuales en los que convergen lo físico y lo digital pone sobre la mesa la cuestión de cómo se afrontará la educación en estos nuevos sistemas. Encontramos, no obstante, ejercicios pioneros como Minecraft: Education Edition. Esta plataforma es una versión basada en el popular videojuego sandbox, que fue creada originalmente por una comunidad de profesores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y describir las características idiosincráticas de Minecraft como plataforma educativa, enmarcándola como uno de los ejercicios pioneros en el metaverso. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal con la Grounded Theory y el Constant Comparative Method. Como conclusiones, se determina que la plataforma Minecraft Education refuerza desde su planteamiento cuestiones pre-existentes en el mundo físico, redimensionándolas para adaptarlas a su entorno digital conectado. Son claves como la identidad de los participantes, la agencia, la creatividad, con las lecciones como guía de los objetivos educativos, y la comunidad como vertebradora del proceso. Al mismo tiempo, presenta componentes diferenciales digitales, como el uso de avatares, la transición de la lectoescritura textual a la alfabetización en entornos multimodales, las mecánicas que impulsan la creatividad o las capacidades transhumanas que desafían el espacio-tiempo físico. Con todo, la plataforma está diseñada para profesores, padres y gestores, a los que ofrece una serie de prebendas. Por tanto, la acción pedagógica dependerá de su criterio y ejecución, especialmente a través de la elaboración de lecciones y mundos, la gestión de las sesiones, y la interacción en los entornos comunitarios. Queda bajo su responsabilidad que la experiencia educativa sea verdaderamente empoderadora o, por el contrario, esta se acabe rigiendo por criterios reproductivos y vinculados a la violencia simbólica.Research financed through the Margarita Salas Grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain and the Next Generation EU program. This work is endorsed by the I+D+i project (2019-2021), entitled “Youtubers and instagramers: Media competence in emerging prosumers” with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and for the I+D+i project (2020-2022), entitled “Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of the instatubers”, with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Junta de Andalucía, in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work has been partially funded by the grant CIPROM/2021/17 of the Prometeo program of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Metaverse and education: the pioneering case of Minecraft in immersive digital learning

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence

    Board committees and non-financial information assurance services

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    [EN] The objective of this study is to examine the role that the specialized committees, created within the board of directors, and the auditor play in relation to the hiring of a non-financial information assurance service and in relation to the choices of the assurance provider for such non-financial information. Specifically, this study analyses the effect of the independence and specialisation of the audit committee, the existence of a CSR committee, and the reputation of the financial auditor associated with its classification as Big4. The results indicate that those responsible for financial information do not show interest in contracting an assurance service, especially if it is realized by an accountant provider, except that the information is standardised according to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and the contracted service is comparable to the financial audit standards, has assurance for a reasonable/high level, and is carried out according to the ISAE3000 standard.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Chorological and morphological data concerning species of the genus "Ambrosia" L. ("Compositae") present on the Iberian Peninsula.

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    Se ha realizado un estudio corológico de las especies del género Ambrosia L. (Compositae) presentes en la Península Ibérica. Son Ambrosia maritima L., A. tomentosa Nutt., A. trifida L., A. artemisiifolia L., A. psilostachya DC. y A. tenuifolia Spreng. Además, utilizando material de herbario y ejemplares recolectados por los autores, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio morfológico y micromorfológico de las hojas y frutos de dichas especies, para lo que se ha utilizado el microscopio electrónico de barrido. Los datos obtenidos han permitido la elaboración de dos claves de determinación para estas especies, una basada en caracteres foliares y la otra en aspectos florales y carpológicos. El estudio corológico revela que la penetración de estos neófitos se produce a través de los litorales mediterráneo y atlántico, colonizando en primer lugar hábitats alterados por la actividad humana, como cunetas de carreteras, vías férreas, dunas marítimas, cultivos abandonados o riberas de ríos y arroyos.A chorological study of the species of the genus Ambrosia L. (Compositae) present on the Iberian Peninsula has been performed. The species were Ambrosia maritima L., A. tomentosa Nutt., A. trifida L., A. artemisiifolia L., A. psilostachya DC. and A. tenuifolia Spreng. Additionally, using material from the herbarium and samples collected by the authors, we carried out a morphological and micromorphological study of the leaves and fruits of the species examined, in the latter case using a scanning electron microscope. The data obtained allowed the elaboration of two keys for the determination of these species; one based on leaf characteristics and the other on floral and carpological aspects. The corological study revealed that the penetration of the neophyte plants occurs through the Mediterranean and Atlantic littoral areas, first colonizing habitats altered by human activity, such as roadsides, railway lines, maritime dunes, abandoned crop lands and the banks of rivers and streams

    Metaverso y educación: el caso pionero de Minecraft en el aprendizaje inmersivo digital

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    The metaverse is presented as a possible new technological iteration for the Internet. The generation of virtual universes in which the physical and the digital converge raises the question of how education will be addressed in these new systems. We find, however, pioneering exercises such as Minecraft: Education Edition. This platform is a version based on the popular sandbox video game, which was originally created by a community of teachers. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the idiosyncratic characteristics of Minecraft as an educational platform, framing it as one of the pioneering exercises in the metaverse. To this end, we have employed a methodology that combines Multimodal Discourse Analysis with Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method. As conclusions, we observe how the Minecraft Education platform reinforces from its approach pre-existing aspects from the physical world, resizing them to adapt them to its connected digital environment. These are key elements such as the identity of the participants, their ability to act within the system, creativity through lessons as a guide to the educational objectives and the community as the backbone of the process. At the same time, it presents differential components, such as the use of avatars, the transition from textual literacy to multimodal literacy, game mechanics that boost creativity or transhuman capabilities that defy physical space-time. All in all, the platform is designed for teachers, parents and managers, to whom it offers a series of benefits. Therefore, the pedagogical action will depend on their judgment and execution, especially through the elaboration of lessons and worlds, the management of the sessions and their interaction in community environments. It is their responsibility to ensure that the educational experience is truly empowering or, on the contrary, that it ends up being governed by reproductive criteria linked to symbolic violence.El metaverso se presenta como una posible nueva iteración tecnológica para Internet. La generación de universos virtuales en los que convergen lo físico y lo digital pone sobre la mesa la cuestión de cómo se afrontará la educación en estos nuevos sistemas. Encontramos, no obstante, ejercicios pioneros como Minecraft: Education Edition. Esta plataforma es una versión basada en el popular videojuego sandbox, que fue creada originalmente por una comunidad de profesores. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y describir las características idiosincráticas de Minecraft como plataforma educativa, enmarcándola como uno de los ejercicios pioneros en el metaverso. Para ello, se ha empleado una metodología que combina el Análisis del Discurso Multimodal con la Grounded Theory y el Constant Comparative Method. Como conclusiones, se determina que la plataforma Minecraft Education refuerza desde su planteamiento cuestiones pre-existentes en el mundo físico, redimensionándolas para adaptarlas a su entorno digital conectado. Son claves como la identidad de los participantes, la agencia, la creatividad, con las lecciones como guía de los objetivos educativos, y la comunidad como vertebradora del proceso. Al mismo tiempo, presenta componentes diferenciales digitales, como el uso de avatares, la transición de la lectoescritura textual a la alfabetización en entornos multimodales, las mecánicas que impulsan la creatividad o las capacidades transhumanas que desafían el espacio-tiempo físico. Con todo, la plataforma está diseñada para profesores, padres y gestores, a los que ofrece una serie de prebendas. Por tanto, la acción pedagógica dependerá de su criterio y ejecución, especialmente a través de la elaboración de lecciones y mundos, la gestión de las sesiones, y la interacción en los entornos comunitarios. Queda bajo su responsabilidad que la experiencia educativa sea verdaderamente empoderadora o, por el contrario, esta se acabe rigiendo por criterios reproductivos y vinculados a la violencia simbólica.Research financed through the Margarita Salas Grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain and the Next Generation EU program. This work is endorsed by the I+D+i project (2019-2021), entitled “Youtubers and instagramers: Media competence in emerging prosumers” with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and for the I+D+i project (2020-2022), entitled “Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of the instatubers”, with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Junta de Andalucía, in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work has been partially funded by the grant CIPROM/2021/17 of the Prometeo program of the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana