25 research outputs found

    Social Inheritance Can Explain the Structure of Animal Social Networks

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    The social network structure of animal populations has major implications to survival, reproductive success, sexual selection, and pathogen transmission. Recent studies showed in various species that the structure of social networks and individuals’ positions in it are influenced by individual traits such as sex, age, and social rank, and can be heritable between generations. But as of yet, no general theory of social network structure exists that can explain the diversity of social networks observed in nature, and serve as a null model for detecting species and population-specific factors. Here we propose such a general model of social network structure. We consider the emergence of network structure as a result of two types of social bond formation: via social inheritance, in which newborns are likely to bond with maternal contacts, and via forming bonds randomly. We compare model output to data from several species, showing that it can generate networks with properties such as those observed in real social systems. Our model demonstrates that some of the observed properties of social networks, such as heritability of network position or assortative associations, can be understood as a consequence of social inheritance. Our results highlight the need to consider the dynamic processes that generate social structure in order to explain patterns of variation in social networks

    Do Singing Rock Hyraxes Exploit Conspecific Calls to Gain Attention?

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    Signal detection theory predicts that signals directed at distant or busy receivers in noisy backgrounds will begin with an alert component, in order to draw attention. Instead of an alert component, however, animals could get the same effect by using an external stimulus. Here we combined observations of free-living rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) with playback experiments to elucidate the circumstances under which males begin singing. We show that males sing following hyrax pup screams, which elicit a strong response from hyraxes within hearing distance, which are potential receivers. We hypothesize that singers enhance their singing display by exploiting the rarely emitted pup screams. To our knowledge, our findings are the first indication that animals may enhance signal reception by exploiting conspecifics' signals and the differential attention to these signals. We suggest that the utilization of external stimuli by signalers may be widespread, as an adaptive strategy for communication in complex environments

    Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of High-Resolution Animal Social Networks: What Can We Learn from Domestic Animals?

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    Recent studies of animal social networks have significantly increased our understanding of animal behavior, social interactions, and many important ecological and epidemiological processes. However, most of the studies are at low temporal and spatial resolution due to the difficulty in recording accurate contact information. Domestic animals such as cattle have social behavior and serve as an excellent study system because their position can be explicitly and continuously tracked, allowing their social networks to be accurately constructed. We used radio-frequency tags to accurately track cattle position and analyze high-resolution cattle social networks. We tested the hypothesis of temporal stationarity and spatial homogeneity in these high-resolution networks and demonstrated substantial spatial-temporal heterogeneity during different daily time periods (feeding and non-feeding) and in different areas of the pen (grain bunk, water trough, hay bunk, and other general pen area). The social network structure is analyzed using global network characteristics (network density, exponential random graph model structure), subgroup clustering (modularity), triadic property (transitivity), and dyadic interactions (correlation coefficient from a quadratic assignment procedure). Cattle tend to have the strongest and most consistent contacts with others around the hay bunk during the feeding time. These results cannot be determined from data at lower spatial (aggregated at entire pen level) or temporal (aggregated at daily level) resolution. These results reveal new insights for real-time animal social network structure dynamics, providing more accurate descriptions that allow more accurate modeling of multiple (both direct and indirect) disease transmission pathways.Comment: 4 figure

    Acoustic sequences in non-human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus.

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    Animal acoustic communication often takes the form of complex sequences, made up of multiple distinct acoustic units. Apart from the well-known example of birdsong, other animals such as insects, amphibians, and mammals (including bats, rodents, primates, and cetaceans) also generate complex acoustic sequences. Occasionally, such as with birdsong, the adaptive role of these sequences seems clear (e.g. mate attraction and territorial defence). More often however, researchers have only begun to characterise - let alone understand - the significance and meaning of acoustic sequences. Hypotheses abound, but there is little agreement as to how sequences should be defined and analysed. Our review aims to outline suitable methods for testing these hypotheses, and to describe the major limitations to our current and near-future knowledge on questions of acoustic sequences. This review and prospectus is the result of a collaborative effort between 43 scientists from the fields of animal behaviour, ecology and evolution, signal processing, machine learning, quantitative linguistics, and information theory, who gathered for a 2013 workshop entitled, 'Analysing vocal sequences in animals'. Our goal is to present not just a review of the state of the art, but to propose a methodological framework that summarises what we suggest are the best practices for research in this field, across taxa and across disciplines. We also provide a tutorial-style introduction to some of the most promising algorithmic approaches for analysing sequences. We divide our review into three sections: identifying the distinct units of an acoustic sequence, describing the different ways that information can be contained within a sequence, and analysing the structure of that sequence. Each of these sections is further subdivided to address the key questions and approaches in that area. We propose a uniform, systematic, and comprehensive approach to studying sequences, with the goal of clarifying research terms used in different fields, and facilitating collaboration and comparative studies. Allowing greater interdisciplinary collaboration will facilitate the investigation of many important questions in the evolution of communication and sociality.This review was developed at an investigative workshop, “Analyzing Animal Vocal Communication Sequences” that took place on October 21–23 2013 in Knoxville, Tennessee, sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS). NIMBioS is an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture through NSF Awards #EF-0832858 and #DBI-1300426, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In addition to the authors, Vincent Janik participated in the workshop. D.T.B.’s research is currently supported by NSF DEB-1119660. M.A.B.’s research is currently supported by NSF IOS-0842759 and NIH R01DC009582. M.A.R.’s research is supported by ONR N0001411IP20086 and NOPP (ONR/BOEM) N00014-11-1-0697. S.L.DeR.’s research is supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. R.F.-i-C.’s research was supported by the grant BASMATI (TIN2011-27479-C04-03) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. E.C.G.’s research is currently supported by a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship. E.E.V.’s research is supported by CONACYT, Mexico, award number I010/214/2012.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/brv.1216

    Variance in Centrality within Rock Hyrax Social Networks Predicts Adult Longevity

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    BACKGROUND: In communal mammals the levels of social interaction among group members vary considerably. In recent years, biologists have realized that within-group interactions may affect survival of the group members. Several recent studies have demonstrated that the social integration of adult females is positively associated with infant survival, and female longevity is affected by the strength and stability of the individual social bonds. Our aim was to determine the social factors that influence adult longevity in social mammals. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As a model system, we studied the social rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), a plural breeder with low reproductive skew, whose groups are mainly composed of females. We applied network theory using 11 years of behavioral data to quantify the centrality of individuals within groups, and found adult longevity to be inversely correlated to the variance in centrality. In other words, animals in groups with more equal associations lived longer. Individual centrality was not correlated with longevity, implying that social tension may affect all group members and not only the weakest or less connected ones. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our novel findings support previous studies emphasizing the adaptive value of social associations and the consequences of inequality among adults within social groups. However, contrary to previous studies, we suggest that it is not the number or strength of associations that an adult individual has (i.e. centrality) that is important, but the overall configuration of social relationships within the group (i.e. centrality SD) that is a key factor in influencing longevity

    Highly dynamic animal contact network and implications on disease transmission

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    Contact patterns among hosts are considered as one of the most critical factors contributing to unequal pathogen transmission. Consequently, networks have been widely applied in infectious disease modeling. However most studies assume static network structure due to lack of accurate observation and appropriate analytic tools. In this study we used high temporal and spatial resolution animal position data to construct a high-resolution contact network relevant to infectious disease transmission. The animal contact network aggregated at hourly level was highly variable and dynamic within and between days, for both network structure (network degree distribution) and individual rank of degree distribution in the network (degree order). We integrated network degree distribution and degree order heterogeneities with a commonly used contact-based, directly transmitted disease model to quantify the effect of these two sources of heterogeneity on the infectious disease dynamics. Four conditions were simulated based on the combination of these two heterogeneities. Simulation results indicated that disease dynamics and individual contribution to new infections varied substantially among these four conditions under both parameter settings. Changes in the contact network had a greater effect on disease dynamics for pathogens with smaller basic reproduction number (i.e. R0 \u3c 2)

    The "Law of Brevity" in animal communication : Sex-specific signaling optimization is determined by call amplitude rather than duration

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    The efficiency of informational transfer is one of the key aspects of any communication system. The informational coding economy of human languages is often demonstrated by their almost universal fit to Zipf's “Law of Brevity,” expressing negative relationship between word length and its usage frequency. Animal vocal systems, however, provided mixed results in their adherence to this relationship, potentially due to conflicting evolutionary pressures related to differences in signaling range and communicational needs. To examine this potential parallel between human and animal vocal communication, and also to explore how divergent, sex‐specific, communicational settings affect signaling efficiency within a species, we examined the complete vocal repertoire of rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis). As male and female hyraxes differ in their sociality levels and male hyraxes vocal repertoire is dominated by sexual advertisement songs, we hypothesized that sex‐specific vocal repertoires could be subjected to different signaling optimization pressures. Our results show that the sexes differ in repertoire size, call usage, and adherence to coding efficiency principles. Interestingly, the classic call length/call usage relationship is not consistently found in rock hyraxes. Rather, a negative relationship between call amplitude and call usage is found, suggesting that the efficiency of the vocal repertoire is driven by call amplitude rather than duration. We hypothesize that, in contrast to human speech that is mainly intended for short distance, the need for frequent long‐range signaling shapes an animal's vocal repertoire efficiency according to the cost of call amplitude rather than call length. However, call duration may be a secondary factor affecting signaling efficiency, in cases where amplitude is under specific selection pressures, such as sexual selection.publishe

    Adult sex ratios and partial dominance of females over males in the rock hyrax

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    Competition in group-living animals often results in a dominance hierarchy. The sex that is larger (usually the males) generally dominates the one that is smaller (the females). In certain species, however, despite being smaller, the females dominate several males. Female dominance over males may here arise from the self-reinforcing effects of winning and losing fights, the so-called winner-loser effect, as demonstrated in the model DomWorld. In the model, females may become dominant over more males when the percentage of males in the group is higher due to the higher intensity of aggression of males than females combined with the higher frequency of male–male fights. This association between female dominance and the percentage of adult males in the group has been confirmed in several primate species. Since in the model DomWorld this association requires few assumptions, it should be tested beyond primates. In the present study, we investigated it in the group-living rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), because it fulfilled most requirements. We used data on adults from six groups, collected over 20 years in natural colonies in Israel. We confirmed that body weight and intensity of aggression was greater in males than females. Three measurements indicated that females dominated ca. 70% of the males. Unexpectedly, only in the data where groups comprised several males, female dominance over males was shown to increase with male percentage, but not when including (the many) years in which groups comprised a single male. We attribute this non significance to the limited male–male interactions. One of the requirements of DomWorld is that individuals live in permanent groups, but in rock hyrax there were also bachelor males, that were not permanently associated with a group. Thus, we expected and confirmed that there was no association between the percentage of males and female dominance over males when including them. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that the winner-loser effect contributes to the dominance of females over males, and the association between the percentage of males in a group and female dominance over males requires an extra criterion: that most groups contain multiple males

    Acoustic parameters of rock hyrax pup screams.

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    <p>(a) A spectrum of a scream with two sub-elements. The amplitude is shown as a function of frequency. (b) A spectrogram showing frequency as a function of time. (c) A waveform showing the amplitude as a function of time.</p