77 research outputs found

    José Gil de Castro: pintor de libertadores

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    Este libro editado por Natalia Majluf y publicado en 2014 por el Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) reúne ensayos y el catálogo razonado de las obras de José Gil de Castro con textos de Constanza Acuña, Roberto Amigo, Hugo Contreras, Pablo Cruz, Ricardo Kusunoki, Josefina de la Maza, Laura Malosetti Costa, Juan Manuel Martínez, Catalina Valdés Echenique, Carolina Vanegas y Luis Eduardo Wuffarden. El presente texto se desprende de la presentación del libro en la 42° Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, el 30 de abril de 2016.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    José Gil de Castro: pintor de libertadores

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    Este libro editado por Natalia Majluf y publicado en 2014 por el Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) reúne ensayos y el catálogo razonado de las obras de José Gil de Castro con textos de Constanza Acuña, Roberto Amigo, Hugo Contreras, Pablo Cruz, Ricardo Kusunoki, Josefina de la Maza, Laura Malosetti Costa, Juan Manuel Martínez, Catalina Valdés Echenique, Carolina Vanegas y Luis Eduardo Wuffarden. El presente texto se desprende de la presentación del libro en la 42° Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, el 30 de abril de 2016.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    A generalized permutation entropy for noisy dynamics and random processes

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    Permutation entropy measures the complexity of a deterministic time series via a data symbolic quantization consisting of rank vectors called ordinal patterns or simply permutations. Reasons for the increasing popularity of this entropy in time series analysis include that (i) it converges to the Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy of the underlying dynamics in the limit of ever longer permutations and (ii) its computation dispenses with generating and ad hoc partitions. However, permutation entropy diverges when the number of allowed permutations grows super-exponentially with their length, as happens when time series are output by dynamical systems with observational or dynamical noise or purely random processes. In this paper, we propose a generalized permutation entropy, belonging to the class of group entropies, that is finite in that situation, which is actually the one found in practice. The theoretical results are illustrated numerically by random processes with short- and long-term dependencies, as well as by noisy deterministic signals

    Blockchain metrics and indicators in cryptocurrency trading

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    The objective of this paper is the construction of new indicators that can be useful to operate in the cryptocurrency market. These indicators are based on public data obtained from the blockchain network, specifically from the nodes that make up Bitcoin mining. Therefore, our analysis is unique to that network. The results obtained with numerical simulations of algorithmic trading and prediction via statistical models and Machine Learning demonstrate the importance of variables such as the hash rate, the difficulty of mining or the cost per transaction when it comes to trade Bitcoin assets or predict the direction of price. Variables obtained from the blockchain network will be called here blockchain metrics. The corresponding indicators (inspired by the ‘‘Hash Ribbon’’) perform well in locating buy signals. From our results, we conclude that such blockchain indicators allow obtaining information with a statistical advantage in the highly volatile cryptocurrency market

    The Horizontal Branch of NGC 1851: Constraints from its RR Lyrae Variables

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    We use the pulsational properties of the RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster NGC 1851 to obtain detailed constraints of the various sub-stellar populations present along its horizontal branch. On the basis of detailed synthetic horizontal branch modeling, we find that minor helium variations (Y~0.248-0.280) are able to reproduce the observed periods and amplitudes of the RR Lyrae variables, as well as the frequency of fundamental and first-overtone RR Lyrae stars. Comparison of number ratios amongst the blue and red horizontal branch components and the two observed subgiant branches also suggest that the RR Lyrae variables originated from the progeny of the bright subgiant branch. The RR Lyrae variables with a slightly enhanced helium (Y~0.270-0.280) have longer periods at a given amplitude, as is seen with Oosterhoff II (OoII) RR Lyrae variables, whereas the RR Lyrae variables with Y~0.248-0.270 have shorter periods, exhibiting properties of Oosterhoff I (OoI) variables. This correlation does suggest that the pulsational properties of RR Lyrae stars can be very useful for tracing the various sub-populations and can provide suitable constraints on the multiple population phenomenon. It appears of great interest to explore whether this conclusion can be generalized to other globular clusters hosting multiple populations.Comment: accepted to A

    Information directionality in coupled time series using transcripts

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    In ordinal symbolic dynamics, transcripts describe the algebraic relationship between ordinal patterns. Using the concept of transcript, we exploit the mathematical structure of the group of permutations to derive properties and relations among information measures of the symbolic representations of time series. These theoretical results are then applied for the assessment of coupling directionality in dynamical systems, where suitable coupling directionality measures are introduced depending only on transcripts. These novel measures estimate information flow in lower space dimension and reduce to well-established coupling directionality quantifiers when some general conditions are satisfied. Furthermore, by generalizing the definition of transcript to ordinal patterns of different lengths, several of the commonly used information directionality measures can be encompassed within the same framework.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Does the association between birth weight and blood pressure increase with age? A longitudinal study in young adults

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess whether the association between birth weight and blood pressure (BP) increases with age using three different statistical methods. METHODS: A representative sample of 1232 study participants born between 1974-1978 in Limache, Chile were assessed in 2000-2002, of whom 796 were reassessed in 2010-2012. An 'amplification effect' was assessed by the change in the β coefficient in the two periods, the association between birth weight and the difference of BP overtime, and the interaction between birth weight and BP in the two periods. RESULTS: Birth weight was negatively associated with SBP in 2000-2002 (β = -2.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) -3.77 to -1.16) and in 2010-2012 (β = -3.64, 95% CI -5.20 to -2.08), and with DBP in 2000-2002 (β = -1.26, 95% CI -2.23 to -0.29) , and 2010-2012 (β = -1.64, 95% CI -2.84 to -0.45) after adjustment for sex, physical activity, and BMI. There was no association between birth weight and the difference in BP between the two periods or the interaction between birth weight, BP, and time interval. CONCLUSION: Birth weight is a factor associated with BP in adults. This association increased with age, but amplification was shown only with one of the three methods

    Calidad de vida en pacientes oncológicos un año después de finalizado el tratamiento

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    Objetive: To describe the Quality of Life (QL) parameters one year after than the onco¬logy treatment was finished. Methods: 53 patients were assessed using semi-structured interviews, standardized ques¬tionnaires and records covered by the patient and doctor. Results: The total scores of QL were high. However, a high prevalence of chronic symptoms as pain (39.6%), fatigue (37.7%), sleep disturbances (32.1%), lost of appetite (18.9%) and depressing mood (41.4%) was described by the patients. Moreover, the emo¬tional state, daily life and leisure activities were the aspects of the patients life more affected through that year. Conclusions: The total score of QL is an unspecific figure but no the others variables that have a great effect on the oncology pa¬tient through the treatment. On these specific variables intervention are required.Objetivo: Describir los parámetros y los predictores de la CV un año después de finalizado el tratamiento oncológico. Método: Se evaluaron un total de 53 pacientes mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, cuestionarios estandarizados y autoregistros cumplimentados por el paciente y el médico. Resultados: Las valoraciones generales de calidad de fueron altas. Se encontró una alta prevalencia de síntomas experimentados de forma continua como el dolor (39,6%), cansancio (37,7%), alteraciones del sueño (32,1%) y perdida de apetito (18,9%). El estado de ánimo deprimido fue referido por un 41,4% de los pacientes. Los cambios emocionales, en las actividades domésticas y en el ocio fueron los aspectos más alterados de la rutina del paciente. En las valoraciones de CV realizadas por el paciente y el médico influyeron diversas y distintas variables. Conclusiones: Las valoraciones globales de CV son puntuaciones inespecíficas mientras que son aspectos concretos y distintos en cada momento del proceso oncológico los que afectan a la CV de los pacientes y sobre los que se requerirían intervenciones específicas

    The relationship between youth’s significant leisure practices and social entrepreneurship. The Think Big Jóvenes case

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    La crisis iniciada en 2008 dificulta el desarrollo personal y social de la juventud española y le aleja del ejercicio de una ciudadanía juvenil. Una de las respuestas institucionales para aliviar sus efectos es el fomento del emprendimiento social, como el Programa Think Big Jóvenes de la Fundación Telefónica. Por otra parte, el ocio significativo está presente en este grupo de edad y puede ser fuente de iniciativas comunitarias transformadoras. El objetivo general de este artículo es explorar el binomio ocio y emprendimiento social de los jóvenes españoles a través de un análisis teórico que se completa con el análisis empírico de la experiencia de 65 jóvenes integrantes de Think Big en el año 2014. Los resultados confirman que dicha relación subyace.The crisis that began in 2008 hinders Spanish young’s personal and social development and keeps them from playing an active role according to the notion of a youth citizenship. One of the institutional responses to alleviate its effects is the promotion of social entrepreneurship. One of them is Think Big Jóvenes initiative, promoted by Fundación Telefónica. On the other hand, significant leisure is present among young, and can be a source of transformational community initiatives. The general aim of this text is to explore the binomial leisure and social entrepreneurship of young Spaniards based on a theoretical analysis that is completed with the empirical analysis of the experience of 65 young members of Think Big in 2014
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