114 research outputs found

    Evaluation of deep learning-based classification and object detection algorithms for event cameras

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    The main objective of this Master Thesis is to analyze the effect of the introduction of noise in event signals that are used in artificial vision applications based on Deep learning. Specifically, we are going to focus on an application based on Deep learning, which can solve two types of tasks, classification and object detection. For this, we are going to use event signals, which are captured from event cameras. These event cameras are a new type of cameras that have appeared a few years ago and have the main characteristic of being based on the functioning of the human eye. Event cameras have a series of intelligent pixels that are able to detect changes in intensity, and when this change is greater than a certain threshold, an event is generated. Compared to traditional cameras, event cameras are characterized by a lower latency, a higher dynamic range and thus avoid the problems of motion blur and saturation of pixels when the difference between the maximum and minimum brightness level is very high. Due to the novelty of these cameras, there is a lack of stock in the market, which leads to a lack of datasets of these types of signals and this has a direct relationship with the development of artificial vision applications, especially those that use deep learning. To solve this situation there are a series of simulators, which are capable of generating an event signal from an rgb signal, thus providing a tool to transform datasets that have been captured with traditional cameras into event signal datasets. There is currently no way to measure the distortion that these simulators generate, so VPULab is working on designing a set of metrics that are capable of measuring this distortion. In order to verify whether these metrics work correctly, it is necessary to measure their correlation with the results of computer vision tasks. In this work, we are going to evaluate how the introduction of noise on a total of four datasets of event signals affects the performance of object classification and detection tasks. We will work with a total of four types of noise and during the different experiments, we will see how the behavior of both tasks is similar when noise is introduced, and how spatial information is the most relevant in both cases

    Universities’ Performance in Knowledge Transfer: An Analysis of the Ibero-American Region Over the Golden Decade

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    Universities play a crucial role in the systems of innovation by transferring the results of R&D activities to society and industry. This contribution is even more important in the Ibero-American countries given that the other critical ‘player’ (i.e., the industry) exercises a less active role in the development of innovation compared to the OECD countries. The aim of this paper is to analyze the knowledge transfer activities of the Ibero-American Higher Education Systems over the period 2000-2010. Using that database by Barro (2015), this study provides an accurate diagnosis of the Ibero-American universities’ performance in knowledge transfer, suggesting a number of practical implications for university decision-makersS

    Determinantes geográficos da localização do perímetro das áreas queimadas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaFire is a natural process and a component of many ecosystems; it is an important factor to ensure the biodiversity in these areas. However, fire is damage for the forests, in recent decades it has increased in the Mediterranean countries due to rural depopulation and climatic conditions. Particularly, Portugal shows a great increase of surface burnt in the first years of this century in relation to the end of twentieth century. Portugal is a country with high forest cover and importance derived from forestry, so that is required every effort to maintain the future of their forests. The analysis of boundaries of the burned areas allows study the correlation between the spatial distribution of fire and land environmental variables, and particularly explain why some areas are maintained in many cases as border fire. This will be the main objective of this study, based on the exploration of the most significant variables to interpret the location of such boundaries in mainland Portugal. By performing statistical analysis of a set of data for large fires in Portugal from 1996 to 2005, has proved the correlation between land use and the boundaries of the fire. The statistical method used is the classification trees, used to obtain accurate prediction models. The analysis results show that most of the boundaries of fires take place in areas of undergrowt

    Abundance and distribution of invertebrate larvae in the Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica)

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    The central part of the Bellingshausen Sea has been poorly studied, partly because of the presence of ice during most of the year. The main aim of this study was to analyse the abundance and distribution of meroplankton, and the influence of oceanographic properties were investigated in the Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica) during the BENTART-06 cruise carried out in January–February 2006. Zooplankton samples were collected with a 80-μm mesh plankton net hauled vertically from a depth of 200 m to the surface at fifteen stations across the Bellingshausen Sea. Fifteen types of larval benthic invertebrates were found, with echinospira and nudibranch veligers being the most abundant. Hierarchical analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed a high degree of spatial variability in both larval abundance and larval types across the Bellingshausen Sea. The variability was significantly correlated with total chlorophyll-a and the contribution of large (>5 μm) phytoplankton to total chlorophyll, indicating the availability of food as an important factor determining the larval distribution observed. Nudibranch veligers, nemertean pilidia, echinoderm and planula larvae were more abundant at stations in the central Bellingshausen Sea, which was characterized by low phytoplankton biomass and production. Higher abundances of echinospira veligers and polychaete larvae were found at the more productive stations close to Peter I Island and the Antarctic Peninsula. The abundance and diversity of larval types found in the Bellingshausen Sea during the BENTART-06 cruise support the hypothesis that indirect development through larval swimming stages plays a key role in benthic recruitment in polar areas.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; CGL2004-0185

    Perfurações, uma abordagem endodôntica

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    As perfurações de origem iatrogénica em Endodôntia são uma complicação possível durante um tratamento endodôntico de rotina, que põem em risco a viabilidade do dente afetado. Os fatores que influenciam o prognóstico e a viabilidade do dente, incluem, o local da perfuração, o tamanho da perfuração, o tempo que decorreu desde a sua origem a até ao seu tratamento, o nível de contaminação microbiana no sistema de canais radiculares e o material utilizado para o seu reparo. Para a presente dissertação foi realizada uma pesquisa através das bases de dados “B-on.com” e como resultado foram obtidos 19 artigos publicados na língua inglesa entre 1996 até 2018. O resultado do tratamento das perfurações Endodônticas, depende dos fatores etiológicos da perfuração, bem como o material reparador escolhido e a experiência do Médico Dentista.Endodôntic perforation from iatrogenic origin, are a possible complication during endodontic procedures, that puts in risk the viability of the afected tooth. The principal factors that influence prognosis are; the location, the size, the time lapse between the origin and the treatment, and the contamination level from microbiological factors in to the Endodontic radicular System. For this study, a research was made using the digital platform ”b-on.com”. As a result to this research, a total of 19 articles, published between 1996 and 2018 were obtained. The outcome of treating perforation depends on the perforation etiological factors, as well as the material used for the repair

    Valorización de residuos do procesamento de produtos do mar

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    Máster en Enxeñaría de Procesado de Alimentos. Curso 2022-2023A industria de transformación de produtos procedentes do mar é un sector clave para Galicia. O seu labor no procesamento de pescados, crustáceos e moluscos xera unha enorme cantidade de residuos en forma de subprodutos de procesamento (cabezas, espiñas, recortes, cunchas, augas de cocción, etc.) e descartes por motivos comerciais, que se suman aos producidos noutras etapas da cadea de valor da pesca. O desperdicio de recursos alimenticios mariños dificulta o obxectivo de alimentar unha poboación mundial crecente explotando os mares de xeito sustentábel, e supón un problema económico para as empresas manufactureiras. Así pois, a industria procura, en primeiro lugar, minimizar a produción de residuos e, en segundo lugar, aspira a aproveitar os xerados en diversas aplicacións, evitando ter que tratalos para a súa eliminación. Hai múltiples opcións para valorizar estes residuos. As opcións preferíbeis son as destinadas ao consumo humano (novos alimentos, suplementos dietéticos, fármacos, cosméticos, etc.), seguidas das dedicadas á alimentación animal e, por último, as que aproveitan os residuos para usos industriais, para producir enerxía ou como materiais fertilizantes. Este Traballo Fin de Máster realiza unha revisión bibliográfica das alternativas de valorización existentes no sector da transformación de produtos do mar na actualidade, centrándose nos peixes e moluscos por seren os que abranguen a práctica totalidade do que se captura e se procesa en Galicia

    A practical guide to acute traumatic soft tissue injuries

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    A presente Guía Práctica de Feridas traumáticas agudas de partes brandas (Guía Práctica nº8) intégrase dentro da Colección de Guías Prácticas de Feridas do Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS); de acordo coas estratexias e liñas de acción promovidas a través do Programa Úlceras Fóra que coordina a Subdirección Xeral de Xestión Asistencial e Innovación. Esta guía confórmase coma unha síntese das mellores intervencións e prácticas preventivas ou terapéuticas dispoñibles para o coidado das persoas con feridas traumáticas agudas nas partes brandas, segundo a práctica clínica baseada na evidencia máis actual.La presente Guía Práctica de Heridas traumáticas agudas de partes blandas (Guía Práctica nº8) se integra dentro de la Colección de Guías Prácticas de Heridas del Servicio Gallego de Salud (SERGAS); de acuerdo con las estrategias y líneas de acción promovidas a través del Programa Úlceras Fuera que coordina la Subdirección General de Gestión Asistencial e Innovación. Esta guía se conforma como una síntesis de las mejores intervenciones y prácticas preventivas o terapéuticas disponibles para el cuidado de las personas con heridas traumáticas agudas en las partes blandas, según la práctica clínica basada en la evidencia más actual

    Prostitución femenina en México D.F.: estudio de casos

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    La presente investigación consiste en construir una re exión geográ ca acerca del fenómeno de la prostitución femenina adulta en el espacio público urbano, a partir de la realidad vivida por mujeres sexoservidoras en dos áreas de la Ciudad de México. El contexto de dominación/ opresión/violencia anteriores al ejercicio de la prostitución, entre los que destacamos la violencia sistemática y puntual vivida por estas trabajadoras especialmente durante su infancia, se perpetúa durante la edad adulta y, fortalece la constitución identitaria del colectivo de prostitutas callejeras. Estudio fundamentado en la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del curso de vida, con la reconstrucción de las vidas de estas mujeres a partir de su memoria, revelando las experiencias, necesidades, demandas, intereses, problemas y preocupaciones a los que se enfrentan a diario estas supervivientes del sexoservicio en sus ámbitos más cotidianos

    Sleep and wakefulness in the cuneate nucleus: a computational study

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    We present a computational study about the influence of the sensorimotor cortex on the processing of the cuneate nucleus during sleep as well as wakefulness. Realistic computational models were developed supported by experimental data obtained from intact-brain preparations in cat. Furthermore, a physiologically plausible circuit is proposed and predictions under both different cortical stimulation and synaptic configurations are suggested. The computer simulations show that the CN circuitry (1) under sleep conditions can block the transmission of afferent sensory information, and (2) under awaking conditions can perform operations such as filtering and facilitation

    A Computational Model of Cuneothalamic Projection Neurons

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    [Abstract] The dorsal column nuclei, cuneatus and gracilis, play a fundamental role in the processing and integration of somesthetic ascending information. Intracellular and patch-clamp recordings obtained in cat in vivo have shown that cuneothalamic projection neurons present two modes of activity: oscillatory and tonic (Canedo et al 1998 Neuroscience 84 603–17). The former is the basis of generating, in sleep and anaesthetized states, slow, delta and spindle rhythms under the control of the cerebral cortex (Mari˜no et al 2000 Neuroscience 95 657–73). The latter is needed, during wakefulness, to process somesthetic information in real time. To study this behaviour we have developed the first realistic computational model of the cuneothalamic projection neurons. The modelling was guided by experimental recordings, which suggest the existence of hyperpolarization-activated inward currents, transient low- and high-threshold calcium currents, and calcium-activated potassium currents. The neuronal responses were simulated during (1) sleep, (2) transition from sleep to wakefulness and (3) wakefulness under both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input. In wakefulness the model predicts a set of synaptically driven firing modes that could be associated with information processing strategies in the middle cuneate nucleus