469 research outputs found

    Construction and test of a new CBM-TRD prototype in Frankfurt

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    Spatially resolved capture of hydrogen sulfide from the water column and sedimentary pore waters for abundance and stable isotopic analysis

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    Sulfur cycling is ubiquitous in sedimentary environments, where it plays a major role in mediating carbon remineralization and impacts both local and global redox budgets. Microbial sulfur cycling is dominated by metabolic activity that either produces (e.g., sulfate reduction, disproportionation) or consumes (sulfide oxidation) hydrogen sulfide (H2S). As such, improved constraints on the production, distribution, and consumption of H2S in the natural environment will increase our understanding of microbial sulfur cycling. These different microbial sulfur metabolisms are additionally associated with particular stable isotopic fractionations. Coupling measurements of the isotopic composition of the sulfide with its distribution can provide additional information about environmental conditions and microbial ecology. Here we investigate the kinetics of sulfide capture on photographic films as a way to document the spatial distribution of sulfide in complex natural environments as well as for in situ capture of H2S for subsequent stable isotopic analysis. Laboratory experiments and timed field deployments demonstrate the ability to infer ambient sulfide abundances from the yield of sulfide on the films. This captured sulfide preserves the isotopic composition of the ambient sulfide, offset to slightly lower δ34S values by ~ 1.2 ± 0.5‰ associated with the diffusion of sulfide into the film and subsequent reaction with silver to form Ag2S precipitates. The resulting data enable the exploration of cm-scale lateral heterogeneity that complement most geochemical profiles using traditional techniques in natural environments. Because these films can easily be deployed over a large spatial area, they are also ideal for real-time assessment of the spatial and temporal dynamics of a site during initial reconnaissance and for integration over long timescales to capture ephemeral processes

    Best clinical practice guidance for treating deep carious lesions in primary teeth: an EAPD policy document.

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    PURPOSE The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) has developed this best clinical practice guidance to help clinicians manage deep carious lesions in primary teeth. METHODS Three expert groups conducted systematic reviews of the relevant literature. The topics were: (1) conventional techniques (2) Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID) and (3) materials. Workshops were held during the corresponding EAPD interim seminar in Oslo in April 2021. Several clinical based recommendations and statements were agreed upon, and gaps in our knowledge were identified. RESULTS There is strong evidence that indirect pulp capping and pulpotomy techniques, and 38% Silver Diamine Fluoride are shown to be effective for the management of caries in the primary dentition. Due to the strict criteria, it is not possible to give clear recommendations on which materials are most appropriate for restoring primary teeth with deep carious lesions. Atraumatic Restorative Technique (ART) is not suitable for multi-surface caries, and Pre-formed Metal Crowns (PMCs) using the Hall technique reduce patient discomfort. GIC and RMGIC seem to be more favourable given the lower annual failure rate compared to HVGIC and MRGIC. Glass carbomer cannot be recommended due to inferior marginal adaptation and fractures. Compomers, hybrid composite resins and bulk-fill composite resins demonstrated similar values for annual failure rates. CONCLUSION The management of deep carious lesions in primary teeth can be challenging and must consider the patient's compliance, operator skills, materials and costs. There is a clear need to increase the use of MID techniques in managing carious primary teeth as a mainstream rather than a compromise option

    Fungi in the Marine Environment: Open Questions and Unsolved Problems.

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    Terrestrial fungi play critical roles in nutrient cycling and food webs and can shape macroorganism communities as parasites and mutualists. Although estimates for the number of fungal species on the planet range from 1.5 to over 5 million, likely fewer than 10% of fungi have been identified so far. To date, a relatively small percentage of described species are associated with marine environments, with ∼1,100 species retrieved exclusively from the marine environment. Nevertheless, fungi have been found in nearly every marine habitat explored, from the surface of the ocean to kilometers below ocean sediments. Fungi are hypothesized to contribute to phytoplankton population cycles and the biological carbon pump and are active in the chemistry of marine sediments. Many fungi have been identified as commensals or pathogens of marine animals (e.g., corals and sponges), plants, and algae. Despite their varied roles, remarkably little is known about the diversity of this major branch of eukaryotic life in marine ecosystems or their ecological functions. This perspective emerges from a Marine Fungi Workshop held in May 2018 at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. We present the state of knowledge as well as the multitude of open questions regarding the diversity and function of fungi in the marine biosphere and geochemical cycles

    Prospecting environmental mycobacteria: combined molecular approaches reveal unprecedented diversity

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    Background: Environmental mycobacteria (EM) include species commonly found in various terrestrial and aquatic environments, encompassing animal and human pathogens in addition to saprophytes. Approximately 150 EM species can be separated into fast and slow growers based on sequence and copy number differences of their 16S rRNA genes. Cultivation methods are not appropriate for diversity studies; few studies have investigated EM diversity in soil despite their importance as potential reservoirs of pathogens and their hypothesized role in masking or blocking M. bovis BCG vaccine. Methods: We report here the development, optimization and validation of molecular assays targeting the 16S rRNA gene to assess diversity and prevalence of fast and slow growing EM in representative soils from semi tropical and temperate areas. New primer sets were designed also to target uniquely slow growing mycobacteria and used with PCR-DGGE, tag-encoded Titanium amplicon pyrosequencing and quantitative PCR. Results: PCR-DGGE and pyrosequencing provided a consensus of EM diversity; for example, a high abundance of pyrosequencing reads and DGGE bands corresponded to M. moriokaense, M. colombiense and M. riyadhense. As expected pyrosequencing provided more comprehensive information; additional prevalent species included M. chlorophenolicum, M. neglectum, M. gordonae, M. aemonae. Prevalence of the total Mycobacterium genus in the soil samples ranged from 2.3×107 to 2.7×108 gene targets g−1; slow growers prevalence from 2.9×105 to 1.2×107 cells g−1. Conclusions: This combined molecular approach enabled an unprecedented qualitative and quantitative assessment of EM across soil samples. Good concordance was found between methods and the bioinformatics analysis was validated by random resampling. Sequences from most pathogenic groups associated with slow growth were identified in extenso in all soils tested with a specific assay, allowing to unmask them from the Mycobacterium whole genus, in which, as minority members, they would have remained undetected

    Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Immersion Challenge of Rainbow Trout Fry with Flavobacterium psychrophilum

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    An experimental model for immersion challenge of rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Flavobacterium psychrophilum, the causative agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome and bacterial cold water disease was established in the present study. Although injection-based infection models are reliable and produce high levels of mortality attempts to establish a reproducible immersion model have been less successful. Various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚) were evaluated before being used as a pre-treatment stressor prior to immersion exposure to F. psychrophilum. Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚ accelerated the onset of mortality and increased mortality approximately two-fold; from 9.1% to 19.2% and from 14.7% to 30.3% in two separate experiments. Clinical signs observed in the infected fish corresponded to symptoms characteristically seen during natural outbreaks. These findings indicate that pre-treatment with Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚ can increase the level of mortality in rainbow trout fry after exposure to F. psychrophilum

    Bioencapsulation and Colonization Characteristics of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CF4MRS in Artemia franciscana: a Biological Approach for the Control of Edwardsiellosis in Larviculture

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    Predominance of beneficial bacteria helps to establish a healthy microbiota in fish gastrointestinal system and thus to reduce emerging pathogen. In this study, the colonization efficacy of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CF4MRS in Artemia franciscana and its potential as a probiotic in suppressing Edwardsiella sp. infection were investigated in vivo. The colonization extent of the bioencapsulated L. lactis was established through visualization of gfp gene-transformed L. lactis in A. franciscana. Here, we demonstrate that when A. franciscana is administrated with L. lactis at 108 CFU mL−1 for 8 h, the highest relative percentage of survival (RPS = 50.0) is observed after inoculation with Edwardsiella sp. The total counts of L. lactis entrapped in Artemia were the highest (ranged from 3.2 to 5.1 × 108 CFU mL−1), when 108–109 CFU mL−1 of L. lactis was used as starting inoculum, with the bioencapsulation performed within 8–24 h. Fluorescent microscopy showed gfp-transformed L. lactis colonized the external trunk surfaces, mid-gut and locomotion antennules of the A. franciscana nauplii. These illustrations elucidate the efficiency of colonization of L. lactis in the gastrointestinal tract and on the body surfaces of Artemia. In conclusion, L. lactis subsp. lactis CF4MRS shows a good efficacy of colonization in Artemia and has the potential for biocontrol/probiotic activity against Edwardsiella sp. infection
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