22 research outputs found

    Le monnayage préromain de l'Afrique du Nord dans la collection du Musée national des antiquités d'Alger (Algérie)

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    Malgré des milliers d’ouvrages et articles consacrés aux monnayages préromains de l’Afrique du Nord, il n’existe pratiquement aucune étude élaborée pour cet espace géographique comme c’est le cas pour les monnaies grecques et romaines. C’est devant ce constat de carence que nous avons fait le projet de rassembler les lots homogènes et hétérogènes de la collection monétaire préromaine du Musée National des Antiquités d’Alger. Une autre motivation majeure qui nous a incitée à entamer cette étude, c’est l’absence totale de tout catalogue exhaustif rassemblant cette importante masse de monnaies découvertes dans différentes régions d’Algérie depuis 1835 jusqu’à nos jours. Il est vrai que les études monétaires puniques, des rois et des cités numides et maurétaniens n’ont pas beaucoup suscité l’intérêt des chercheurs, en majeure partie pour la simple raison de l’inaccessibilité au matériel conservé dans les musées algériens. Notre thèse rassemble donc une partie du trésor de Bougie et la totalité de celui d’Ikosim qui constituent à eux deux la plus importante masse monétaire préromaine du Musée d’Alger mais aussi des lots hétérogènes conservés dans des réserves et rassemblés en grande partie par des collectionneurs français. Tout ce matériel monétaire, nous avons essayé de le replacer dans son contexte historique, archéologique et monétaire.Despite hundreds of books and articles devoted to the pre-roman coinage in North Africa, there is hardly any study prepared for this geographical species such as the studies on Greek and Roman coins. It was before this unsatisfactory situation we did the project to gather homogeneous and heterogeneous batch of monetary collection of the Algiers National Museum of Antiquities. Another major motivation prompted us to initiate this study; it is total absence of any comprehensive catalog gathering this large mass of coins, discovered in different regions of Algeria since 1835 to date. It is true that Punic Monetary Studies, Numidia and Mauretania kings and cities were not too attracted the interest of researchers, mainly due to a simple lack of access to material stored in museums, our thesis gathers treasure of Bougie and Ikosim constituting the largest pre-roman money of Algiers Museum but also heterogeneous batches kept in reserves gathered largely by French collectors. All this monetary equipment, we tried to place it in its historical, archaeological and monetary context

    Середньотерміновий ефект кінезіотайпінга на максимальну потужність чотириголового м'яза стегна і підколінного сухожилля м'язів після реконструкції передньої хрестоподібної зв'язки

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess mid- term effect of Kinesio tape on peak power of quadriceps and hamstrings muscles after ACL reconstruction 24 hours after taping. Material: Thirty six men who had undergone ACL reconstruction and completed physiotherapy periods (6 months) were assigned to no taping, placebo and taping groups. Peak power was tested before and 24 hours after taping by Isokinetic dynamometry. Data was analyzed by SPSS software 19. ANOVA and post hoc test (LSD) were used for interpretive analysis. Results: The results showed that the effect of Kinesio tape on peak power of quadriceps muscles at velocities of 180°/s and 300°/s was significant. In the hamstring muscles, significant effects were obtained at velocities of 60°/s, 180°/s & 300°/s. Conclusion: Positive impacts of Kinesio tape on muscular peak power among athletes who had ACL reconstruction were observed. Regardless of psychological effect and reducing re - injury fear, Kinesio - tape causes to stabilize and increase effective range of motion of the knee, so it is recommended that in the explosive training, athletes who have ACL reconstruction should use tape to reduce the probability of re-injury and increase muscle power.Ель : Целью данного исследования было оценить среднесрочную эффект кинезиотайпинга на максимальную мощность четырехглавой мышцы и подколенного сухожилия мышц после реконструкции крестообразной связки (ACL) через 24 часа после процедуры. Материал : Тридцать шесть человек, которые подверглись реконструкции ACL и завершили физиотерапевтические процедуры (6 месяцев), были отнесены к группам без тайпинга, с тайпингом и к группе плацебо. Максимальная мощность была проверена до и через 24 часа после того, как применяли тайпиг с помощью изокинетической динамометрии. Данные анализировали с помощью программного обеспечения SPSS 19. ANOVA и постфактум-тест (LSD. Результаты : Результаты показали, что эффект тайпинга на максимальную мощность четырехглавой мышц при скоростях 180градусов/секунду до 300градусов/секунду была значительным. В подколенного сухожилия мышц, значительные эффекты были получены при скоростях 60градусов/секунду, 180градусов/секунду и 300градусов/секунду. Выводы : получено положительное влияние тайпинга на максимальную мощность среди спортсменов, у которых наблюдали восстановление ACL. Вне зависимости от того психологического эффекта и снижения повторной травмы страха, использование тайпинга приводит к стабилизации и увеличению эффективного диапазона движения коленного сустава. Рекомендуется спортсменам после реконструкции ACL в прыжковых тренировках использовать тайпинг, чтобы уменьшить вероятность повторное повреждение и увеличить мышечную силу.Мета : Метою даного дослідження було оцінити середньостроковий ефект кінезіотайпінга на максимальну потужність чотириголового м'яза і підколінного сухожилля м'язів після реконструкції хрестоподібної зв'язки (ACL) через 24 години після процедури. Матеріал : Тридцять шість чоловік, які зазнали реконструкції ACL і завершили фізіотерапевтичні процедури (6 місяців), були віднесені до груп без Тайпінг, з Тайпінгом і до групи плацебо. Максимальна потужність була перевірена до і через 24 години після того, як застосовували тайпіг за допомогою ізокінетичної динамометрії. Дані аналізували за допомогою програмного забезпечення SPSS 19. ANOVA і постфактум-тесту (LSD). Результати : Результати показали, що ефект Тайпінг на максимальну потужність чотириголового м'язів при швидкостях 180градусов/секунду до 300градусов/секунду була значним. У підколінного сухожилля м'язів, значні ефекти були отримані при швидкостях 60градусов/секунду, 180градусов/секунду і 300градусов/секунду. Висновки : отримано позитивний вплив Тайпінга на максимальну потужність серед спортсменів, у яких спостерігали відновлення ACL. Незалежно від того психологічного ефекту і зниження повторної травми страху, використання Тайпінгу призводить до стабілізації і збільшення ефективного діапазону руху колінного суглоба. Рекомендується спортсменам після реконструкції ACL в стрибкових тренуваннях використовувати Тайпінг, щоб зменшити ймовірність повторне ушкодження і збільшити м'язову силу

    Diversity and seasonal variation of wader community (Aves, Charadriiformes) in the Mekhada Marsh (northeastern Algeria)

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    Our study was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 at the Mekhada marsh, a wetland of international importance, located in northeastern Algeria. This site hosts large concentrations of waterbirds in winter, including waders. Through this investigation in the region, we proposed to characterise and analyse the population structure of this group of birds, which remains very poorly documented in Algeria. The results obtained indicate the presence of 16 species belonging to three families and nine genera. The maximum number of birds was counted in January 2022 (2417 individuals)

    Impacts of mineral oil and synthetic lubricant on the trophic diversity of marine nematode community: Results from Microcosm Experiments

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    1708-1717<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family: " times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";mso-bidi-font-family:="" mangal;mso-ansi-language:en-gb;mso-fareast-language:en-us;mso-bidi-language:="" hi"="" lang="EN-GB">The effects of two lubricating oils on the trophic diversity of a nematode community of a Tunisian lagoon were investigated in a microcosm experiment. Sediment from a pristine site in Ghar El Melh lagoon (Western Mediterranean) was treated with mineral oil (Mobil 20 W-50), a synthetic lubricant (Mobil 0 W-40), the same two lubricants after use in a vehicle. Univariate analysis showed significant differences between univariate indices for trophic structure of nematode assemblages from undisturbed control and those from lubricant treatments. Trophic index (∑θ2) and the 1B/2A ratio decreased in all microcosms treated with mineral oil or synthetic lubricant. Results from multivariate analyses of the trophic group abundance data demonstrated that the responses o<span style="font-size:9.0pt; font-family:" times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";="" mso-bidi-font-family:mangal;mso-ansi-language:en-gb;mso-fareast-language:en-us;="" mso-bidi-language:hi"="" lang="EN-GB">f nematode were dependent on the type of lubricant (mineral or synthetic, "clean" or "used") used for the sediment contamination. Non-selective deposit feeders (1B), most abundant in control microcosm, were very much affected and their abundance decreased significantly in response to oil contamination. Selective deposit feeders (1A) increased in response to the two types of lubricants and seemed more resistant to lubricant contamination.</span

    Sublethal effects on reproduction and biomarkers by spinosad and indoxacarb in cockroaches Blattella germanica

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    The present project investigated effects of two insecticides, the naturalyte spinosad and the oxadiazine indoxacarb, against adults of the cosmopolitan pest insect Blanella germanica (L.). At 6 days after topical treatment on newly moulted adults, the median lethal dose (LD50) was 429 ng/insect for spinosad and 51 ng/insect for indoxacarb, indicating that indoxacarb was more active than spinosad. Both treatments showed a cessation of feeding, followed by paralysis and death. In continuation, surviving adults showed a reduced reproduction with a significant reduction in numbers of oocytes, in basal oocyte volume, and in numbers of laid and hatched eggs per ootheca. In parallel, we determined the biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE), lactate deshydrogenase (LDH), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione (GSH) upon treatment. For both spinosad and indoxacarb, AChE and GSH were reduced, while LDH and GST were increased. The data are discussed in relation to insecticide use, sublethal effects, chemical stress and metabolism

    Population dynamics and wintering behavior of the black–headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus at El Mellah lagoon (Northeastern Algeria)

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    The population dynamics and behavior of the black-headed gull of an Algerian coastal wetland, El Mellah lagoon (Lake Mellah), were studied during three consecutive wintering seasons (2018–2021). Maximum numbers of the species were counted in December and January depending on the year. A peak of 536 individuals was recorded in the first half of December 2018, another of 538 individuals in the second half of December 2019, and a final peak of 636 birds in the first half of January 2021. Diurnal activity patterns showed that feeding was the primary behavior, with a mean of 24% for the three seasons. It was followed by sleeping (21%), swimming (19%), preening (18%), and flight (17%). Black-headed gulls appeared to be more active in the morning than at other times of the day

    Scallion Peel Mediated Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Applications as Nano fertilizer and Photocatalyst for Removal of Organic Pollutants from Wastewater

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    Nanotechnology and nanomaterials have gained much attention in recent years due to their remarkable features. Among nanoparticles, photocatalytic material, such as zinc oxide, have shown tremendous applications in each and every field of science. In the present research, investigators have synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) using Scallion’s peel extract. ZnONPs were both spherical and rod-shaped, where the size for spherical particles was 40–100 nm and rod-shaped, particles size was more than 200 nm as confirmed by microscopic techniques. The typical trademark bands of ZnONPs at 400–800 cm−1 were revealed by infrared spectroscopy, which also showed bands of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. The hydrodynamic size by particle size analyzer (PSA) shows a size near about 200 nm in diameter. Furthermore, the synthesized ZnONPs were used to assess their potential as a micronutrient for the plant and nano adsorbent for the removal of antibiotics (ampicillin) and methylene blue dye from the simulated wastewater. The antibiotic and dye removal were observed under UV light and visible light against contact time. In comparison to control seeds, seeds grown with ZnONPs have shown better germination and seedling. It could be concluded that ZnONPs acted as an important nanosized source of nutrition for agricultural applications. Thus, the effect of ZnONPs has been proven as a nano-based nutrient source for agricultural purposes. The remediation study found that remediation of both ampicillin and methylene blue dye was efficient under UV light under similar experimental parameters from the simulated wastewater by the ZnONPs