193 research outputs found

    Overview Report on Tolerance and Cultural diversity Concepts and Practices in Italy

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    Work Package 5: New Knowledge on Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in EuropeThe ACCEPT PLURALISM project (2010-2013) is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. (Call FP7-SSH-2009-A, Grant Agreement no: 243837). Coordinator: Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

    ‘Implicit’ remittances in family relationships: the case of Bangladeshis in Italy and beyond

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    In this article – based on 100 in-depth interviews with divided and reunited Bangladeshi families in Italy, Bangladesh, and London – we discuss how remittances are influenced by gender relations within the family, what social meanings they assume, what family memberships they reinforce, how the intertwining between migration and family cycle affects them. By adopting an intersectional approach, we show how economic transfers are normally sent to the family of the first-migrant man, although they may assist the emigration of the wife's male relatives: a phenomenon that we call ‘implicit remittances’. A second set of results concerns changes over time in remittances and two events of the family cycle are decisive: the family reunification in Italy and the demise of parents in the country of origin. In both cases, remittances are reduced, cease, or are limited to gifts in particular circumstances

    Nuovi concittadini? I giovani di origine immigrata, vettore di cambiamento della società italiana

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      The article deals with the increase of a population of immigrant origins' youth in Italy, starting from  a piece of research, conducted by different methods:1-     a survey on  families whose members have been separated during the migration and now they are rejoined 2-     a survey on pre-adolescents (11-14 years old)3-     a survey on educational outcomes in secondary school4-     a survey on the opinion of immigrant origins' youth about citizenshipThe scenario outlined, where a youth population of foreign origins becomes more an more visible, questions the social and political institutions, and compels to rethink the concepts of Italian society and Italian cultural identity

    Chapter Migrazioni e politiche migratorie: uno sguardo europeo

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    In the coming years the European Union will be called to make challenging choices on three aspects of migration policies. The first is that of entry conditions, with particular reference to labour immigration.The second theme concerns the integration of immigrants already present on EU territory. The European Union will have to resolve issues such as greater harmonisation of criteria for naturalisation and access to local voting, especially with regard to second generations of immigrant origin.The third major arena for discussion concerns the issue of asylum and involves internal EU solidarity

    Séparées et réunies : familles migrantes et liens transnationaux

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    Cet article s’intéresse à la demande de main-d’œuvre féminine, en Italie et plus généralement en Europe méridionale, qui produit ce que l’on peut définir comme la « stratification internationale des opportunités de soins et d’assistance ». Il aborde la façon dont les mères séparées de leurs enfants à cause de l’émigration s’efforcent de continuer à exercer leurs devoirs maternels, malgré les frontières et les distances, mettant en évidence les différences repérées sous la forme d’une typologie des familles transnationales. L’auteur montre que le phénomène n’est pas rigide et bloqué. Il présente un aspect évolutif, qui transforme des familles transnationales en familles réunies, dans lesquelles par ailleurs surgissent de nouveaux problèmes. Dans sa conclusion, l’article discute des implications théoriques et politico-sociales des opportunités d’assistance et du care drain.The article treats the demand of women workforce in Italy and in Southern Europe, hired to satisfy the need of care activities in the families, and producing an international stratification of family care. Then it talks about the ways in which mothers separated from their children try to continue to perform their parental duties, notwithstanding frontiers and distances, and shows the differences that exist among transnational families in the form of a typology. The analysis continues observing that the phenomenon of transnational families is not rigid and fix. It contains an evolving component, transforming a part of transnational families in reunited families, in which new problems arise. In the conclusion, the author discusses the theoretical and socio-political implications of the question.Este artículo trata de la demanda de maniobra femenina en Italia y más generalmente en Europa del sur, defendiéndola como la “estratificación internacional de las oportunidades de cuidado y de asistencia”. Aborda la manera en que las madres, separadas de sus hijos por la emigración, tratan de seguir cumpliendo con sus deberes maternales a pesar de las fronteras y de las distancias. Una tipología de las familias transnacionales pone en valor las diferencias entre las prácticas de estas madres. El autor continua mostrando que el fenómeno no es ni definitivo, ni bloqueado. Presenta las evoluciones que transforman una parte de las familias transnacionales en familias reunidas, en las cuales surgen nuevos problemas. Concluye su artículo discutiendo de las implicaciones teóricas y politico-sociales de la asistencia y del care drain

    Challenges to Tolerance in Political Life: A comparative overview of 15 European countries

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    Work Package 4: National Case Studies of Challenges to Tolerance in Political LifeThe ACCEPT PLURALISM project (2010-2013) is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. (Call FP7-SSH-2009-A, Grant Agreement no: 243837). Coordinator: Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute

    Brasileiros na agricultura do Norte e Nordeste da Itália: irregularidade e otimização

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    The article discusses the irregular situation in the international immigration scenario, its complexity and diversity of situations; emphasizes agricultural landscape as a presence dynamic reality of this category of immigrants, particularly in the North and Northeast of Italy. The study shows that, despite the Brazilians are considered in Italy as friendly people, not dangerous, consisting in large part by oriundi, in practice, especially from agriculture, the presence of irregularities, besides being very intense, plays a strategic role in economic optimization of the country, as well as in mediating the processes of its functional regulation.O artigo discute a situação de irregular no cenário imigratório internacional, sua complexidade e diversidade de situações; enfatiza o cenário agrícola como uma realidade dinâmica de presença dessa categoria de imigrantes, em particular, no Norte e Nordeste da Itália. O estudo mostra que, não obstante os imigrantes brasileiros serem considerados na Itália como “um povo amigo”, não perigoso, constituído, em grande parte, por oriundi, na prática, principalmente na agricultura, a presença de irregulares, além de ser muito intensa, exerce uma função estratégica na otimização econômica do país, bem como na mediação dos processos de sua regularização funcional. Palavras-chave: Imigração irregular, agricultura, brasileiros

    The Political Challenge of Irregular Migration

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    Millions of irregular immigrants live and circulate in receiving countries, often doing so for many years. They raise many challenges for political institutions, especially in states that claim to comply with democratic standards and to respect human rights. This causes deep dilemmas about the political treatment of unwanted immigrants. In this chapter we will discuss the political treatment of irregular immigrants once they have in some way settled in receiving developed countries, considering their access to (some) social services and their selective management by authorities and societies

    COVID-19 and (Im)migrant Carers in Italy: The Production of Carer Precarity

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    This article explores the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on foreign health workers in Italy. Focusing on caregivers in Lombardia, we explore what we call carer precarity, an emergent form of precarity resulting from pandemic restrictions exacerbating existing socio-legal vulnerabilities. The duality of the carer role-complete household and societal reliance in addition to simultaneous socio-legal marginalization-shapes their precarity. Utilizing data from 44 qualitative interviews with migrant care workers in live-in and daycare facilities that were conducted prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, we demonstrate how the migrant populations working in the care sector were particularly adversely affected due to their migratory status and working conditions. Migrants are excluded from or have differential access to a range of benefits or entitlements and are employed in undervalued work. Workers with live-in employment experienced tiered access to benefits plus the spatiality of restrictions, resulting in their near-complete confinement. Drawing on Gardner (2022) and Butler's (2009) conceptualizations of precarity, we describe the emergence of a new form of pandemic-induced spatial precarity for migrant care workers at the nexus of gendered labor, limited mobility, and the spatiality of and a hierarchy of rights associated with migratory status. The findings have implications for healthcare policy and migration scholarship

    Neuro-Mechanics of Recumbent Leg Cycling in Post-Acute Stroke Patients

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    Cycling training is strongly applied in post-stroke rehabilitation, but how its modular control is altered soon after stroke has been not analyzed yet. EMG signals from 9 leg muscles and pedal forces were measured bilaterally during recumbent pedaling in 16 post-acute stroke patients and 12 age-matched healthy controls. Patients were asked to walk over a GaitRite mat and standard gait parameters were computed. Four muscle synergies were extracted through nonnegative matrix factorization in healthy subjects and patients unaffected legs. Two to four synergies were identified in the affected sides and the number of synergies significantly correlated with the Motricity Index (Spearman’s coefficient = 0.521). The reduced coordination complexity resulted in a reduced biomechanical performance, with the two-module sub-group showing the lowest work production and mechanical effectiveness in the affected side. These patients also exhibited locomotor impairments (reduced gait speed, asymmetrical stance time, prolonged double support time). Significant correlations were found between cycling-based metrics and gait parameters, suggesting that neuro-mechanical quantities of pedaling can inform on walking dysfunctions. Our findings support the use of pedaling as a rehabilitation method and an assessment tool after stroke, mainly in the early phase, when patients can be unable to perform a safe and active gait training