9 research outputs found

    High-Throughput Drug Screening Identifies Pazopanib and Clofilium Tosylate as Promising Treatments for Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors

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    Summary: Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are aggressive tumors of early childhood characterized by SMARCB1 inactivation. Their poor prognosis highlights an urgent need to develop new therapies. Here, we performed a high-throughput screening of approved drugs and identified broad inhibitors of tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs), including pazopanib, and the potassium channel inhibitor clofilium tosylate (CfT), as SMARCB1-dependent candidates. Pazopanib targets were identified as PDGFRα/β and FGFR2, which were the most highly expressed RTKs in a set of primary tumors. Combined genetic inhibition of both these RTKs only partially recapitulated the effect of pazopanib, emphasizing the requirement for broad inhibition. CfT perturbed protein metabolism and endoplasmic reticulum stress and, in combination with pazopanib, induced apoptosis of RT cells in vitro. In vivo, reduction of tumor growth by pazopanib was enhanced in combination with CfT, matching the efficiency of conventional chemotherapy. These results strongly support testing pazopanib/CfT combination therapy in future clinical trials for RTs. : Rhabdoid tumors (RTs) are aggressive pediatric tumors characterized by SMARCB1 inactivation. Chauvin et al. identify two SMARCB1-dependent targeted therapies for RT: pazopanib, which inhibits PDGFR and FGFR2, and the potassium channel inhibitor clofilium tosylate, which induces endoplasmic reticulum stress. Combining both drugs induces cell apoptosis and reduces PDX tumor growth. Keywords: rhabdoid tumors, SMARCB1, pazopanib, clofilium tosylate, high-throughput drug screening, tyrosine kinase inhibitor

    Contexte immunitaire des tumeurs rhabdoïdes : description et identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques

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    Les tumeurs rhabdoïdes (TR) constituent un rare cancer indifférencié du jeune enfant et du nourrisson, avec un âge médian au diagnostic de 20 mois. Ces tumeurs sont caractérisées par une inactivation biallélique du gène suppresseur de tumeur SMARCB1, un des membres du complexe SWI/SNF, acteur majeur du remodelage de la chromatine, sans autre altération génomique récurrente. Le pronostic des TR est péjoratif, le taux de survie globale atteignant 30% dans la plupart des séries, malgré des approches thérapeutiques conventionnelles particulièrement agressives. Les approches d’immunothérapies ont obtenu un succès certain dans certains cancers de l’adulte, et récentes analyses de l’infiltrat immun des cancers pédiatriques ne montrent pas un fort taux de tumeurs infiltrées à l’exception de rare types de cancers dont les TR intracrâniennes. Nous avons donc procédé à une analyse multimodale de l’infiltrat immun de cohortes de patients ainsi que d’un modèle de TR murines établi dans notre laboratoire. Nous avons identifié une forte proportion de tumeurs infiltrées dans certains sous-groupes de TR. Cet infiltrat était composé à la fois de cellules myéloïdes incluant des populations au phénotype immunosuppresseur, et lymphocytaires T notamment de phénotype résident mémoire caractérisées par une forte expansion clonale probablement spécifique d’un antigène tumoral. Nous avons identifié des cibles thérapeutiques communes aux tumeurs humaines et au modèle murin syngénique, et trouvé que cibler l’infiltrat lymphocytaire T ou myéloïde était susceptible d’induire une réponse tumorale complète avec induction d’une mémoire immunitaire, confirmant le caractère immunogénique des TR, et apportant de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques utiles en clinique. Enfin, nous avons identifié que les TR étaient le site d’une réexpression de rétrovirus endogènes, dépendante de celle de SMARCB1, avec activation des voies de l’interféron, apportant une base à une immunogénicité des TR issue du génome non codant.Rhabdoid tumors (RT) are highly undifferentiated cancers occurring in infancy and early childhood, with a median age at diagnosis about 20 months. These tumors are characterized by the biallelic inactivation of SMARCB1 tumor suppressor gene, core member of the SWI/SNF complex, one major chromatin remodeling actor, in an otherwise highly stable genome. The prognosis of RT is dismal with overall survival hardly reaching 30% in most series, despite particularly aggressive conventional treatment. Immunotherapy approaches has gained a striking success within some adult cancer types and recent analyses of immune cell content of pediatric cancers don’t reveal a high rate of infiltrated tumors, except in few tumor types such as intracranial rhabdoid tumors. Then, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the immune context of both human RT cohorts and a mouse RT model, including at single cell level. We identified a high recurrence of infiltrated tumors, in a RT-subgroup related manner, composed of both myeloid cells including cells with immune suppressive phenotypes, and T cells with notably a tissue resident memory phenotype demonstrating a high clonal expansion highly suggestive of immunogenicity. We identified common targetable immune populations between human and mouse RTs, and found that targeting both T and myeloid infiltrating cells was able to induce complete anti-tumor response with induced memory, confirming the immunogenic properties of RTs, and identifying new therapeutic strategies of clinical relevance. We finally identified that RTs were the site of SMARCB1-dependent endogenous retroviruses reexpression, with subsequent activation of interferon signaling, likely triggering the immune response in the context of RT, and providing a basis of non-coding genome-driven immunogenicity for these tumors

    Embryonic signature distinguishes pediatric and adult rhabdoid tumors from other SMARCB1-deficient cancers.

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    Extra-cranial rhabdoid tumors (RT) are highly aggressive malignancies of infancy, characterized by undifferentiated histological features and loss of SMARCB1 expression. The diagnosis is all the more challenging that other poorly differentiated cancers lose SMARCB1 expression, such as epithelioid sarcomas (ES), renal medullary carcinomas (RMC) or undifferentiated chordomas (UC). Moreover, late cases occurring in adults are now increasingly reported, raising the question of differential diagnoses and emphasizing nosological issues. To address this issue, we have analyzed the expression profiles of a training set of 32 SMARCB1-deficient tumors (SDT), with ascertained diagnosis of RT (n = 16, all 10 years of age), UC (n = 3) and RMC (n = 5). As compared with other SDT, RT are characterized by an embryonic signature, and up-regulation of key-actors of de novo DNA methylation processes. Using this signature, we then analysed the expression profiling of 37 SDT to infer the appropriate diagnosis. Thirteen adult onset tumors showed strong similarity with pediatric RT, in spite of older age; by exome sequencing, these tumors also showed genomic features indistinguishable from pediatric RT. In contrary, 8 tumors were reclassified within carcinoma, ES or UC categories, while the remaining could not be related to any of those entities. Our results demonstrate that embryonic signature is shared by all RT, whatever the age at diagnosis; they also illustrate that many adult-onset SDT of ambiguous histological diagnosis are clearly different from RT. Finally, our study paves the way for the routine use of expression-based signatures to give accurate diagnosis of SDT

    Efficacy and safety of crizotinib in ALK-positive systemic anaplastic large-cell lymphoma in children, adolescents, and adult patients: results of the French AcS-crizotinib trial

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    International audienceBackground: The French phase II AcSé-crizotinib trial aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of crizotinib in patients with ALK, ROS1, and MET-driven malignancies, including ALK-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALK ALCL). Methods - ALK ALCL patients 12 months or older with measurable disease and no standard care options available received crizotinib twice daily at 165 mg/m in children and adolescents and 250 mg in adults. The primary end-point was the response rate at 8 weeks.Results: Twenty-eight patients were enroled between February 2014 and March 2018. Three patients who were not treated were excluded from the analysis. The median age was 19 years. The median previous line of chemotherapy was two. In the 24 patients with an evaluable response, the response rate at 8 weeks was 67% (95% CI: 47-82%). All patients discontinued crizotinib after a median treatment duration of 3.7 months: eight for progression, two for adverse events (AEs) related to prior treatments, and 15 by choice, including six for allogeneic stem-cell transplantation. The median follow-up was 45 months. Nine patients experienced an event: eight relapses (seven after crizotinib discontinuation and one after dose reduction), and one died in complete remission. The median duration of response was 43.3 months (95% CI: 8.3-not reached). The 3-year progression-free and overall survival rates were 40% (95% CI: 23-59%) and 63% (95% CI: 43-79%). Grade 3 or 4 treatment-related AEs occurred in 32% of patients.Conclusion: Crizotinib shows efficacy and an acceptable safety profile in ALK ALCL relapsed/refractory patients. However, a large proportion of patients experience a relapse after crizotinib discontinuation. Future studies will assess if prolonged ALK inhibitor exposure has curative potential without consolidation

    Clonally Expanded T Cells Reveal Immunogenicity of Rhabdoid Tumors

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    International audienceRhabdoid tumors (RTs) are genomically simple pediatric cancers driven by the biallelic inactivation of SMARCB1, leading to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler complex deficiency. Comprehensive evaluation of the immune infiltrates of human and mice RTs, including immunohistochemistry, bulk RNA sequencing and DNA methylation profiling studies showed a high rate of tumors infiltrated by T and myeloid cells. Single-cell RNA (scRNA) and T cell receptor sequencing highlighted the heterogeneity of these cells and revealed therapeutically targetable exhausted effector and clonally expanded tissue resident memory CD8+ T subpopulations, likely representing tumor-specific cells. Checkpoint blockade therapy in an experimental RT model induced the regression of established tumors and durable immune responses. Finally, we show that one mechanism mediating RTs immunogenicity involves SMARCB1-dependent re-expression of endogenous retroviruses and interferon-signaling activation

    Molecular and clinicopathologic characterization of pediatric histiocytoses

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    International audienceThe spectrum of somatic mutations in pediatric histiocytoses and their clinical implications are not fully characterized, especially for non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis (-LCH) subtypes. A cohort of 415 children with histiocytosis from the French histiocytosis registry was reviewed and analyzed for BRAFV600E. Most BRAFWT samples were analyzed by next-generation sequencing (NGS) with a custom panel of genes for histiocytosis and myeloid neoplasia. Of 415 case samples, there were 366 LCH, 1 Erdheim-Chester disease, 21 Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD), 21 juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG, mostly with severe presentation), and 6 malignant histiocytosis (MH). BRAFV600E was the most common mutation found in LCH (50.3%, n = 184). Among 105 non-BRAFV600E-mutated LCH case samples, NGS revealed mutations as follows: MAP2K1 (n = 44), BRAF exon 12 deletions (n = 26), and duplications (n = 8), other BRAF V600 codon mutation (n = 4), and non-MAP-kinase pathway genes (n = 5). Wild-type sequences were identified in 17.1% of samples. BRAFV600E was the only variant significantly correlated with critical presentations: organ-risk involvement and neurodegeneration. MAP-kinase pathway mutations were identified in seven RDD (mostly MAP2K1) and three JXG samples, but most samples were wild-type on NGS. Finally, two MH samples had KRAS mutations, and one had a novel BRAFG469R mutation. Rarely, we identified mutations unrelated to MAP-kinase pathway genes. In conclusion, we characterized the mutational spectrum of childhood LCH and clinical correlations of variants and subtypes. Variants responsible for JXG and RDD were not elucidated in more than half of the cases, calling for other sequencing approaches