2,035 research outputs found

    Interpretation of High Energy String Scattering in terms of String Configurations

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    High energy string scattering at fixed momentum transfer, known to be dominated by Regge trajectory exchange, is interpreted by identifying families of string states which induce each type of trajectory exchange. These include the usual leading trajectory α(t)=αâ€Čt+1\alpha(t)=\alpha^\prime t+1 and its daughters as well as the ``sister'' trajectories αm(t)=α(t)/m−(m−1)/2\alpha_m(t)=\alpha(t)/m-(m-1)/2 and their daughters. The contribution of the sister αm\alpha_m to high energy scattering is dominated by string excitations in the mthm^{th} mode. Thus, at large −t-t, string scattering is dominated by wee partons, consistently with a picture of string as an infinitely composite system of ``constituents'' which carry zero energy and momentum.Comment: 14 pages, phyzzx, psfig required, Florida Preprint UFIFT-94-

    Minimal Length Uncertainty Relation and the Hydrogen Spectrum

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    Modifications of Heisenberg's uncertainty relations have been proposed in the literature which imply a minimum position uncertainty. We study the low energy effects of the new physics responsible for this by examining the consequent change in the quantum mechanical commutation relations involving position and momenta. In particular, the modifications to the spectrum of the hydrogen atom can be naturally interpreted as a varying (with energy) fine structure constant. From the data on the energy levels we attempt to constrain the scale of the new physics and find that it must be close to or larger than the weak scale. Experiments in the near future are expected to change this bound by at least an additional order of magnitude.Comment: 8 pages, no figure. Corrected typos, added a reference with comment

    Gamma-Ray Bursts and Dark Energy - Dark Matter interaction

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    In this work Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) data is used to place constraints on a putative coupling between dark energy and dark matter. Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) constraints from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) first-year results, the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) shift parameter from WMAP seven year results and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) are also discussed. The prospects for the field are assessed, as more GRB events become available.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Version to match the one published in Mon. Not. R. Ast. So

    Classicalization of Gravitons and Goldstones

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    We establish a close parallel between classicalization of gravitons and derivatively-coupled Nambu-Goldstone-type scalars. We show, that black hole formation in high energy scattering process represents classicalization with the classicalization radius given by Schwarzschild radius of center of mass energy, and with the precursor of black hole entropy being given by number of soft quanta composing this classical configuration. Such an entropy-equivalent is defined for scalar classicalons also and is responsible for exponential suppression of their decay into small number of final particles. This parallel works in both ways. For optimists that are willing to hypothesize that gravity may indeed self-unitarize at high energies via black hole formation, it illustrates that the Goldstones may not be much different in this respect, and they classicalize essentially by similar dynamics as gravitons. In the other direction, it may serve as an useful de-mystifier of via-black-hole-unitarization process and of the role of entropy in it, as it illustrates, that much more prosaic scalar theories essentially do the same. Finally, it illustrates that in both cases classicalization is the defining property for unitarization, and that it sets-in before one can talk about accompanying properties, such as entropy and thermality of static classicalons (black holes). These properties are by-products of classicalization, and their equivalents can be defined for non-gravitational cases of classicalization.Comment: 23 page

    On the Zero-Slope Limit of the Compactified Closed Bosonic String

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    In the framework of the compactified closed bosonic string theory with the extra spatial coordinates being circular with radius RR, we perform both the zero-slope limit and the R→0R \rightarrow 0 limit of the tree scattering amplitude of four massless scalar particles. We explicitly show that this double limit leads to amplitudes involving scalars which interact through the exchange of a scalar, spin 1 and spin 2 particle. In particular, this latter case reproduces the same result obtained in linearized quantum gravity.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex file, DSF-T-43/9

    Supersymmetry, the Cosmological Constant and a Theory of Quantum Gravity in Our Universe

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    There are many theories of quantum gravity, depending on asymptotic boundary conditions, and the amount of supersymmetry. The cosmological constant is one of the fundamental parameters that characterize different theories. If it is positive, supersymmetry must be broken. A heuristic calculation shows that a cosmological constant of the observed size predicts superpartners in the TeV range. This mechanism for SUSY breaking also puts important constraints on low energy particle physics models. This essay was submitted to the Gravity Research Foundation Competition and is based on a longer article, which will be submitted in the near future

    Teaching a New Dog Old Tricks: Resurrecting Multilingual Retrieval Using Zero-shot Learning

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    While billions of non-English speaking users rely on search engines every day, the problem of ad-hoc information retrieval is rarely studied for non-English languages. This is primarily due to a lack of data set that are suitable to train ranking algorithms. In this paper, we tackle the lack of data by leveraging pre-trained multilingual language models to transfer a retrieval system trained on English collections to non-English queries and documents. Our model is evaluated in a zero-shot setting, meaning that we use them to predict relevance scores for query-document pairs in languages never seen during training. Our results show that the proposed approach can significantly outperform unsupervised retrieval techniques for Arabic, Chinese Mandarin, and Spanish. We also show that augmenting the English training collection with some examples from the target language can sometimes improve performance.Comment: ECIR 2020 (short

    Hamiltonian BRST Quantization of the Conformal String

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    We present a new formulation of the tensionless string (T=0T= 0) where the space-time conformal symmetry is manifest. Using a Hamiltonian BRST scheme we quantize this {\em Conformal String} and find that it has critical dimension D=2D=2. This is in keeping with our classical result that the model describes massless particles in this dimension. It is also consistent with our previous results which indicate that quantized conformally symmetric tensionless strings describe a topological phase away {}from D=2D=2. We reach our result by demanding nilpotency of the BRST charge and consistency with the Jacobi identities. The derivation is presented in two different ways: in operator language and using mode expansions. Careful attention is payed to regularization, a crucial ingredient in our calculations.Comment: 33pp (LaTeX), USITP-94-0

    Prospects for multi-messenger extended emission from core-collapse supernovae in the Local Universe

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    Multi-messenger emissions from SN1987A and GW170817/GRB170817A suggest a Universe rife with multi-messenger transients associated with black holes and neutron stars. For LIGO-Virgo, soon to be joined by KAGRA, these observations promise unprecedented opportunities to probe the central engines of core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe) and gamma-ray bursts. Compared to neutron stars, central engines powered by black hole-disk or torus systems may be of particular interest to multi-messenger observations by the relatively large energy reservoir EJE_J of angular momentum, up to 29\% of total mass in the Kerr metric. These central engines are expected from relatively massive stellar progenitors and compact binary coalescence involving a neutron star. We review prospects of multi-messenger emission by catalytic conversion of EJE_J by a non-axisymmetric disk or torus. Observational support for this radiation process is found in a recent identification of E≃(3.5±1)%M⊙c2{\cal E}\simeq (3.5\pm1)\%M_\odot c^2 in Extended Emission to GW170817 at a significance of 4.2\,σ\sigma concurrent with GRB170817A. A prospect on similar emissions from nearby CC-SNe justifies the need for all-sky blind searches of long duration bursts by heterogeneous computing.Comment: 96 pages, 20 figure
