337 research outputs found


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    Due to the increase in labor force attachment of mothers of young children in the last decade, child care policies have a renewed importance. This paper uses Colombian data to perform a characterization of the child care market, generating stylized facts to inform the debate. The main trends are: highly informal market, high participation and employment rates of mothers of young children, relatively little unmet need" for child care services and the poor facing constraints to access the market for child care, both in quantity and price. This study analyzes how Colombian families make their child care decisions, simultaneously choosing whether the mother works, whether to pay for care and what mode to use. The estimations performed suggest that there is a strong positive effect of child care choice on the mother´s working decision, and that this effect is much higher for low-income families. As children grow the availability of formal care modes becomes determinant to enable the mother´s labor force attachment."Child care

    Personality disorders in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A comparative study versus other anxiety disorders

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    Objective. The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence for the relationship between personality disorders (PDs), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and other anxiety disorders different from OCD (non-OCD) symptomatology. Method. The sample consisted of a group of 122 individuals divided into three groups (41 OCD; 40 non-OCD, and 41 controls) matched by sex, age, and educational level. All the individuals answered the IPDE questionnaire and were evaluated by means of the SCID-I and SCID-II interviews. Results. Patients with OCD and non-OCD present a higher presence of PD. There was an increase in cluster C diagnoses in both groups, with no statistically significant differences between them. Conclusions. Presenting anxiety disorder seems to cause a specific vulnerability for PD. Most of the PDs that were presented belonged to cluster C. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is the most common among OCD. However, it does not occur more frequently among OCD patients than among other anxious patients, which does not confirm the continuum between obsessive personality and OCD. Implications for categorical and dimensional diagnoses are discussed

    Selection of internal control genes for real-time quantitative PCR in ovary and uterus of sows across pregnancy

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    Reproductive traits play a key role in pig production in order to reduce costs and increase economic returns. Among others, gene expression analyses represent a useful approach to study genetic mechanisms underlying reproductive traits in pigs. The application of reverse-transcription quantitative PCR requires the selection of appropriate reference genes, whose expression levels should not be affected by the experimental conditions, especially when comparing gene expression across different physiological stages.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant AGL2004-08368-C03/GAN). RN Pena received a contractual grant from INIA. M Martínez-Giner received a predoctoral fellowship from MICINN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Amplitude Modulation of Metallic and Semiconductor Nanoparticles in a Liquid Crystal Mixture

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    The response of an amplitude modulation temperature sensor based on a liquid crystal doped with either metallic or semiconductor nanoparticles has been theoretically analyzed. The effects of the concentration, the type of nanoparticle material, and liquid crystal compound have been studied in detail. The high sensitivity of light resonances to refraction index changes, in collaboration with the high thermooptic coefficients of liquid crystal materials, has resulted in the design of an optical fiber sensor with high temperature sensitivity. This sensitivity has been demonstrated to be dependent on nanoparticle concentration. A maximum theoretical sensitivity of 64 x 10(-2) dB/degrees C has been observed. Moreover, the sensitivity is highly linear with a regression coefficient of 99.99%.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain under Grant TEC2013-47342-C2-2-R and by the R&D Program SINFOTON S2013/MIT-2790 of the Comunidad de Madrid

    Project Management and the Sales and Operations Planning (S & OP) Tool: Implementation Project in a Low Predictability Environment

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    A ferramenta de planejamento de vendas e operações (S&OP) tem como objetivo a integração e compartilhamento de informações afim de equilibrar a demanda e processo de produção, sendo o principal desafio para sua implementação quando organizações estão imersas em um ambiente de baixa previsibilidade. O presente trabalho analisa um projeto de criação e implementação de um processo de S&OP em uma organização de varejo alimentar, com baixa previsibilidade e itens perecíveis e tem por objetivo principal, apresentar como a gestão de projetos, pode contribuir no sucesso da implementação da ferramenta de S&OP em uma organização com previsão de demanda pouco sofisticada e incerta, além de uma cultura organizacional frágil em relação ao estabelecimento de relacionamentos assertivos entre as áreas. A análise resultou na identificação de cinco fatores decisivos para a implementação da ferramenta de S&OP em um ambiente de baixa previsibilidade: tecnologia da informação, integração interfuncional, participação da alta gerência, o buy-in da operação e, por fim, a criação de uma nova área de S&OP na companhia.The sales and operations planning (S&OP) tool aims to integrate and share information in order to balance the demand and production process, being the main challenge for its implementation when organizations are immersed in a low predictability environment. The present work analyses a project to create and implement a S&OP process in a food retail organization with low predictability and perishable items and has as main objective to present how project management can contribute to the successful implementation of the tool of S & OP in an organization with unsophisticated and uncertain demand forecast, as well as a fragile organizational culture in relation to the establishment of assertive relationships between the areas. The analysis resulted in the identification of five decisive factors for the implementation of the S & OP tool in an environment of low predictability: information technology, cross-functional integration, top management participation, operation buy-in and, finally, the creation of a new S & OP area in the company

    Estudo da extração do óleo de amendoim usando etanol como solvente

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a extração do óleo de amendoim com etanol pela obtenção experimental dos dados de equilíbrio e, a partir destes, o número de estágios teóricos necessários a esta separação. Usar modelos da literatura para a simulação do processo e encontrar as variáveis importantes deste processo. O etanol foi utilizado como solvente por apresentar as seguintes vantagens: proveniente de fonte renovável (cana-de-açúcar), é uma tecnologia limpa e existe em abundância no Brasil, já havendo tecnologia consolidada para a produção em grande escala. Experimentalmente foram determinados o teor de água e de óleo dos grãos, a melhor granulometria e razão solvente/carga para a extração, a densidade aparente e a porosidade da torta. A partir dos dados experimentais, determinou-se o número de estágios teóricos necessários para a separação. Além disso, foi realizada a simulação e sensibilidade paramétrica por meio software Matlab e baseada em modelos que envolviam os efeitos de difusão, transferência de massa e convecção. Após finalizar o estudo, pode-se concluir que: O etanol é um solvente eficiente para o processo de extração do óleo de amendoim. O rendimento da extração aumenta para uma menor granulometria e maior superfície de contato. O rendimento da extração é diretamente proporcional a razão solvente/carga. O aumento da porosidade diminui a eficiência da extração. Quanto maior a superfície de contato aumenta a eficiência do processo. O resultado da simulação mostrou a ocorrência de um “pseudo-equilíbrio” entre as fases poro e bulk. O estudo provou a importância do desenvolvimento de modelos que representem os processos extrativos, uma vez que foi possível através da simulação do modelo matemático otimizar o processo extrativo do óleo de amendoim pela variação dos parâmetros abordados

    Prevalence and variables predictive of depressive symptoms in patients hospitalized for heart failure

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    Background: Our study set out to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and variables that influence its presence in patients hospitalized for heart failure. Depression is associated with a substantially increased risk of developing heart failure in individuals at risk, and has been related to adverse outcomes in patients with established heart failure. It is important to determine its prevalence in different populations and assess related causes. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 103 patients with heart failure, admitted to public hospital, via a questionnaire that evaluates clinical variables, socio-demographics and we applied the Beck Depression Inventory to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and predictors of their presence. We used the chi2, Student test and considered significant when < 0.05 and subjected to logistic regression analysis when between 0.05 and 0.1. Results: The mean age of the patients in our study was 65.4 &#177; 13.6. Depressive symptoms were present in 69 (67%) patients: 35 (34%) had mild depressive symptoms, 22 (21.3%) had moderate symptoms and 12 (11.6%) patients presented severe symptoms. Marital status was significant when analyzed, and the predictors of depressive symptoms were marital status, sex, living arrangements and heart failure etiology. Conclusions: Because depressive symptoms in patients hospitalized for heart failure are very common, it is important to detect these disorders. The prevalence of these varies according to socio-demographic and clinical data, and these factors should be taken into consideration when planning future studies, as well as screening and intervention programs for co-morbid depressive disorders in hospitalized patients with heart failure. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 1: 18-25