2,090 research outputs found

    Peranan Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara Kabupaten Sleman Da- Lam Pembentukan Karakter Anak Jalanan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara Kabupaten Sleman dalam me- mecahkan dan menangani permasalahan anak jalanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah anak jalanan yang berada di bawah naungan Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara Sleman. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Validi- tas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber, teori, dan metode. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara Sleman memiliki peranan penting dalam pembinaan anak jalanan. Pada dasarnya anak jalanan memiliki ber- bagai potensi karakter positif seperti sikap religius, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, semangat, tanggung jawab, semangat kebangsaan, dan karakter-karakter positif lain- nya. Jika mereka tidak diarahkan dengan baik, karakter-karakter negatif merekalah yang akan mendominasi terlebih dengan adanya pengaruh lingkungan. Untuk itu, Rumah Singgah Girlan Nusantara Sleman dengan berbagai divisinya menyeleng- garakan program-program strategis seperti pendidikan dan pelatihan, pelayanan sosial, kesehatan, bantuan hukum, dan lain sebagainy

    Pemanfaatan Abu Terbang Batu Bara (Fly Ash) sebagai Bahan Batako yang Ramah Lingkungan

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    The use of coal as fuel in industry gives rise to waste such as fly ash and bottom ash. Fly ash has high content of silica and alumina thus can be potentially utilized as construction materials. Fly ash also contains heavy metals of 8.95 ppm Pb , 5.375 ppm Cu and 7.798 ppm Cr. Disposal of this waste in the ash lagoon or stacked inside the industrial area poses a problem for the environment. In this study, fly ash is utilized as raw material for making brick with cement composition to sand ratio 1:6 and replacement of sand by weight of fly ash with variation of 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 % . Compressive strength and leaching test were conducted after 28 days. The result of compressive strenght test showed that block with a variation of 0 % fly ash produces compressive strength of 115 kg/cm2 , 10 % of 155 kg/cm2 , 20 % of 120 kg/cm2 , 30 % of 120 kg/cm2 , 40 % at 95 kg/cm2. TCLP test results showed that most of the heavy metal content of Pb , Cu and Cr are immobilized so well that fly ash can be used as a mixture of brick that are safe for the environment. Keyword : fly ash, soldifikasi, batak

    Sejarah Pembuatan dan Makna Simbolik Pakaian Adat Muna

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: menjelaskan asal-usul pakaian Adat Muna, menggambarkan proses pembuatan pakaian Adat Muna, menjelaskan fungsi pakaian Adat Muna, menjelaskan makna simbolik pakaian Adat Muna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan sejarah. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Sumber yang digunakan merupakan data lapangan melalui participant observation sebagai data primer, dan sumber kepustakaan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Asal-usul pakaian Adat Muna sudah lama dikenal oleh masyarakat Muna dan kerajinan ini merupakan salah satu kreativitas mereka yang digunakan dalam acara-acara tertentu, (2) Proses pembuatan pakaian Adat Muna terdiri dari proses menghani/kasoro dan Proses menenun, (3) Pakaian Adat Muna memiliki fungsi etik, estetik, religius, sosial, dan (4) Makna simbolik pakaian Adat Muna yaitu: (a) Mahkota yang berwarna putih dan merah mengandung arti sebagai simbol kesucian dan keberanian (b) Warna sarung yang berwarna biru mengandung arti kepatuhan.The objectives of this study are: to describe the origin of Muna traditional clothes, to describe the process of making Muna traditional clothes, to explain the functions of Muna traditional clothes, to explain the symbolic meaning of Muna traditional clothes in people's lives. The method used in this researchis descriptive qualitative method with a historical approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through field observation and interviews as primary source and document study as secondary source. The results of the study show that: (1) The origins of Muna traditional clothes have long been known by the Muna community and that this craft is one of their creative manifestations used in certain events, (2) The process of making Muna traditional clothes consists of the process of menghani/kasoro and the process of weaving, (3) The functions of Muna traditional clothes have ethical, aesthetic, religious, social dimension, and (4) Symbolic meaning of Muna Traditional namely: (a) White and red crowns mean as a symbol of chastity and wealth, (b) Blue sarong means obedience

    Aman Reflects on Page-Turning Opportunities Throughout his Indiana Law Tenure

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    After nearly 50 years of practicing, teaching, and administration, Alfred C. (Fred) Aman, Jr., took emeritus status at the end of the 2019–2020 academic year. Earlier this fall, he visited with ergo editor Ken Turchi to reflect on his distinguished career

    Unravelling technology-acceptance factors influencing farmer use of banana tissue culture planting materials in Central Uganda

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    Effective management of plant health is fundamental for food and income security to meet the growing demands of local and global markets. This however requires farmers’ adequate access to quality planting materials under the prevailing contextual and psycho-social factors. This study, anchored in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologies, unravels technology-acceptance factors that influence farmers’ intentions to use banana tissue culture planting materials in the control of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt. Data were collected from 248 randomly sampled banana farmers using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modelling to examine hypothesized paths in the uptake of banana tissue culture planting materials. Results show that farmer intentions to use tissue culture planting materials are dependent on two constructs: social influence and farmer innovativeness. However, social influence is the main predictor of intentions to use tissue culture planting materials. In particular, farmer innovativeness mediates facilitating conditions and social influence in predicting intentions to use tissue culture planting materials. Thus, this study reveals two factors that influence farmer intentions to use tissue culture planting materials: social influence and farmer innovativeness. The findings imply that social influence and farmer innovativeness are critical in disseminating novel agricultural technologies in Uganda and elsewhere

    Beta Blockers in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders

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    β-Adrenergic blockers appear to be effective in the management of verbal aggression, physical aggression, or self-injurious behavior associated with mental retardation and other developmental disorders. However, methodological limitations of the available studies make it difficult to judge the value of these treatments. Optimal doses for treating patients with mental retardation or developmental disorders appear lower than described in the general psychiatric literature, so low doses of β-blockers may be preferred in such patients with abnormal brain development. Children and adolescents with mental retardation or developmental disorders appear to respond to particularly low doses (e.g., below propranolol 150 mg daily). Propranolol is recommended for central blockade, and nadolol is recommended for peripheral blockade. Most β receptors in the brain (except cerebellum) seem to be β1 (cardiac type), but it is not clear that central blockade is required for psychotropic effects. Interim suggestions for empirical trials are offered, and rating scales and other measurement approaches are discussed. Since evidence supporting the efficacy of β-blockers in mental retardation or developmental disorders in children and adolescents is not definitive, the clinician is advised to consider designing an empirical trial for each patient, utilizing pre- and postmedication measures, when conventional treatments have been unsuccessful

    Cesarean delivery practices in teaching public and non-government/private MCH hospitals, Addis Ababa

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    Background: Cesarean section is one of the skilled delivery interventions that have proven to be a life-saving procedure. It should be done under appropriate indications owing to the inherent short and long term complications and high cost. In Ethiopia, a study comparing the practice of cesarean sections in government and non-government hospitals has not been undertaken before.Objective: To describe and compare the practices of cesarean delivery in the teaching public and non-governmental MCH hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study using the cesarean section data of 2011 G.C. from three teaching government and three private-MCH hospitals. The data was analyzed and the mean with standard deviation for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables were used as descriptive statistics. Chi-square test was used to measure the strength of associations where appropriate, with level of significance set at p-value <0.05.Results: The difference in the proportion of cesarean delivery between the two groups was statistically significant, 31.1% and 48.3% (P<0.05) in the teaching government hospitals and the non-governmental hospitals, respectively. Non-government MCH hospitals contributed to one-third of the total deliveries and 40% of the cesarean sections. Non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern, previous cesarean section scar, and cephalo-pelvic disproportion account for 51.3% and 59.6% of the indications in the teaching hospitals and non-governmental hospitals, respectively. When individual indications were analyzed between the two groups, previous cesarean section was higher in the non-governmental hospitals, 29.3% vs. 14.6%, (P<0.05), and non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern frequented more in the teaching hospitals 26.3% vs. 17.8%,(P<0.05), contributed significantly. Maternal request per se contributed to 7.5% of the indication in the non-governmental hospitals compared to none in the teaching hospitals. Of the repeat cesarean sections, 70.3% were done merely for reasons of first cesarean section in non-governmental hospitals compared to 16.8% in the teaching (P<0.05). The proportion of low birth weight, post-term pregnancy and unknown date were seen more in the teaching hospitals compared to non-governmental hospital, (P<0.05). Though three dosing was the most frequently practiced prophylaxis in both study groups, there is a great deal of variability in the choice of antibiotics.Conclusion: The higher proportion of maternal morbidities/mortalities and poor peri-natal outcomes in the setting of higher proportion of emergency cesarean delivery in teaching government hospitals need further study to explore for factors that have contributed so as to improve the quality of care. The high rate of repeat cesarean delivery for one previous cesarean section scar and other non medical indications like maternal request in the non-government MCH hospitals elucidates the need to monitor the appropriateness of these indications. We also recommend standardization of prophylactic antibiotic use and expand use of regional anesthesia for cesarean section
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